491 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory Termodinamika di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    This study aims to produce virtual laboratory thermodinamic that is valid, practical, and effective used in learning physics at SMAN 2 Palembang. Using development research methods the Hannafin and Peck model which consist of three phases, namely analysis phases, design phases, and development and implementation phases. At the development and implementation phases of evaluation method of Tessmer. Virtual laboratory are declared valid after an evaluation by an expert review. Virtual laboratory is then evaluated by students in the phase of one-to-one and small group and is declared very practical to use. The results of data analysis of Learning motivation of the students increase an average from 0,69 become 0,8,  learning outcomes of the students increase an averag from 43,13 become 76,13. The results of N-gain analysis show an 0,58 with a medium category. It was concluded that virtual laboratory thermodynamic it has been  developed  was proven to be valid, practical, and effective.This shows that virtual laboratory thermodynamic can be developed, practical to used, and increases motivation and student cognitive learning outcomes. Keywords:Virtual Laboratory, Thermodynamics, Valid, Practical, and Effectiv

    Pemanfaatan Youtube Sebagai Sumber Belajar Fisika

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the use of YouTube as a source of physics learning for high school (SMA) students in Lubuklinggau Timur District 1. The method, this research was an exploratory survey research, which used questionnaires as instruments for data collection and descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. The sample in this study were 294 respondents, the sample was taken by accidental sampling technique. Research results, more than half of respondents use YouTube as a learning resource in learning Physics, with details 66% using YouTube as an additional learning source, 82% uses YouTube for task completion and 72% uses YouTube as a means of entertainment and information. Conclusion, YouTube is currently one of the alternative media that is widely used by most students as an additional learning resource, helping with task completion and as a means of information and entertainment which is also supported by the provision of internet facilities by schools.  Keywords: Learning Resources, Physics and YouTub

    Tendenze,tipologie e profili della criminalitĂ  nelle cittĂ  metropolitane. Napoli: tra rappresentazione e realtĂ 

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    La scuola dell’ecologia sociale urbana di Chicago Ăš stata la prima, specie negli anni Venti-Trenta del Novecento, a dedicare ampio spazio nell’analisi sociologica alle problematiche connesse alla trasformazione della cittĂ  e ai suoi cambiamenti strutturali, alla differenza tra il modo di vivere nei quartieri centrali e le aree suburbane, tra la qualitĂ  di vita urbana e quella rurale, tra i vari tipi di cittĂ  e le funzioni che in essa vi esprimono le modalitĂ  interattive organizzate poste in essere tra gli individui nello spazio urbano. L’attenzione posta ai fattori che generano disorganizzazione e disgregazione sociale nella vita delle cittĂ  moderne, alla devianza, agli effetti dei processi di individualizzazione della vita cittadina, fino alla centralitĂ  delle questioni connesse all’integrazione sociale degli immigrati e alle relazioni etniche, risulta come il manifesto di un programma di analisi che trova nell’attualitĂ  la sua piĂč efficace persistenza

    The Language of Dreams: Application of Linguistics-Based Approaches for the Automated Analysis of Dream Experiences

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    The study of dreams represents a crucial intersection between philosophical, psychological, neuroscientific, and clinical interests. Importantly, one of the main sources of insight into dreaming activity are the (oral or written) reports provided by dreamers upon awakening from their sleep. Classically, two main types of information are commonly extracted from dream reports: structural and semantic, content-related information. Extracted structural information is typically limited to the simple count of words or sentences in a report. Instead, content analysis usually relies on quantitative scores assigned by two or more (blind) human operators through the use of predefined coding systems. Within this review, we will show that methods borrowed from the field of linguistic analysis, such as graph analysis, dictionary-based content analysis, and distributional semantics approaches, could be used to complement and, in many cases, replace classical measures and scales for the quantitative structural and semantic assessment of dream reports. Importantly, these methods allow the direct (operator-independent) extraction of quantitative information from language data, hence enabling a fully objective and reproducible analysis of conscious experiences occurring during human sleep. Most importantly, these approaches can be partially or fully automatized and may thus be easily applied to the analysis of large datasets

    The Balfour Conversations: British human rights activists and the call to reckon with implication

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    As the Great Power which initially authorized the Zionist settler-colonial project in historic Palestine, Britain has played a decisive role in the one hundred-year war against Palestinians. This essay analyses moments of encounter between Palestinians and British human rights activists, which is to say between those who relegate British imperial history to a definitive past and those who continue to live with the resilient structures of the British imperial past and the ongoing settler-colonial present. Paying attention to these moments of encounter is shown to offer a way of understanding Palestinian experiences of the past as an “ever-living present”. Furthermore, in what I call these “Balfour conversations”, when British subjects were being asked to apologize for Britain’s historic actions, I suggest that something akin to the Althusserian “hail” is at work. Through its attempt to understand the processes by which interpellation functions in this context, this essay explores how implication is frequently unacknowledged or denied through reactions of defensiveness, shock, and anger – responses which are also shown to be illustrative of collective “imperial dispositions”. Throughout the essay, I unpick how it is that British activists are structurally implicated, and something of what lies beneath these imperial dispositions, in order that different ways of acting within transnational solidarity relationships might be imagined possible


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    ANALISIS PENGARUH DANA ALOKASI UMUM (DAU) DAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (PAD) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BELANJA DAERAH DI KOTA BITUNG Elce Yuliana Sumangkut, Paulus Kindangen, Een N Walewangko   Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Magister Ilmu Ekonomi Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado ABSTRAK   Pengelolaan keuangan daerah berkaitan erat dengan penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan melalui pelaksanaan desentralisasi, fungsi pemerintahaan tertentu dilimpahkan kepada pemerintah daerah dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Pada umumnya Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) suatu daerah didominasi oleh sumbangan pemerintah dan sumbangan-sumbangan lain, yang diatur dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hal ini menyebabkan daerah sangat tergantung kepada pemerintah pusat. Nilai koefisien sebesar 0.07 akan tetapi tidak signifikan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan belanja daerah Kota Bitung memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan berubahnya PAD. Dengan perkataan lain, selama periode yang diteliti, dengan menjaga agar variabel-variabel lain tetap, 1 persen peningkatan dalam PAD akan mengakibatkan peningkatan rata-rata sekitar 0.07   persen dalam belanja daerah. Nilai koefisien sebesar 1,07 dan signifikan menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan belanja daerah memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan perubahan dana alokasi umum. Dengan perkataan lain, selama periode penelitian, dengan menjaga agar variabel-variabel lain tetap, 1 persen peningkatan DAU akan mengakibatkan peningkatan rata-rata sekitar 1,07   persen dalam belanja daerah Kota Bitung. Hasil regresi sederhana dan regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) dan dana alokasi umum (DAU) berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan belanja daerah (BD) dan dalam pengelolaan keuangan daerah Kota Bitung Tahun Anggaran 2004-2015 membuktikan terjadinya Flypaper Effect.   Kata Kunci : Dana Alokasi Umum, Pendapatan asli Daerah, Belanja Daerah ABSTRACT Financial management is closely related to the implementation of government affairs through decentralization, certain governance functions delegated to local governments with the aim to increase the value added in governance. In general, the Regional Budget (APBD) an area dominated by government contributions and other donations, which is regulated by legislation. This causes the region is highly dependent on the central government. The coefficient value of 0:07 will but not significantly. This suggests that the development of shopping areas Bitung City have a positive correlation with the change in revenue. In other words, during the period under study, by keeping other variables remain, a 1 percent increase in revenue would result in an average increase of 0.07 percent in the shopping area. Values ​​of 1.07 and significant coefficient indicates that the development of shopping areas have a positive correlation with the change in the allocation of public funds. In other words, during the study period, by keeping other variables remain, a 1 percent increase in DAU will result in an average increase of about 1.07 percent in the shopping area of ​​the city of Bitung. The results of simple regression and multiple regression showed that the increase in local revenue (PAD) and the general allocation fund (DAU) positive effect on the increase in shopping areas (BD) and the financial management of Bitung City Fiscal Year 2004-2015 to prove the occurrence of flypaper.   Keywords: General Allocation Fund, Local Revenue, Local Expenditur


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    Teachers in schools nowadays face numerous challenges in shaping students' character due to the onslaught of influences from the surrounding environment, advancing technology, and media readily accessible to students. Various concepts are being attempted by teachers in schools for the progress and success of education. One of the concepts frequently employed by teachers is character education. This research aims to analyze the formation of students' disciplined character through the provision of punishment. Data collection techniques used include observation, documentation, and direct interviews with the subjects under study, namely the school principal, curriculum vice principal, and classroom teachers at SDIT Annajiyah Lubuklinggau. The data analysis technique employs triangulation. The research findings reveal that teachers are aware of character education and believe it should be provided to students. All teachers implement forms of character education for students. During the learning process, teachers administer punishment to students who violate rules. The punishment administered is educational rather than physical. Students respond positively to the punishment received. The given punishment has both positive and negative impacts on students. The positive impact can enhance students' discipline, while the negative impact can lead to decreased self-confidence, manipulative behavior, and anxiety if the punishment is not administered following principles of fairness, proportionality, and rehabilitation. Thus, the conclusion of this research is that character formation through the provision of punishment to students can enhance student discipline if carried out following principles of fairness, proportionality, and rehabilitation

    The accompanier and the accompanied in Occupied Palestine: human rights activism, and the self who intervenes

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    This interdisciplinary study uses the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) as a case study through which to explore and critique accompaniment as a form of nonviolent, transnational, civil society intervention in the occupied Palestinian territories. By conducting a postcolonial feminist analysis of accompaniment this thesis makes a significant contribution to scholarship on protective accompaniment and unarmed civilian peacekeeping. Focusing on the accompanier-subject, it unsettles assumptions about the nature of the self who intervenes, and challenges liberal accounts of what accompaniment seeks to be and to do. It explores the colonial continuities inherent in accompaniment by locating accompaniment praxis in the context of the longer history of British imperialism and the Christian ‘civilising mission’ and to do this archival research on a 1930’s British Quaker ‘Palestine Watching’ organisation was conducted and incorporated into the study of EAPPI. Secondly and relatedly, this thesis analyses the impact of liberal ideological framings on accompaniment praxis as it operates in occupied Palestine. It concludes that there are several ways in which accompaniment organisations like EAPPI constitute a colonial, paternalistic form of intervention which sometimes constitutes a withdrawal of support for Palestinians. This is demonstrated through EAPPI’s adoption of a ‘balanced’ approach to ‘both sides of the conflict’, its failure to understand and take responsibility for its positioning in the legacies of British imperial histories in the region, and its reliance on a paternalistic, masculinised practice of protection. This thesis also makes a more structural argument of more general application in relation to accompaniment. It concludes that, in addition to examining the impact of colonial logics and liberal ideologies on praxis, the impact of the particular political context in which accompaniment is conducted must be considered. Ultimately, therefore, in occupied Palestine, it is the intersection of liberal discourses, and the settler-colonial context in which and against which accompaniment organisations work, that together limits the potential for a less colonial, less paternalistic form of accompaniment-intervention
