252 research outputs found

    Towards (re)generative agriculture

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    The challenges of adapting farming in response to climate change, degraded soils, depleted natural resources and an increasing population have created new agricultural concepts with focus on an environmentally long-term sustainable way of producing food. One possible solution presented is regenerative agriculture, an alternative form of food production that focus on building and re-forming resilient ecological systems supported by ecosystem processes. Regenerative agriculture works with various agricultural practices and management techniques and focus on the entire ecosystems to be able to establish a selfsustained well functional system. Techniques and practises used within the concept also contributes to building carbon in the soil, which leads to less impact on the climate. - However, the concept lacks a formalized definition and critical voices have been raised regarding its presumed positive impact on soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration. This study thus aims to investigates farmers and gardeners currently practise regenerative agriculture on Gotland, Sweden’s largest island, to enabling future studies. A mixed method was used to enabling both collection of data in terms of management practises and techniques through a questionnaire and investigating thoughts and ideas about the concept with semi-structured interviews. The results illustrated regenerative agriculture as a flexible concept both in terms of practises and techniques used on the farm and gardens and as well the ideas and thoughts expressed

    Image Processing Across Multiple Interconnected System-on-Chips

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    This thesis explores the communication between interconnected System-on-Chips that process images. It explores the difficulties faced when combining two heterogeneous multiprocessors to act as a single unit. It also examines the performance gain of the resulting system. The thesis shows that not only does the resulting system decrease the bandwidth usage on the individual System-on-Chips, but it also opens the possibility of using remote processors for offloading of independent tasks

    An investigation into the effects of phage diversity on the evolution of bacterial resistance mechanisms

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    Bacteria possess multiple resistance mechanisms, but little is known why one mechanism can be favoured over others. With a focus on two resistance mechanisms of the pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, I expand on present knowledge by looking at ecological and genetic selection pressures that drive the adaptive resistance mechanism of the CRISPR-Cas (Clustered Regular Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats – CRISPR associated) system compared with general resistance through cell surface modification. Specifically, I show that 1) the evolution of CRISPR-Cas immunity is not general across all phage species. 2) I examine how adaptive evolution is affected when a phage species, known to elicit CRISPR-Cas evolution, is mixed with novel phage species and demonstrate that the resistance mechanism is switched in combination with multiple phages, to surface modification. 3) I show how priming is important for continued resistance when phage have escaped the CRISPR-Cas system. However, significant detection of priming may vary between different host-phage interactions. 4) I then show how primed bacterial strains fail to evolve CRISPR-Cas resistance when infected with phage mixtures, even though prior spacer acquisition exists. 5) Finally, the benefit of the CRISPR-Cas system in generating genetic diversity is shown to rapidly clear phage from the environment. Combined, these results show that, even though there are substantial fitness benefits associated with CRISPR-Cas immunity, P. aeruginosa will develop resistance by means of surface modification in the face of phage diversity

    Inventing Iphigeneia? On Euripides and the Cultic Construction of Brauron

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    Dario M. Cosi, L’arkteia di Brauron e i culti femminili

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    The importance of sacrifice: new approaches to old methods

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    The study of sacrifice in antiquity has recently been enriched by two important contributions in the form of the acta of conferences, one organized at Göteborg in 1997 and the other in Paris in 2001. The scope and aims of these two events were highly different. The Göteborg seminar focused specifically on the Olympian and chthonian aspects of Greek sacrificial ritual, while the Paris conference aimed at evaluating and broadening the work presented in the seminal study La cuisine du sacrifice ..

    The outdoor space of Brickbandet : management plan 2006

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    In the centre of Bromma, east of Brommaplan is the part of Bromma named Riksby. Riksby was built in the early 1940:s as a part of the westward expansion of Stockholm. Other places that were built at the same time was for ex. Stora Mossen and Abrahamsberg. This work is about the outdoor environment of the housing co-operative of Brickbandet. The outdoor environment of Brickbandet was designed by the landscape architect Ulla Bodorff in the functionalistic style, influenced by natural romanticism as was common at the time. The original plan-drawings for the location of the plants are still extant, which is very valuable, since that makes it possible to recognize what parts are still there. Some changes has occurred within Brickbandet, but they are relatively small considering that they are more than 60 years old. The biggest changes are made in the streets, where parking lots were built in the 1960:ies. The yards are relatively untouched. The relatively small changes in the inner yards combined with the fact that the dwellers likes their outdoor environment hints about good qualities in the concept of the original design. Today the yards are partially neglected and the reason for this is probably insufficient resources for their maintenance. This work is a plan for future maintenance of the outdoor environments of Brickbandet. It includes a description of Brickbandets present values and a discussion for future goals of the maintenance. To describe and define the existing values and to define goals for future maintenance is vital for making relevant suggests of maintenance and for the motivation and understanding of the suggests. The plan for maintenance includes steps for suggests whose main purpose is a careful restoration of the outdoor environment of Brickbandet. The suggests are based on Brickbandets existing values, but the plan also allows changes to be made, that takes steps away from the original design. However, every time similar changes are made, they must be well motivated and be made in the spirit of the original concept of design of the place.I centrala Bromma direkt öster om Brommaplan, ligger stadsdelen Riksby. Riksby byggdes under tidigt 1940-tal tillsammans med bl.a. Stora Mossen och Abrahamsberg som en del i Stockholms stads expansion vĂ€sterut. BostadsrĂ€ttsföreningen Brickbandet Ă„terfinns i Riksby och rapporten behandlar Brickbandets utemiljöer. BostadsgĂ„rdarna gestaltades av landskapsarkitekten Ulla Bodorff i dĂ„tidens funktionalistiska stil med en dragning mot naturromantik. Intressant och mycket ovanligt Ă€r det faktum att gĂ„rdarnas ursprungliga planteringsplaner finns bevarade. Detta har underlĂ€ttat arbetet med rapporten avsevĂ€rt i och med att ursprungsförslaget berĂ€ttar hur gĂ„rdarna sannolikt sett ut vid anlĂ€ggningsskedet. Även om en del förĂ€ndringar skett inom omrĂ„det sĂ„ Ă€r de relativt smĂ„ pĂ„ sjĂ€lva innergĂ„rdarna. Utemiljöernas största förĂ€ndring bestod i anlĂ€ggandet av bilparkeringar i gatumiljö pĂ„ 1960-talet. Ett flertal av huvudelementen i gĂ„rdsmiljöerna finns emellertid kvar vilket gör gĂ„rdarna mycket intressanta. Intressant Ă€r ocksĂ„ det faktum att de boende trivs i de tĂ€mligen orörda gĂ„rdarna vilket tyder pĂ„ en kvalitet i ursprungsförslagets utförande. GĂ„rdarna Ă€r dock bitvis eftersatta idag, sannolikt pĂ„ grund av för lĂ„ga skötselresurser. Genom bl.a. byten av vĂ€xtmaterial i frĂ€mst gatumiljö gĂ„r omstruktureringar i skötselarbetet sannolikt att genomföra. Denna rapport Ă€r en vĂ„rdplan med tillhörande vĂ€rdebeskrivning och mĂ„lsĂ€ttningsdiskussion. En beskrivning av befintliga vĂ€rden samt en mĂ„lsĂ€ttningsdiskussion Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt att för att relevanta Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag ska kunna ges och för att Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslagen ska kunna motiveras och förstĂ„s. I vĂ„rdplanen ges Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag vars syfte Ă€r att möjliggöra en varsam restaurering av gĂ„rdarna med utgĂ„ngspunkt i deras befintliga vĂ€rden. I vĂ„rdplanen tillĂ„ts dock förĂ€ndringar frĂ„n ursprungsförslaget, men var gĂ„ng en förĂ€ndring görs mĂ„ste den tĂ€nkas igenom noga och utföras i samklang med ursprungsplanernas gestaltningsidĂ©

    Jörg Gebauer, Pompe und Thysia. Attische Tieropferdarstellungen auf schwarz- und rotfigurigen Vasen

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    Any reader familiar with Folkert van Straten’s seminal study HierĂ  kalĂĄ. Images of animal sacrifice in Archaic and Classical Greece (1995) may be surprised to encounter Jörg Gebauer’s book published in 2002. Even Gebauer himself admits, in the first sentence of the preface, that yet another study of the representations of Greek animal sacrifice may be overkill. The need for this study is explained as previous work not having considered the evidence sufficient detail. Gebauer’s book is a sligh..

    The importance of sacrifice: new approaches to old methods

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    The study of sacrifice in antiquity has recently been enriched by two important contributions in the form of the acta of conferences, one organized at Göteborg in 1997 and the other in Paris in 2001. The scope and aims of these two events were highly different. The Göteborg seminar focused specifically on the Olympian and chthonian aspects of Greek sacrificial ritual, while the Paris conference aimed at evaluating and broadening the work presented in the seminal study La cuisine du sacrifice ..

    Jörg Gebauer, Pompe und Thysia. Attische Tieropferdarstellungen auf schwarz- und rotfigurigen Vasen

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    Any reader familiar with Folkert van Straten’s seminal study HierĂ  kalĂĄ. Images of animal sacrifice in Archaic and Classical Greece (1995) may be surprised to encounter Jörg Gebauer’s book published in 2002. Even Gebauer himself admits, in the first sentence of the preface, that yet another study of the representations of Greek animal sacrifice may be overkill. The need for this study is explained as previous work not having considered the evidence sufficient detail. Gebauer’s book is a sligh..
