27 research outputs found

    Labor potential of engineering personnel in the russian oil and gas region: problems of development in the system of secondary professional education

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    The article studies urgent issues of development of the labor potential of engineering personnel and the role of secondary vocational education system. The consideration of the theoretical foundations of the «development of labor potential» concept became the basis for the formation of the author's vision of it as an irreversible and purposeful change in the consciousness and actions of workers, resulting in a new quality. The study of the peculiarities of the development of the labor potential of engineering personnel on the example of the Tyumen Region has shown that the system of secondary vocational education in the Region is aimed at creating conditions for reducing the existing gap between the knowledge received by students under educational programs and the knowledge required by business and the market. The revealed problems have served as a basis for formation of offers on the environment creation directed on the formation of conditions of development of labour potential of engineering personnel in the system of the intermediate vocational education of the Tyumen Region

    The Indigenous Small Peoples of the Russian Arctic: Gender Inequality

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    The article deals with contemporary aspects of gender inequality on the example of indigenous small peoples of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, substantiate its main tendencies and develop directions for achieving gender equality in aboriginal society. Historical analysis of the origins of gender inequality among indigenous small peoples was conducted. In the course of the study, such methods as analysis and synthesis were used to generalise gender inequality; a historical method for understanding its origin; statistical methods for determining modern aspects of inequalities; the logical method was used for making conclusions. The natural and economic circumstances of regions of the Russian Arctic in the context of their influence on gender inequality were provided. The traditional social status and the role of women in the Russian Arctic was studied. The novelty of this study lies in the fact that the topic of gender inequality in the Russian Arctic was practically never discussed before. The survey showed that in indigenous people their mentality and their commitment to traditional nature management play an important role, which, according to the opinion of many aboriginal women, need more support at the state and regional levels, development of folk crafts, the creation of jobs and protection of this territory. The methods of achieving gender equality and improving the status of women of small indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic were suggested. The conclusions stated what steps need to be taken to overcome gender inequality for women, what should be noted first and what is the key to achieving gender equality

    Аналіз комп’ютерного томографічного зображення: скелетно-м'язовий індекс як критерій саркопенії у хворих на рак підшлункової залози

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    Aim of the study. The study of the possibility and informativeness of the detection of sarcopenia in a patient with pancreatic cancer (PC) by post-processing obtained using computed tomography (CT) images.Materials and methods. A total of 108 patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome (probably of tumor etiology, and later diagnosed with pancreas cancer) were studied using the «Activion 16» spiral tomograph (Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation) according to a common protocol. The control group consisted of 60 patients aged from 22 to 74 years. We determined sarcopenia criteria on CT images: musculoskeletal L3 index (MSI) as the ratio of the area indicator of skeletal muscle in the body to the level L3 square growth patient. The somatotype index (SI) was determined by the formula: SI = BL x 100 / TSCH, where BL is the body length, TSCH is the transverse size of the chest, measurement in centimeters.Results. Based on media values at the L3 level, sarcopenia was generally detected in 85.18 % of patients with pancreas cancer. Sarcopenia was observed in 100 % of patients with a dolichomorphic type, in 87.8 % of patients with a mesomorphic type, and in 65.5 % of patients with a brachiomorphic type of somatotype. Sarcopenia based on SMI at the L3 level is set in 85.2 % of patients with pancreas cancer: 47.8±4.3 cm² / m² for men, 36.2±4.1 cm² / m² for women, 58.4±3 6 cm² / m² and 44.2±3.5 cm² / m² for conditionally healthy men and women, respectively (p<0.01). The reliable differences of SMI according to gender were established in conditionally healthy men and women suffering from pancreatic cancer with inaccurate differences in BMI. In patients, the statistically significant difference of SMI (p = 0.001), corresponds to the various distribution of fatty mass in the body structure, was accompanied by statistical misleading differences in BMI.Findings. CT as a standard method of diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas by calculating the SMI allows evaluating the degree of sarcopenia. SMI is more informative and personalized indicators to assess body composition than the standard used BMI as CT allows differentiation of muscle and fat components in the composition of the human body and to quantifyЦель исследования – исследовать возможность и информативность выявление саркопении у больных раком поджелудочной железы (ПЖЖ) путем постпроцессинга полученных с помощью компьютерной томографии (КТ) изображений.Материалы и методы. Исследовано 108 пациентов с синдромом механической желтуха (вероятно опухолевой этиологии, а позже диагностированным раком ПЖЖ) по общепринятому протоколу проводилось на спиральном томографе «Activion 16» ( «Toshiba Medical Sistems Corporation»). Контрольная группа состояла из 60 пациентов в возрасте от 22 до 74 лет. Определяли на КТ изображениях критерий саркопении: скелетно-мышечный индекс L3 (СМИ) как отношение полученного показателя площади скелетной мускулатуры на уровне тела L3 позвонка к квадрату роста пациента. Индекс соматотипа (ИС) определяли по формуле: ИС = ДТ х 100 / ПРГК, где ДТ - длина тела, ПРГК - поперечный размер грудной клетки, измеренные в сантиметрах.Результаты. На основе значений СМИ на уровне L3 саркопения в целом подтверждена у 85,18 % пациентов раком ПЖЖ. Саркопения наблюдалась в 100 % больных с долихоморфным типом, в 87,8 % больных с мезоморфным типом и в 65,5 % больных с брахиоморфным типом соматотипа. Саркопения на основе значений СМИ на уровне L3 установлена в 85,2 % больных раком ПЖЖ: 47,8±4,3 см² / м² для мужчин, 36,2±4,1 см² / м² для женщин, 58,4±3 6 см² / м² и 44,2±3,5 см² / м² для условно здоровых мужчин и женщин соответственно (Р <0,01). Установлены достоверные различия СМИ по гендерному признаку для условно здоровых мужчин и женщин, больных раком ПЖЖ, при недостоверных различиях по ИМТ. У больных статистически достоверное различие СМИ (p = 0,001), соответствует разнообразному распространению жировой массы в структуре тела, сопровождалось статистически недостоверными различиями ИМТ. Выводы. КТ как стандартный метод диагностики опухолевых и воспалительных заболеваний ПЖЖ позволяет путем расчета СМИ оценить степень саркопении. СМИ более информативен и персонализированный показатель для оценки состава тела человека, чем стандартно используемый ИМТ, так как КТ позволяет дифференцировать мышечный и жировой компоненты в составе тела человека и провести количественную оценкуМета дослідження − дослідити можливість і інформативність виявлення саркопенії у хворих на рак підшлункової залози (ПШЗ) шляхом постобробки отриманих за допомогою комп'ютерної томографії (КТ) зображень.Матеріали та методи. Досліджено 108 пацієнтів с синдромом механічної жовтяниці (вірогідно пухлинної етіології, а пізніше діагностовано рак ПШЗ) по загальновизнаному протоколу проводилося на спіральному томографі «Activion 16» («Toshiba Medical Sistems Corporation»). Контрольну групу склали 60 пацієнтів у віці від 22 до 74 років.         Визначали на КТ зображеннях критерій саркопенії: скелетно-м’язовий індекс L3 (СМІ) як відношення отриманого показника площі скелетної мускулатури на рівні тіла L3 хребця до квадрату росту пацієнта. Індекс соматотипу (ІС) визначали за формулою: ІС = ДТ х 100 / ПРГК, де ДТ – довжина тіла, ПРГК – поперечний розмір грудної клітини, вимірюванні в сантиметрах.Результати. На основі значень СМІ L3 саркопенія в цілому підтверджена у 85,18 % пацієнтів раком ПШЗ. Саркопенія спостерігалася у 100 % хворих з доліхоморфним типом, у 87,8 % хворих з мезоморфним типом і у 65,5 % хворих з брахіоморфним типом соматотипу. Саркопенія на основі значень СМІ на рівні L3 встановлена в 85,2 % хворих на рак ПШЗ: 47,8±4,3 см²/м² для чоловіків, 36,2±4,1 см²/м² для жінок, 58,4±3,6 см²/м² і 44,2±3,5 см²/м² для умовно здорових чоловіків і жінок відповідно (р<0,01).       Встановлені достовірні відмінності СМІ за гендерною ознакою в умовно здорових чоловіках і жінках, хворих на рак ПШЗ, при недостовірних відмінностях по ІМТ. У хворих статистично достовірна відмінність СМІ (p=0,001), відповідає різноманітному розповсюдженню жирової маси в структурі тіла, супроводжувалась статистичними недостовірними відмінностями ІМТ.Висновки. КТ як стандартний метод діагностики пухлинних і запальних захворювань ПШЗ дозволяє шляхом розрахунку СМІ оцінити ступінь саркопенії. СМІ більш інформативний та персоналізований показник для оцінки складу тіла людини, ніж стандартно використовуваний ІМТ, так як КТ дозволяє диференціювати м'язовий і жировий компоненти в складі тіла людини і провести кількісну оцінк

    Effectiveness evaluation of implementation of target programs for municipal education: improvement of approaches

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    The paper is devoted to the study of the problem of effective quality evaluation of the implementation of municipal target programs in the regions of the Russian Federation. The evaluation of target programs is a methodologically complex process that requires not only specific knowledge, but also well-formed tools (approaches for effectiveness assessment). The authors revealed that there is no all-purpose approach to assess the effectiveness of municipal target programs in municipalities of the Russian Federation. However, municipalities develop different criteria and scales to evaluate the effectiveness of different programs. It is determined that the assessment is mainly based on two indicators, namely, the social outcome and budget efficiency resulting from the assessment of achievement of the planned targets of indicators. The authors emphasize the importance to interconnect the indicators of target programs’ implementation and strategic industry based plans. The method of integral assessment of program effectiveness is developed to make it possible to evaluate the implementation of programs at each stage to compare the results with the planned ones and to record critical moments that affect the effectiveness of program implementation to use tools to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events

    Implantation of atrial flow regulator devices in patients with congenital heart disease and children with severe pulmonary hypertension or cardiomyopathy—an international multicenter case series

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    BackgroundThe Occlutech Atrial Flow Regulator (AFR) is a self-expandable double-disc nitinol device with a central fenestration. Its use has been approved in the adult population with heart failure and described for pulmonary hypertension (PH). Only case reports and small series have been published about its use in the paediatric population and for congenital heart disease (CHD).ObjectivesThe authors sought to investigate the feasibility, safety, and short-term follow-up of AFR implantation in patients with CHD or children with PH or cardiomyopathy.MethodsThis is a multicenter retrospective study involving 10 centers worldwide. Patients of any age with CHD or patients aged < 18 years with PH or cardiomyopathy needing AFR implantation were included.ResultsA total of 40 patients underwent AFR implantation. The median age of the population at the time of the procedure was 58.5 months (IQR: 31.5–142.5) and the median weight was 17 kg (IQR: 10–46). A total of 26 (65.0%) patients had CHD, nine (22.5%) children, a cardiomyopathy, and five (12.5%), a structurally normal heart. The implantation success rate was 100%. There were two early and one late device thrombosis. Two patients (5.0%) with dilated cardiomyopathy on extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) died during the hospital stay. At a median follow-up of 330 days (IQR: 125–593), 37 (92.5%) patients were alive. At follow-up, 20 patients improved their New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, 12 patients did not change their NYHA class, and one patient with idiopathic PH worsened.ConclusionsAFR implantation in patients with CHD and children with severe PH or cardiomyopathy is promising and seems to have beneficial effects at short-term follow-up

    Labor and employment in the sustainable development of the region

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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a study of the impact of labor and employment on the sustainable development of the region, allowing them to ensure their economic and social functions. The designated problem was investigated through the use of various methods of scientific analysis, including empirical and theoretical levels, as well as methods of generalization of research results. The result was the formation of an empiricism that allows us to state that the concept of sustainable development is considered as a balance between economic development, social justice and environmental protection. It was highlighted: in sustainable development, the leading place is occupied by labor and employment, which make it possible to ensure their economic and social functions. It is emphasized that the negative dynamics of employment indicators in the Tyumen region has a serious impact on the implementation of sustainable development goals. It is concluded that the key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the region is a balanced approach that will take into account both economic and social aspects of its development

    Technospherization and Digitalization of the Urban Habitat as the Most Urgent Factor in the Relevancy of Social Pedagogy Modernization

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    The processes of socialization of the individual in the conditions of substitution of the biosphere by the technosphere are analyzed. It is concluded that the rapid rate of change is aligned with the evolutionarily developed mechanisms of adaptation. This causes deterioration of human health and results in the inability of people to protect themselves from the negative effects of the anthropogenic world. At this conjuncture, the correction of the processes of socialization and adaptation, as well as the development of a system of values that provides for preserving of the biosphere world and life, become the fundamental tasks of education. The results of the analysis show that modern education is losing traction in the process of mindset formation, delegating these functions to other information spheres, virtual reality, and spontaneous areas of Masscult. As a result, the traditional socialization process is broken. Humane correction of the current trends requires a change in the philosophical strategy of education development. As a basis for such a strategy, we propose social pedagogy that directly studies the processes of socialization of individuals. The concept of this discipline allows using the socio-natural approach as the basis for analyzing the processes, taking place in the world and in life

    Analysis of Computer Tomographic Image: Skeleto-muscle Index as a Criterion of Sarcopenia in Patients with Patients with Patients

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    Aim of the study. The study of the possibility and informativeness of the detection of sarcopenia in a patient with pancreatic cancer (PC) by post-processing obtained using computed tomography (CT) images.Materials and methods. A total of 108 patients with obstructive jaundice syndrome (probably of tumor etiology, and later diagnosed with pancreas cancer) were studied using the «Activion 16» spiral tomograph (Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation) according to a common protocol. The control group consisted of 60 patients aged from 22 to 74 years. We determined sarcopenia criteria on CT images: musculoskeletal L3 index (MSI) as the ratio of the area indicator of skeletal muscle in the body to the level L3 square growth patient. The somatotype index (SI) was determined by the formula: SI = BL x 100 / TSCH, where BL is the body length, TSCH is the transverse size of the chest, measurement in centimeters.Results. Based on media values at the L3 level, sarcopenia was generally detected in 85.18 % of patients with pancreas cancer. Sarcopenia was observed in 100 % of patients with a dolichomorphic type, in 87.8 % of patients with a mesomorphic type, and in 65.5 % of patients with a brachiomorphic type of somatotype. Sarcopenia based on SMI at the L3 level is set in 85.2 % of patients with pancreas cancer: 47.8±4.3 cm² / m² for men, 36.2±4.1 cm² / m² for women, 58.4±3 6 cm² / m² and 44.2±3.5 cm² / m² for conditionally healthy men and women, respectively (p<0.01). The reliable differences of SMI according to gender were established in conditionally healthy men and women suffering from pancreatic cancer with inaccurate differences in BMI. In patients, the statistically significant difference of SMI (p = 0.001), corresponds to the various distribution of fatty mass in the body structure, was accompanied by statistical misleading differences in BMI.Findings. CT as a standard method of diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas by calculating the SMI allows evaluating the degree of sarcopenia. SMI is more informative and personalized indicators to assess body composition than the standard used BMI as CT allows differentiation of muscle and fat components in the composition of the human body and to quantif