18 research outputs found

    Multi-Agent based Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Cancer Classification

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    There is evidence that early detection of cancer diseases can improve the treatment and increase the survival rate of patients. This paper presents an efficient CAD system for cancer diseases diagnosis by gene expression profiles of DNA microarray datasets. The proposed CAD system combines Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) and Multi-Agent (MA) system. The IDSS represents the backbone of the entire CAD system. It consists of two main phases; feature selection/reduction phase and a classification phase. In the feature selection/reduction phase, eight diverse methods are developed. While, in the classification phase, three evolutionary machine learning algorithms are employed. On the other hand, the MA system manages the entire operation of the CAD system. It first initializes several IDSSs (exactly 24 IDSSs) with the aid of mobile agents and then directs the generated IDSSs to run concurrently on the input dataset. Finally, a master agent selects the best classification, as the final report, based on the best classification accuracy returned from the 24 IDSSs The proposed CAD system is implemented in JAVA, and evaluated by using three microarray datasets including; Leukemia, Colon tumor, and Lung cancer. The system is able to classify different types of cancer diseases accurately in a very short time. This is because the MA system invokes 24 different IDSS to classify the diseases concurrently in parallel processing manner before taking the decision of the best classification result

    An IoT enabled system for enhanced air quality monitoring and prediction on the edge

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    Air pollution is a major issue resulting from the excessive use of conventional energy sources in developing countries and worldwide. Particulate Matter less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) is the most dangerous air pollutant invading the human respiratory system and causing lung and heart diseases. Therefore, innovative air pollution forecasting methods and systems are required to reduce such risk. To that end, this paper proposes an Internet of Things (IoT) enabled system for monitoring and predicting PM2.5 concentration on both edge devices and the cloud. This system employs a hybrid prediction architecture using several Machine Learning (ML) algorithms hosted by Nonlinear AutoRegression with eXogenous input (NARX). It uses the past 24 h of PM2.5, cumulated wind speed and cumulated rain hours to predict the next hour of PM2.5. This system was tested on a PC to evaluate cloud prediction and a Raspberry Pi to evaluate edge devices’ prediction. Such a system is essential, responding quickly to air pollution in remote areas with low bandwidth or no internet connection. The performance of our system was assessed using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE), coefficient of determination (R2), Index of Agreement (IA), and duration in seconds. The obtained results highlighted that NARX/LSTM achieved the highest R2 and IA and the least RMSE and NRMSE, outperforming other previously proposed deep learning hybrid algorithms. In contrast, NARX/XGBRF achieved the best balance between accuracy and speed on the Raspberry Pi

    SVD Audio Watermarking: A Tool to Enhance the Security of Image Transmission over ZigBee Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 4

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    The security is important issue in wireless networks. This paper discusses audio watermarking as a tool to improve the security of image communication over the IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee network. The adopted watermarking method implements the Singular-Value Decomposition (SVD) mathematical technique. This method is based on embedding a chaotic encrypted image in the Singular Values (SVs) of the audio signal after transforming it into a 2-D format. The objective of chaotic encryption is to enhance the level of security and resist different attacks. Experimental results show that the SVD audio watermarking method maintains the high quality of the audio signals and that the watermark extraction and decryption are possible even in the presence of attacks over the ZigBee network

    An Efficient Chaotic Interleaver for Image Transmission over IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee Network, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 2

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    This paper studies a vital issue in wireless communications, which is the transmission of images over wireless networks. IEEE ZigBee 802.15.4 is a short-range communication standard that could be used for small distance multimedia transmissions. In fact, the ZigBee network is a wireless personal area network (WPAN), which needs a strong interleaving mechanism for protection against error bursts. This paper presents a novel chaotic interleaving scheme for this purpose. This scheme depends on the chaotic Baker map. A comparison study between the proposed chaotic interleaving scheme and the traditional block and convolutional interleaving schemes for image transmission over a correlated fading channel is presented. The simulation results show the superiority of the proposed chaotic interleaving scheme over the traditional schemes

    Multi-Agent based Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Cancer Classification

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    There is evidence that early detection of cancer diseases can improve the treatment and increase the survival rate of patients. This paper presents an efficient CAD system for cancer diseases diagnosis by gene expression profiles of DNA microarray datasets. The proposed CAD system combines Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS) and Multi-Agent (MA) system. The IDSS represents the backbone of the entire CAD system. It consists of two main phases; feature selection/reduction phase and a classification phase. In the feature selection/reduction phase, eight diverse methods are developed. While, in the classification phase, three evolutionary machine learning algorithms are employed. On the other hand, the MA system manages the entire operation of the CAD system. It first initializes several IDSSs (exactly 24 IDSSs) with the aid of mobile agents and then directs the generated IDSSs to run concurrently on the input dataset. Finally, a master agent selects the best classification, as the final report, based on the best classification accuracy returned from the 24 IDSSs The proposed CAD system is implemented in JAVA, and evaluated by using three microarray datasets including; Leukemia, Colon tumor, and Lung cancer. The system is able to classify different types of cancer diseases accurately in a very short time. This is because the MA system invokes 24 different IDSS to classify the diseases concurrently in parallel processing manner before taking the decision of the best classification result


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    Abstract—In this paper, a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is proposed to investigate Quality of Service (QoS) for multimedia traffic transmitted over Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) networks and increase the system capacity. This enhancement comes from using Wise Algorithm for Link Admission Control (WALAC) which has three suggested versions. The QoS of multimedia transmission is determined in terms of average delay, admission ratio, loss probability, utilization, and the network capacity. In addition, a new parameter is aroused for the network performance. Comparisons between the IEEE 802.15.3a protocol and the proposed one are done. The proposed protocol shows better results in both sparse and dense networks for real time traffic transmission. 1

    Intelligence Is beyond Learning: A Context-Aware Artificial Intelligent System for Video Understanding

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    Understanding video files is a challenging task. While the current video understanding techniques rely on deep learning, the obtained results suffer from a lack of real trustful meaning. Deep learning recognizes patterns from big data, leading to deep feature abstraction, not deep understanding. Deep learning tries to understand multimedia production by analyzing its content. We cannot understand the semantics of a multimedia file by analyzing its content only. Events occurring in a scene earn their meanings from the context containing them. A screaming kid could be scared of a threat or surprised by a lovely gift or just playing in the backyard. Artificial intelligence is a heterogeneous process that goes beyond learning. In this article, we discuss the heterogeneity of AI as a process that includes innate knowledge, approximations, and context awareness. We present a context-aware video understanding technique that makes the machine intelligent enough to understand the message behind the video stream. The main purpose is to understand the video stream by extracting real meaningful concepts, emotions, temporal data, and spatial data from the video context. The diffusion of heterogeneous data patterns from the video context leads to accurate decision-making about the video message and outperforms systems that rely on deep learning. Objective and subjective comparisons prove the accuracy of the concepts extracted by the proposed context-aware technique in comparison with the current deep learning video understanding techniques. Both systems are compared in terms of retrieval time, computing time, data size consumption, and complexity analysis. Comparisons show a significant efficient resource usage of the proposed context-aware system, which makes it a suitable solution for real-time scenarios. Moreover, we discuss the pros and cons of deep learning architectures

    RN-Autoencoder: Reduced Noise Autoencoder for classifying imbalanced cancer genomic data

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    Abstract Background In the current genomic era, gene expression datasets have become one of the main tools utilized in cancer classification. Both curse of dimensionality and class imbalance problems are inherent characteristics of these datasets. These characteristics have a negative impact on the performance of most classifiers when used to classify cancer using genomic datasets. Results This paper introduces Reduced Noise-Autoencoder (RN-Autoencoder) for pre-processing imbalanced genomic datasets for precise cancer classification. Firstly, RN-Autoencoder solves the curse of dimensionality problem by utilizing the autoencoder for feature reduction and hence generating new extracted data with lower dimensionality. In the next stage, RN-Autoencoder introduces the extracted data to the well-known Reduced Noise-Synthesis Minority Over Sampling Technique (RN- SMOTE) that efficiently solve the problem of class imbalance in the extracted data. RN-Autoencoder has been evaluated using different classifiers and various imbalanced datasets with different imbalance ratios. The results proved that the performance of the classifiers has been improved with RN-Autoencoder and outperformed the performance with original data and extracted data with percentages based on the classifier, dataset and evaluation metric. Also, the performance of RN-Autoencoder has been compared to the performance of the current state of the art and resulted in an increase up to 18.017, 19.183, 18.58 and 8.87% in terms of test accuracy using colon, leukemia, Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) datasets respectively. Conclusion RN-Autoencoder is a model for cancer classification using imbalanced gene expression datasets. It utilizes the autoencoder to reduce the high dimensionality of the gene expression datasets and then handles the class imbalance using RN-SMOTE. RN-Autoencoder has been evaluated using many different classifiers and many different imbalanced datasets. The performance of many classifiers has improved and some have succeeded in classifying cancer with 100% performance in terms of all used metrics. In addition, RN-Autoencoder outperformed many recent works using the same datasets

    Arabic summarization in Tw

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    Twitter, an online micro blogs, enables its users to write and read text-based posts known as “tweets”. It became one of the most commonly used social networks. However, an important problem arises is that the returned tweets, when searching for a topic phrase, are only sorted by recency not relevancy. This makes the user to manually read through the tweets in order to understand what are primarily saying about the particular topic. Some strategies were developed for summarizing English micro blogs but Arabic micro blogs summarization is still an active research area. This paper presents a machine learning based solution for summarizing Arabic micro blogging posts and more specifically Egyptian dialect summarization. The goal is to produce short summary for Arabic tweets related to a specific topic in less time and effort. The proposed strategy is evaluated and the results are compared with that obtained by the well-known multi-document summarization algorithms including; SumBasic, TF-IDF, PageRank, MEAD, and human summaries