12 research outputs found

    Plant growth regulators induced urease activity in Cucurbita pepo L. cotyledons

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    This study is aimed to investigate the activity of urease (EC, urea amidohydrolase) that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea in 5-day-old Cucurbita pepo cotyledons subjected to various concentrations of different growth regulators. The treatment of C. pepo cotyledons with different concentrations (100–600 μmol) of different auxins [indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole butyric acid (IBA), indole propionic acid (IPA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)]; or with different concentrations (100–300 μmol) of different cytokinins [kinetin, zeatin and benzyladenine (6-BA)] resulted in a significant increase of urease activity, compared to control. The optimal effects were recorded for each of 500 μmol of IAA and 300 μmol of zeatin treatments. A gradual increase in urease activity was detected in cotyledons treated with various concentrations (0.2–1.0 mM) of 28-homobrassinolide (HBL), in relative to control. A substantial increase in urease activity was observed in cotyledons subjected to different concentrations of triazole (10–60 mg L–1), containing either triadimefon (TDM) or hexaconazole (HEX), compared to control. The combination of 300 μmol zeatin with any of protein inhibitors, namely 5-fluorouridine (FUrd), cordycepin and α-amanitin, resulted in the alleviation of their inhibitory effect on the urease activity

    Evaluation of Allelopathic Potential of Rumex dentatus Root Extract and Allelochemicals on Cicer arietinum

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the allelopathic potential of root extract of Rumex dentatus L. and various allelochemicals on some physiological parameters in roots of Cicer arietinum L. The tested allelochemicals were benzoic, caffeic, cinnamic, ferulic, gallic, sinapic and vanillic acids. Seed germination of Cicer was inhibited by Rumex extract. Lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide production increased gradually in response to extract concentration as well as allelochemicals treatment. The total soluble protein decreased whereas the total phenol increased under the various treatments. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD: and catalase (CAT: increased continuously with increasing extract concentration. However, peroxidase (POD: increased sharply at 2% (w/v) followed by reduction at the higher concentrations and reached 1.1 U g-1 fresh weight at 10% (w/v) which was still higher than that of the control value. Ferulic acid was the most effective inducer for SOD activity followed by cinnamic acid. The POD activity increased remarkably particularly with cinnamic, benzoic and gallic acids. Sinapic, ferulic and coumaric acids enhanced CAT activity by 150.4%, 139.5% and 124.4%, respectively. The results reveal the possible use of R. dentatus as bioherbicide

    Various Extracts of Some Medicinal Plants as Inhibitors for Beta-lactamase Activity

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    تمت دراسة التأثير المثبط لإنزيم بيتا لاكتاماز من  S. sciuriو Klebsiella pneumoniae بواسطة مستخلصات لعشرة نباتات طبية وقد تمت عملية الاستخلاص باستخدام الاسيتون والايثانول والماء في المختبر بطريقة طبق أجار اليود - النشا ، وأظهرت النتائج أن طريقة طبق أجار اليود - النشا يمكن استخدامها للكشف عن مثبطات البيتا لاكتاماز من المستخلصات النباتية المستخدمة قيد البحث. وقد أظهرت ثلاثــة مستخــلصات نبــاتية  وهي الونكا Catharanthus roseus, الكافور Eucalyptus camaldulensis  والفلفل العريض Schinus terebinthifolius) فعالية واضحة لتثبيط بيتا لاكتاماز من  Staphylococcus sciuri. وعلي الجانب الآخر  أظهرت مستخلصات نباتات الكافور Eucalyptus camaldulensis  والفلفل العريض Schinus terebinthifolius) نشاط مثبطا لبيتا لاكتاماز المعزول من  Klebsiella pneumoniae. وأوضحت النتائج أن مستخلصات الأسيتون كانت الأكثر تثبيطا للإنزيم من مستخلصات الإيثانول  والمستخلصات المائية. وأظهرت النتائج أن بيتا لاكتاماز المعزول من  S. sciuri كان الأكثر تأثــراً سلبا بواسطــة المستخلصات النباتية من بيتا لاكتــاماز المعزول من  .K. pneumoniaThe inhibitory effect of acetone, ethanol, and aqueous extracts of ten medicinal plants on β-lactamase from Staphylococcus sciuri and Klebsiella pneumoniae was investigated in vitro by starch-iodine agar plate method. The results revealed the success of starch-iodine method for the detection of the inhibition of β-lactamase activity by the various extracts of each individual plant. The acetone extracts of Catharanthus roseus, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and Schinus terebinthifolius induced an inhibitory effect on β-lactamase from Staphylococcus sciuri. On the other hand, acetone extracts from only Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and Schinus terebinthifolius expressed strong inhibitory effect on β-lactamase from Klebsiella pneumoniae. The acetone extracts expressed the highest inhibition for β-lactamases activity compared to ethanolic and aqueous extracts which exhibited appreciable inhibitory effect. β-lactamase from S. sciuri was inhibited by extracts from C. roseus, E. camaldulensis and S. terebinthifolius whereas β-lactamase from K. pneumoniae was inhibited only by extracts from E. camaldulensis and S. terebinthifolius

    Induction, immobilization, modification and natural inhibitors of α-glucosidase from Penicillum chrysogenum

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    α-glucosidase (EC: was isolated from Penicillum chrysogenum. The enzyme was enhanced by plant growth regulators such as gibberellic acid (GA3), benzylaminopurine (BAP) and kinetin. Dansyl chloride inhibited the enzyme at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mM with T0.5 67, 52.2, 34.4 and 23.3 min, respectively. The substrate offered partial protection for the enzyme against dansyl chloride inhibition. The enzyme was activated by Ca2+ and Mg2+. However, Pb2+, Cd2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Hg2+ inhibited α-glucosidase activity. The enzyme was immobilized on Ca alginate and the optimal concentration for 3% w/v. The optimal concentration of CaCl2 was recorded at 3 mM. The optimal CaCl2 concentration and the optimum time for immobilization was 3mM and 4hr. The enzyme was inhibited by aqueous extracts of Datura stramonium, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Hyoscymus muticus and Cynodon dactylon. The IC50 values for the four extracts were 59.1, 73.6, 68.5 and 77.1 µg ml-1, respectively

    Gamma radiation effects on vitamins, antioxidant, internal and molecular structure of Purslane seeds

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    Purslane contains the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and has better nutritional quality. Gamma irradiation is harmless and dependable method for refining the shelf life and nutritional quality of the stored seeds. The aim of this research is to study the influence of irradiation by gamma on structure, ascorbic acid and phenolic content of Purslane seeds. The results show that, ascorbic acid, phenolic content, carbohydrate and protein content in Purslane seeds decreased after exposed by gamma rays. Super oxidase dismutase, fat and fiber content in Purslane seeds increased after exposed by gamma radiation. The shape, size, interconnection and arrangement of molecules in/or around benzene ring in Purslane cells changed after exposure to gamma radiation

    Use of tyrosinase from Rumex dentatus roots for decontamination of water polluted with phenols

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    Thiolation of Myco-Synthesized Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>-NPs: A Novel Promising Tool for <i>Penicillium expansium</i> Laccase Immobilization to Decolorize Textile Dyes and as an Application for Anticancer Agent

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    Environmental pollution due to the continuous uncontrolled discharge of toxic dyes into the water bodies provides insight into the need to eliminate pollutants prior to discharge is significantly needed. Recently, the combination of conventional chemotherapeutic agents and nanoparticles has attracted considerable attention. Herein, the magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4-NPs) were synthesized using metabolites of Aspergillus niger. Further, the surfaces of Fe3O4-NPs were functionalized using 3-mercaptoproionic acid as confirmed by XRD, TEM, and SEM analyses. A purified P. expansum laccase was immobilized onto Fe3O4/3-MPA-SH and then the developed immobilized laccase (Fe3O4/3-MPA-S-S-laccase) was applied to achieve redox-mediated degradation of different dyes. The Fe3O4/3-MPA-S-S-laccase exhibited notably improved stability toward pH, temperature, organic solvents, and storage periods. The Fe3O4/3-MPA-S-S-laccase exhibited appropriate operational stability while retaining 84.34% of its initial activity after 10 cycles. The catalytic affinity (Kcat/Km) of the immobilized biocatalyst was increased above 10-fold. The experimental data showed remarkable improvement in the dyes’ decolorization using the immobilized biocatalyst in the presence of a redox mediator in seven successive cycles. Thus, the prepared novel nanocomposite-laccase can be applied as an alternative promising strategy for bioremediation of textile wastewater. The cytotoxic level of carboplatin and Fe3O4-NPs singly or in combination on various cell lines was concentration-dependent

    Alleviation of Lead Stress on Sage Plant by 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA)

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    Oxidative stress is imparted by a varying range of environmental factors involving heavy metal stress. Thus, the mechanisms of antioxidant resistance may advance a policy to improve metal tolerance. Lead as a toxic heavy metal negatively affects the metabolic activities and growth of medicinal and aromatic plants. This investigation aimed to assess the function of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in the alleviation of Pb stress in sage plants (Salvia officinalis L.) grown either hydroponically or in pots. Various concentrations of Pb (0, 100, 200, and 400 µM) and different concentrations of ALA (0, 10, and 20 mg L−1) were tested. This investigation showed that Pb altered the physiological parameters. Pb stress differentially reduced germination percentage and protein content compared to control plants. However, lead stress promoted malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 contents in the treated plants. Also, lead stress enhanced the anti-oxidative enzyme activities; ascorbate peroxidase superoxide, dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase in Salvia plants. ALA application enhanced the germination percentage and protein content compared to their corresponding controls. Whereas, under ALA application MDA and H2O2 contents, as well as the activities of SOD, APX, GPX, and GR, were lowered. These findings suggest that ALA at the 20 mgL−1 level protects the Salvia plant from Pb stress. Therefore, the results recommend ALA application to alleviate Pb stress

    Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds.

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    Gad D, El-Shora H, Fraternale D, Maricchiolo E, Pompa A, Dietz K-J. Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021;22(4): 2149.The present study aimed to investigate the enzymatic potential of Silybum marianum leaves to bioconvert phenolic acids produced in S. marianum callus into silymarin derivatives as chemopreventive agent. Here we demonstrate that despite the fact that leaves of S. marianum did not accumulate silymarin themselves, expanding leaves had the full capacity to convert di-caffeoylquinic acid to silymarin complex. This was proven by HPLC separations coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis. Soaking the leaf discs with S. marianum callus extract for different times revealed that silymarin derivatives had been formed at high yield after 16 h. Bioconverted products displayed the same retention time and the same mass spectra (MS or MS/MS) as standard silymarin. Bioconversion was achieved only when using leaves of a specific age, as both very young and old leaves failed to produce silymarin from callus extract. Only medium leaves had the metabolic capacity to convert callus components into silymarin. The results revealed higher activities of enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway in medium leaves than in young and old leaves. It is concluded that cotyledon-derived callus efficiently produces compounds that can be bio-converted to flavonolignans in leaves tissue of S. marianum