1,658 research outputs found

    The Emerging Role of Disturbed CoQ Metabolism in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Development and Progression

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    Although non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), characterised by the accumulation of triacylglycerol in the liver, is the most common liver disorder, the causes of its development and progression to the more serious non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) remain incompletely understood. Oxidative stress has been implicated as a key factor in both these processes, and mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation are also believed to play a part. Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is a powerful antioxidant found in all cell membranes which has an essential role in mitochondrial respiration and also has anti-inflammatory properties. NAFLD has been shown to be associated with disturbances in plasma and liver CoQ concentrations, but the relationship between these changes and disease development and progression is not yet clear. Dietary supplementation with CoQ has been found to be hepatoprotective and to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation as well as improving mitochondrial dysfunction, suggesting that it may be beneficial in NAFLD. However, studies using animal models or patients with NAFLD have given inconclusive results. Overall, evidence is now emerging to indicate that disturbances in CoQ metabolism are involved in NAFLD development and progression to NASH, and this highlights the need for further studies with human subjects to fully clarify its role

    Caracterización de consumidores. Diseño de su base de datos

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    <p>Este art&iacute;culo presenta la estructura y el dise&ntilde;o de la base de datos desarrollada en el tema de investigaci&oacute;n<br />y desarrollo "Caracterizaci&oacute;n de consumidores de la red soterrada", en el cual se determina la curva de<br />carga diaria esperada en los diferentes nodos que conforman dicha red. La base de datos final resultante<br />de este trabajo, servir&aacute; de entrada de datos para los estudios de flujo de carga que deben realizarse en<br />esta red.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This paper present the data base structure and design for the characterization of underground network<br />consumers, determining the daily load curves expected in the different point of this network. The resultant<br />database was used as initial data for load flow studies.</p

    Phospholipase A2 Mediates Apolipoprotein-Independent Uptake of Chylomicron Remnant-Like Particles by Human Macrophages

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    Apolipoprotein E-receptor-mediated pathways are the main routes by which macrophages take up chylomicron remnants, but uptake may also be mediated by receptor-independent routes. To investigate these mechanisms, triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation induced by apolipoprotein-free chylomicron remnant-like particles (CRLPw/o) in human monocyte-derived macrophages was evaluated. Macrophage TG content increased about 5-fold after incubation with CRLPw/o, and this effect was not reduced by the inhibition of phagocytosis, macropinocytosis, apolipoprotein E function, or proteoglycan bridging. The role of lipases, including lipoprotein lipase, cholesteryl ester hydrolase, and secretory (sPLA2) and cytosolic phospholipase A2, was studied using [3H]TG-labelled CRLPw/o. Total cell radioactivity after incubation with [3H]TG CRLPw/o was reduced by 15–30% by inhibitors of lipoprotein lipase and cholesteryl ester hydrolase and by about 45% by inhibitors of sPLA2 and cytosolic PLA2 . These results suggest that macrophage lipolytic enzymes mediate the internalization of postprandial TG-rich lipoproteins and that sPLA2 and cytosolic PLA2, play a more important role than extracellular lipoprotein lipase-mediated TG hydrolysis

    Fútsal para la educación de la perseverancia en los alumnos de 10-11 años de la Escuela Bolivariana San Francisco de Tiznados

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    The present study offers an alternative of pre-sports games for the education of perseverance in the Fútsal in students aged 10-11 years in the Bolivarian School "San Francisco de Tiznados Ortiz", Guárico State, Venezuela. Different research methods and techniques corresponding to the theoretical, empirical and mathematical and statistical level were used in the study to determine the behavior&nbsp;of the indicators in the organizational aspects and the perseverance value in the diagnosis made. When analyzing the results of the final information, it was concluded that the proposal can be generalized based on the results achieved with its application. &nbsp;El presente estudio ofrece una alternativa de juegos predeportivos para la educación de la perseverancia en el fútsal en alumnos de 10-11 años en la Escuela Bolivariana “San Francisco de Tiznados Ortiz”, Estado Guárico, Venezuela. Se emplearon en el estudio diferentes métodos y técnicas de investigación correspondientes al nivel teórico, empírico y matemático y estadístico para determinar el comportamiento de los indicadores en los aspectos organizativos y el valor perseverancia en el diagnóstico realizado. Al analizar los resultados de la información final se llegó a la conclusión, que la propuesta puede ser generalizada a partir de los resultados alcanzados con su aplicación. &nbsp

    Entrepreneurship in Interpreting: A Blue Ocean Strategy Didactic Toolkit for Higher Education Interpreter Training

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    This article aims at presenting the reader with a didactic proposal for training higher education interpreting students in entrepreneurial skills by means of introducing a toolkit based on the Blue Ocean Strategy marketing theory. First, the reasons why entrepreneurship is necessary and should thus be an integral part of the interpreting curriculum will be put forward. Second, the Blue Ocean Strategy and its special suitability for the interpreting market will be argued. Third, the transposition of this theory into the interpreting classroom will be explained, with a focus on the approach and development of the lesson plan and didactic materials, which were devised on the basis of a flipped learning teaching methodology. Fourth, the results of the pilot implementation of this toolkit in the dialogue interpreting course Interpretación II: Técnicas de mediación intercultural, a 6 ECTS B.A. in Translation and Interpreting course at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid), will be discussed by way of analysing 45 responses to questionnaires designed with the purpose of shedding light on whether perceptions of the interpreting market substantially differ among students who made part of the experimental group that took the Blue Ocean Strategy pilot class (18 subjects) and the control group (27 subjects), who did not receive training in this marketing strategy

    Un estudio de revisión sobre la inserción laboral en personas con discapacidad.

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio de revisión cuya finalidad es la de visibilizar y conocer en mayor profundidad las investigaciones sobre la inserción laboral en personas con discapacidad, o como se conoce actualmente, diversidad funcional. Este estudio tiene por objetivos conocer la bibliografía sobre la inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad; buscar, seleccionar y analizar la información relevante sobre la inserción laboral de personas con discapacidad; y analizar en qué medida las personas con discapacidad en España se han integrado en el mercado laboral según los resultados de los estudios analizados. Seguidamente, se han buscado los resultados de los siguientes descriptores, Inserción laboral discapacidad España, obteniendo 22 resultados de Punto Q, de los cuales se ha escogido 1 documento; INE mercado laboral personas con discapacidad España, con un total de 15.200 resultados de Google académico de los que se han seleccionado 3 documentos; y finalmente, Mercado laboral discapacidad, eligiendo 2 documentos. Los resultados se presentan en gráficas mediante un análisis descriptivo sobre la inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad en España. Las conclusiones apuntan que aún se necesita apoyar más a este colectivo para la existencia de la igualdad e inclusión social y laboral.This paper presents a review study whose purpose is to make more visible and to know in greater depth the research on the labor market integration of people with disabilities, or as it is currently known, functional diversity. The objectives of this study are: to know the bibliography on the labor market integration of people with disabilities; to search for, select and analyze relevant information on the labor market integration of people with disabilities; and to analyze the extent to which people with disabilities in Spain have been integrated into the labor market according to the results of the studies analyzed. Next, the results of the following descriptors were searched, Labor market insertion disability Spain, obtaining 22 results from Punto Q, from which 1 document was selected; 2 INE labor market people with disabilities Spain, with a total of 15,200 results from Google academic from which 3 documents were selected; and finally, Labor market disability, choosing 2 documents

    SPOAC and Hinge Integrated MSAC: Non-holonomic Attitude Control Systems for Spacecraft

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    Two novel spacecraft attitude control system technologies are introduced that both rely on the same nonholonomic control trajectory concept but that utilize distinct system implementations. The first of these two technologies is Hinge Integrated Multifunctional Structures for Attitude Control (MSAC), which is a new attitude control system that utilizes deployable panels to provide a spacecraft with both fine pointing and large angle slewing attitude control capabilities. Given its potential for high reliability and these control capabilities, Hinge Integrated MSAC is a viable alternative to conventional momentum exchange-based attitude control systems. This study details the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) advancement for MSAC systems toward TRL 6 and introduces potential flight opportunities. We also introduce the Suspended Phased Oscillators for Attitude Control (SPOAC) system concept and mission design (which leverages MSAC control concepts), along with a prototype validation of the system. The Hinge Integrated MSAC system utilizes the deployable panel flexure/compliance to induce phased non-holonomic vibrations that generate largeangle slewing. Using flexure-based techniques, MSAC eliminates the need for sliding contact systems such as mechanical bearings, thereby eliminating a key failure mode of conventional reaction wheel assemblies (RWAs) and control moment gyroscopes (CMGs). The SPOAC operating concept is similar to that of MSAC, but instead of deployable panels, it employs levitating reaction masses that are oscillated using phased nonholonomic magnetic fields. The breakthrough SPOAC technology is ideal for small spacecraft and larger spacecraft that do not have large appendages, such as solar panels

    Remodelado de la sección de pantógrafos de la Base de Mantenimiento Integral de Renfe

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado pretende estudiar los métodos y tiempos empleados en la reparación de un pantógrafo en la Base de Mantenimiento Integral de Renfe ubicada en Valladolid. La BMI de Valladolid se encuentra situada en el Páramo de San Isidro, ocupando una superficie de más 179.000 metros cuadrados. Cuenta con más de 600 trabajadores, tanto internos como externos. En este taller se encargan de la reparación y el mantenimiento de todo el material ferroviario. Hasta él llegan vehículos de distintas series. La sección que ocupa este documento es la encargada de reparar los pantógrafos, principalmente aquellos pertenecientes a las series 446 y 447, ambos correspondientes a trenes de servicios de cercanías con motores eléctricos. El objetivo final es la mejora continua de la sección mencionada, reduciendo el tiempo de operación en cada pareja de pantógrafosThis Final Degree Project aims to study the methods and times used in the repair of a pantograph in the Renfe Integral Maintenance Base located in Valladolid. The Valladolid BMI is placed in the “Páramo de San Isidro”, covering an area of more than 179,000 square meters. It has more than 600 workers, both internal and external. This workshop is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all railway material. Vehicles of different series arrive here. The section that attend this document is in charge of repairing pantographs, mainly those belonging to the 446 and 447 series, both corresponding to commuter service trains with electric motors. The final objective is the continuous improvement of the aforementioned section, reducing the operation time on each pair of pantographsDepartamento de Organización de Empresas y Comercialización e Investigación de MercadosGrado en Ingeniería en Organización Industria

    Uso de Microinversores en Sistemas Fotovoltaicos con Radiación Solar Reflejada

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria