38 research outputs found

    Kształcenie korespondencyjne jako metoda kształcenia – w okresie jej rozkwitu i upowszechniania

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    The assumption of this article is to present correspondence education as a method of self-education work, a specific feature of which is the indirect correspondence contact between the teacher and the student. There are several methodological variations, which are the subject of the following article, i.e. their common feature is the specific way of contact mentioned above. The article covers the period of the development of correspondence education in the 1950s–1970s, which was a time of intensive development of this form of adult education not only in Poland, but also abroad. At the same time, the text is an attempt to show the importance of distance learning in the development of today’s distance education. From the presentation of the methodological and teaching solutions of the first correspondence schools, it can be concluded that the foundations of the teaching methodology of distance education were formed in the first correspondence schools and are valid to this day.Założeniem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie kształcenia korespondencyjnego jako metody pracy samokształceniowej, której cechą specyficzną jest pośredni, korespondencyjny kontakt nauczyciela z uczniem. Istnieje kilka odmian metodycznych, które są przedmiotem poniższego artykułu: ich wspólną cechę stanowi wspomniany wyżej specyficzny sposób kontaktowania się. Artykuł dotyczy głównie lat 50.–70. XX w. Był to czas intensywnego rozwoju tej formy edukacji dorosłych nie tylko w Polsce, ale również za granicą. Jednocześnie tekst jest próbą ukazania znaczenia kształcenia korespondencyjnego w rozwoju dzisiejszej edukacji na odległość. Z prezentacji rozwiązań metodycznych i dydaktycznych pierwszych szkół korespondencyjnych można wywnioskować, że podstawy metodyki nauczania edukacji na odległość zostały ukształtowane właśnie w pierwszych szkołach korespondencyjnych i są aktualne po dzień dzisiejszy

    Doświadczanie dorosłości osoby Głuchej w ujęciu jednostkowym i społecznym

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    The following article attempts to show the specifics of shaping the identity of Deaf people, as well as their entering into adulthood. The situation of Deaf people in Poland is changing, more and more people are taking up university courses, and access to the labour market for this group of people is increasing. They can also count on the support of sign language interpreters. Certainly, these amenities affect the sense of independence and autonomy when comes to the tasks arising from adulthood. However, can we talk about the full implementation of developmental tasks arising from adulthood in the subjective, individual understanding? What role does social and cultural identity play in the entering of Deaf people into adulthood?W artykule podjęto próbę ukazania specyfiki procesu kształtowania się tożsamości osób Głuchych*, a także wchodzenia w okres dorosłości. Sytuacja osób Głuchych w Polsce ulega zmianie, coraz więcej z nich podejmuje studia, zwiększa się dla tej grupy dostępność do rynku pracy, osoby Głuche mogą liczyć na wsparcie tłumaczy języka migowego. Te udogodnienia wpływają na poczucie niezależności i autonomii w podejmowaniu zadań związanych z okresem dorosłości. Jednak czy w rozumieniu subiektywnym, jednostkowym możemy mówić o pełnym realizowaniu przez te osoby zadań rozwojowych wynikających z okresu dorosłości? Jaką rolę w kontekście wchodzenia w dorosłość odgrywa tożsamość społeczno-kulturowa u osób Głuchych

    Funkcjonowanie systemu ochrony wód podziemnych w Polsce w świetle przepisów ustawy Prawo wodne

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    Ramowa Dyrektywa Wodna wprowadziła wysoki priorytet dla ochrony zasobów wodnych, co w polskim prawodawstwie zostało zaimplementowane najpierw ustawą z dnia 18 lipca 2001 r. – Prawo wodne, a następnie uzupełnione ustawą z dnia 20 lipca 2017 r. – Prawo wodne. Wody podziemne, stanowiące strategiczne rezerwy zasobów wodnych oraz podstawę zaopatrzenia ludności w wodę do spożycia, zajmują szczególną pozycję w systemie ochrony wód. Celem ochrony wód podziemnych jest osiągnięcie celów środowiskowych, odnoszących się zarówno do stanu ilościowego (ochrona ilościowa) jak i chemicznego (ochrona jakościowa). Określone cele środowiskowe są osiągane poprzez wdrażanie programów działań w planach gospodarowania wodami na obszarach dorzeczy, przy równoczesnej realizacji przepisów odrębnych dotyczących ochrony środowiska. W artykule przedstawiono zasady i instrumenty prawne służące ochronie wód podziemnych, w świetle przepisów ustawy Prawo wodne, a także aktualny stan zasobów wód podziemnych w Polsce na podstawie wyników oceny stanu jednolitych części wód podziemnych

    Stress conditions affect the immunomodulatory potential of Candida albicans extracellular vesicles and their impact on cytokine release by THP-1 human macrophages

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    Human immune cells possess the ability to react complexly and effectively after contact with microbial virulence factors, including those transported in cell-derived structures of nanometer sizes termed extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs are produced by organisms of all kingdoms, including fungi pathogenic to humans. In this work, the immunomodulatory properties of EVs produced under oxidative stress conditions or at host concentrations of CO2CO_{2} by the fungal pathogen Candida albicans were investigated. The interaction of EVs with human pro-monocytes of the U-937 cell line was established, and the most notable effect was attributed to oxidative stress-related EVs. The immunomodulatory potential of tested EVs against human THP-1 macrophages was verified using cytotoxicity assay, ROS-production assay, and the measurement of cytokine production. All fungal EVs tested did not show a significant cytotoxic effect on THP-1 cells, although a slight pro-oxidative impact was indicated for EVs released by C. albicans cells grown under oxidative stress. Furthermore, for all tested types of EVs, the pro-inflammatory properties related to increased IL-8 and TNF-α\alpha production and decreased IL-10 secretion were demonstrated, with the most significant effect observed for EVs released under oxidative stress conditions

    Anti-inflammatory, Anti-fibrotic and pro-cardiomyogenic effects of genetically engineered extracellular vesicles enriched in miR-1 and miR-199a on human cardiac fibroblasts

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    Rationale Emerging evidence indicates that stem cell (SC)- derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) carrying bioactive miRNAs are able to repair damaged or infarcted myocardium and ameliorate adverse remodeling. Fibroblasts represent a major cell population responsible for scar formation in the damaged heart. However, the effects of EVs on cardiac fibroblast (CFs) biology and function has not been investigated. Objective To analyze the biological impact of stem cell-derived EVs (SC-EVs) enriched in miR-1 and miR-199a on CFs and to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms. Methods and Results Genetically engineered human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPS) and umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) expressing miR-1 or miR-199a were used to produce miR-EVs. Cells and EVs were thoughtfully analyzed for miRNA expression using RT-qPCR method. Both hiPS-miRs-EVs and UC-MSC-miRs-EVs effectively transferred miRNAs to recipient CFs, however, hiPS-miRs-EVs triggered cardiomyogenic gene expression in CFs more efficiently than UC-MSC-miRs-EVs. Importantly, hiPS-miR-1-EVs exhibited cytoprotective effects on CFs by reducing apoptosis, decreasing levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (CCL2, IL-1β1\beta, IL-8) and downregulating the expression of a pro-fibrotic gene – α\alpha-smooth muscle actin (α\alpha-SMA). Notably, we identified a novel role of miR-199a-3p delivered by hiPS-EVs to CFs, in triggering the expression of cardiomyogenic genes (NKX2.5, TNTC, MEF2C) and ion channels involved in cardiomyocyte contractility (HCN2, SCN5A, KCNJ2, KCND3). By targeting SERPINE2, miR-199a-3p may reduce pro-fibrotic properties of CFs, whereas miR-199a-5p targeted BCAM and TSPAN6, which may be implicated in downregulation of inflammation. Conclusions hiPS-EVs carrying miR-1 and miR-199a attenuate apoptosis and pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory activities of CFs, and increase cardiomyogenic gene expression. These finding serve as rationale for targeting fibroblasts with novel EV-based miRNA therapies to improve heart repair after myocardial injury

    Effects triggered by platinum nanoparticles on primary keratinocytes

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    The platinum (Pt)-group elements (PGEs) represent a new kind of environmental pollutant and a new hazard for human health. Since their introduction as vehicle-exhaust catalysts, their emissions into the environment have grown considerably compared with their low natural concentration in the earth crust. PGE emissions from vehicle catalysts can be also in the form of nanometer-sized particles (Pt nanoparticles [PtNPs]). These elements, both in their metallic form or as ions solubilized in biological media, are now recognized as potent allergens and sensitizers. Human skin is always exposed to toxic particles; therefore, in the present study we addressed the question of whether polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated PtNPs may have any negative effects on skin cells, including predominantly epidermal keratinocytes. In this study, PtNPs of two sizes were used: 5.8 nm and 57 nm, in concentrations of 6.25, 12.5, and 25 μg/mL. Both types of NPs were protected with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Primary keratinocytes were treated for 24 and 48 hours, then cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, morphology, metabolic activity, and changes in the activation of signaling pathways were investigated in PtNP-treated cells. We found that PtNPs trigger toxic effects on primary keratinocytes, decreasing cell metabolism, but these changes have no effects on cell viability or migration. Moreover, smaller NPs exhibited more deleterious effect on DNA stability than the big ones. Analyzing activation of caspases, we found changes in activity of caspase 9 and caspase 3/7 triggered mainly by smaller NPs. Changes were not so significant in the case of larger nanoparticles. Importantly, we found that PtNPs have antibacterial properties, as is the case with silver NPs (AgNPs). In comparison to our previous study regarding the effects of AgNPs on cell biology, we found that PtNPs do not exhibit such deleterious effects on primary keratinocytes as AgNPs and that they also can be used as potential antibacterial agents, especially in the treatment of Escherichia coli, representing a group of Gram-negative species


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    This article applies to reflections on the nature of identity in terms of andragogy. The first part presents the concept of identity in terms of psychological and sociological approach, indicating the need to analyze this concept from the perspective of pedagogy, as well as the concept of individual and social identity. The author has tried to identify these two types of identity as a particularly important and significant in the analysis of biographical studies and adult education. The article concerns also on the tasks of adult education, in order to deal with not only the transmission of knowledge about adult person, but also it reveals its significant impact on an adult attitudes, knowledge about himself, building his own image, as well as shaping his own personality and identity