31 research outputs found

    Content-Aware User Clustering and Caching in Wireless Small Cell Networks

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    In this paper, the problem of content-aware user clustering and content caching in wireless small cell networks is studied. In particular, a service delay minimization problem is formulated, aiming at optimally caching contents at the small cell base stations (SCBSs). To solve the optimization problem, we decouple it into two interrelated subproblems. First, a clustering algorithm is proposed grouping users with similar content popularity to associate similar users to the same SCBS, when possible. Second, a reinforcement learning algorithm is proposed to enable each SCBS to learn the popularity distribution of contents requested by its group of users and optimize its caching strategy accordingly. Simulation results show that by correlating the different popularity patterns of different users, the proposed scheme is able to minimize the service delay by 42% and 27%, while achieving a higher offloading gain of up to 280% and 90%, respectively, compared to random caching and unclustered learning schemes.Comment: In the IEEE 11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 201

    Flexible duplexing and resource optimization in small cell networks

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    Abstract The next-generation networks are set to support a high data rate, low latency, high reliability, and diverse types of services and use cases. These requirements come at the expense of a more complex network management, and asymmetric and time-varying traffic dynamics. Accordingly, future networks will operate at different duplexing modes and with multiple access techniques. This thesis proposes novel transmission strategies and methodologies to dynamically optimize the duplexing modes and allocate resources for small cell based cellular networks. The first part of the thesis studies dynamic time-division-duplex (TDD) operation in dynamic and asymmetric uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) traffic conditions. In this regard, we propose a dynamic TDD framework that optimizes the UL and DL frame configuration and power allocation. Due to the high interference coupling between neighboring small cells, we propose a load-aware clustering method that groups the small cell base stations (SBSs) based on their spatial and load similarities. To balance the UL and DL loads within each cluster, we study the potential of load-based UL/DL decoupled user association in balancing the traffic loads within clusters. In the second part, we study the problem of half-duplex (HD)/full-duplex (FD) mode selection and UL/DL resource and power optimization in small cell networks. Therein, SBSs operate in non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) in both UL and DL to schedule multiple users at the same time-frequency resource. The goal of the study is therefore to select the optimal duplexing and multiple access scheme, based on the traffic load and interference conditions, such that users’ data rates are maximized, while stabilizing traffic queues. Finally, the last part of the thesis looks beyond rate maximization and focuses on ensuring low latency and high reliability in small cell networks providing edge computing services. The problem of distributing wireless resources to users requesting edge computing tasks is cast as a delay minimization problem under stringent reliability constraints. The study investigates the role of proactive computing in ensuring low latency edge computing, while the concept of hedged requests is presented as an enabler for computing service reliability.Tiivistelmä Seuraavan sukupolven verkot suunnitellaan tukemaan suuria tiedonsiirtonopeuksia, pientä latenssia, erinomaista luotettavuutta ja monentyyppisiä palveluja ja käyttötapauksia. Näiden vaatimusten täyttämisen kääntöpuolena ovat entistä monimutkaisemmat verkonhallintatoiminnot sekä epäsymmetrinen ja ajallisesti muuttuva dataliikenteen dynamiikka. Verkot toimivat tulevaisuudessa eri dupleksointitiloissa hyödyntämällä useita eri liittymätekniikoita. Tässä tutkielmassa ehdotetaan uusia siirtostrategioita ja menetelmiä dupleksointitilojen dynaamista optimointia ja resurssien allokointia varten piensoluperustaisissa solukkoverkoissa. Tutkielman alkuosassa tarkastellaan dynaamisen aikajakodupleksin (TDD) toimintaa dataliikenneympäristöissä, joissa on käytössä dynaaminen ja epäsymmetrinen lähetysyhteys (UL) ja laskeva siirtotie (DL). Ehdotamme tältä osin dynaamista TDD-kehystä, joka optimoi UL- ja DL-kehyksen konfiguroinnin ja tehon allokoinnin. Vierekkäisten pienten solujen välisten kytkösten suuren interferenssin takia ehdotamme kuormituksen huomioivaa klusterointimenetelmää, jossa piensolutukiasemat (SBS) ryhmitellään niiden tilallisten ja kuormitusominaisuuksien yhteneväisyyden perusteella. Tutkimme UL- ja DL-kuormitusten tasapainottamista kussakin klusterissa tarkastelemalla UL/DL-yhteyksistä irti kytketyn, kuormitukseen perustuvan käyttäjän yhdistämisen mahdollisuuksia dataliikennekuormituksen tasapainottamisessa. Tutkielman toisessa osassa tarkastellaan puolidupleksi (HD)- ja kaksisuuntaisen (FD) -tilan valinnan ongelmaa ja UL-/DL-resurssien ja tehon optimointia piensoluverkoissa. Siinä piensolutukiasemat toimivat ei-ortogonaalisessa moniliittymässä (NOMA) sekä UL- että DL-yhteyksissä useiden käyttäjien ajoittamiseksi samalle aika-taajuusresurssille. Tutkielman tavoitteena on siten valita optimaalinen dupleksointi- ja moniliittymäkaavio dataliikenteen kuormituksen ja interferenssin perusteella siten, että käyttäjän tiedonsiirtonopeudet voidaan maksimoida ja dataliikennejonot tasata. Lopuksi tutkielman viimeisessä osassa tarkastellaan tiedonsiirtonopeuden maksimoinnin lisäksi pienen latenssin ja suuren luotettavuuden varmistamista piensoluverkoissa, jotka tuottavat reunalaskentapalveluja. Langattomien resurssien jakelemista käyttäjille, jotka vaativat reunalaskentatehtäviä, käsitellään viiveen minimoinnin ongelmana soveltamalla tiukkoja luotettavuusrajoituksia. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan proaktiivisen tietojenkäsittelyn roolia pienen latenssin reunalaskennassa

    An Auction Approach to Resource Allocation with Interference Coordination in LTE-A Systems

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    Abstract-We propose a resource allocation scheme based on the auction algorithm that aims at minimizing inter-cell interference (ICI) in multi-carrier LTE-A systems. The prices paid for resources by cell-edge users are infrequently exchanged between adjacent cells to help deciding who needs a specific resource the most. Furthermore, the Relative Narrowband Transmit Power (RNTP) indicator that is exchanged between cells in the LTE-A system is exploited to minimize the information exchange rate. When RNTP is used, only resources that suffer interference higher than a certain threshold are considered in the price exchange mechanism. Performance evaluation results show that the proposed scheme significantly improves the cell-edge throughput. The use of RNTP not only minimizes the exchange overhead, especially in a multi-carrier scenario, but it also improves the system performance as the cell neighbors would not avoid using a resource unless they are the culprit interferers to the original cell that uses it

    Resource Optimization and Power Allocation in In-Band Full Duplex-Enabled Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, the problem of uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) resource optimization, mode selection, and power allocation is studied for wireless cellular networks under the assumption of in-band full duplex base stations, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) operation, and queue stability constraints. The problem is formulated as a network utility maximization problem for which a Lyapunov framework is used to decompose it into two disjoint subproblems of auxiliary variable selection and rate maximization. The latter is further decoupled into a user association and mode selection (UAMS) problem and a UL/DL power optimization (UDPO) problem that are solved concurrently. The UAMS problem is modeled as a many-to-one matching problem whose goal is to associate users to small cell base stations and select transmission mode (half-/full-duplex and orthogonal/NOMA). Then, an algorithm is proposed to solve the problem by finding a pairwise stable matching. Subsequently, the UDPO problem is formulated as a sequence of convex problems and is solved using the concave-convex procedure. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is effective in allocating UL and DL power levels after dynamically selecting the operating mode and the served users, under different traffic intensity conditions, network density, and self-interference cancellation capability. The proposed scheme is shown to achieve up to 63% and 73% of gains in UL and DL packet throughput, and 21% and 17% in UL and DL cell edge throughput, respectively, compared with the existing baseline schemes

    Toward low-latency and ultra-reliable virtual reality

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    Abstract VR is expected to be one of the killer applications in 5G networks. However, many technical bottlenecks and challenges need to be overcome to facilitate its wide adoption. In particular, VR requirements in terms of high throughput, low latency, and reliable communication call for innovative solutions and fundamental research cutting across several disciplines. In view of the above, this article discusses the challenges and enablers for ultra-reliable and low-latency VR. Furthermore, in an interactive VR gaming arcade case study, we show that a smart network design that leverages the use of mmWave communication, edge computing, and proactive caching can achieve the future vision of VR over wireless