402 research outputs found

    Lycées et Université impériale

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    L’article s’efforce de comparer les grandes innovations introduites par la Révolution française dans l’instruction supérieure, avec leur imitation et adaptation dans la République et le Royaume d’Italie (1802-1814). Les lois italiennes (1802, 1808, 1811) cherchèrent de transférer dans la péninsule le modèle français, particulièrement celui des Lycées. Mais en France les lois de 1790-1792 avaient supprimé les écoles et les collèges tenus par les ordres religieux enseignants, tandis qu’en Italie les collèges religieux firent une dure concurrence aux Lycées jusqu’aux lois de suppression de 1811-1813. Quant à l’Université impériale, elle devait être une corporation nationale enseignante entièrement laïque, alors qu’en Italie le clergé fut à peine limité et contrôlé dans un grand nombre de collèges religieux et de séminaires, qui fonctionnaient aussi comme gymnases et lycées publiques, mais sous la juridiction de l’Église et non de l’État.The article tries persistently to compare major innovations introduced by the French Revolution in High Education with their imitation and adaptation in the Republic and Kingdom of Italy (1802-1814). The Italian laws (1802, 1808, 1811) tried to transfer the French model within the peninsula, and the secondary school in particular. But in France, the laws of 1790-1792 had abolished schools and colleges managed by religious teachers while religious colleges in Italy competed harshly with secondary schools until the abolition laws of 1811-1813. Concerning the Imperial University, it was considered as a fully secular national corporation while the Italian clergy was hardly limited and controlled in many religious colleges and seminaries. They were also operating as gymnasiums and public schools but under the jurisdiction of Church, government excluded.Il saggio vuol mettere a confronto le grandi innovazioni introdotte dalla Rivoluzione francese nel sistema scolastico, con la loro imitazione e adattamento durante la Repubblica e il Regno Italico (1802-1814). Le leggi italiane (1802, 1808, 1811) cercarono di trasferire nella penisola il modello francese, in particolare quello dei Licei. Ma in Francia le leggi del 1790-1792 avevano soppresso le scuole e i collegi tenuti dagli ordini regolari insegnanti, mentre in Italia i collegi religiosi fecero aspra concorrenza ai Licei sino alle leggi di soppressione del 1811-1813. Quanto all’Università imperiale, essa doveva essere un corpo nazionale di docenti interamente laico, mentre in Italia il clero fu appena limitato e controllato in un gran numero di collegi e di seminari, che funzionavano anche come ginnasi e licei pubblici, ma sotto autorità della Chiesa e no dello Stato

    New sulfurated derivatives of cinnamic acids and rosmaricine as inhibitors of STAT3 and NF-kappa B transcription factors

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    A set of new sulfurated drug hybrids, mainly derived from caffeic and ferulic acids and rosmaricine, has been synthesized and their ability to inhibit both STAT3 and NF-kappa B transcription factors have been evaluated. Results showed that most of the new hybrid compounds were able to strongly and selectively bind to STAT3, whereas the parent drugs were devoid of this ability at the tested concentrations. Some of them were also able to inhibit the NF-kappa B transcriptional activity in HCT-116 cell line and inhibited HCT-116 cell proliferation in vitro with IC50 in micromolar range, thus suggesting a potential anticancer activity. Taken together, our study described the identification of new derivatives with dual STAT3/NF-kappa B inhibitory activity, which may represent hit compounds for developing multi-target anticancer agents

    Bronchopulmonary Nematodes in Alpine Ibex: Shedding of First Stage Larvae Analyzed at the Individual Host Level

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    Pneumonia is the most frequent cause of death for Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Gran Paradiso National Park, (Italy). The etiology of this form of pneumonia is currently unknown and the identification of the primary etiological agent remains difficult due to biological and logistic constraints. Uncovering individual differences in Protostrongylid prevalence and intensity is important to further investigate the epidemiology of respiratory diseases and their relationship to heterozygosity and inbreeding in a once almost extinct population like C. ibex. In a group of 21 individually recognizable adult male we monitored monthly prevalence and intensity of Protostrongylid first-stage larvae using Baerman's technique from June to September 2019. First-stage larvae of 5 genera were detected. Muellerius (P = 100%, CI95% = 84–100) and Protostrongylus (P = 86%, CI95%:71–100) were two dominant genera according to Bush's importance index. Neostrongylus (P = 38%,CI95%: 17–59), Cystocaulus (P = 33%,CI95% = 13–53) were classified as co-dominant genera while Dictyocaulus filaria (P = 0.05%, CI95% = 0.04–0.13) was detected, for the first time in Alpine ibex, in one subject. Protostrongylidae larval excretion varied significantly over time, with minimum L1 excretion in July. Individual median larval intensity ranged from 4.4 lpg to 82.2 lpg with Poulin's discrepancy index showing highly aggregated distribution patterns for Muellerius spp. (D = 0.283, CI95% = 0.760–0.895) and Protostrongylus spp. (D = 0.635, CI95% = 0.580–0.705). Presented data provide the necessary base point to further investigate how lungworm infection account for the different rates of progression of pneumonia in C. ibex. Individual aggregation of larval intensity must be further evaluated to determine whether these differences mirror different levels of parasitic infection related to individual differences in immune response, hormonal-states or genetic fitness

    Machine learning methods to predict outcomes of pharmacological treatment in psychosis

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    In recent years, machine learning (ML) has been a promising approach in the research of treatment outcome prediction in psychosis. In this study, we reviewed ML studies using different neuroimaging, neurophysiological, genetic, and clinical features to predict antipsychotic treatment outcomes in patients at different stages of schizophrenia. Literature available on PubMed until March 2022 was reviewed. Overall, 28 studies were included, among them 23 using a single-modality approach and 5 combining data from multiple modalities. The majority of included studies considered structural and functional neuroimaging biomarkers as predictive features used in ML models. Specifically, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) features contributed to antipsychotic treatment response prediction of psychosis with good accuracies. Additionally, several studies found that ML models based on clinical features might present adequate predictive ability. Importantly, by examining the additive effects of combining features, the predictive value might be improved by applying multimodal ML approaches. However, most of the included studies presented several limitations, such as small sample sizes and a lack of replication tests. Moreover, considerable clinical and analytical heterogeneity among included studies posed a challenge in synthesizing findings and generating robust overall conclusions. Despite the complexity and heterogeneity of methodology, prognostic features, clinical presentation, and treatment approaches, studies included in this review suggest that ML tools may have the potential to predict treatment outcomes of psychosis accurately. Future studies need to focus on refining feature characterization, validating prediction models, and evaluate their translation in real-world clinical practice

    Buenas prácticas agrícolas para viveros

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    Las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA) son un conjunto de recomendaciones y actividades aplicables a las diversas etapas del proceso de producción agrícola orientada a generar productos de calidad, considerando la sostenibilidad económica, social y ambiental. Benefician a consumidores, al ambiente, al trabajador rural y a su familia, al productor, al sector y a la sociedad en general. Este texto sintetiza en seis puntos los principales aspectos a tener en cuenta para implementar las buenas práctica agrícolas en viveros.EEA San PedroFil: Brambilla, Leandro. Fundación ArgenINTA; ArgentinaFil: Daorden, María Elena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria San Pedro; ArgentinaFil: Babbitt, Silvana. INASE. Delegación San Pedro; Argentin

    Strengthening of Existing Episodic Memories Through Non-invasive Stimulation of Prefrontal Cortex in Older Adults with Subjective Memory Complaints

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    Episodic memory is critical to daily life functioning. This type of declarative memory declines with age and is the earliest cognitive function to be compromised in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Subjective memory complaints are commonly reported by older adults and have been considered a risk factor for developing AD. The possibilities for prevention of memory disorders in older adults have increased substantially in recent years. Previous studies have shown that anodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) applied over the left lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) after a contextual reminder strengthened existing verbal episodic memories, conceivably through reconsolidation, in elderly people. In this study, we hypothesized that anodal tDCS applied over the left lateral PFC after a contextual reminder would improve delayed memory retrieval relative to placebo (sham) stimulation in elderly individuals with SMC. Twenty-two subjects learned a list of words. Twenty-four hour later, tDCS (anodal or placebo) was applied over the left lateral PFC after a contextual reminder. Memory retrieval was tested 48h and 30 days later. These findings showed that anodal tDCS over the left lateral PFC strengthened existing episodic memories, a behavioral effect documented by improved recognition up to 30 days, relative to placebo stimulation. This study suggests that tDCS after a contextual reminder can induce long-lasting beneficial effects by facilitating the consolidation processes and opens up the possibility to design specific non-invasive interventions aimed at preventing memory decline in this at-risk population

    Severe ocular involvement in a newborn with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

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    Abstract Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare proliferative disease of the mononuclear phagocyte system, characterised by tissue infiltration of CD1a + CD207+ histiocytes. The clinical presentation is variable, ranging from unifocal asymptomatic bone involvement to life-threatening multisystem disease, requiring aggressive therapeutic approaches. Intraocular involvement is uncommon and associated to poor visual and general prognosis. We report a case of LCH in a newborn with severe ocular and multisystem risk-organ involvement, unresponsive to several lines of chemotherapy. Off-label administration of vemurafenib led to dramatic improvement at systemic level; however, chronic sequelae of ocular involvement resulted in poor visual prognosis. Intraocular LCH involvement may be asymptomatic and clinical signs delayed, leading to severe complications, especially in newborns and young children. Screening for ocular involvement is essential for early treatment initiation, which can possibly improve the visual outcome. Vemurafenib is effective on systemic involvement, and its role in ocular LCH needs to be evaluated

    Association of Microvesicles With Graft Patency in Patients Undergoing CABG Surgery

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    Abstract Background Graft patency is one of the major determinants of long-term outcome following coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). Biomarkers, if indicative of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, would suggest strategies to limit graft failure. The prognostic value of microvesicles (MVs) for midterm graft patency has never been tested. Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate whether MV pre-operative signature (number, cellular origin, procoagulant phenotype) could predict midterm graft failure and to investigate potential functional role of MVs in graft occlusion. Methods This was a nested case-control substudy of the CAGE (CoronAry bypass grafting: factors related to late events and Graft patency) study that enrolled 330 patients undergoing elective CABG. Of these, 179 underwent coronary computed tomography angiography 18 months post-surgery showing 24% graft occlusion. Flow cytometry MV analysis was performed in 60 patients (30 per group with occluded [cases] and patent [control subjects] grafts) on plasma samples collected the day before surgery and at follow-up. Results Before surgery, cases had 2- and 4-fold more activated platelet-derived and tissue-factor positive MVs respectively than control subjects. The MV procoagulant capacity was also significantly greater. Altogether this MV signature properly classified graft occlusion (area under the curve 0.897 [95% confidence interval: 0.81 to 0.98]; p Conclusions The pre-operative signature of MVs is independently associated with midterm graft occlusion in CABG patients and a cumulative MV score stratifies patients' risk. Because the MV signature mirrors platelet activation, patients with a high MV score could benefit from a personalized antiplatelet therapy

    First Insight Into Genetic Diversity of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in Slovenia

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    In Europe, the Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) was on the brink of extinction in the 19th century. Therefore, different conservation measures were implemented, and several reintroductions were made in the Alpine arc, starting from the only surviving population in Gran Paradiso, Italy. An extreme historical bottleneck and additional reintroductions have strongly shaped the genetic make-up of recent populations, resulting in significant genetic drift and profound inbreeding across the species range. To support science-based conservation actions, molecular methods have been increasingly used. However, such analyses did not include populations in Slovenia. We analysed neutral loci (partial fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b, mtDNA) and the adaptive major histocompatibility complex (MHC DRB exon 2) of the Alpine ibex from both Slovenian populations (Julian and Kamnik-Savinja Alps) to understand how past reintroductions and recent management have affected the genetic diversity of the species. Results showed that both populations are genetically severely depleted, carrying only one mtDNA haplotype and one functional allele for MHC DRB exon 2, Caib-DRB*01. This calls for further conservation actions, including the reintroduction of individuals with different genetic background. However, the Alpine ibex is currently considered a non-native species in Slovenia, which makes conservation actions extremely difficult and threatens the long-term survival of the species. Therefore, scientists and population managers are urging policy/decision makers to change the status of the species to the native one and consequently to allow reintroductions. These appeals are supported by previous archaeological data on the existence of bones assigned to Alpine ibex in the Julian Alps, and evidence of severe genetic depletion in current ibex populations confirmed in this study. PRVI VPOGLED V GENETSKO RAZNOLIKOST ALPSKEGA KOZOROGA (Capra ibex) V SLOVENIJI Izvleček: V Evropi je bil alpski kozorog (Capra ibex) v 19. stoletju na robu izumrtja. Izvajali so se različni ukrepi za njegovo ohranjanje. V alpskem loku je bilo izvedenih več ponovnih naselitev, najprej z edino ohranjeno populacijo v kraju Gran Paradiso v Italiji. Izredna okrnjenost vrste v preteklosti in dodatne ponovne naselitve so močno vplivale na genetsko sestavo populacije, kar je povzročilo znaten genetski zdrs in parjenje v sorodstvu na celotnem območju vrste. V podporo znanstveno utemeljenim ukrepom ohranjanja se vse pogosteje uporabljajo molekularne metode, vendar takšne analize niso vključevale populacij v Sloveniji. Da bi razumeli, kako je ponovno naseljevanje in nedavno upravljanje vplivalo na genetsko raznolikost vrste, smo analizirali nevtralne lokuse (delni fragment mitohondrijskega citokroma b, mtDNA) in adaptivni poglavitni histokompatibilnostni kompleks (MHC DRB ekson 2) alpskega kozoroga iz obeh slovenskih populacij (Julijske in Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe). Rezultati so pokazali, da sta obe populaciji genetsko zelo osiromašeni, saj nosita le en haplotip mtDNA in en funkcionalni alel za MHC DRB ekson 2, Caib-DRB*01. Zato so potrebni nadaljnji ukrepi za ohranjanje, vključno s ponovno naselitvijo živali z drugačnim genetskim ozadjem. Vendar alpski kozorog v Sloveniji trenutno velja za tujerodno vrsto, kar zelo otežuje ukrepe za njegovo ohranitev in ogroža dolgoročno preživetje vrste. Znanstveniki in upravljavci populacij zato pozivajo politike/odločevalce, naj spremenijo status vrste v avtohtono in posledično omogočijo ponovno naselitev. Ti pozivi so podprti s predhodnimi arheološkimi podatki o obstoju kosti alpskega kozoroga v Julijskih Alpah in z dokazi o izraziti genetski osiromašenosti sedanjih populacij kozoroga, potrjenimi v tej študiji. Ključne besede: Capra ibex; mitohondrijska DNA; MHC DRB exon2; ponovna naselitev; upravljanj
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