17 research outputs found

    Feather mites (Acarina: Analgesoidea) of some Texan and Mexican falconiform and strigiform birds

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    Diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación Android de seguimiento y rehabilitación cognitiva y de las actividades básicas de la vida diaria

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    En la actualidad, las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) están presentes en una gran variedad de ámbitos como son la educación, la política, la seguridad o la sanidad. Es en este último donde la aplicación de las TIC ha supuesto un gran avance en la forma en la que el paciente y el profesional de la salud interactúan entre sí. Como resultado de este avance, surge lo que se conoce como eHealth, y dentro de este sector, se encuentra un campo más específico conocido como mHealth. Este campo representa la conjunción de internet y movilidad aplicados al ámbito de la salud, en este sentido, las apps para dispositivos móviles dirigidas al mHealth son el mejor representante de la aplicación de las TIC al ámbito de la salud. A pesar de los avances tecnológicos y su aplicación en el ámbito de la medicina, todavía hay áreas dentro de esta última donde la aplicación de la TIC es casi inexistente, en concreto, la atención sociosanitaria dirigida a la tutela de personas mayores y su rehabilitación cognitiva. Para ello, se están desarrollando aplicaciones móviles para facilitar el trabajo de los profesionales de este sector, especialmente los voluntarios. Es pues dentro de este contexto donde se desarrolla el presente TFG, con el desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para Android de seguimiento y para la realización de juegos de rehabilitación cognitiva y de las actividades básicas de la vida diaria. En este contexto, el papel del paciente está representado por el tutelado y en el papel del profesional de la salud se encuentra el voluntario cuyo cometido es el de realizar un seguimiento del tutelado y asistirlo en el uso de la aplicación para la realización de las actividades o juegos dirigidos a ayudar al tutelado con su rehabilitación cognitiva y las actividades básicas de vida diaria. Además del desarrollo de la aplicación, se realizaron pruebas para comprobar el su correcto funcionamiento y se ha elaborado un manual de usuario para facilitar su uso parte del usuario. Y como último punto, se han analizado las posibles mejoras y posibilidades futuras a la hora de ampliar las funcionalidades de la aplicación para adaptarla a las futuras necesidades de los usuarios.Nowadays, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is present in a wide variety of fields such as education, politics, security or health. It is in the latter where the application of ICT has been a great advance in the way in which the patient and the healthcare professional interact with each other. As a result of this progress, we have what is known as eHealth, and more specifically mHealth, which is a subfield within eHealth. This field represents the conjunction of internet and mobility within the scope of healthcare, in this sense, the mobile apps aimed for mHealth are the best portrayal of the application of ICT to the field of healthcare. Despite the technological advances and their application in the field of medicine, there are still areas within the latter where the application of ICT is almost non-existent, particularly the socio-health care aimed for the caretaking of the elderly and their cognitive rehabilitation. For this purpose, mobile applications are being developed to facilitate the work of the professionals in this sector, especially the volunteers. Therefore, It is within this context where the present final thesis is developed, with the development of a mobile application for Android aimed for monitoring and carrying out cognitive rehabilitation games and the basic activities of daily life. In this context, the role of the patient is represented by elderly person, whom the caretaking is aimed for, and in the role of the health professional, we have the volunteer, whose task is to do a follow up of the elderly person and assist him in the use of the app for carrying out the activities or games that are intended for helping with his cognitive rehabilitation and the basic activities of daily life. In addition to the development of the app, some testing was carried out to assure its correct functioning as well as the creation of a guide in order to help the user. And as a last point, improvements and future possibilities has been analysed in terms of expanding the application's functionalities to adapt it to the future needs of the users.Grado en Ingeniería de Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Onchocerca gutturosa (Neumann, 1910) chez des bovins soudanais. I. Les microfilaires

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    La répartition des microfilaires d'Onchocerca gutturosa chez des bovins soudanais est différente de celle observée chez les bovins européens. On les trouve au milieu du dos et plus particulièrement sur la bosse. Elles sont absentes des oreilles et de la région ombilicale. Le taux d'infestation d'O. gutturosa dans un troupeau constitué d'animaux de tous âges a été déterminé ante mortem comme étant de 27 p. 100. Ce taux augmente nettement avec l'âg

    Onchocerca armillata contains the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia and elicits a limited inflammatory response

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    Human onchocerciasis, also known as River Blindness, is a debilitating disease caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus. Many, but not all, filarial nematodes carry within their tissues endosymbiotic, Rickettsia-like bacteria of the genus Wolbachia. Onchocerca spp. infections in cattle offer the most relevant, analogous host–parasite model system. West African cattle are commonly co-infected with four Onchocerca spp.; two of these are Wolbachia-positive (Onchocerca gutturosa and Onchocerca ochengi), and the remainder are of unknown Wolbachia status (Onchocerca dukei and Onchocerca armillata). Previous studies have suggested that worm survival is dependent on this bacterium. O. armillata, an abundant parasite of African cattle that has received little attention, is a primitive species that may lack Wolbachia. The objectives of this study were to determine if O. armillata carries Wolbachia and to provide preliminary descriptions of the host inflammatory cell environment around the adult worms. The findings may support or refute the hypothesis that a prime contribution of Wolbachia is to permit long-term survival and reproduction of certain Onchocerca spp. (including O. volvulus in humans). O. armillata adult worms were found in the aorta of 90.7% of cattle (n = 54) slaughtered at an abattoir in Ngaoundéré, Adamawa Region, Cameroon. The presence of Wolbachia in O. armillata was confirmed by a specific anti-Wolbachia surface protein antibody detected using a peroxidase conjugate (immunohistochemistry) and PCR for detection of Wolbachia-specific sequences within DNA extracts from frozen worms. Tissue sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin showed the host cell response to be dominated by macrophages and fibroblasts. This is unusual compared with nodule-dwelling Wolbachia-positive Onchocerca spp., where the host response is typically characterised by granulocytes, and suggests that the mechanisms for worm survival employed by this species (which is probably motile) may differ