32 research outputs found

    Psychological and social adaptive orientation in the teaching of first-year students

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    The article is devoted to the problem of adaptation of first–year students - future teachers to university education. The concept of «adaptation of students», factors and a set of problems of a first-year student are considered. The analysis of the component of the psychological and social adaptability of orientation in the educational process when studying at a university is presented. The results of the survey and diagnosis are to identify the difficulties experienced by future teachers in the first year of study, in order to create conditions for adaptation to the university format of educational and cognitive activity

    Educational coworking as a means of developing sustainable mobility of students

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    Sustainable mobility of students includes a set of actions aimed at bringing to a clean ecological lifestyle. This study is devoted to the development of sustainable mobility of students by means of coworking, the influence of this space on the training of future personnel who are able to master new technologies, apply them to solve practical problems, formulate and solve hypotheses, defend their point of view, work in a team, take responsibility not only for themselves, but also for team members. All this is possible only if there are innovative laboratories that stimulate the joint cognitive activity of students by developing the innovative potential of an educational organization by means of coworking, which motivates collaborations. Despite the increasing attention to the role of sustainable mobility used in the transport sector, at the moment there are few publications devoted to its organization and their functioning in the context of an educational organization. There is no comprehensive understanding of its importance as a mobile space for the development and maintenance of innovations in educational institutions with the possibility of developing the younger generation. That is why the innovation laboratory at the Lyceum is a tool for the formation of motivation to learn natural sciences, which allows them to jointly solve tasks within the framework of project activities, developing sustainable mobility for them. The coworking model of work in the lyceum environment not only contributes to the development of sustainable mobility, but also develops key skills in all participants of the educational process, such as self-organization, time management, presentation and communication skills

    Динамика маркеров стресс-реакции при эмболизации маточных артерий

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    Aim. To estimate immunobiochemical markers of the stress response during uterine artery embolization (UAE), and to assess the connection of the endocrine and immune response with pain severity Materials and мethods: 62 patients (ages 31 to 56) with a diagnosis of multiple symptomatic uterine body fibroids were made EMA, and analgesia was achieved by intravenous injection of narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics. Immunobiochemical profile of the stress reaction was investigated (IL-1, IL-6, TNFα, IL-4, IL-10, C-reactive protein (CRP), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, blood glucose) at four (I ONLY SEE 3-SMT) time points (baseline at 2 hours after occlusion of the uterine arteries, and 24 and 48 hours after surgery). Pain syndrome was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS) by means of hemodynamic profile.Results. The occlusion of the uterine arteries and ischemia myoma nodes lead to the development of the stress response, as anincrease in the serum concentration of pro-inflammatory (IL-1, IL-6, TNFα) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines, CRP, stress hormones (ACTH, cortisol) levels of glucose was observed. Pain of various intensity was recorded in all cases, and 18% of patients experienced marked pain (7 to 10 points on the VAS).Conclusion. The maximum increase in immunobiochemical stress markers coincides with the highest manifestations of pain. The necessity of optimization methods of analgesia when performing EMA with the use of immunobiochemical stress markers as a control reaction taking into account hemodynamic profile and VAS data was observed.Цель исследования. Оценка иммунобиохимических маркеров стресс-реакции при эмболизации маточных артерий (ЭМА), оценка связи выраженности эндокринного и иммунного ответа с выраженностью болевого синдрома.Материал и методы. Пациенткам (n = 62) в возрасте 31–56 лет с диагнозом «симптомная множественная миома тела матки» выполнена ЭМА, анальгезия достигалась внутривенным введением наркотических и ненаркотических анальгетиков. Исследован иммунобиохимический профиль стресс-реакции (IL-1, IL-6, TNFα, IL-4, IL-10, С-реактивный протеин (CRP), адренокортикотропный гормон (АКТГ), кортизол, глюкоза крови) в динамике, на четырех точках контроля (исходный уровень, через 2 ч после окклюзии маточных артерий, через 24 и 48 ч после операции). Болевой синдром оценивался по визуально-аналоговой шкале (ВАШ), с помощью гемодинамического профиля.Результаты. Окклюзия маточных артерий и ишемия в миоматозных узлах ведет к развитию стресс-реакции: увеличение концентрации в сыворотке крови провоспалительных (IL-1, IL-6, TNFα) и противовоспалительных (IL-4, IL-10) цитокинов, CRP, гормонов стресса (АКТГ, кортизола), уровня гликемии. Болевой синдром разной степени интенсивности регистрируется в 100% случаев, 18% пациенток испытывали выраженные болевые ощущения (7–10 баллов по ВАШ).Заключение. Максимальный прирост иммунобиохимических маркеров стресса совпадает по времени с максимальными проявлениями болевого синдрома. Выявлена необходимость оптимизации методов анальгезии при выполнении ЭМА с использованием в качестве контроля иммунобиохимических маркеров стресс-реакции, учитывая гемодинамический профиль и данные ВАШ

    Water, Culture, and Society in Global Historical Perspective II

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    This conference is the second of two, linked international conferences focused on the provision, management, use, and cultural meanings of water and its relationship to patterns of human culture, politics, technology, and socio-economic organization across geographies and chronologies. The conference will focus on two distinct themes: "Cultures of Water" and "The Effluent Society." The first conference will took place in mid-May 2016 and focused on the intersecting topics of Water and Power" and "Controlling Water." Through these four themes our program spans a broad range of vital and interconnected topics posed by "water." The conferences, held at the Mershon Center at the Ohio State University, will be run as workshops with papers distributed in advance to ensure the most productive discussions. Papers will be published either in edited volumes or special issues of environmental history journals."Water" constitutes a multi-faceted topic of overwhelming historical and contemporary significance. Water defines every aspect of life: from the ecological to the cultural, religious, social, economic, and political. Without the molecule H20, life as we understand it would cease to exist. Water remains at the center of human activity: in irrigation and agriculture; waste and sanitation; drinking and disease; floods and droughts; religious beliefs and practices; fishing and aquaculture; travel and discovery; scientific study; water pollution and conservation; multi-purpose dam building; in the setting of boundaries and borders; politics and economic life; and wars and diplomacy. Water also plays an important symbolic role in works of literature, art, music, and architecture, and it serves as a source of human beauty and spiritual tranquility.Mershon Center for International StudiesOhio State University College of Arts and HumanitiesEast Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State UniversityCenter for Slavic and East European Studies, The Ohio State UniversityThe Institute for Korean Studies, The Ohio State UniversityHistory Department, The Ohio State UniversityEnvironmental Studies Network, The Ohio State UniversityThe Sustainable and Resilient Economy Discovery Theme at Ohio StateRussian, East European, and Eurasian History Seminar, The Ohio State UniversityA Northeast Asia Council Japanese Studies Grant (Association for Asian Studies)Academia Sinica (Taipei)Shanghai Jiao Tong Universit

    Implementation of competency approach in teaching mathematics to primary school children

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    The article considers implementing the competency approach in teaching mathematics at primary school. The research objective was to check the 4th and 5th grade schoolchildren’s skills in solving competency-oriented tasks. The authors used the diagnostic technique consisting in solving mathematical problems that require application of knowledge to real-life situations, understanding of real-life quantities and geometrical figures, and ability to behave relevantly in real-life situations. Typical errors were identified and recommendations on their correction were given. The effective implementation of competency approach requires improving the methods of teaching mathematics at primary school.En este artículo se considera la implementación del enfoque basado en las competencias hacia la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la escuela primaria. La investigación se centraba en examinar las habilidades de los alumnos del cuarto y quinto grado en resolver tareas orientadas a las competencias. El método diagnóstico usado por los autores consiste en resolver problemas matemáticos que exigen la aplicación de los conocimientos a situaciones reales, entendimiento de cuantías y figuras geométricas reales y capacidad de comportarse de forma relevante en situaciones reales. Se identificaron errores típicos y propusieron medidas para corregirlos. Para implementar con eficiencia el enfoque basado en las competencias hay que mejorar los métodos de enseñar las matemáticas en la escuela primari