891 research outputs found

    Implementing a Three-Tier Data Warehouse

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    This paper aims at developing a 3-tier inter-universities data warehouse prototype for the Egyptian universities. The implementation scope is restricted to the student enrollment process. The bottom-up approach and the multi-tier (3-tier) client/server architecture were used to implement the proposed prototype. The implementation required a number of steps to be undertaken. First, a star schema data warehouse was built based on an operational database of a public university. Second, another star schema data warehouse was built based on an operational database of a private university. Third, data from the two warehouses were abstracted to formulate the inter-universities data warehouse (tier 3). Hence, a data cube based on the resulting interuniversities data warehouse was developed using an OLAP server (tier 2). The data cube is then accessed by a client tool (tier 1) for the purpose of query and analysis. Although two universities were used to implement the interuniversities data warehouse, this scenario could be applied with any number of universities in a quite similar way. This inter-universities prototype is scalable and flexible to retain more than two universities regardless of the size of the operational databases. The interuniversities prototype fosters the coordination between participating universities and supports the decision making process. The proposed system could be used to generate a variety of strategic reports

    Učinak temperature i dodatka indija na mehanička svojstva legure Al–0.21wt%Au

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    Tensile characteristics of both Al–0.21wt%Au and Al–0.21wt%Au–0.21wt%In alloys were investigated in the temperature range 493 K to 553 K. The coefficient of work hardening, χ = ∂σ2/∂ÂČ, yield stress, σy, and fracture stress, σf , decreased with increasing deformation temperature (T) and exhibited abrupt increase at about 523 K. On the other hand, the fracture strain, ÂČf , and dislocation slip distance, L, increased with increasing deformation temperature and exhibited minima at about 523 K. The activation energy was determined in the range around 523 K to clarify the observed change in the behaviour of the hardening characteristics of the investigated samples.IstraĆŸivali smo istezna svojstva legura Al–0.21wt%Au i Al–0.21wt%Au–0.21wt%In na temperaturama 493 K do 553 K. Koeficijent mehaničkog očvrơćivanja, χ = ∂σ2/∂ÂČ, granica elastičnosti, σy, i granica loma, σf , smanjuju se pri poviĆĄenim temperaturama istezanja (T) te pokazuju nagao porast na oko 523 K. Nasuprot tome, lomno istezanje, ÂČf , i prosječna duljina klizanja dislokacija, L, povećali su se s poviĆĄenom temperaturom istezanja, a pokazuju i minimum na oko 523 K. Radi objaĆĄnjenja opaĆŸenih promjena u procesu očvrơćivanja ispitivanih uzoraka odredili smo aktivacijsku energiju na temperaturama oko 523 K

    Gene polymorphisms of TNF-α and IL-10 related to rheumatic heart disease

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    Background: Rheumatic fever (RF) is inherited as a single recessive gene. Several genes are Likely to predispose an individual to develop rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). Polymorphisms of TNF-α gene were associated with susceptibility to develop RF.T cells from all rheumatic fever patients produce significant amounts of TNF-α in response to steptococcal peptides with the highest production attained by the chronic rheumatic heart disease patients,and IL-10 expression was characterized in heart tissue of RHD patients by immuno-histochemistry. Objectives: To test the relation of RHD and gene polymorphisms of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α gene at position -308 and anti–inflammatory IL-10 gene at position -1082. Subjects and Methods: This study included 20 children with chronic rheumatic heart disease (group A) and 10 healthy children as a control group (Group B). Patients group was classified into patients with single and multiple valvular lesions, both of them were classified according to the severity by Echocardiography into: Group I: mild valvular lesion (n=7) Group II: Moderate lesion (n=4) Group III: severe lesion (n=9) Real time PCR was done for both TNF-α at-308 and IL-10 at position – 1082.Results: All cases showed significant higher frequency of TNF-α homozygous genotype G/G compared to control group (

    On the stability of a fractional-order differential equation with nonlocal initial condition

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    The topic of fractional calculus (integration and differentiation of fractional-order), which concerns singular integral and integro-differential operators, is enjoying interest among mathematicians, physicists and engineers. In this work, we investigate initial value problem of fractional-order differential equation with nonlocal condition. The stability (and some other properties concerning the existence and uniqueness) of the solution will be proved

    Weighted Cauchy-type problem of a functional differ-integral equation

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    In this work, we are concerned with a nonlinear weighted Cauchy type problem of a differ-integral equation of fractional order. We will prove some local and global existence theorems for this problem, also we will study the uniqueness and stability of its solution

    Neutral Higgs-pair production at Linear Colliders within the general 2HDM: quantum effects and triple Higgs boson self-interactions

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    The pairwise production of neutral Higgs bosons is analyzed in the context of the future linear colliders, such as the ILC and CLIC, within the general Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM). The corresponding cross-sections are computed at the one-loop level in full compliance with the current phenomenological bounds and the stringent theoretical constraints inherent to the consistency of the model. We uncover regions across the 2HDM parameter space, mainly for low tan\beta near 1 and moderate values of the relevant lambda_5 parameter, wherein the radiative corrections to the Higgs-pair production cross sections can comfortably reach 50% This behavior can be traced back to the enhancement capabilities of the trilinear Higgs self-interactions -- a trademark feature of the 2HDM, with no counterpart in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Interestingly enough, the quantum effects are positive for energies around 500 GeV, thereby producing a significant enhancement in the expected number of events precisely around the fiducial startup energy of the ILC. The Higgs-pair production rates can be substantial, typically amounting to a few thousand events per 500 inverse femtobarn of integrated luminosity. In contrast, the corrections are negative in the highest energy range (1 TeV). We also compare the exclusive pairwise production of Higgs bosons with the inclusive gauge boson fusion channels leading to 2H+X finals states, and also with the exclusive triple Higgs boson production. We find that these multiparticle final states can be highly complementary in the overall Higgs bosons search strategy.Comment: 42 pages, 23 figures, 10 tables. Accepted in Phys. Rev. D (the published version is shorter
