68 research outputs found

    Celiac disease-related inflammatory factors and their effect on peripheral blood monocytes

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    Úvod: Celiakie je orgánově specifické autoimunitní onemocnění, které vzniká ztrátou orální tolerance lepku u geneticky predisponovaných jedinců. Při celiakii u pacientů byly pozorovány zvýšené hladiny zánětlivých cytokinů (např. IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6) v tenkém střevě a v periferní krvi. Tyto cytokiny mají schopnost zvyšovat expresi interferon regulujícího faktoru 1 (IRF1), který je potenciálním hráčem v patogenezi celiakie. IRF1 hraje roli v apoptóze, diferenciaci a protizánětlivé reakci různých imunitních buněk. Monocyty jsou důležitou složkou imunitního systému. Širokou paletu jejich funkcí jim umožňují plnit membránové receptory, jejichž expresi může vyvolávat mimo jiné i IRF1. Pro objasnění vlivu IRF1 na patogenezi celiakie jsme se v této pilotní studii zaměřili na cirkulující monocyty a na i) detekování změn monocytární exprese IRF1 mRNA v zánětlivé prostředí u pacientů s celiakií (recentních, rCD, i dodržujících rok a déle bezlepkovou dietu, CD-GFD), a ii) následně na odhalení vlivu IRF1 na monocyty pomocí markerů apoptózy (CD95) a protizánětlivé reakce (CD163 a IL-10). Materiál a metody: Do studie bylo zahrnuto 15 pacientů s celiakií (5 rCD a 10 CD-GFD) a 10 zdravých dárců jako kontroly. Pro stanovení hladin mRNA studovaných cytokinů a faktorů (IRF1, CD95, CD163, IL-10) jsme z monocytů...Introduction: Celiac disease is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that results in loss of oral tolerance of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. Increased levels of inflammatory cytokines (eg IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-6) in the small intestine and peripheral blood have been observed in patients with celiac disease. These cytokines have the ability to increase the expression of interferon regulatory factor 1 (IRF1), which is a potential player in the pathogenesis of celiac disease. IRF1 plays a role in apoptosis, differentiation and anti- inflammatory response of various immune cells. Monocytes are an important component of the immune system. A wide variety of their functions allow them to exertmembrane receptors, whose expression may cause, among other things, by IRF1. To clarify the effects of IRF1 on the pathogenesis of celiac disease we have focused on circulating monocytes in this pilot study and (i) detection changes in the monocytic expression of IRF1 mRNA in inflammatory environments in patients with celiac disease (recent, rCD and adherent one year and longer gluten-free diet, CD-GFD), and ii) subsequently to reveal the effect of IRF1 on monocytes by apoptosis markers (CD95) and anti-inflammatory responses markers (CD163 and IL-10). Material and methods: The study includes 15 patients...Katedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaDepartment of Anthropology and Human GeneticsPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Can the result of a tilt test be predicted in the first five minutes?

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    Background: Head-up tilt testing (HUT) plays a pivotal role in the management of vasovagal syncope (VVS). Heart rate variability (HRV) is a well-known method used for noninvasive evaluation of autonomic nervous system activity. However, different results have been obtained in studies that have evaluated the HRV response to HUT in patients with VVS. Methods: One hundred fourteen patients with recurrent VVS were enrolled in the study. According to the results of HUT, patients were divided into five groups: positive (n = 30) and negative (n = 23) Westminster; positive (n = 44) and negative (n = 11) Italian. Fourteen healthy volunteers with no history of syncope comprised the control group. Spectral indices of HRV variability were analyzed for three short-term intervals. Results: Both protocols showed similar distribution of responses to tilt-testing. In the supine position, significant differences were observed between patients from groups 1, 2 and 3 in comparison with the control and Italian negative groups. They had significantly lower initial results of LF1 [nu] and LF1/HF1 ratio, and higher HF1 [nu] values. The onset of HUT in patients with positive Westminster protocol was characterized by an almost two-fold increase in LF [nu] and decrease in HF [nu] compared to all other patients. LF2/HF2 ratio in the Westminster positive group had increased more than five times since the baseline level, while during the last period, LF3/HF3 ratio had increased more than six times. Conclusions: Patients with VVS have disturbed sympathovagal balance at rest. Our data suggests that the results of HUT could be predicted by analyzing the spectral parameters of HRV during the first five minutes of the test. The reaction to orthostasis in patients with syncope during the Westminster protocol was more severe compared to the Italian protocol group and the control group. Vasovagal response during the Italian protocol may be triggered by drug-induced vasodilatation. (Cardiol J 2011; 18, 5: 521–526

    Efectividad de la comunicación en redes sociales de universidades líderes

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    The article presents the results of communication effectiveness analysis in social networks of leading universities with strong economic departments. The study was carried out using the textual information analysis i.e. content, links, posts, comments, tags, etc.; multimedia i.e. photos, videos, audio, etc., and the ontology method, which estimated the social networks parameters like the number of subscribers, average path length, etc. The study showed that the main platform for international higher education institutions is Facebook; Instagram is actively developing, and then comes YouTube. The number of publications does not directly affect the number of subscribers, in contrast to the number of students. The high frequency of posts does not lead to subscribers increase. There is no single strategy for universities social network development. The use of informal communication, which encourages action, significantly increases the audience and its involvement; but is not used by all universities, because it might contradict with the university’s image. It should be noted that good design, the use of professional photos and videos, has its impact on potential audience.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis de la efectividad de la comunicación en las redes sociales en las principales universidades con departamentos económicos sólidos. El estudio se llevó a cabo utilizando el análisis de información textual, es decir, contenido, enlaces, publicaciones, comentarios, etiquetas, etc .; multimedia, es decir, fotos, videos, audio, etc., y el método ontológico, que estimó los parámetros de las redes sociales como el número de suscriptores, la longitud promedio de la ruta, etc. El estudio mostró que la principal plataforma para las instituciones internacionales de educación superior es Facebook; Instagram se está desarrollando activamente y luego viene YouTube. El número de publicaciones no afecta directamente al número de suscriptores, a diferencia del número de estudiantes. La alta frecuencia de publicaciones no conduce a un aumento de suscriptores. No existe una estrategia única para el desarrollo de redes sociales de las universidades. El uso de la comunicación informal, que fomenta la acción, aumenta significativamente la audiencia y su participación; pero no es utilizado por todas las universidades, porque podría resultar contrario a la imagen de la universidad. Cabe señalar que un buen diseño, el uso de fotos y videos profesionales, tiene su impacto en la audiencia potencial

    Communication effectiveness in social networks of leading universities

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    The article presents the results of communication effectiveness analysis in social networks of leading universities with strong economic departments. The study was carried out using the textual information analysis i.e. content, links, posts, comments, tags, etc.; multimedia i.e. photos, videos, audio, etc., and the ontology method, which estimated the social networks parameters like the number of subscribers, average path length, etc.The study showed that the main platform for international higher education institutions is Facebook; Instagram is actively developing, and then comes YouTube. The number of publications does not directly affect the number of subscribers, in contrast to the number of students. The high frequency of posts does not lead to subscribers increase. There is no single strategy for universities social network development. The use of informal communication, which encourages action, significantly increases the audience and its involvement; but is not used by all universities, because it might contradict with the university’s image. It should be noted that good design, the use of professional photos and videos, has its impact on potential audience

    Innovative market research functions

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    The relevance of the article lies in the discussion of the marketing strategy and success of companies that have achieved world fame. The purpose of the work is to conduct an assessment of the company's activities, as well as to show how, using elements of marketing, you can achieve tremendous success. The task of the study is to study the market, the proper organisation of fast food, and the study of the psychology of people. The results of the research will allow managers of organizations to increase the efficiency of using human capital. The novelty of the development is determined, in our opinion, on the one hand, by the methodological approach to the correlation of many existing versions of the interpretation of this problem. Also, within each direction, the corresponding concepts are defined, on which they are based, and which, in turn, reflect the real prerequisites for the diversity of versions in the past and present. It is known that marketing is a continuous process in which goals change: when one is achieved, a new one is set. Here, it is of no small importance to involve children and adolescents in the use of hamburgers through the organisation of playgrounds, family trips and food sets for children with toys

    Assessment of the influence of geophysical parameters on the value of maximum surface concentrations from emissions of asphalt concrete plants

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    The influence of geophysical parameters of the coefficient of temperature stratification of the atmosphere and terrain, as well as climatic characteristics on the maximum values of surface concentrations of emissions into the atmosphere is analysed. The results of the presented material make it possible to predict atmospheric pollution by emissions coming from asphalt concrete plants. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the inventory data of the ACP of six cities of the Russian Federation (Perm, Temryuk, Kursk, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, and Novgorod); calculations of gross emissions made by specific indicators for all ingredients: dust, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, petroleum hydrocarbons, and sulfur dioxide. The dependence of the maximum surface concentration of a harmful substance on the coefficient of temperature stratification of the atmosphere and the dependence of the maximum surface concentration of a harmful substance on the terrain coefficient are established. There is a significant difference in annual emissions into the atmosphere in different regions with the same productivity and efficiency of treatment systems. The difference in the technogenic load on the environment from the geophysical characteristics of the region is revealed. The significant influence of the geographical location of Russian cities on the norms of maximum permissible emissions and the parameters of their dispersion, in particular, on the maximum surface concentration, is presented

    Engineering environmental protection at an industrial facility

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    The aim of this study is to study engineering safety at an industrial facility. The subject of the study is dangerous and harmful factors of production, which include dust and harmful gases. The objectives of the study is assessing the dispersed composition of dust, which determines the microclimate of the working area on the example of a foundry. The presence of fine dust in the air space of the workshop leads to occupational diseases, such as pneumoconiosis (silicosis), bronchitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis. The dust dispersion assessment took into account the relationship between the particle size and the speed of movement under the action of gravitational or centrifugal forces. The granulometric composition of the provided powder sample was determined by laser diffraction, implemented on the Fritsch NanoTec “ANALISETTE 22” laser particle analyzer. Data analysis shows that almost all phases of the technological process determine the microclimate of the internal environment and in the inter-hull zone during emission dispersion. The degree of exposure depends on the dispersion and chemical composition of the dust, in particular, in the air, the dust is oxidized to form a SiO2 film. In addition, there are other harmful substances in the workshop air that can be deposited on dust particles, which makes dust more dangerous and in this case it is necessary to take into account more stringent values of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). An increase in the SiO2 content tightens the requirements for the cleanliness of the air in the working area. In the work, on the basis of theoretical and experimental data, the most dangerous areas with the formation of industrial dust from the standpoint of environmental risk were identified, the dust dispersion was assessed, the dust collection system was finalized, and a wet cleaning system was installed

    Digital Twins as a New Paradigm of an Industrial Enterprise

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the core principles and possibilities of using digital twin technology for the development of Russia’s industrial sectors, taking into account the international experience. Theoretical and methodological research has been based on the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the use of digital technologies in the management of economic systems, including industry. The study was based on a set of quantitative and qualitative methods, including case analysis and text mining. A semantic analysis of scientific publications and industry literature was conducted to assess the condition of the problem field and determine trends in the digital transformation of industries from the standpoint of digital twin technology. In addition, an open-source collection of over 100 case files reflecting the practice of introducing digital twins into production processes was compiled. It has been proven that digital twins provide a wide range of possibilities for production enterprises: increased productivity, efficient use of resources, energy intensity and efficiency, reduction of different kinds of costs at all stages of the product life cycle, production of new types of products, and the modification of the organization’s business model. A SWOT analysis of economic entities using digital twins was undertaken, which made it possible to identify the opportunities and threats of their introduction into the production process. The study results have refined the model of a new generation industrial economic system based on the functionality of a digital twin, including the parameters of system and predictive analytics, as well as the Internet of Things platform

    Prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbid cardiovascular diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the high rate of growth in the incidence and burden of cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a significant medical problem in the world. Even in the absence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), patients with T2DM are classified as high and very high risk. In addition to glycemic control, an extremely important aspect of managing this group of patients is prevention of cardiovascular complications. T2DM and hyperlipidemia determines the target group for statins. At the same time, little is known about the frequency of administration of this class of drugs among people with T2DM.AIM: To study prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with T2DM and comorbid cardiovascular diseases.METHODS: 156 patients with type 2 diabetes (87.2% — women, average age — 65.2 years) were examined as part of an outpatient appointment with an endocrinologist at the city polyclinic ofTomsk. We used a standard questionnaire compiled on the basis of adapted international methods, including information on cardiac pathology, medications, income level, and Morisky-Green test. Anthropometric parameters, fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipid spectrum parameters were measured. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used for comparisons.RESULTS: Statins were prescribed to 45.0% of the surveyed, and 47.0% of them were constantly taking statins. In 41 and 39% of cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist, respectively. Those taking statins were characterized by a more severe functional class of angina pectoris (p=0.03), a higher prior myocardial infarction rate (p=0.01). For other concomitant diseases, and also indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, differences between the groups were not revealed. One third of patients were adherent (3–4 points), 2/3 were not adherent to treatment (0–2 points), respectively. Patients with incomes between 1 and 2 cost of living took statins more often than the rest (p=0.021).CONCLUSION: An insufficient frequency of prescription and adherence to statin therapy in patients with T2DM was revealed. In most cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist or cardiologist. Functional class of angina pectoris, prior myocardial infarction and moderate income were associated with more frequent use of statins. To increase the coverage of patients with T2DM with statin treatment, more attention needs to be paid to the issues of CVD prevention from both medical professionals and patients