81 research outputs found

    Magnetic properties of LaFe1-xCrxO3 and Fe2-2xCr2xO3 mixed oxides

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    Mixed oxides with formula LaFe1-xCrxO3 and Fe2-2xCr2xO3, where 0≤x≤1, are studied. The samples have been prepared using solid state reaction technique in air. The X-ray diffraction spectra indicated that the samples crystallize in a corundum phase with space group ( R3c ) for Fe2-2xCr2xO3 and in the perovskite structure for LaFe1-xCrxO3. Many techniques have been used to explore the magnetic properties of the systems. High field, ZFC and FC magnetization vs. temperature, d.c. susceptibility and Mössbauer spectroscopy were carried out. High temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements and high field magnetic magnetization (H ≤ 20 T) show that the behavior of the susceptibility and the magnetization are complex. Mössbauer spectra of the solid solutions have been measured at 4.2 K and in the temperature range 77 K to 300 K. The shapes of spectra are unusual, showing strong relaxation phenomena in a wide temperature range as recently observed for many frustrated systems. The results are discussed by establishing the existence of various magnetic structures, inducing intermediate magnetic phases between the antiferromagnetic and the paramagnetic states. Preliminary magnetic phase diagrams of the systems have been established.Mixed oxides with formula LaFe1-xCrxO3 and Fe2-2xCr2xO3, where 0≤x≤1, are studied. The samples have been prepared using solid state reaction technique in air. The X-ray diffraction spectra indicated that the samples crystallize in a corundum phase with space group ( R3c ) for Fe2-2xCr2xO3 and in the perovskite structure for LaFe1-xCrxO3. Many techniques have been used to explore the magnetic properties of the systems. High field, ZFC and FC magnetization vs. temperature, d.c. susceptibility and Mössbauer spectroscopy were carried out. High temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements and high field magnetic magnetization (H ≤ 20 T) show that the behavior of the susceptibility and the magnetization are complex. Mössbauer spectra of the solid solutions have been measured at 4.2 K and in the temperature range 77 K to 300 K. The shapes of spectra are unusual, showing strong relaxation phenomena in a wide temperature range as recently observed for many frustrated systems. The results are discussed by establishing the existence of various magnetic structures, inducing intermediate magnetic phases between the antiferromagnetic and the paramagnetic states. Preliminary magnetic phase diagrams of the systems have been established

    Étude comparative des performances en production de quelques générations de Solanum tuberosum consommées au Maroc

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    La qualité des tubercules de différentes générations de pomme de terre issues de la variété française Désirée est étudiée par différentes méthodes statistiques. Quelque soit la génération, la germination de tubercules est contrôlée par la température, l’humidité relative et l’hydratation des tubercules. Une corrélation positive existe entre le calibre, le poids des tubercules et la formation des germes; cette dernière est réduite à partir de la 3ème génération probablement à cause d’une différenciation excessive des cellules composant les tubercules et de leur manque en réserves énergétiques. Aucune différence significative n’est décelée entre les trois premières générations qui se sont montrées homogènes pour les calibres, les poids, la différenciation des cellules et leur teneur en grains d’amidon. Au-delà de la 3ème génération des différences notables entre les tubercules sont observées et la production est réduite. Toutes les générations sont sensibles au stress hydrique, mais ce sont les générations âgées qui sont les plus vulnérables à un manque d’eau et à une attaque par les micro-organismes

    A Reconfigurable Broadcast Scan Compression Scheme Using Relaxation Based Test Vector Decomposition

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    In this paper, we propose an effective reconfigurable broadcast scan compression scheme that employs partitioning and relaxation-based test vector decomposition. Given a constraint on the number of tester channels, the technique classifies the test set into acceptable and bottleneck vectors. Bottleneck vectors are then decomposed into a set of vectors that meet the given constraint. The acceptable and decomposed test vectors are partitioned into the smallest number of partitions while satisfying the tester channels constraint to reduce the decompressor area. Thus, the technique by construction satisfies a given tester channels constraint at the expense of increased test vector count and number of partitions, offering a tradeoff between test compression, test application time and test decompression circuitry area. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique achieves better compression ratio in comparison to other test compression techniques

    A Reconfigurable Broadcast Scan Compression Scheme Using Relaxation Based Test Vector Decomposition

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    In this paper, we propose an effective reconfigurable broadcast scan compression scheme that employs partitioning and relaxation-based test vector decomposition. Given a constraint on the number of tester channels, the technique classifies the test set into acceptable and bottleneck vectors. Bottleneck vectors are then decomposed into a set of vectors that meet the given constraint. The acceptable and decomposed test vectors are partitioned into the smallest number of partitions while satisfying the tester channels constraint to reduce the decompressor area. Thus, the technique by construction satisfies a given tester channels constraint at the expense of increased test vector count and number of partitions, offering a tradeoff between test compression, test application time and test decompression circuitry area. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique achieves better compression ratio in comparison to other test compression techniques

    Fermentación controlada de aceitunas verdes picholine marroquíes sometidas a choque térmico e inoculadas sin sal

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    The present work reports the controlled fermentation of heat-shocked, unsalted and inoculated green olives. The effects of heat-shock (60, 70 and 80 °C three times for 5 min), inoculation with the oleuropeinolytic strain of L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) and the addition of Cell-Free Supernatant of C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS of C.p-L18) on the fermentation process of unsalted green olives were examined. The results showed a drastic reduction in the initial indigenous Enterobacteria, and an improvement in the acidification of heat-shocked olives at 70 and 80 °C, when compared to 60 °C. The inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 enhanced the fermentation and preservation of unsalted green olives, indicated by a significant decrease in pH, increase in free acidity and total disappearance of Enterobacteria. The heat-shock treatment at high temperature (80 °C), inoculation with L.p-FSO175 and addition of CFS of C.p-L18 led to the best reduction in bitterness, and favorable color changes (L, a, and b) in fermented olives. This sequential method led to more appreciated sensory characteristics (mainly bitterness and color) of fermented olives, lower spoilage incidence in olives, and reduced fermentation time to 50 days, and therefore may be suitable to control the fermentation of unsalted green olives of the Moroccan picholine variety.El presente trabajo reporta la fermentación controlada de aceitunas verdes sometidas a choque térmico, sin salar e inoculadas. Se estudian los efectos del choque térmico (60 °C, 70 °C y 80 °C tres veces durante 5 min), la inoculación con cepa oleuropeinolítica de L. plantarum FSO175 (L.p-FSO175) y la adición de sobrenadante libre de células de C. pelliculosa L18 (CFS de C.p-L18), sobre el proceso de fermentación de aceitunas verdes sin salar. Los resultados mostraron la drástica reducción de las enterobacterias autóctonas iniciales, y la mejora de la acidificación de las aceitunas sometidas a choque térmico de 70 °C y 80 °C, en comparación con 60 °C. La inoculación con L.p-FSO175 y la adición de CFS de C.p-L18 mejoró la fermentación y conservación de las aceitunas verdes sin salar, indicada por una disminución significativa del pH, aumento de la acidez libre y desaparición total de enterobacterias. El choque térmico a alta temperatura (80 °C), la inoculación con L.p-FSO175 y la adición de CFS de C.p-L18 condujeron a una mejor reducción del amargor y cambios de color favorables (L, a y b) en aceitunas fermentadas. Este método secuencial, que permitió apreciar las características sensoriales (principalmente amargor y color) de las aceitunas fermentadas, y una menor incidencia de deterioro en las aceitunas, y redujo el tiempo de fermentación a 50 días, puede ser adecuado para controlar la fermentación de aceitunas verdes sin salar de Marruecos, variedad picholine

    Cerebralna listerioza u deve na području Qassim u Središnjoj Saudijskoj Arabiji - prikaz slučajaDeva

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    A she-camel of about 6 years of age with neurological signs was admitted to the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Qassim, central Saudi Arabia, for diagnosis and treatment. Clinical examination showed lack of coordination of movements, Parkinson’s-like tremors of the head and lower lip paralysis. No parasite was detected in the stained blood smear, and except for leukocytosis and monocytosis, the result of the complete blood count (CBC) was normal. The results of the liver and kidney function tests were normal. The animal was infused with 4 units of 5% dextrose saline and injected with vitamin B1 and selenium preparations for the nervous manifestations. However, its health deteriorated rapidly and it was on lateral recumbency by the second day of admission. It died after one more day and was necropsied to investigate the cause of death. Postmortem examination showed slight congestion of the liver and the kidneys. The heart, meninges and the brain were congested and haemorrhagic. Histopathological examination showed acute lymphocytic meningeoencephalomyelitis in the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. Micro-abscesses containing neutrophils were seen in the medulla oblongata. Colonies of Listeria monocytogenes were obtained when the brain tissue was cultured in a cold environment. Smears made from the colonies showed Gram positive cocco-bacilli. Listeria monocytogenes was confirmed by PCR on DNA extracted from brain tissue.Deva u dobi od šest godina s neurološkim znakovima bila je radi dijagnoze i liječenja primljena na kliniku Veterinarskog Sveučilišta u Qassimu, Središnja Saudijska Arabija. Kliničkom pretragom ustanovljena je nekoordiniranost pokreta, tremor glave i paraliza donje usne slično kao kod Parkinsonove bolesti. U obojenim razmascima krvi nisu bili ustanovljeni paraziti, a hematološki nalaz bio je normalan osim što je ustanovljena leukocitoza i monocitoza. Nalazi funkcije jetara i bubrega bili su u fi ziološkim granicama. Životinja je dobila infuziju 4 jedinice 5% fiziološke otopine dekstroze s vitaminom B1 i preparatima selena zbog živčanih znakova. Ipak se njezino zdravstveno stanje naglo pogoršavalo te je drugoga dana bespomoćno ležala na boku. Uginula je trećega dana od primitka na kliniku te je razuđena da bi se otkrio uzrok uginuća. Postmortem pretraga pokazala je blagu kongestiju jetara i bubrega. Ustanovljeni su kongestija i krvarenja u srcu, moždanim ovojnicama i mozgu. Patohistološka pretraga pokazala je akutni limfocitni meningoencefalomijelitis u produženoj i kralježničnoj moždini. U produženoj moždini nalazili su se mikroapscesi koji su sadržavali neutrofile. Listeria monocytogenes bila je izdvojena iz moždanoga tkiva uzgojem u hladnim uvjetima. U razmascima kolonija dokazani su grampozitivni kokobacili. Nalaz bakterije Listeria monocytogenes bio je povrđen lančanom reakcijom polimerazom u DNA ekstrahiranoj iz moždanoga tkiva

    Re-infection with a different SARS-CoV-2 clade and prolonged viral shedding in a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patient

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    Immunocompromised patients who have a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection pose many clinical and public health challenges. We describe the case of a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patient with lymphoma who had a protracted illness requiring three consecutive hospital admissions. Whole genome sequencing confirmed two different SARS-CoV-2 clades. Clinical management issues and the unanswered questions arising from this case are discussed

    Rapid identification of in vitro cell toxicity using an electrochemical membrane screening platform

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    This study compares the performance and output of an electrochemical phospholipid membrane platform against respective in vitro cell-based toxicity testing methods using three toxicants of different biological action (chlorpromazine (CPZ), colchicine (COL) and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS)). Human cell lines from seven different tissues (lung, liver, kidney, placenta, intestine, immune system) were used to validate this physicochemical testing system. For the cell-based systems, the effective concentration at 50 % cell death (EC₅₀) values are calculated. For the membrane sensor, a limit of detection (LoD) value was extracted as a quantitative parameter describing the minimum concentration of toxicant which significantly affects the structure of the phospholipid sensor membrane layer. LoD values were found to align well with the EC₅₀ values when acute cell viability was used as an end-point and showed a similar toxicity ranking of the tested toxicants. Using the colony forming efficiency (CFE) or DNA damage as end-point, a different order of toxicity ranking was observed. The results of this study showed that the electrochemical membrane sensor generates a parameter relating to biomembrane damage, which is the predominant factor in decreasing cell viability when in vitro models are acutely exposed to toxicants. These results lead the way to using electrochemical membrane-based sensors for rapid relevant preliminary toxicity screens