289 research outputs found

    Measurement of UNILAC and SIS18 proton performance

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    On July 16th 2016 the UNILAC and SIS18 proton performance has been measured. Due to scheduled maintenance works of the UNILAC's rf-system, the post-stripper energy was restricted to 5.9~MeV and accordingly the beam quality suffered considerably from the interruption of the periodic focusing system. This limitation will not be any longer in future beam times. Six single-gap resonators were used for acceleration to 10.7~MeV. After an optimization of the multi-turn injection 1.21011\pmb{1.2\cdot10^{11}} protons were extracted form the SIS18

    Crioablação percutânea da próstata no tratamento do câncer de próstata de alto risco

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate percutaneous cryotherapy as a primary treatment option for high-risk prostate cancer patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From October 2000 to February 2005, 21 high-risk (Gleason e8 and/or PSA >; 10 and/or stage >; T2a) prostate cancer patients underwent 24 percutaneous prostate cryoablation procedures. Patients' median age was 70.9, and the average pretreatment PSA was 19.5 ng/dL. The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 60 months (median, 41 months). RESULTS: The PSA failure rate was 39%, 52.9%, and 42.8% at 12, 24, and 60 months of follow-up, respectively. Overall complication rates were low, with 8% of urinary incontinence and no cases of rectal injury; however, 96% of erectile dysfunction occurred. The cryoablation procedure failed in 12 patients (57.2%); 7 (58.3%) of these were local failures (positive prostate biopsies). CONCLUSION: Percutaneous cryoablation of the prostate is a safe minimally invasive treatment, but it has poor PSA-free survival outcomes in high-risk prostate cancer patients.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a crioterapia percutânea como tratamento primário para o câncer de próstata de alto risco. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: De outubro de 2000 a fevereiro de 2005, 21 pacientes com câncer de próstata de alto risco foram submetidos a 24 crioablações de próstata como tratamento primário. A mediana de idade dos pacientes foi de 70,9, e a média do PSA pré-tratamento de 19,5 ng/dl. O tempo de seguimento variou de 6 a 60 meses (mediana de 41 meses). RESULTADOS: Os índices de falha do PSA foram de 39% e 52,9% respectivamente aos 12 e 24 meses de seguimento. A sobrevida livre de doença em 5 anos foi de 42,8%. De maneira geral os índices de complicações foram baixos, com 8% de incontinência urinária e nenhum caso de lesão retal. Os índices de impotência foram de 96%. Em doze pacientes (57,2%) onde houve falha da crioablação, 7 (58,3%) apresentaram recidivas locais (biópsia positiva) e os demais recidiva a distância. CONCLUSÃO: A crioablação percutânea da próstata é um tratamento minimamente invasivo da próstata, seguro, porém ainda com resultados modestos em pacientes com câncer de próstata de alto risco, quando se considera a sobrevida livre de doença em 5 anos, havendo portanto necessidade de associação de outras modalidades terapêuticas no tratamento deste grupo específico de doentes

    Locally harvested foods support serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D sufficiency in an indigenous population of Western Alaska

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    Background: Low serum vitamin D is associated with higher latitude, age, body fat percentage and low intake of fatty fish. Little documentation of vitamin D concentrations is available for Alaska Native populations. Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations of the Yup'ik people of southwestern Alaska in relation to demographic and lifestyle variables, particularly with the use of locally harvested (local) foods. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: We estimated 25(OH)D, dietary vitamin D and calcium, percent of energy from local foods and demographic variables in 497 Yup'ik people (43% males) aged 14–92 residing in southwestern Alaska. Sampling was approximately equally divided between synthesizing and non-synthesizing seasons, although the preponderance of samples were drawn during months of increasing daylight. Results: Mean vitamin D intake was 15.1±20.2 µg/d, while local foods accounted for 22.9±17.1% of energy intake. The leading sources of vitamin D were local fish (90.1%) followed by market foods. Mean 25(OH)D concentration was 95.6±40.7 nmol/L. Participants in the upper 50th percentile of 25(OH)D concentration tended to be older, male, of lower body mass index, sampled during the synthesizing season, and among the upper 50th percentile of local food use. Conclusions: A shift away from locally harvested foods will likely increase the risk for serum 25(OH)D insufficiency in this population

    Telepsychiatry During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Development of a Protocol for Telemental Health Care

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    Background: The rapid spread of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has forced most countries to take drastic public health measures, including the closure of most mental health outpatient services and some inpatient units. This has suddenly created the need to adapt and expand telepsychiatry care across the world. However, not all health care services might be ready to cope with this public health demand. The present study was set to create a practical and clinically useful protocol for telemental health care to be applied in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A panel of psychiatrists from 15 different countries covering all World Health Organization (WHO) regions was convened. The panel used a combination of reactive Delphi technique and consensus development conference strategies to develop a protocol for the provision of telemental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: The proposed protocol describes a semi-structured initial assessment and a series of potential interventions matching mild, moderate, or high-intensity needs of target populations. Conclusions: Telemedicine has become a pivotal tool in the task of ensuring the continuous provision of mental health care for the population, and the outlined protocol can assist with this task. The strength of this protocol lies in its practicality, clinical usefulness, and wide transferability, resulting from the diversity of the consensus group that developed it. Developed by psychiatrists from around the globe, the proposed protocol may prove helpful for many clinical and cultural contexts, assisting mental health care providers worldwide. © Copyright © 2020 Ramalho, Adiukwu, Gashi Bytyçi, El Hayek, Gonzalez-Diaz, Larnaout, Grandinetti, Nofal, Pereira-Sanchez, Pinto da Costa, Ransing, Teixeira, Shalbafan, Soler-Vidal, Syarif and Orsolini

    Infectious disease outbreak related stigma and discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic: Drivers, facilitators, manifestations, and outcomes across the world

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    Being part of a social minority (e.g. migrants, people of color or Asian descent in Western countries) is not itself a risk factor for contracting Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). However, certain groups of people across the world are being targeted by COVID-19 related stigma (COS) and discrimination, which constitutes a growing concern (Bagcchi, 2020). There is an urgent need to better understand it, as it may pose a barrier for accessing testing and health care and for maintaining treatment adherence (Stangl et al., 2019). It is very likely that COS is the consequence of multiple socio-ecological drivers (e.g., fear, misinformation) and facilitators (e.g., racism, poverty) (Logie, 2020). In this letter, we attempt to explore COS related factors based on the real-life experiences of a group of psychiatrists from thirteen countries using the health stigma and discrimination framework (HSDF) (Stangl et al., 2019). We categorized these experiences as per the process domains (such as drivers, facilitators); and these process domains along with examples/responses are depicted in Fig. (1)

    Daily Rhythmic Behaviors and Thermoregulatory Patterns Are Disrupted in Adult Female MeCP2-Deficient Mice

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    Mutations in the X-linked gene encoding Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) have been associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders including Rett Syndrome, X-linked mental retardation syndrome, severe neonatal encephalopathy, and Angelman syndrome. Although alterations in the performance of MeCP2-deficient mice in specific behavioral tasks have been documented, it remains unclear whether or not MeCP2 dysfunction affects patterns of periodic behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. The aim of the current study was therefore to determine whether a deficiency in MeCP2 is sufficient to alter the normal daily rhythmic patterns of core body temperature, gross motor activity and cortical delta power. To address this, we monitored individual wild-type and MeCP2-deficient mice in their home cage environment via telemetric recording over 24 hour cycles. Our results show that the normal daily rhythmic behavioral patterning of cortical delta wave activity, core body temperature and mobility are disrupted in one-year old female MeCP2-deficient mice. Moreover, female MeCP2-deficient mice display diminished overall motor activity, lower average core body temperature, and significantly greater body temperature fluctuation than wild-type mice in their home-cage environment. Finally, we show that the epileptiform discharge activity in female MeCP2-deficient mice is more predominant during times of behavioral activity compared to inactivity. Collectively, these results indicate that MeCP2 deficiency is sufficient to disrupt the normal patterning of daily biological rhythmic activities

    Design of Group IIA Secreted/Synovial Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors: An Oxadiazolone Derivative Suppresses Chondrocyte Prostaglandin E2 Secretion

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    Group IIA secreted/synovial phospholipase A2 (GIIAPLA2) is an enzyme involved in the synthesis of eicosanoids such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), the main eicosanoid contributing to pain and inflammation in rheumatic diseases. We designed, by molecular modeling, 7 novel analogs of 3-{4-[5(indol-1-yl)pentoxy]benzyl}-4H-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-one, denoted C1, an inhibitor of the GIIAPLA2 enzyme. We report the results of molecular dynamics studies of the complexes between these derivatives and GIIAPLA2, along with their chemical synthesis and results from PLA2 inhibition tests. Modeling predicted some derivatives to display greater GIIAPLA2 affinities than did C1, and such predictions were confirmed by in vitro PLA2 enzymatic tests. Compound C8, endowed with the most favorable energy balance, was shown experimentally to be the strongest GIIAPLA2 inhibitor. Moreover, it displayed an anti-inflammatory activity on rabbit articular chondrocytes, as shown by its capacity to inhibit IL-1β-stimulated PGE2 secretion in these cells. Interestingly, it did not modify the COX-1 to COX-2 ratio. C8 is therefore a potential candidate for anti-inflammatory therapy in joints

    COVID-19 mental health care toolkit: An international collaborative effort by Early Career Psychiatrists section

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    The collaborative effort of an international research team from the Early Career Psychiatrists section of the World Psychiatry Association has brought about an easy-to-use, quick and stepwise mental health care toolkit for the identification and appropriate referral of those in need of mental health care during the pandemic. This simple guide can be applied in the general outpatient setting and is catered for all healthcare professionals, regardless of their expertise within the mental health field with minimal training. It is our hope that by incorporating this toolkit into our daily clinical care during the pandemic for high-risk patients and patients with non-specific complaints, we will be able to bridge the mental health gap present in our society. © 2020 Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020

    Clinical utility of remote platelet function measurement using P-selectin: assessment of aspirin, clopidogrel, and prasugrel and bleeding disorders

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    Vascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke are associated with increased platelet function whilst the risk of recurrence is reduced by antiplatelet agents such as aspirin, clopidogrel, and prasugrel. However, some patients exhibit high platelet reactivity, especially with clopidogrel. Existing platelet function tests may not be ideal in that they can be expensive, are often time consuming, and measurements must be made near to the patient and within a few hours of blood collection. Platelet activation leads to translocation of P-selectin from alpha-granules to the cell surface. Following activation with arachidonic acid (which is blocked by aspirin) or adenosine diphosphate (inhibited by clopidogrel) and fixation, samples may be stored or posted to a laboratory performing flow cytometric quantification of platelet P-selectin expression. Acute myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke are associated with high platelet reactivity on clopidogrel in 6–58% of patients when assessed with P-selectin expression, and high reactivity was associated with an increased risk of recurrence after myocardial infarction. Use of P-selectin expression tests may also be of relevance to surgical and veterinary practice and the diagnosis of mild bleeding disorders. The present review explores this topic in further detail