20 research outputs found

    Toward digital twins for sawmill production planning and control : benefits, opportunities and challenges

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    Sawmills are key elements of the forest product industry supply chain, and they play important economic, social, and environmental roles. Sawmill production planning and control are, however, challenging owing to severalfactors, including, but not limited to, the heterogeneity of the raw material. The emerging concept of digital twins introduced in the context of Industry 4.0 has generated high interest and has been studied in a variety of domains, including production planning and control. In this paper, we investigate the benefits digital twins would bring to the sawmill industry via a literature review on the wider subject of sawmill production planning and control. Opportunities facilitating their implementation, as well as ongoing challenges from both academic and industrial perspectives, are also studied

    Social dimensions in cps & iot based automated production systems

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    Since the 1970s, the application of microprocessor in industrial machinery and the development of computer systems have transformed the manufacturing landscape. The rapid integration and automation of production systems have outpaced the development of suitable human design criteria, creating a deepening gap between humans and systems in which human was seen as an important source of errors and disruptions. Today, the situation seems different: the scientific and public debate about the concept of Industry 4.0 has raised awareness about the central role humans have to play in manufacturing systems, the design of which must be considered from the very beginning. The future of industrial systems, as represented by Industry 4.0, will rely on the convergence of several research fields such as Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), but also socio-technical fields such as social approaches within technical systems. This article deals with different human social dimensions associated with CPS and IoT and focuses on their conceptual evolution regarding automated production systems’ sociability, notably by bringing humans back in the loop. Hereby, this paper aims to take stock of current research trends to show the importance of integrating human operators as a part of a socio-technical system based autonomous and intelligent products or resources. Consequently, different models of sociability as a way to integrate humans in the broad sense and/or the develop future automated production systems have been identified from the literature and analysed

    Social dimensions in cps & iot based automated production systems

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020Since the 1970s, the application of microprocessor in industrial machinery and the development of computer systems have transformed the manufacturing landscape. The rapid integration and automation of production systems have outpaced the development of suitable human design criteria, creating a deepening gap between humans and systems in which human was seen as an important source of errors and disruptions. Today, the situation seems different: the scientific and public debate about the concept of Industry 4.0 has raised awareness about the central role humans have to play in manufacturing systems, the design of which must be considered from the very beginning. The future of industrial systems, as represented by Industry 4.0, will rely on the convergence of several research fields such as Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), but also socio-technical fields such as social approaches within technical systems. This article deals with different human social dimensions associated with CPS and IoT and focuses on their conceptual evolution regarding automated production systems’ sociability, notably by bringing humans back in the loop. Hereby, this paper aims to take stock of current research trends to show the importance of integrating human operators as a part of a socio-technical system based autonomous and intelligent products or resources. Consequently, different models of sociability as a way to integrate humans in the broad sense and/or the develop future automated production systems have been identified from the literature and analysed.publishersversionpublishe

    Multi-agent systems negotiation to deal with dynamic scheduling in disturbed industrial context

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    International audienceIt is now accepted that using multi-agent systems (MAS) improve the reactivity to treat perturbation(s) within flexible manufacturing system. Intelligent algorithms shall be used to address these perturbation(s) and all smart decision entities within their environment have to continuously negotiate until their common and final goal is achieved. This paper proposes a negotiation-based control approach to deal with variability on a manufacturing system. It has initially formulated and modeled an environment in which all contributing entities or agents operate, communicate, and interact with each other productively. Then after, simulation and applicability implementation experiments on the basis of full-sized academic experimental platform have been conducted to validate the proposed control approach. Product and resource entities negotiate considering different key performance measures in order to set best priority-based product sequencing. This has been done with expectations that the applicability of the negotiation-based decision-making will be more adaptable to deal with perturbation(s) than another alternative decision-making approach called pure reactive control approach. The result showed that negotiation among the decisional entities has brought significant improvement in reducing makespan and hence conveyed better global performance of a manufacturing system

    Contribution à la conception et à l’évaluation des architectures de pilotage des systèmes de production adaptables : vers une approche anthropocentrée pour la simulation et le pilotage

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    Ce mémoire d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches a pour objectif de présenter une synthèse de mes travaux de recherche relatifs à deux périodes d’activités : industrielle et maitre de conférences CRAN-ENSTIB. Ces travaux s’intéressent à la modélisation, la conception et l’évaluation des systèmes intelligents de pilotage de production et de logistique. Mes contributions sont organisées selon deux chapitres. Le premier traite de la modélisation des systèmes de pilotage adaptables en utilisant des paradigmes et des outils issues du génie productique comme les systèmes Holoniques et du génie informatique comme les systèmes multi-agents et les outils de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse à la simulation et l’évaluation desdits systèmes par des modèles de Simulation à Evènements Discrets. En dernier lieu, je présente mon projet de recherche, son positionnement institutionnel et scientifique ainsi que les actions de recherche identifiées. Notre hypothèse est que la complexité des interactions entre les objets physiques et/ou virtuels induites par les avancées technologiques de l’industrie 4.0, conduira à des situations de décision nécessitant des nouveaux usages des modèles de simulation pour le pilotage de la production incluant l’Homme. Une stratégie de gestion agile de ce projet visant à maitriser les risques et à coupler des actions de recherche de ressourcement disciplinaire avec des actions de recherche finalisée est aussi décrite

    Social Dimensions in CPS & IoT Based Automated Production Systems

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    Since the 1970s, the application of microprocessor in industrial machinery and the development of computer systems have transformed the manufacturing landscape. The rapid integration and automation of production systems have outpaced the development of suitable human design criteria, creating a deepening gap between humans and systems in which human was seen as an important source of errors and disruptions. Today, the situation seems different: the scientific and public debate about the concept of Industry 4.0 has raised awareness about the central role humans have to play in manufacturing systems, the design of which must be considered from the very beginning. The future of industrial systems, as represented by Industry 4.0, will rely on the convergence of several research fields such as Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), but also socio-technical fields such as social approaches within technical systems. This article deals with different human social dimensions associated with CPS and IoT and focuses on their conceptual evolution regarding automated production systems’ sociability, notably by bringing humans back in the loop. Hereby, this paper aims to take stock of current research trends to show the importance of integrating human operators as a part of a socio-technical system based autonomous and intelligent products or resources. Consequently, different models of sociability as a way to integrate humans in the broad sense and/or the develop future automated production systems have been identified from the literature and analysed

    Fuzzy decision-making method for product holons en- countered emergency breakdown in product-driven sys- tem: an industrial case

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    International audienceIn this paper a fuzzy decision-making method is proposed to make local decisions in case of breakdown occuring in a context of product-driven systems. To cope with breakdown uncertainty, three parameters, α, β and γ are created to evaluate the impact of it. Further, a fuzzy rule based on a membership function is designed to decide between centralized and distributed decisions concerning the re-arranging of the remaining parts. Simulation results show that appropriate decisions could be made by the proposed fuzzy decision-making method with certain suitable parameters. This method was applied on an exist-ing industrial case; it can be easily extended to make decision for breakdown events in other contexts

    Analyse du comportement des métaheuristiques sur un problème de rééquilibrage de lignes d’assemblage

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    National audienceL’objectif de cette communication est d’étudier un problème de rééquilibrage dynamique de lignes face à des perturbations courts termes. Même si des travaux tels que (Grangeon et al. , 2011) ou (Maksoud et al. , 2013) ont proposé des méthodes de résolution lors d’une réingénierie d’une ligne, ce problème reste néanmoins très peu étudié dans la littérature et en particulier pour le rééquilibrage face à des aléas très courts termes.Le problème étudié est issu de l'entreprise TRANE. Les systèmes de production de cette entreprise sont organisés en lignes d'assemblage alimentées en sous-composants par d'autres lignes d'assemblage ou des cellules de fabrication (qui peuvent être communes à plusieurs lignes) et que l'on nomme « feeders ». Afin de limiter le stock de produits finis et de suivre au plus près la demande client, une cadence de sortie de ceux-ci est calculée comme étant le temps de production disponible pour une certaine période de temps (souvent la journée) divisé par le nombre de produits à assembler dans cette même période pour satisfaire les clients. La valeur obtenue est alors un objectif à atteindre et est nommée le « takt time ». Afin de limiter les en-cours, les produits à assembler vont passer d'un poste à l'autre de manière synchrone (au rythme du poste le plus lent). Le « takt time » devient alors la cadence à atteindre sur l'ensemble de la ligne. Pour assurer cette synchronisation, la durée que met chaque poste pour réaliser sa charge de travail doit être la plus proche possible du « takt time » (et donc des autres postes de la ligne). On dit alors que la ligne est « équilibrée ». Dans notre étude, l ‘équilibrage initial est donné, le but et de réagir face aux aléas pour ajuster au plus vite l'organisation de la production. Les produits assemblés sur la ligne d'assemblage considérée étant de dimensions trop importantes (un produit peut atteindre 12 m de long), le re-séquencement n'est pas souhaité. De plus, l'appel à des opérateurs supplémentaires ne se fera qu'en dernier recours

    Occupant Behavior Impact on Building Sustainability Performance: A Literature Review

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    Occupant behavior controls a building’s energy system to adapt the indoor environment, significantly increasing building energy consumption. Occupant behavior, which refers to the occupancy inside a building and their interaction with building systems (windows, blinds, thermostats, lighting and appliances, etc.), has been largely overlooked in building energy performance analysis. These factors make it essential to design sustainable buildings. It is widely acknowledged in the literature that there is an alarming performance gap between the estimated and actual energy consumption in buildings. This paper proposes a systematic literature review on energy-related occupant behaviors and their implications for energy performance. It aims to better understand occupant behavior, existing behavior modeling approaches and their limitations, and key influential parameters on building energy performance. It is based on a survey of ScienceDirect, Web of science and Scopus scientific databases, using their bibliometric analysis tools together with the VOSviewer software. Finally, this study identifies the following significant research gaps for future development: limitations of the generic and robust occupant behavior model; lack of actual data for validation; lack of research on different types of buildings (institutions, university buildings); limitations of considering all factors which influence occupant behavior; missing the detailed realistic situations of occupant behavior; integrating building information modeling (BIM) into building energy modeling