284 research outputs found

    Lung cancer stage distribution from before COVID-19 through 18 months of the pandemic: the experience of a large-volume oncological referral centre

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    We observed a significant decrease in early-stage cases at our national oncological referral centre for thoracic surgery and lung cancer screening. This cannot plausibly be ascribed to a lower lung cancer incidence. On the other end, the impact of lockdown measures on the reduction of early-stage lung cancer and other malignancies diagnoses should be investigated and addressed. People's fear of hospitals resulted in a diagnostic delay, whose most severe effects occurred in the first months of 2022. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for a digital revolution in health car

    Leccese sheep breed from Apulia: evidence of genetic substructuring from STR loci

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    Leccese is an originally triple-purpose sheep breed from Southern Italy. Due to major changes in rural society and livestock production, the breed has experienced in the last decades a drastic population size reduction. Nowadays roughly one thousand animals are reared in about ten farms located in Apulia. In order to evaluate the genetic variability within the Leccese breed, a total of 97 animals, sampled from five different farms in the provinces of Bari, Taranto, Brindisi, and Lecce were genotyped at 19 microsatellite loci belonging to the ISAG-FAO panel for Domestic Animal Diversity. Samples were chosen according to genealogical records in order to minimize relatedness among animals. Although being a local bottlenecked breed, the Leccese sample displayed a valuable number of alleles (187 over 19 loci, with a minimum of 4 in BM1824 and OarFCB193 and a maximum of 16 in MAF70 and MCM140). A high proportion of private alleles was observed for each farm (7.7 alleles on average). In addition, a high level of linkage disequilibrium was observed in the total sample, also among non syntenic locus pairs, suggesting the presence of population sub-structuring. To test the hypothesis of a genetic partitioning at the farm hierarchical level we first calculated the pair-wise FST between the different farms, which highlighted significant (P<0.001) though moderate values (0.055 to 0.065). Then, we performed both a likelihood-based and a Bayesian population assignment test, respectively implemented in the Arlequin and Structure software packages, in order to verify the degree of differentiation between the five farms. A correct allocation was obtained for 96.9% of animals by using the Arlequin software and 92.8% when using Structure, thus highlighting a clear genetic differentiation at the farm level, counterbalanced by a marked within-herd genetic similarity. These results suggest that reproductive isolation and/or different selection strategies across farms contributed to the observed pattern of genetic sub-structuring; this should be seriously taken into consideration, due to the critical implications for the breed conservation

    The genetic variability of the Podolica cattle breed from the Gargano area. Preliminary results

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    The Podolica cattle breed is autochthonous of Southern Italy and denoted by its particular rusticity. This study presents the preliminary results of the genetic characterization of the Podolica breed using DNA STR markers. A total of 20 microsatellite loci were analysed in 79 individuals reared in the Gargano area. Number of polymorphisms, allele fre- quencies, deviations from Hardy-Weinberg proportions, linkage disequilibrium between loci and genetic similarities between animals were calculated. The results showed a high deficiency of heterozygotes, the observed mean of het- erozygosis being 0.449, whereas the expected mean was 0.766. Many markers showed also deviations from the Hardy- Weinberg proportions and significant linkage disequilibrium between loci. However the genetic similarity within the pop- ulation was low (0.281) and the average number of alleles per locus was high (10), representing a high genetic vari- ability. In order to explain these results, a stratification of the breed in sub-populations with a high interior genetic homo- geneity but markedly differentiated one from each other could be hypothesized; this situation probably derived from non- random mating within each herd (consanguinity) and from the lack of exchange of genetic material between the herds. A further study is needed on a wider sample and extending the analysis to FAO-ISAG microsatellite panel in order to con- firm this hypothesis. This could eventually provide the information necessary for the correct management of the repro- ductive schemes and for genomic traceability of meat production

    Analisi della variabilità genetica in una popolazione ovina di razza massese e studio di associazione con parametri di qualità del latte

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    RIASSUNTO Il presente lavoro ha come obiettivo la ricerca di associazioni tra marcatori microsatellite e la composizione chimica del latte. È stato condotto uno studio su 68 pecore di razza Massese provenienti da un allevamento toscano. A partire da latte fresco, sono stati valutati: composizione chimica standard, contenuto in caseina e frazioni caseiniche, proteine seriche, pH e parametri reologici. I capi sono stati sottoposti a genotipizzazione impiegando 17 marcatori microsatellite; sono, quindi, stati calcolati i valori di similarità genetica tra individui ed alcuni parametri genetici classici. Il numero medio di alleli per locus è risultato pari a 7,18 e l’eterozigosità osservata presentava variazioni tra 0,403 e 0,867 (media 0,677). La similarità genetica tra individui era 0,460. Cinque marcatori (BM8124, CSN3, BM1258, BMS468 e TGLA387) hanno mostrato una deviazione significativa dalle proporzioni di Hardy- Weinberg. Lo studio ha messo in evidenza alcuni microsatelliti con alleli significativamente associati a caratteri di composizione del latte (P<0,01). In particolare, la significatività più alta (P<0,001) è stata osservata per l’associazione dell’allele 2 del marcatore OIFNG con la a-lattoalbumina, dell’allele 10 del marcatore BL4 con il livello di immunoglobuline, dell’allele 2 del marcatore BMC1009 con il contenuto di grasso e dell’allele 9 del marcatore ILSTS42 con il parametro a30. Sono necessari ulteriori approfondimenti al fine di convalidare i risultati preliminari ottenuti nel presente lavoro e si rende necessaria l’estensione dello studio ad un numero maggiore di soggetti e la tipizzazione di un numero maggiore di loci, principalmente sui cromosomi 3 e 20 dove mappano i marcatori risultati più interessanti nella presente analisi. SUMMARY Current research aims to establish statistical associations between DNA microsatellites and milk chemical composition. Atrial was carried out on 68 Massese ewes reared in a farm of the Tuscany. The following parameters were evaluated on fresh milk: standard chemical composition, casein and its fractions, whey proteins, pH and rheological parameters. Animals were genotyped at 17 microsatellite loci. Genetic similarities among individuals and classical genetic parameters were evaluated. For each locus, average values of considered parameters were calculated in all the subjects carrying a given allele; these were compared statistically with the average values of subjects not carrying the allele, and the significance of the difference was estimated. The average number of alleles per locus resulted 7.18 and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.403 to 0.867 (0.677 medium value). The genetic similarity among individuals was 0.460. Five markers pointed out a significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg proportions (BM8124, CSN3, BM1258, BMS468 and TGLA387). The study revealed several microsatellites with alleles significantly linked to milk composition traits (P<0.01). In particular the highest significance (P<0.001) has been found for the allele 2 of OIFNG marker with a-lactoalbumin, for the allele 10 of the BL4 marker with immunoglobulins, for the allele 2 of BMC1009 with fat, and for allele 9 of ILSTS42 with a30. Further analyses are needed to validate these preliminary results, in particular increasing the number of subjects and of typed loci above all on the chromosomes 3 and 20 where the more interesting markers map

    Bayesian Linear Regression and Natural Logarithmic Correction for Digital Image-Based Extraction of Linear and Tridimensional Zoometrics in Dromedary Camels

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    This study evaluates a method to accurately, repeatably, and reliably extract camel zoo-metric data (linear and tridimensional) from 2D digital images. Thirty zoometric measures, including linear and tridimensional (perimeters and girths) variables, were collected on-field with a non-elastic measuring tape. A scaled reference was used to extract measurement from images. For girths and perimeters, semimajor and semiminor axes were mathematically estimated with the function of the perimeter of an ellipse. On-field measurements’ direct translation was determined when Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) > 0.600 was met (first round). If not, Bayesian regression corrections were applied using live body weight and the particular digital zoometric measurement as regressors (except for foot perimeter) (second round). Last, if a certain zoometric trait still did not meet such a criterion, its natural logarithm was added (third round). Acceptable method translation consistency was reached for all the measurements after three correction rounds (Cα = 0.654 to 0.997, p < 0.0001). Afterwards, Bayesian regression corrected equations were issued. This research helps to evaluate individual conformation in a reliable contactless manner through the extraction of linear and tridimensional measures from images in dromedary camels. This is the first study to develop and correct the routinely ignored evaluation of tridimensional zoometrics from digital images in animals

    Camel Genetic Resources Conservation through Tourism: A Key Sociocultural Approach of Camelback Leisure Riding

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    Camels are exotic elements, which can be comprised within adventure travel companies promoting ecotourism activities. Such recreations contribute to sustainable livelihoods for local communities and educational empowerment towards nature and its conservation. At present, some local camel breeds’ survival reduces to this animal-based leisure industry and its reliability to perform and promote customized services accurately. By conducting an on-site questionnaire to customers participating in camelback riding tours, we assessed the motivational factors affecting participation, satisfaction, and loyalty in this tourism segment that may have made it socially differentiated. The sixfold combination of staff performance, culture geography, diverse and humane close interaction, camel behavior and performance, sociotemporal context, and positive previous experience involves the elemental dimensions that explain customer satisfaction and return intention probability within this entertainment business. Customer knowledge is essential for stakeholders to build personalized riding experiences and align profits with environmental sustainability and biodiversity mainstream concerns into their everyday operations. In turn, domestic camel tourist rides could be managed as a viable path to nature conservation by helping endangered local breeds to avoid their functional devaluation and potential extinction

    The Youngest, the Heaviest and/or the Darkest? Selection Potentialities and Determinants of Leadership in Canarian Dromedary Camels

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    Several idiosyncratic and genetically correlated traits are known to extensively influence leadership in both domestic and wild species. For minor livestock such as camels, however, this type of behavior remains loosely defined and approached only for sex-mixed herds. The interest in knowing those animal-dependent variables that make an individual more likely to emerge as a leader in a single-sex camel herd has its basis in the sex-separated breeding of Canarian dromedary camels for utilitarian purposes. By means of an ordinal logistic regression, it was found that younger, gelded animals may perform better when eliciting the joining of mates, assuming that they were castrated just before reaching sexual maturity and once they were initiated in the pertinent domestication protocol for their lifetime functionality. The higher the body weight, the significantly (p < 0.05) higher the score in the hierarchical rank when leading group movements, although this relationship appeared to be inverse for the other considered zoometric indexes. Camels with darker and substantially depigmented coats were also significantly (p < 0.05) found to be the main initiators. Routine intraherd management and leisure tourism will be thus improved in efficiency and security through the identification and selection of the best leader camels