73 research outputs found

    Inclusive Technology-mediated School-family Communication in Contexts of Social Violence : A Proposal for Guidelines for Schools and Families in Gaza

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    I-CAN: Independence, Capability, Autonomy, iNclusion was an international coopera-tion project run in 2018-2021, which involved 15 selected Gaza Strip’s schools, whose objective was to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities. The project was articulated in two main actions: the first was the establishment of an “Holistic and In-novative Centre”, created to support educators and families in the promotion of initia-tives directed at building inclusive communities; the second was a qualitative research, which explored the implications that the lockdown and the forced transition towards technology-mediated communication had on school-family relationship

    Adolescents, new social relations and media practices : a research in the Metropolitan City of Bologna (Italy)

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    Currently almost 99% of Italian teenagers own a smartphone and with it they can enter the world of the infosphere: this fact has profoundly changed the online habits of teenagers. The pedagogical literature grafted onto Media Education has highlighted the cognitive and relational opportunities favoured by smartphones and their use by adolescents. Which are today’s adolescent’s online media-practices? In which terms these practices have an impact on adolescents’ socialisation? This contribution intends to explore these questions and focus attention on the ways in which these devices are managed by teenagers on a personal level, offering a descriptive picture of the media practices activated in the context of the reticular society for the school and family context and consequent reflections on identity and on the sociability of adolescents. The research involved nine upper secondary schools with different curricula in the Metropolitan City of Bologna (1657 students, age 14–19) in school year 2020/2021. The data collected through questionnaires and focus groups highlight how technologies and social media play a role of fundamental importance not only as daily mediators in the relationships of young adolescents but also as a space for negotiation of their identity. And this role was crucial for their well-being during periods of lockdown due to Covid-19

    Linee guida per una comunicazione scuola-famiglia mediata da tecnologie piĂą inclusive : una Ricerca-Formazione presso un istituto comprensivo di Bologna

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    La comunicazione scuola/famiglia - sebbene sia stata più volte oggetto di studio nell’ambito della ricerca in campo educativo, soprattutto in termi-ni di necessità di costruzione di alleanze scuola-famiglia solide (Capperucci et al., 2018; Caronia, 2012) - è un argomento molto complesso, che interessa trasversalmente il contesto scolastico nella sua interezza, specialmente negli ordini di scuola dove il ruolo dei genitori è ancora quello di mediatore principale. La ricerca qui presenta-ta, svoltasi presso l’Istituto Comprensivo n. 9 di Bologna tra il 2019 e il 2022, ha avuto lo scopo di indagare come gli scambi comunicativi mediati da contesti digitali siano in grado di influenzare le dinamiche relazionali fra insegnanti e genitori e fra genitori e altri genitori e di formulare alcune linee guida, che potessero supportare gli attori coinvolti nel costruire una comunicazione scuola-famiglia più inclusiva ed efficace. L’impianto metodologico individuato per condurre l’indagine è stato quello della Ricerca-Formazione.School-family communication - although it has repeatedly been the subject of study in educational research, especially in terms of the need to build solid school-family alliances (Capperucci et al.,2018; Caronia, 2012) - is a topic which transversally affects the school context in its entirety, especially in those school orders where the parents’ role is still that of the main mediator. The here-presented research, carried out in the Bologna’s Comprehensive School no. 9 between 2019 and 2022, aimed to investigate how communicative exchanges mediated by digital contexts are able to influence the relational dynamics between teachers and parents and between parents and other parents and to formulate some guidelines that could support the actors involved in building a more inclusive and effective school-family communication. The methodological framework identified to conduct the research was that of Teacher Professional Development Research (TPDR)

    Insegnanti e competenze digitali: quale formazione iniziale e in servizio nel post pandemia? = Teachers and digital competence : what pre-service and in-service training is required following the pandemic?

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    La pandemia da Covid-19, soprattutto nella fase di DAD e DDI, ha costretto il sistema scolastico all’utilizzo di tecnologie per garantire la continuità formativa. Vengono analizzati i dati di una ricerca esplorativa svolta a livello nazionale su un campione non probabilistico di 242 docenti della scuola primaria che ha indagato se e come le competenze digitali degli insegnanti (framework DigCompEdu) siano migliorate tra il 2019 e il 2021. I risultati evidenziano un’accelerazione del processo di digitalizzazione della scuola, sia rispetto agli strumenti digitali presenti, sia rispetto all’integrazione degli stessi nella pratica didattica quotidiana; ma rilevano anche insicurezze, difficoltà, e alcune competenze digitali ancora poco praticate. Il contributo intende presentare alcune riflessioni e proposte operative sulla formazione iniziale e in servizio degli insegnanti della scuola primaria che integrino le competenze digitali nel curricolo di studi (insegnamenti, laboratori e tirocinio) e nei corsi di aggiornamento (riflessione con-divisa e scambio di buone pratiche).The recent Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the phase that required distance learning, forced the school system to make use of technology to guarantee educational continuity. This contribution presents data from an ex-ploratory research project conducted with 242 primary school teachers (a non-probabilistic sample) that inves-tigated whether and how teachers' digital competence (framework DigCompEdu) improved between 2019 and 2021. The results show an acceleration in schools’ digital transformation processes which is observable both in the digital tools at teachers’ disposal, and in their use of them in daily teaching practice. The results also highlight insecurities and struggles concerning the use of technologies, and identify the partial gaps that still exist in teach-ers’ digital competences. The contribution aims to present reflections on and operational proposals for the initial and in-service training of primary school teachers, integrating digital competences in the curriculum (courses, laboratories, and placement) and in professional training (shared reflection and exchanges of best practice)

    L’uso dell’Index for Inclusion and Empowerment e lo sviluppo dell’idea di didattica inclusiva nelle scuole Palestinesi dell’area di Gerusalemme Est

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    This contribution presents the results of a research carried out in four schools in East Jerusalemarea during the academic year 2018/19. The aim was testing the use of the Index for Inclusionand Empowerment (IIE) as tool for promoting a level of instructional design more attentive tothe dimensions of equity, inclusion and self-determination of all those involved in educationalprocesses. The IIE, built during years of work on the Palestinian territory (Taddei and Pacetti,2018), aims to enrich the original tool of the Index for Inclusion (Booth and Ainscow, 2002; 2011),focused on inclusion, with the concept of empowerment. This choice is motivated by a carefulreflection about the characteristics of the Palestinian reality, strongly determined by conditionsof violence, conflict and different forms of individual and social freedom’s limitations. What arethe representations of Palestinian teachers regarding the concepts of empowerment and inclusiveeducation? What are the teachers' perceptions about the level of Palestinian schools’ inclusion?What is the impact that the use of the IIE has on instructional design practices? The researchhighlights the effectiveness of the IIE as a tool to better identify pupils' needs and then makeappropriate designs. It also highlights the constraints of an international cooperation structure(who pays little attention to the continuity of educational projects) and the limits of the Palestinianschool system (which does not foresee teachers payments for the hours spent planningand designing)

    Visits to Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinics in Italy from January 2016 to November 2021: A Multicenter, Retrospective Study

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    There is no evidence of seasonal variation in visits to clinics dedicated to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Italy, nor of changes after the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. An observational, retrospective, multicentric study was conducted to record and analyze all the visits to the STI clinics of the Dermatology Units of the University Hospitals of Ferrara and Bologna and of the Infectious Disease Unit of Ferrara, Italy, between January 2016 and November 2021. Overall, 11.733 visits were registered over a 70-month study period (63.7% males, mean age 34.5 ± 12.8 yrs). The mean number of monthly visits significantly decreased from the advent of the pandemic (136) compared to before (177). In the pre-pandemic period, visits to STI clinics increased in the autumn/winter months when compared to spring/summer, while the trend was the opposite in the pandemic period. Thus, during the pandemic, both an overall significant reduction in visits to STI clinics and a reversal in their seasonality were observed. These trends affected males and females equally. The marked decrease, mostly found in the pandemic winter months, can be linked to the “lockdown”/self-isolation ordinances and social distancing measures during the colder months, coinciding with the spread of the COVID-19 infection, which limited the opportunities for meeting and socializing

    Postfordismo e trasformazione urbana.Casi di recupero dei vuoti industriali e indicazioni per le politiche nel territorio torinese

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    Il volume sulle aree dismesse e la trasformazione urbana promosso dalla Direzione Competitività della Regione Piemonte e dall'ente strumentale di ricerca economica e sociale, IRES Piemonte, racchiude contributi su esperienze di recupero dei vuoti urbani industriali e casi rilevanti della trasformazione urbana che hanno interessato Torino e la sua area metropolitana.- Prefazione #7- Introduzione #9- 1. Le ristrutturazioni industriali e il territorio: crisi, declino,metamorfosi? #33- 2. Scoprire i vuoti industriali: analisi e riflessioni a partire da censimenti e mappature di aree industriali dismesse a Torino #51- 3. Le aree dismesse nella riqualificazione e nella rigenerazione urbana a Torino (1990-2015) #113- 4. La trasformazione urbana tra grandi interventi e architetture “ordinarie”. #147- 5. Due esperienze di rigenerazione urbana sul territorio torinese:il Comitato Parco Dora sulla Spina 3 e il Comitato Urban in Barriera di Milano, a Torino #169- 6. Da cittadella industriale a Spina 3: una riconversione incompiuta #193- 7. Ex Diatto - Ex Westinghouse, due casi emblematici per le politiche di rivitalizzazione delle aree industriali torinesi #211- 8. Mirafiori. Dalla componentistica allo yogurt: storia di un progetto di re-industrializzazione #229- 9. Area OSI OVEST-NORD: Toolbox Coworking! #247- 10. Abilitare il territorio metropolitano alla rigenerazione e ad un nuovo sviluppo. Il caso di None, dall'industria subita all'industria inseguita #275- 11. Le ex-Acciaierie Mandelli di Collegno: la storia di una fabbrica,l'attualità del dibattito urbanistico. #301- 12. I programmi territoriali quale motore di rigenerazione urbana e di politiche di contenimento del consumo di suolo nel comune di Settimo Torinese #323- 13. La Regione Piemonte e la sfida del contenimento del consumo di suolo e del riutilizzo delle aree dismesse #353- 14. Torino, la nascita della città postindustriale: quale bilancio? #365- 15. Valutare i rischi della riqualificazione urbanistica e ambientale delle aree industriali dismesse #381- 16. Le aree industriali dismesse e il loro impatto sulla salute: il ruolo dei cittadini e delle amministrazioni locali nell'identificazione dei problemi e delle possibili soluzioni. #405- 17. I giovani e la città che cambia. Nuovi passi e nuovi sguardi sulle tracce di un passato industriale #427- Elenco degli autori e delle autrici #44

    Documentar en la Web y utilizar im\ue1genes en la documentaci\uf3n

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    Il saggio presenta le prospettive educative della rete come contenitore e strumento di documentazione educativa. A partire dalla riflessione relativa al vivere nell\u2019era digitale e alle caratteristiche della societ\ue0 della conoscenza e della pervasivit\ue0 dei media, ci si concentra sulla comunicazione nel web confrontando i possibili strumenti in ambienti educativi formali, non formali e informali., in particolare sul Web 2.0 e i social network per la documentazione digitale (blog, wiki, siti di scuola). Il saggio analizza poi l\u2019apprendimento multimediale e il digital storytelling come strumento di documentazione, concentrandosi anche sull'uso e la produzione di immagini come strumento di mediazione didattica
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