40 research outputs found

    A Toolkit to Fit Nonbonded Parameters from and for Condensed Phase Simulations

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    The quality of atomistic simulations depends decisively on the accuracy of the underlying energy function (force field). Of particular importance for condensed-phase properties are nonbonded interactions, including the electrostatic and Lennard-Jones terms. Permanent atomic multipoles (MTPs) are an extension to common point-charge (PC) representations in atomistic simulations. MTPs are commonly determined from and fitted to an ab initio Electrostatic Potential (ESP), and Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters are obtained from comparison of experimental and computed observables using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. For this a set of thermodynamic observables such as density, heat of vaporization, and hydration free energy is chosen, to which the parametrization is fitted. The current work introduces a comprehensive computing environment (Fitting Wizard (FW)) for optimizing nonbonded interactions for atomistic force fields of different qualities. The FW supports fitting of standard PC-based force fields and more physically motivated multipolar (MTP) force fields. A broader study including 20 molecules ranging from N-methyl-acetamide and benzene to halogenated benzenes, phenols, anilines, and pyridines yields a root mean squared deviation for hydration free energies of 0.36 kcal/mol over a range of 8 kcal/mol. It is furthermore shown that PC-based force fields are not necessarily inferior compared to MTP parametrizations depending on the molecule considered

    Impact of Quadrupolar Electrostatics on Atoms Adjacent to the Sigma-Hole in Condensed-Phase Simulations

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    Halogenation is one of the cases for which advanced molecular simulation methods are mandatory for quantitative and predictive studies. The present work provides a systematic investigation of the importance of higher-order multipoles on specific sites of halobenzenes, other than the halogen, for static and dynamic properties in condensed-phase simulations. For that purpose, solute-solvent interactions using point charge (PC), multipole (MTP), and hybrid point charge/multipole (HYB) electrostatic models are analyzed in regions of halogen bonding and extended to regions of π orbitals of phenyl carbons. Using molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical methods, it is found that the sigma-hole does not only affect the halogen and the carbon bound to it but its effect extends to the carbons adjacent to the CX bond. This effect increases with the magnitude of the positive potential of the sigma-hole. With the MTP and HYB3 models, all hydration free energies of the PhX compounds are reproduced within 0.1 kcal/mol. Analysis of pair distribution functions and hydration free energies of halogenated benzenes provides a microscopic explanation why "point charge"-based representations with off-site charges fail in reproducing thermodynamic properties of the sigma-hole. Application of the hybrid models to study protein-ligand binding demonstrates both their accuracy and computational efficiency

    Valid molecular dynamics simulations of human hemoglobin require a surprisingly large box size

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    Recent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of human hemoglobin (Hb) give results in disagreement with experiment. Although it is known that the unliganded (T 0 ) and liganded (R 4 ) tetramers are stable in solution, the published MD simulations of T 0 undergo a rapid quaternary transition to an R-like structure. We show that T 0 is stable only when the periodic solvent box contains ten times more water molecules than the standard size for such simulations. The results suggest that such a large box is required for the hydrophobic effect, which stabilizes the T 0 tetramer, to be manifested. Even in the largest box, T 0 is not stable unless His146 is protonated, providing an atomistic validation of the Perutz model. The possibility that extra large boxes are required to obtain meaningful results will have to be considered in evaluating existing and future simulations of a wide range of systems

    Response to comment on 'Valid molecular dynamics simulations of human hemoglobin require a surprisingly large box size'

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    We recently reported that molecular dynamics simulations for hemoglobin require a surprisingly large box size to stabilize the T(0) state relative to R(0), as observed in experiments (El Hage et al., 2018). Gapsys and de Groot have commented on this work but do not provide convincing evidence that the conclusions of El Hage et al., 2018 are incorrect. Here we respond to these concerns, argue that our original conclusions remain valid, and raise our own concerns about some of the results reported in the comment by Gapsys and de Groot that require clarification

    Water Dynamics Around Proteins: T- and R-States of Hemoglobin and Melittin

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    The water dynamics, as characterized by the local hydrophobicity (LH), is investigated for tetrameric hemoglobin and dimeric melittin. For the T0 to R0 transition in Hb it is found that LH provides additional molecular-level insight into the Perutz mechanism, i.e., the breaking and formation of salt bridges at the alpha1 / beta2 and alpha2 / beta1 interface is accompanied by changes in LH. For Hb in cubic water boxes with 90 Aengstroem and 120 Aengstroem edge length it is observed that following a decrease in LH as a consequence of reduced water density or change of water orientation at the protein/water interface the alpha / beta interfaces are destabilized; this is a hallmark of the Perutz stereochemical model for the T to R transition in Hb. The present work thus provides a dynamical view of the classical structural model relevant to the molecular foundations of Hb function. For dimeric melittin, earlier results by Cheng and Rossky (Nature, 1998, 392, 696-699) are confirmed and interpreted on the basis of LH from simulations in which the protein structure is frozen. For the flexible melittin dimer the changes in the local hydration can be as much as 30 % than for the rigid dimer, reflecting the fact that protein and water dynamics are coupled

    Targeting the Major Groove of the Palindromic d(GGCGCC)2 Sequence by Oligopeptide Derivatives of Anthraquinone Intercalators

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    GC-rich sequences are recurring motifs in oncogenes and retroviruses, and could be targeted by non-covalent major-groove therapeutic ligands. We considered the palindromic sequence d(G1G2C3G4C5C6)2, and designed several oligopeptide derivatives of the anti-cancer intercalator mitoxantrone. The stability of their complexes with a 18-mer oligonucleotide encompassing this sequence in its center was validated using polarizable molecular dynamics. We report the most salient structural features of two novel compounds, having a dialkylammonium group as a side-chain on both arms. The anthraquinone ring is intercalated in the central d(CpG)2 sequence with its long axis perpendicular to that of the two base-pairs. On each strand, this enables each ammonium group to bind in-register to O6/N7 of the two facing G bases upstream. We subsequently designed tris-intercalating derivatives, each dialkylammonium substituted with a connector to an N9-aminoacridine intercalator extending our target range from six- to a ten-base pair palindromic sequence, d(C1G2G3G4C5G6C7C8C9G10)2. The structural features of the complex of the most promising derivative are reported. The present design strategy paves the way for designing intercalator-oligopeptide derivatives with an even higher selectivity, targeting an increased number of DNA bases, going beyond ten

    Extending Halogen-based Medicinal Chemistry to Proteins: IODO-INSULIN AS A CASE STUDY

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    Insulin, a protein critical for metabolic homeostasis, provides a classical model for protein design with application to human health. Recent efforts to improve its pharmaceutical formulation demonstrated that iodination of a conserved tyrosine (Tyr(B26)) enhances key properties of a rapid-acting clinical analog. Moreover, the broad utility of halogens in medicinal chemistry has motivated the use of hybrid quantum- and molecular-mechanical methods to study proteins. Here, we (i) undertook quantitative atomistic simulations of 3-[iodo-Tyr(B26)]insulin to predict its structural features, and (ii) tested these predictions by X-ray crystallography. Using an electrostatic model of the modified aromatic ring based on quantum chemistry, the calculations suggested that the analog, as a dimer and hexamer, exhibits subtle differences in aromatic-aromatic interactions at the dimer interface. Aromatic rings (Tyr(B16), Phe(B24), Phe(B25), 3-I-Tyr(B26), and their symmetry-related mates) at this interface adjust to enable packing of the hydrophobic iodine atoms within the core of each monomer. Strikingly, these features were observed in the crystal structure of a 3-[iodo-Tyr(B26)]insulin analog (determined as an R6 zinc hexamer). Given that residues B24-B30 detach from the core on receptor binding, the environment of 3-I-Tyr(B26) in a receptor complex must differ from that in the free hormone. Based on the recent structure of a "micro-receptor" complex, we predict that 3-I-Tyr(B26) engages the receptor via directional halogen bonding and halogen-directed hydrogen bonding as follows: favorable electrostatic interactions exploiting, respectively, the halogen's electron-deficient σ-hole and electronegative equatorial band. Inspired by quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics, such "halogen engineering" promises to extend principles of medicinal chemistry to proteins