7 research outputs found

    Fenomena Menghafal Al-Qur’an di Pondok Pesantren: Studi Kasus Ma’had Mambaul Qur’an Wonosobo Jawa Tengah

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    This article aims to investigate the process of memorizing the Qur'an for students at Ma'had Mambaul Qur'an Munggang Bawah Wonosobo. In addition, this article aims to investigate students' problems in memorizing the Qur'an and their solutions. This article uses a qualitative field research type with documentation, interviews, and observation data collection methods. Then, the source of the data was obtained through information from the Board of Directors of the Islamic Boarding School and the tahfiz students. The results showed that the tahfiz program at Ma'had Mambaul Qur'an was good with the mainstay program of muraja’ah and semesterly tasmi'. The problems experienced by students in memorizing the Qur'an are laziness, the influence of technology especially handphones, and inconsistent management programs. The solution for students to face these problems is to motivate themselves to be more active in memorizing and to arrange a conducive time for memorizing

    Gelar Profesor Kehormatan: Kutub Capaian Prestasi dan Marwah Akademik

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    The research aims to examine the title of honorary professor from the poles of academic achievement and marwah, emphasizing solutions from different perceptions. The article is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research concluded that Honorary Professor is an academic title of professor from a tertiary institution which is awarded as a form of appreciation to everyone from non-academic circles for having extraordinary achievements. The title of professor through the academic route must be obtained with difficulty, while for non-academic it is feared that it will be used for political-economic interests which can open transactional loopholes. The academic community must encourage the awarding of honorary degrees to run transparently and on target so that negative potential can be avoided

    Imla’ Errors in Junior High School Students’ Writing: Criticism of Teacher's Pronunciation Error

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    The number of errors that occur in students' Arabic wordswriting was one of the strongest reasons for researchers to research and analyze students' mistakes in writing Arabic. The teacher's unclear pronunciation can be one of the biggest factors in the occurrence of errors in students' Arabic writing. The researcher aimed to find out and analyze the errors and the various causal factors in writing student disclaimers. A qualitative descriptive research method was used in the research. Then, observation, interviews and documentation were carried our as data collection at junior boarding school in Yogyakarta. In the data analysis, data reduction, data presentation and data verification were used. Based on the data collected and analyzed, it was found that there was a teacher's pronunciationerrors in the dictation that causederrors in students’ writing which was described as follows; 1) the teacher's makhorijul hurufare not fluent and clear, 2) they are not careful in pronouncing vowels and mad (long and short rules), 3) the pronunciation of alif lam qomariyah and syamsiyah is not clear. From the results of this analysis, it can be proven that the pronunciation of a teacher in conveying dictation lessons greatly influences the results of students' writing dictation. This study providesd suggestions for teachers who will deliver dictation lessons


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    Desa Purbosono merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Kertek Kabupaten Wonosobo.  Desa Purbosono tercatat memiliki angka stunting yang cukup tinggi, diketahui bahwa data terbaru bulan Februari 2022 terdapat 44 anak di Desa Beber yang terindikasi mengalami stunting.  Stunting disebabkan kekurangan asupan gizi dalam waktu lama pada masa 1000 hari pertama kehidupan (HPK) yang merupakan masa kritis kurangnya pengetahuan orang tua akan sangat berpengaruh pada asupan gizi anak. Sehingga dalam hal demikian, perlu   dilakukannya   pencegahan   masalah   stunting   dengan   cara memberikan pemahaman terhadap masyarakat dalammenanggulangitingginya angka stunting di Desa Beber.  Dalam hal ini mahasiswa KPM (Kuliah Pengabdian Masyarakat) MBKM-bR Desa Purbosono melaksanakan kegiatan Penyuluhan Remaja dan PMT (Pemberian Makanan Tambahan) bagi remaja   dan anak -anak balita yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan  pengetahuan  para  remaja pentingnya pencegahan pernikahan dini yang menyebabkan pertambahan angkat stunting dan  pentingnya  menjaga  asupan  gizi  anak -anak  dengan pemanbahan protein yang divariasikan dengan pudding rumput laut dan nugget sayur

    Moral Education Values in the Novel of Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy

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    This article aimed to know the values of moral education in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy and the urgency of moral education values in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy towards learning in the current era. This study uses a qualitative research approach. This research is included in library research or library research. The data collection technique for this research uses documentation techniques, which means books, articles, journals, and scientific works related to this research. The data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques to analyze and process the message. The results of this study can conclude that there are four values of moral education, namely: first moral values towards Allah, including prayer, repentance, dhikr, tawakkal, gratitude, and fear ‘khauf’. Second, moral values towards oneself include maintaining self-purity, being patient, lowering one's gaze, being brave, and being disciplined. Third, family moral values, including filial piety to parents ‘birrul walidain’, Fourth, societal values, including mutual help, religious tolerance, humility, and amar ma'ruf nahi munkar

    Implementation of Bi'ah Lughawiyah in Improving Maharah Kalam at Modern Pondok Az-Zahra al-Gontory Purwokerto|Implementasi Bi’ah Lughawiyyah dalam Peningkatan Maharah Kalam di Pondok Modern Az-Zahra al-Gontory Purwokerto

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    This research was motivated by the results of a survey of researchers at Pondok Modern Az-Zahra Al-Gontory Purwokerto who applied bi'ah lughawiyah in their daily activities. This research aims to: (1) Knowing the implementation of bi'ah lughawiyah at Pondok Modern Az-Zahra Al-Gontory Purwokerto. (2) Knowing the role of bi'ah lughawiyah in increasing maharah kala>m at the Modern Pondok Az-Zahra Al-Gontory Purwokerto. (3) Knowing the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the application of bi'ah lughawiyah to the increase in maharah kala>m at the Modern Pondok Az-Zahra Al-Gontory Purwokerto. To achieve this goal, a descriptive qualitative research type with field research methods was used. The subjects in this study were the head of the boarding school, the administrator of the language department, and several students. Data was collected through participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, after which the data were analyzed and conclusions were drawn. The conclusions drawn from this study are (1) the implementation of bi'ah lughawiyah, namely by requiring the use of Arabic 24 hours a day, in learning at Pondok and Schools so that students are accustomed to using Arabic. (2) Bi'ah lughawiyah is very instrumental in increasing maharah kala>m, with one year of language habituation they have been able to communicate Arabic fluently. (3) Supporting factors are the existence of a supportive environment, cooperation, competent Arabic educators, and institutions language. The inhibiting factors are the lack of awareness of communicating in Arabic and lack of enthusiasm