330 research outputs found

    Interest-Rate Rules in a New Keynesian Framework with Investment

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    The last decades have witnessed major progress in both monetary policy theory and practice, with broad academic consensus on the desirability of monetary policy rules and ongoing research on their exact specification. Typically, the analysis is carried out in a New Keynesian framework with nominal rigidities and constant capital stock. The latter represents a constraint that this study seeks to overcome by introducing a model with investment and capital adjustment costs. The work assesses different interest-rate rule specifications with respect to the target variables included, based on two criteria: determinacy of rational-expectations equilibrium and convergence to steady state after a shock. The study concludes that rules with both an inflation and an output gap target ensure a unique rational-expectations equilibrium and a less distressful adjustment of the economy after the occurrence of shocks

    Clashes of national identities: the case of Pontian Greek immigrants from the former USSR.

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    As a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the ethnic identity of minorities was reasserted. The Greeks in former USSR started to identify themselves as a Greek diaspora based on the myth of their rediscovered homeland--Greece. The basic research question in this analysis is whether the Pontian Greek identity can be characterized as a national or an ethnic identity. The thesis hypothesis is that the character of an institutionalized nationalism influences identity formation and may force the evolution of an identity from ethnic to national. The research will be based on a historical-theoretical approach (methodology). The analysis is pursued through the prism of the theory of ethnosymbolism1 with its existing critique. The Pontian identity will be defined as a hybrid and diasporic identity. Main sources to be used are secondary sources (both English and Russian). However, official data will also be applied (immigration statistics, population censuses). The theoretical finding of the research is that the politisation of the culture (which constitutes the main condition of transformation from an ethnic to national identity) does not necessarily produce aspirations of independence or autonomy. This political claim may also be expressed through the acceptance of a foreign national identity. As a result, the Pontian hybrid ethnic identity finalized into the Greek national identity as Pontians made a political choice to immigrate to Greece through the Repatriation program. The Greek state significantly assisted the process, which makes the Pontian case a ‘state-sponsored’ nationalism

    Comparing the European and the Southeast Asian Response to Global Terrorism

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    This article examines the mechanisms for combating global terrorism which emerged in Europe and Southeast Asia in the aftermath of 11 September, the Bali bombing, the two Jakarta bombings, and the Madrid train bombings. The article argues that, despite various attempts at crafting a common security framework in each region, the most successful examples of counter-terrorism and anti-terrorism cooperation thus far have been at the bilateral and trilateral levels. In balancing between national security priorities and multilateral cooperative arrangements, the main difference between the European and Southeast Asian approach comes from the different ways in which the terrorist threat is perceived. While the European reaction is determined by the acknowledgement of a “common external threat,” the Southeast Asian response is based on the recognition of a “common internal threat.” Such divergence of perspectives invariably nuances the scope of national and regional initiatives in each case scenario. These are further reinforced by the ideational and operational modalities of each regional community (EU and ASEAN)

    The Indigenous Small Peoples of the Russian Arctic: Gender Inequality

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    The article deals with contemporary aspects of gender inequality on the example of indigenous small peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, substantiate its main tendencies and develop directions for achieving gender equality in aboriginal society. Historical analysis of the origins of gender inequality among indigenous small peoples was conducted. In the course of the study, such methods as analysis and synthesis were used to generalise gender inequality; a historical method for understanding its origin; statistical methods for determining modern aspects of inequalities; the logical method was used for making conclusions. The natural and economic circumstances of regions of the Russian Arctic in the context of their influence on gender inequality were provided. The traditional social status and the role of women in the Russian Arctic was studied. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the topic of gender inequality in the Russian Arctic was practically never discussed before. The survey showed that in indigenous people their mentality and their commitment to traditional nature management play an important role, which, according to the opinion of many aboriginal women, need more support at the state and regional levels, development of folk crafts, the creation of jobs and protection of this territory. The methods of achieving gender equality and improving the status of women of small indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic were suggested. The conclusions stated what steps need to be taken to overcome gender inequality for women, what should be noted first and what is the key to achieving gender equality

    Motivating students to learn English for Professional Purposes (non-linguisticuniversity)

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    The study aims to investigate the main motivation factors to learn English for Professional Purposes and how they enable the formation of students' English foreign language communicative competence (non-linguistic university). The importance of this subject is caused by the need of effective training professionals able to compete in the modern labor market. The paper suggests the survey of one hundred and fourteen Crimean Business Institute and Tomsk Polytechnic University students. The methods used in the research are a questionnaire and the survey that comprises fifteen items developed to achieve the aim of the study. Three types of survey questions are used to collect the data: open-ended, ordinal scale and multiple-choice questions. The findings reveal that instrumental motivation prevails among students who are learning English for Professional Purposes as they focus on personal or professional interests and contacts, as well as ambitions. The study suggests the list of the most important motivation factors to learn English for Professional Purposes

    Ways for Recycling of Quartz Waste in the Production of Silicate Materials

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    The technological properties of quartz waste associated with the clay deposit are investigated by way of emission spectral analysis, petrography and X-ray phase analysis. This study considers the possibility of quartz waste utilization in the production of dry building mixtures as a filler, magnesia-quartz proppants as a raw material component, cement as a siliceous component, fine ceramics as a partially fluxing and exhausting component, silicate brick as the main raw material. In the production of glass and glassware it is possible to make use of the quartz waste as a glass-forming component including silicate blocks after refining for the Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content. Quartz waste can be recommended as molding sand after refining for the contents of Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, MgO, CaO. Improvement of the properties of the quartz waste can be achieved by ways of elutriation to remove the clay component as well as magnetic separation to remove magnetic compounds of iron. Keywords: quartz waste, proppants, glass, cement, silicate brick, building mixtures, fine ceramics, molding sand, recyclin

    Effectiveness evaluation of implementation of target programs for municipal education: improvement of approaches

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the problem of effective quality evaluation of the implementation of municipal target programs in the regions of the Russian Federation. The evaluation of target programs is a methodologically complex process that requires not only specific knowledge, but also well-formed tools (approaches for effectiveness assessment). The authors revealed that there is no all-purpose approach to assess the effectiveness of municipal target programs in municipalities of the Russian Federation. However, municipalities develop different criteria and scales to evaluate the effectiveness of different programs. It is determined that the assessment is mainly based on two indicators, namely, the social outcome and budget efficiency resulting from the assessment of achievement of the planned targets of indicators. The authors emphasize the importance to interconnect the indicators of target programs’ implementation and strategic industry based plans. The method of integral assessment of program effectiveness is developed to make it possible to evaluate the implementation of programs at each stage to compare the results with the planned ones and to record critical moments that affect the effectiveness of program implementation to use tools to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events

    Peculiarities of mercury content in the muscle tissue of fish of the Vologda Region

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    Mercury is one of the most dangerous toxicants for all living organisms, having a high degree of biomagnification. The determination of mercury concentration in different species of fish is important for evaluation of the state of aquatic ecosystems. The aim of research is study of peculiarities of mercury content in fish of the Sheksna Reservoir, the Sukhona River, Kubenskoye, Borovskoye and Svyatoye lakes. Mercury concentration in fish muscles of the Vologda Region varies from 0.0397 mg/kg to 1.167 mg/kg of wet mass. The highest average of mercury content is established in the muscle tissue of river bass (0.477±0.202), and the lowest average is in the muscle tissue of eastern bream (0.133±0.082). Mercury level does not exceed maximum permissible concentration of heavy metal and weekly norm, harmless for a person weighing 70 kg in most of examined specimens. Сomparison of mercury content in muscles of fish from surveyed water bodies showed a significant difference between river bass and most non-piscivorous species, as well as between individuals of river bass from Svyatoye and Borovskoye lakes. We also revealed a reliable correlation dependence of mercury content in the muscle tissue on mass and length of body for samples of river bass, northern pike and silver bream. Values of mercury concentration in the muscle tissue of river bass from Lake Kubenskoye and the Sheksna Reservoir vary in process of time


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    In recent years, in connection with the reforms of education in our country there is a search for modern effective methods of education and upbringing. The new needs of the developing Russian society cannot be met without a significant restructuring of the methods and technologies of training of highly qualified personnel, implemented in accordance with the requirements of state standards. At the same time, in order to ensure an appropriate level of training of students, and the formation of a specialist with higher education, with all the necessary competencies, it is necessary to introduce new learning technologies in the education process.Given the growing competition in the market of educational services, training of specialists can not limit itself only to traditional lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory work. Of course, the traditional method of teaching remains indispensable in the case of the transfer of theoretical knowledge and concepts. But the formation of deep professional skills and abilities requires other approaches.The introduction of innovative teaching methods will help to improve the quality of training. Modern teaching methods focus on the disclosure of the creative potential of students, increasing their independence in the study of the material.Currently, the implementation of education is largely associated with the use of online learning. Significant information flow on the Internet and the possibilities of distance learning technologies should have a positive impact on the formation of the final skills and abilities. Only a well-organized process of e-learning will lead to the formation of a qualified specialist. This article reveals the relevance and necessity of using modern forms of education in the educational process.Purpose: study of issues related to the possibility of introduction of new technologies and their active use in the educational process.Methodology: theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization); methods of empirical level (study of literature, documents and results of activity, evaluation of methods).Results: identification of a number of problems arising from the introduction of active forms of education in the educational process.Practical implications: the results of the study can be taken into account in the organization of the educational process, using active forms of education, both in institutions of higher education and secondary special.В последние годы в связи с реформами образования в нашей стране происходит поиск современных эффективных методик получения образования и воспитания. Новые потребности развивающегося российского общества невозможно обеспечить без существенной перестройки методик и технологий подготовки кадров высшей квалификации, реализуемых в соответствии с требованиями государственных стандартов. При этом в целях обеспечения соответствующего уровня подготовки обучающихся, и формирования специалиста с высшим образованием, обладающим всеми необходимыми компетенциями, требуется введение новых технологий обучения в процесс образования.Учитывая рост конкуренции на рынке образовательных услуг, подготовка специалистов не может ограничивать себя лишь традиционными лекциями, семинарами, практическими и лабораторными работами. Безусловно, традиционная методика обучения остается незаменимой в случае передачи теоретических знаний и концепций. Но формирование глубоких профессиональных навыков и умений требует иных подходов.Повышению качества подготовки специалистов поможет внедрение инновационных методов обучения. Современные методики обучения акцентируютсвое внимание на раскрытии творческого потенциала студентов, повышению их самостоятельности в изучении материала.В настоящее время процесс осуществления образования во многом связан с применением онлайн-обучения. Значительный информационный поток в сети Интернет и возможности технологий дистанционного обучения должны благоприятно сказываться на формировании итоговых навыков и умений. Только грамотно организованный процесс электронного обучения приведет к формированию квалифицированного специалиста. В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы актуальности, возможности и необходимости применения современных форм обучения в образовательном процессе.Цель – изучение вопросов, связанных с возможностью внедрения новых технологий и их активное использование в образовательном процессе.Метод или методология проведения работы: теоретические методы (анализ и синтез, сравнение, классификация, обобщение); методы эмпирического уровня (изучение литературы, документов и результатов деятельности, оценивание методики).Результаты: выявление ряда проблем, возникающих при внедрении активных форм обучения в образовательный процесс.Область применения результатов: результаты проведенного исследования могут быть учтены при организации образовательного процесса, с использованием активных форм обучения, как в учреждениях высшего образования, так и средне-специального