234 research outputs found

    A Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Cloud Computing Security

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    Performing smart computations in a context of cloud computing and big data is highly appreciated today. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a smart category of encryption schemes that allows working with the data in its encrypted form. It permits us to preserve confidentiality of our sensible data and to benefit from cloud computing powers. Currently, it has been demonstrated by many existing schemes that the theory is feasible but the efficiency needs to be dramatically improved in order to make it usable for real applications. One subtle difficulty is how to efficiently handle the noise. This paper aims to introduce an efficient and verifiable FHE based on a new mathematic structure that is noise free

    A Like ELGAMAL Cryptosystem But Resistant To Post-Quantum Attacks

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    The Modulo 1 Factoring Problem (M1FP) is an elegant mathematical problem which could be exploited to design safe cryptographic protocols and encryption schemes that resist to post quantum attacks. The ELGAMAL encryption scheme is a well-known and efficient public key algorithm designed by Taher ELGAMAL from discrete logarithm problem. It is always highly used in Internet security and many other applications after a large number of years. However, the imminent arrival of quantum computing threatens the security of ELGAMAL cryptosystem and impose to cryptologists to prepare a resilient algorithm to quantum computer-based attacks. In this paper we will present a like-ELGAMAL cryptosystem based on the M1FP NP-hard problem. This encryption scheme is very simple but efficient and supposed to be resistant to post quantum attacks

    An improved Framework for Biometric Database’s privacy

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    Security and privacy are huge challenges in biometric systems. Biometrics are sensitive data that should be protected from any attacker and especially attackers targeting the confidentiality and integrity of biometric data. In this paper an extensive review of different physiological biometric techniques is provided. A comparative analysis of the various sus mentioned biometrics, including characteristics and properties is conducted. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the most relevant physiological biometrics is achieved. Furthermore, we propose a new framework for biometric database privacy. Our approach is based on the use of the promising fully homomorphic encryption technology. As a proof of concept, we establish an initial implementation of our security module using JAVA programming language

    Performance Evaluation of 60-GHz-WPAN System Distributed Over Multi-Mode Fiber

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    The manuscript deals with the assessment of Radio over Fiber (RoF) system including pure electrical baseband, pure radio frequency band centered around 60 GHz, and hybrid radiooptical system at the same RF band using a global simulation.In this work we focus on RoF solution to improve the low coverage of the 60 GHz channel caused by high free-space attenuation. A realistic co-simulation of the Wireless PersonalArea Network (WPAN) IEEE802.15.3c-RoF was performed in aresidential environment for Line-Of-Sight (LOS) and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS). In this work, we demonstrated a 60 GHz radio on Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF) using Optical Carrier Suppression (OCS) modulation. The BER (Bit Error Ratio) performance of this system is measured by varying the following parameters: optical launched power, fiber length, modulation format, Channel coding and Signal to Noise Ratio. We show that the RoF at 60 GHz can reach a minimum of 300 m of MMF without optical amplifiers followed by a 5 m wireless transmission with BER less than 10-3 in the LOS and NLOS environments

    Role of ethylene on various ripening pathways and on the development of sensory quality of Charentais cantaloupe melons

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    Charentais melons (Cucumis melo L., var cantalupensis Naud.) in which ethylene biosynthesis has been suppressed by an antisense ACC oxidase gene have been used to better understand the role of ethylene in the regulation of the ripening process of climacteric fruit and on the development of sensory qualities. We have shown that a number of biochemical and molecular processes associated with the ripening of climacteric fruit are ethylene-independent. In some cases, such as softening of the flesh, the same pathway comprises both ethylene-dependent and -independent components. The various ethylene-dependent events exhibit differential sensitivity to ethylene. The threshold level for degreening of the rind is 1 ppm, while 2.5 ppm are required to trigger the ethylene-dependent component of the softening process. The saturating level of ethylene for all these events is less than 5 ppm, which is by far lower than the internal ethylene concentrations found in the fruit at the climacteric peak (around 100 ppm). Detachment of the fruit influences the development of respiratory climacteric. Fruit remaining attached to the vine, although producing higher levels of ethylene, exhibit a reduced climacteric rise in respiration as compared to detached fruit. The response of antisense ACO fruit to exogenous ethylene in terms of respiration is higher in detached than in attached fruit. Ethylene-suppressed melons show a severe reduction of aroma volatiles production, particularly in ester production. In the biosynthetic pathway of aliphatic esters, the dehydrogenation of fatty acids and aldehydes appears to be ethylene-dependent. In contrast, alcohol acetylation comprises ethylene-dependent and ethylene-independent components, probably corresponding to differentially regulated alcohol acetyl transferases. In terms of sensory quality, these data show that the extension of shelf-life through the inhibition of ethylene production has some beneficial effects on texture and sugar accumulation but is detrimental for the generation of aroma

    SIRANE modeling of oxides nitrogen (NOx) and ozone (O3) in the area of Agadir city, southwestern Morocco.

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    This work aimed to model the dispersion of the traffic emissions for the first time in the area of Agadir city (Morocco). The estimate of road emission (from vehicle counts) was performed with Circul’air software version 4.0 which is based on the European methodology Copert 4. While the dispersion modelling was performed using SIRANE model, an important tool which adopts the classic NOx photochemical process. The input data are pollutant emissions, background concentrations, meteorological parameters and building configuration data from QGIS software as well as a list of other factors such as latitude, albedo, etc.   Finally, the quality of the output results was validated by comparing observed measurements and modelled data

    Pathotypic diversity of Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem) in Tunisia

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    Scald, caused by Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem), is an important disease of barley in Tunisia particularly in northern, northwestern and central parts of the country where the climate is usually cold and wet during most of the barley growing season. Pathogenic variability of the barley scald pathogen in Tunisia was determined by testing the pathogenicity of 100 isolates from 5 different regions on 19 host differentials. Pathotypic diversity was high, with 93 R. secalis pathotypes identified on two differential sets (one comprising 9 and the other 10 barley lines) containing known resistance genes. A few pathotypes comprised 2% of the isolates; however, the majorities were represented by a single isolate. None of the differential lines was resistant to all isolates. The differential cultivar “Astrix” was the least compatible with the scald pathotypes followed by the differential cultivars “Atlas” and “Abyssinia”. Compatibility of the pathotypes on “Rihane” (69%) was close to that on “Osiris” (73%) and “La Mesita” (61%). None of the pathotypes was found in all the five regions of Tunisia surveyed. Some pathotypes were specific to a single region while others were found in several regions. The incidence of pathotypes varied considerably among regions, with region 3 (northwestern Tunisia) comprising the largest number of pathotypes. Virulent pathotypes were recovered in all regions but more pathotypic variability (44%) was observed in the semi-arid region 3. Differential cultivars allowed classification of R. secalis in four virulence groups. Canonical discriminant analysis showed no apparent association between virulence and geographical origin of the populations. Pathogenic variability in R. secalis in Tunisia was found not to be associated with geographical region, hence, the necessity for deployment of different resistance sources in major barley growing areas.Key words: Rhynchosporium secalis, barley, virulence groups, pathotypic variation
