228 research outputs found

    Ultasonographical examination of one humped camels´(Camelus dromedarius)liver with some haematological and biochemical aspects

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the suitable site to examine the liver by transcutaenous ultrasonography and to describe the echo pattern of the hepatic parenchyma and hepatic vessels in apparently healthy dromedary camels. The study was conducted on two groups of camels; Group I consisted of forty-one camels from Sudan and Egypt with the weight range of 350-550 kg. Camels in Group II (four camels) were studied in Germany their body weight ranged 400-600 kg. Body temperature, pulse, heart and respiratory rates, blood haematology and biochemistry, hump height and circumference were determined. Sternal recumbancy was found to be the most suitable and safer position to perform all the above mentioned examinations. Mean and standard deviation of the hump height and circumference in Group I were 23.1 ± 6.1cm and 87.6 ± 35.9 cm respectively, and 38.3 ± 9.9 cm and 139.0 ± 21.7 cm, respectively in Group II. Body temperature ranged 35.8°C to 40°C (Group I) and 34.5°C to 36.4 °C (Group II); pulse rate ranged 35 to 55 beats/min (Group I) and from 30 to 45 (Group II) beats/min; respiratory rate was 10 to 22 breaths/ min (Group I) and 9 to 4 (Group II) breaths/ min. Blood parameters including total and differential (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monophiles and eosinophils) white blood cell count as well as Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC were measured in both groups. There was no significant difference in these values in animals in both groups. Blood biochemistry including AST, ALT, ALB, BIL, TG, ALP, GGT and GLDH was also measured in both groups. There were no significant differences between these values in Group I and Group II. The liver could be ultrasonographically visualized in the area extending from the 11th to the 6th intercostal space (ICS) on the right side of the animal. The transverse process of the 2nd lumbar vertebrum was considered as a reference point. The mean distance between the RP and the dorsal and ventral liver margins was measured in both groups. The difference between these values in both groups was not significant. The parenchymal pattern of the normal camel liver consisted of numerous medium echoes homogenously distributed all over the area of the liver. Fissures were observed in the visceral liver surface in the 10th to the 7th ICS. Hepatic and portal veins could be visualized within the normal liver textures. The caudal vena cava was characterized by an oval shape in cross section and visualized in the 11th and 10th ICS. Porta hepatis was found at the same level of the point of the shoulder joint at a distance of 70.3 ± 6.3 cm and 73.2 ± 4.4 cm from it in Group I and Group II, respectively. The portal vein was best visualized in the 10th ICS with diameter and depth of 33.4 ± 7.1 mm (Group I) and 35.0 ± 5.1 mm (Group II) and 42.0 ± 1.8 mm (Group I) and 72.7 ± 4.7 mm (Group II), respectively. The thickness of the dorsal and ventral liver margins at the 10th ICS was thinner as it progressed cranially. The dorsal margin was usually thinner than the ventral margin in all intercostal spaces in both groups of camels. The whole liver length which could be ultrasonographically examined in the area from the 11th to the 6th intercostal spaces in Group I and Group II were (53.0 ± 7.1 cm) and (60.5 ± 5.7 cm), respectively. This work represents the first study on ultrasonographical examination of the liver in the one humped camel. The presented data can form base line values for future use of ultrasound in diagnosis of liver diseases in the dromedary camel. The technique is non-invasive and has the advantage that it can be applied in sitting non-tranquilized animals

    Effects of heating, breathing, hair style, posture, and air velocity on breathing zone concentrations for an anthropometrically-correct manikin in a wind tunnel

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    Ethanol concentrations were measured on an anthropometrically correct, heated, breathing manikin holding a source in its hands at waist height while both sitting and standing in a wind tunnel. The manikin was oriented with its back to the cross draft velocity. Sampling probes were placed at the manikin\u27s mouth, nose, forehead, neck, both collars, center chest and both lapels. Samples were taken from each probe concurrently for 15 minutes by drawing air at 0.15 L/min into separate Teflon(TM) bags using separate sampling lines. The work was divided into two studies each having factorial study designs and two replications of each treatment combination. Study I test conditions were 5 levels of cross-draft velocities (11, 27, 48, 82 and 104 ft/min), two levels of body heat (unheated/heated), and two levels of posture (sitting/standing). Study II conditions included the same postures and levels of velocities as well as two levels of breathing (breathing/no breathing) and two levels of hair style (wig/no wig) for a heated manikin.;The results of Study I showed that wind tunnel velocity (V), heating, the interaction of heating and velocity, and the interaction of posture and velocity each had a statistically significant (p\u3c0.001) effect on log-transformed concentrations for all sampling locations. For the unheated manikin, concentrations for all sampling locations declined monotonically with wind tunnel velocity. However, for the heated conditions, concentrations varied with an inverted-V relationship with wind tunnel velocity. As expected, the effect of body heat was found to be more substantial at lower velocities (11 to 48 fpm) than at higher velocities (48 to 104 fpm). No unheated conditions were investigated in the second study because the first study established the importance of heating the manikin. The results of the heated conditions of Study II showed the same inverted-V relationship with velocity and similar effects of posture for all combinations of wig and breathing. Breathing was significant at all sampling locations. The interactions of breathing with other variables were significant at some locations but not at others.;In comparing ratios of concentrations of other locations to the concentrations measured at the mouth the ideal ratio is unity, but a ratio that varies little with velocity, posture, and other variables would allow use of correction factors. The results showed that the ratios deviated substantially from unity for most treatment combinations for every sampling location both for unheated and heated conditions and their deviations varied significantly with treatment conditions. These ratios were significantly related (p\u3c0.01) to velocity and posture at every location. Heating and the interaction of heating with other variables were significant (p\u3c0.05) for nearly all sampling locations. Likewise, breathing and wig and their interactions with other variables were significant for nearly all locations.;At the middle range of velocities, the collars, lapels, and lower sternum produced large (e.g., 100%) over-estimations for standing and large underestimations (e.g., 50%) for sitting. Surprisingly, the nose deviation ranged from 60% to 155%. The most reliable location was the neck followed by the forehead, but neither was consistently within 20% of the mouth

    Manfort, a blend from plant extracts used for infertility treatment and improvement of testicular histology

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    Background: Flavonoids and polyphenols are groups of natural substances have variable phenolic configurations, many benefits as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants, and have many protective roles against male reproductive system disorders. Objective of this study was to study the safety as well as the efficacy of a blend from some plants extracts with precise ratios and rich with flavonoids and polyphenols named in this study as “Manfort” on the safety, fertility, and testicular histology in the male mice.Methods: Firstly, some mice were used to evaluate the safety of Manfort and the levels of the testosterone in the serum of the treated animals with Manfort using biochemical analysis. Also, the efficacy of the Manfort on the histological architectures of the treated testis was evaluated using histological techniques.Results: The mice treated with Manfort did not show any signs of mortality, toxicities and blood contents changes. Furthermore, testosterone levels in the serum elevated after administration with Manfort twice a day for 21 days compared with the non-treated mice. Additionally, the histological structures of the testis improved in the mice treated with Manfort compared with that in the non-treated animals.Conclusions: In general flavonoids and polyphenols, which were found in the Manfort diet in a large amount, have important role in as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and improve the fertility in the male mice. In the future these data might be very important to manufacture a drug composed from safe natural products for infertility and intractable diseases treatment

    Ovatrine, a compound from plant extracts, used for female infertility treatment and increase the number of ovarian follicles

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    Background: Recently natural products extracted from medical plants are very important in the field of alternative medicine. Glycosides, flavonoids and polyphenols are components of natural molecules have several health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants, and have many ameliorative roles against male and female reproductive system intractable disorders. Objective of this study was to the compound of the plant extracts blend which is rich with glycosides, flavonoids and polyphenols was named as Ovatrine. The safety as well as the efficacy of some medical plants extracts on the fertility of the female mice was investigated using Ovatrine.Methods: Firstly, the safety of Ovatrine was evaluated using some mice and the levels of the follicle stimulating hormone in the serum of the treated animals with Ovatrine was evaluated using biochemical tests. Also, the effects of the Ovatrine on the histological parameters of the treated ovary and uterus were evaluated using histological analysis.Results: The animals treated with Ovatrine were healthy and did not show any signs of mortality, toxicities and there were no blood contents changes. Additionally, follicle stimulating hormone level in the serum increased after administration with Ovatrine twice a day for 30 days as compared with the non-treated animals. Furthermore, the histological structures of the ovary and uterus improved in the mice treated with Ovatrine compared with that in the non-treated mice.Conclusions: In general glycosides, flavonoids and polyphenols, which were found in the Ovatrine in a higher concentration, have important health benefits such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and improve the fertility in the female mice. In the future this study will be very important for drug development which composed mainly from safe natural products and used for infertility and intractable diseases treatment

    CEO political ideology and mergers and acquisitions decisions

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    We examine the relation between CEOs political ideology and their firms\u27 investment decisions, particularly their M&A decisions. Employing individual financial contributions data for the period from 1993 to 2006, we find that firm\u27s investment decisions vary with CEO\u27s political ideology. Our evidence indicates that Republican CEOs are less likely to engage in M&A activities. When they do undertake acquisitions, they are more likely to use cash as the method of payment, and their targets are more likely to be public firms and to be from the same industry. Further, Republican CEOs tend to avoid high information asymmetry acquisitions that involve the use of “earnout” clauses. Conditional on the merger, CEO political ideology appears to have a significantly impact on long-run firm valuation. However, we find no evidence that CEO political ideology creates value in the short-run. All our results are robust to controlling for CEO overconfidence

    Natural Disaster Risk and Corporate Leverage

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    Firms located in more disaster-prone counties adopt more conservative leverage policies than those in less disaster-prone counties. Compared to peers in the least disastrous areas, firms in the most disastrous areas are less levered by 3.6 percentage points, equivalent of foregoing $13.47 million. We argue that this systematic difference in leverage is attributed to elevated operating disruption, increased cost of capital, and tightened financial flexibility. Our findings indicate that firms incorporate natural disaster risk in financing decision, which is consistent with the trade-off theory of capital structure

    CEO political ideology and management earnings forecast

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    Republican CEOs are more likely to issue earnings forecasts and to issue forecasts that are more accurate and timely. Republican CEOs favor range and less optimistic forecasts, convey more negative news, and have more positive earnings surprises. We address endogeneity using propensity score matching and difference-in-difference estimates. Our results are robust to controlling for CEO characteristics, incentives, overconfidence, and managerial ability, and are stronger for firms with a high level of institutional ownership and litigation risk. The preference for threat and ambiguity avoidance of conservative CEOs seem to outweigh the tendency to seize on information associated with their authoritarian personalities

    Comparative study of tricuspid valve repair using ring vs. synthetic band in severe functional tricuspid valve regurgitation

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    Background: Functional tricuspid valve regurgitation secondary to left-sided valve disease remains a common problem. There are different surgical techniques for tricuspid valve repair; however, the superiority of one approach over the other has not been proven. Our objective was to compare the short-term results of ring versus synthetic band annuloplasty to repair functional severe tricuspid regurgitation in patients with left-sided valve lesions. Methods: This retrospective study includes 60 patients who underwent left-sided valve replacement with concomitant tricuspid valve repair for severe tricuspid regurgitation. Patients were divided into group A (n= 30), patients with rigid rings, and group B (n= 30), patients with synthetic bands. Results: The preoperative demographic and clinical data were non-significant between both groups. In the preoperative data, the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) was significantly higher in the ring group (2.84 ± 0.53 vs. 2.3 ± 0.4, P< 0.001). Hospital stay was more prolonged in group B (10.05 ± 1.57 vs. 11.7 ± 2.76 days, P=0.006). There were no differences in other operative and postoperative data between groups. After a six-month follow-up, both groups had no significant difference regarding the clinical data or the degree of tricuspid valve regurgitation. Conclusion: Tricuspid valve annuloplasty with a rigid ring or synthetic band for tricuspid regurgitation could have a good short-term outcome