286 research outputs found

    Environmental fatigue of polymers-- a fracture mechanics approach

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    Imperial Users onl

    User Involvement And Perceived Usefulness Of Information Technology

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    The present research investigated the extent to which users? perceived usefulness of IT was related to: (1) the user involvement in its design and implementation; (2) the user hierarchical position in the organization; (3) user years of service in the bank; and (4) user years of experience in banking business. In addition, the researcher examined the differences between males and females regarding the user involvement in design, involvement in implementation, and perception of usefulness of Information Technology (IT). The fifty-two bank users who participated in the study were volunteers from a major bank in the State of Mississippi. Seven research questions guided the study. Literature review on the user involvement in the design and implementation of IT system and their perceived usefulness of the system is inconclusive. Some research findings showed that users perceived the information technology as more useful when they were involved in the design and implementation phases of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). However, there were some research findings that showed that user involvement was not related to the perceived usefulness of IT. The results of this study indicated that there were relationship between users? involvement in the design of IT and their perceived usefulness; it appears that when bank users were involved in the design of IT system, they were more likely to perceive the system as useful. However, the findings showed that there was no relationship between users involvement in the implementation and the perception of usefulness of the information technology system. The results also showed that there was a correlation between users? hierarchical position and their perceived usefulness of the IT system. This could mean that users who occupy high hierarchical position tend to perceive IT as more useful than those on the lower side of the hierarchy. The results also showed that users with more years of service in the bank regard the IT system as more useful than those who have less years of service in the bank. It appears that users with long service in the bank regard the system as more useful than those who have less years of service in the bank. The results also showed that users with more years of experience in the banking business regard the IT system as more useful than those who have less years of experience in the banking business. It appears that users with long years of experience in the banking business regard the IT system as more useful than those who have less years of experience in the banking business. The findings also demonstrated that there were no gender differences regarding involvement in design, involvement in implementation, and perception of usefulness of the IT system

    Simulating the Oil Spill in the Arabian Gulf Marine Environment: A Risk Assessment in Association with UAE Coastal Desalination Plants

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    The current study is directed towards the development of oil spill hazard contour maps for the prediction of oil spill travel times and critical wind directions in association with major strategic desalination plants in United Arab Emirates. Five desalination plants in are selected along the UAE coastline to be the potential destination points of oil spill hazards. These plants are AI-Shuwayhat, AI-Mirfa, Umm AINar & Taweelah, Jebel Ali and AI-Layah. In order to reach the set target, a coastal hydraulics simulation model is employed to adopt the real sea-state dynamic conditions. The hydrodynamic simulated results are tuned and tested against actual documented measurements of tides and currents. The simulated flow pattern of the surface currents produced by the model is also compared with common cited patterns. Oil spill simulation is then conducted employing the resolved flow field and other hydrodynamic results. The oil spill model parameters are tested to verify their sensitivity for final model setup. A validation of the model performance is also carried out utilizing well documented actual observations of oil spill incidents in the Arabian Gulf. At that stage, the coupled hydrodynamic and oil spill model are set to perform a series of simulations on hypothetical oil spills based on extreme case conditions. The study area is divided into zones covering the oil export loading terminals and the oil tanker routs. The shortest traveling times of the oil spill from various zones to each desalination plant are identified in association with the critical wind directing the oil slick to that plant. At last, the simulated travel times and critical wind directions are used to produce hazard contour maps for shortest arrival times and critical wind directions for the five selected desalination plants

    Theoretical and experimental investigation of oil recovery by the electrothermic technique

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    This work investigates the feasibility of increasing oil recovery from petroleum reservoirs by the electrothermic technique. A mathematical model was developed for the prediction of reservoir response to heating by alternating electric current flow through the oil-bearing formations. The mathematical model was programmed in FORTRAN for solution on the IBM 370/168. The model used the finite difference technique to represent the differential equations that describe the system, and the sets of difference equations were solved by the Strongly Implicit Procedure (SIP) and Successive Overrelaxation (SOR). In order to verify the mathematical model, a set of experiments was conducted to determine oil recovery from a five-spot laboratory model by cold waterflood and the electrothermic technique. The experimental data were compared with the numerically calculated responses. Agreement between calculated and experimental responses supports the assumptions of the mathematical model and the numerical solution procedure. The mathematical model was utilized to predict the response of single layer and double layer oil reservoirs to the electrothermic process. The results indicate that the approaches described in U.M.R. Patent Disclosure No. 7S-P-UMR-003 might be used for selectively heating the relatively undepleted portions of oil reservoirs --Abstract, page ii


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    Pendahuluan: Penyakit infeksi masih merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan terbanyak di Indonesia. Penggunaan antibiotik menignkatakn risiko resistensi pada bakteri. Salah satu  yang dianggap baik untuk mengurangi resistensi obat adalah mengkombinasikan tanaman herbal dengan antibiotik. Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) merupakan tanaman obat yang berpotensi menjadi adjuvan antibiotik dalam membunuh S.aureus dan E.coli karena memiliki berbagai senyawa, sehingga memiliki hasil berbeda ketika dikombinasikan dengan antibiotik. Diperlukan penelitian lanjutan tentang kombinasi fraksi P.niruri linn dengan antibiotik Amoxicillin dan Chloramphenicol dalam membunuh S.aureus dan E.coliMetode: Penelitian eksperimental in vitro menggunakan larutan antibiotik amoxicillin dan cloramphenicol. Uji Zona Inhibisi (ZOI) menggunakan metode Kirby-Bauer. Efek interaksinya dihitung berdasarkan metode Ameri-Ziaei Double Antibiotic Synergism Test (AZDAST). Uji fitokimia menggunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT) dengan reagen FeCl3, dragendorff, dan formaldehyde. Hasil:Fraksi 36 meniran kombinasi dengan amoxicillin terhadap Staphylococcus aureus memiliki efek sinergis dimana didapatkan hasil 12.33±1.15, sedangkan fraksi 33 memiliki interaksi potensiasi. Fraksi 35 dan 36 herbal dikombinasikan dengan chloramphenicol terhadap S.aureus memiliki interaksi sinergis dengan hasil pengihitungan yaitu 17±2.64 dan 18±0.Kesimpulan: Herbal meniran berpotensi digunakan sebagai adjuvan antibiotik amoxicillin dan cloramphenicol terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dikarenakan ditemukan hasil sinergis pada beberapa fraksi yang diujikan.Kata Kunci: Phyllanthus niruri L, Amoxicillin, Chloramphenicol, Uji Fitokimia, ZOI, Kombinasi Antibiotik dan Herba

    التعليم الإلكتروني كمتطلب لمهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين وتدريب معلمي الرياضيات

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    هدف هذا المقال إلى التعرف على تحديات القرن الحادي والعشرين ومهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين وأهم تصنيفاتها، وكيف يكسب الطالب المعلم مهارات القرن الحادي العشرين. وأحدها هو التعليم الإلكتروني وكذلك تقديم أهم الأدوار المتوقعة للمعلم في ضوء اكتساب مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين. وما يترتب على ذلك كله من ضرورة وأهمية تطوير الأداء التدريسي لمعلمي الرياضيات في ضوء إطار التعلم الناجح للقرن الحادي والعشرين. كما قدم المقال أيضا نموذج تيباك TPACK الذي يؤكد على التكامل بين المعرفة بالتكنولوجيا ومحتوى المادة الدراسية مع المعرفة بطرق التدريس كمتطلبات رئيسة للتدريس الفعال بالقرن الحادي والعشرين. وقدم المقال بعض المقترحات والتوصيات التي تؤكد على دمج مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين ضمن برامج إعداد وتدريب معلمي الرياضيات قبل وأثناء الخدمة. الكلمات المفتاحية: التعليم الإلكتروني، مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين، تدريب معلمي الرياضيات.The present article aims at identifying the challenges and the skills of 21st century; and how can the student teachers acquire these skills. What are the expectations of these students in the light of the 21st century skills? So, educators should develop the teaching performance of math student teachers. The present article also presents TPACK model which assures the integration between technology and subject content as prerequisites for 21st century effective teaching.  Besides, the recommendations of embedding the 21st century skills in pre and during preparing programs for math teachers. Keywords: E-Learning, skills of the 21st century, mathematics teachers training, Professional Development

    The Activities and Mathematics Teaching

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    الملخص: تعد حرية النشاط مكون أساسي لتحقيق بهجة التعلم ومتعته لدى الأطفال، لذا يصبح الاهتمام بالنشاط والأنشطة محل تقدير واهتمام في مؤسسات إعداد المعلم وتدريبه، وتستعرض الورقة الحالية الأنشطة الحديثة في تدريس الرياضيات ودورها في تنمية قدرات الطفل وامكاناته ومهاراته الرياضية، سواء الأنشطة الصفية والأنشطة اللاصفية، من خلال توظيف المشغولات اليدوية، والأحاجي والألغاز المنطقية والرياضية سواء اللفظية أو المصورة. وتتناول أيضاً توظيف تطبيقات التعلم الإلكتروني ومنها لغات البرمجة للأطفال، والروبوت التعليمي "اليدويات الإلكترونية" وايضاح أهمية علم الروبوت ودوره في تنمية قدرات الطلبة الإبداعية.Freedom of activity is an essential component to achieve the joy of learning and for children, so the interest in activities becomes appreciated and interested in the institutions of teacher preparation and training. This paper reviews the Modern activities in the Mathematics teaching and its role in developing the child's abilities, Mathematical abilities and skills, by employment of Manipulatives, handicrafts, riddles and logical and mathematical puzzles, whether verbal or nonverbal. The paper also reviews the e-learning applications, including the programming languages ​​for children, the educational robot "electronic Manipulatives" and shed light on the importance of robot science and its role in developing the creative abilities of students

    Skin prick test results and total ige levels of asthma patients in Zagazig University Hospital (2015-2019)

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    Background: Bronchial asthma is one of the relevant diseases of the respiratory tract, the asthma is one of the forms of respiratory allergy. The change in environment and aeroallergens are the main etiology of asthma. Allergy of asthma is thought to affect the bronchial region of the respiratory airway.Objective: The current study aimed to compare the total IgE elevation and skin prick test (SPT) positivity to evaluate the IgE and SPT ability to assess the asthmatic severity.Subjects and Methods: This retrospective case study was carried out on 3450 cases at the outpatient clinic and Chest Department at Zagazig University and did skin prick test and IgE in authorized centers were collected from 2015 -2019. The cases were already diagnosed asthmatic according to Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) (9) guidelines and were divided according to severity into mild, moderate, and severe according to GINA guidelines.Results: IgE has been tested for different aeroallergens and has strong significant elevation with (P< 0.001) in Alternaria, cat hair, cotton, birch, and helminths aeroallergen. Most of the cases with elevated IgE had moderate asthma severity followed by mild severity cases then severe cases.Conclusion: Comparing the results of SPT and IgE, the SPT test is more accurate, reliable, and easy in detecting the aeroallergen sensitivity