444 research outputs found

    Use cases, best practice and reporting standards for metabolomics in regulatory toxicology

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    Metabolomics is a widely used technology in academic research, yet its application to regulatory science has been limited. The most commonly cited barrier to its translation is lack of performance and reporting standards. The MEtabolomics standaRds Initiative in Toxicology (MERIT) project brings together international experts from multiple sectors to address this need. Here, we identify the most relevant applications for metabolomics in regulatory toxicology and develop best practice guidelines, performance and reporting standards for acquiring and analysing untargeted metabolomics and targeted metabolite data. We recommend that these guidelines are evaluated and implemented for several regulatory use cases

    Microphysical explanation of the RH-dependent water affinity of biogenic organic aerosol and its importance for climate

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Geophysical Union via the DOI in this record.A large fraction of atmospheric organic aerosol (OA) originates from natural emissions that are oxidized in the atmosphere to form secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Isoprene (IP) and monoterpenes (MT) are the most important precursors of SOA originating from forests. The climate impacts from OA are currently estimated through parameterizations of water uptake that drastically simplify the complexity of OA. We combine laboratory experiments, thermodynamic modeling, field observations, and climate modeling to (1) explain the molecular mechanisms behind RH-dependent SOA water-uptake with solubility and phase separation; (2) show that laboratory data on IP- and MT-SOA hygroscopicity are representative of ambient data with corresponding OA source profiles; and (3) demonstrate the sensitivity of the modeled aerosol climate effect to assumed OA water affinity. We conclude that the commonly used single-parameter hygroscopicity framework can introduce significant error when quantifying the climate effects of organic aerosol. The results highlight the need for better constraints on the overall global OA mass loadings and its molecular composition, including currently underexplored anthropogenic and marine OA sources.The data presented in the paper will be available through the Bolin Centre database (http://bolin.su.se/data/). The EC H2020 European Research Council ERC (ERC-StGATMOGAIN-278277 and ERC-StG-QAPPA-335478) and integrated project 641816 CRESCENDO Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas (Swedish Research Council Formas) (2015-749), Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse (Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Wallenberg Fellowship AtmoRemove), Academy of Finland (grants 272041 and 259005), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC grants NE/M003531/1 and NE/J02175X/1), Norwegian Research Council (EVA grant 229771), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC, grant RGPIN/04315-2014), National Science Foundation (NSF, grants ATM-1242258, AGS-1242932, and AGS-1360834), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, STAR grant R835410), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, CPO award 538NA10OAR4310102), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI, grant 10004734), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE, grants BER/ASR DE-SC0016559 and DE-SC0012792), Georgia Institute of Technology, and NordForsk (Nordic Centre of Excellence eSTICC) are gratefully acknowledged for funding. The climate model simulations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the National Supercomputing Centre. Benjamin Murphy is acknowledged for useful discussions

    Factors that Determine Catastrophic Expenditure for Tuberculosis Care: a Patient Survey in China

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) often causes catastrophic economic effects on both the individual suffering the disease and their households. A number of studies have analyzed patient and household expenditure on TB care, but there does not appear to be any that have assessed the incidence, intensity and determinants of catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) relating to TB care in China. That will be the objective of this paper. Methods: The data used for this study were derived from the baseline survey of the China Government – Gates Foundation TB Phase II program. Our analysis included 747 TB cases. Catastrophic health expenditure for TB care was estimated using two approaches, with households defined as experiencing CHE if their annual expenditure on TB care: (a) exceeded 10 % of total household income; and (b) exceeded 40 % of their non-food expenditure (capacity to pay). Chi-square tests were used to identify associated factors and logistic regression analysis to identify the determinants of CHE. Results: The incidence of CHE was 66.8 % using the household income measure and 54.7 % using non-food expenditure (capacity to pay). An inverse association was observed between CHE rates and household income level. Significant determinants of CHE were: age, household size, employment status, health insurance status, patient income as a percentage of total household income, hospitalization and status as a minimum living security household. Factors including gender, marital status and type of TB case had no significant associations with CHE. Conclusions: Catastrophic health expenditure incidence from TB care is high in China. An integrated policy expanding the free treatment package and ensuring universal coverage, especially the height of UHC for TB patients, is needed. Financial and social protection interventions are essential for identified at-risk groups

    Facing Aggression: Cues Differ for Female versus Male Faces

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    The facial width-to-height ratio (face ratio), is a sexually dimorphic metric associated with actual aggression in men and with observers' judgements of aggression in male faces. Here, we sought to determine if observers' judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio in female faces. In three studies, participants rated photographs of female and male faces on aggression, femininity, masculinity, attractiveness, and nurturing. In Studies 1 and 2, for female and male faces, judgements of aggression were associated with the face ratio even when other cues in the face related to masculinity were controlled statistically. Nevertheless, correlations between the face ratio and judgements of aggression were smaller for female than for male faces (F1,36 = 7.43, p = 0.01). In Study 1, there was no significant relationship between judgements of femininity and of aggression in female faces. In Study 2, the association between judgements of masculinity and aggression was weaker in female faces than for male faces in Study 1. The weaker association in female faces may be because aggression and masculinity are stereotypically male traits. Thus, in Study 3, observers rated faces on nurturing (a stereotypically female trait) and on femininity. Judgements of nurturing were associated with femininity (positively) and masculinity (negatively) ratings in both female and male faces. In summary, the perception of aggression differs in female versus male faces. The sex difference was not simply because aggression is a gendered construct; the relationships between masculinity/femininity and nurturing were similar for male and female faces even though nurturing is also a gendered construct. Masculinity and femininity ratings are not associated with aggression ratings nor with the face ratio for female faces. In contrast, all four variables are highly inter-correlated in male faces, likely because these cues in male faces serve as “honest signals”

    Differences in the Number of Intrinsically Disordered Regions between Yeast Duplicated Proteins, and Their Relationship with Functional Divergence

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    BACKGROUND: Intrinsically disordered regions are enriched in short interaction motifs that play a critical role in many protein-protein interactions. Since new short interaction motifs may easily evolve, they have the potential to rapidly change protein interactions and cellular signaling. In this work we examined the dynamics of gain and loss of intrinsically disordered regions in duplicated proteins to inspect if changes after genome duplication can create functional divergence. For this purpose we used Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the outgroup species Lachancea kluyveri. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that genes duplicated as part of a genome duplication (ohnologs) are significantly more intrinsically disordered than singletons (p<2.2(e)-16, Wilcoxon), reflecting a preference for retaining intrinsically disordered proteins in duplicate. In addition, there have been marked changes in the extent of intrinsic disorder following duplication. A large number of duplicated genes have more intrinsic disorder than their L. kluyveri ortholog (29% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons) and an even greater number have less intrinsic disorder than the L. kluyveri ortholog (37% for duplicates versus 25% for singletons). Finally, we show that the number of physical interactions is significantly greater in the more intrinsically disordered ohnolog of a pair (p = 0.003, Wilcoxon). CONCLUSION: This work shows that intrinsic disorder gain and loss in a protein is a mechanism by which a genome can also diverge and innovate. The higher number of interactors for proteins that have gained intrinsic disorder compared with their duplicates may reflect the acquisition of new interaction partners or new functional roles

    A bird’s eye view: using circuit theory to study urban landscape connectivity for birds

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    Context Connectivity is fundamental to understanding how landscape form influences ecological function. However, uncertainties persist due to the difficulty and expense of gathering empirical data to drive or to validate connectivity models, especially in urban areas, where relationships are multifaceted and the habitat matrix cannot be considered to be binary. Objectives This research used circuit theory to model urban bird flows (i.e. ‘current’), and compared results to observed abundance. The aims were to explore the ability of this approach to predict wildlife flows and to test relationships between modelled connectivity and variation in abundance. Methods Circuitscape was used to model functional connectivity in Bedford, Luton/Dunstable, and Milton Keynes, UK, for great tits (Parus major) and blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), drawing parameters from published studies of woodland bird flows in urban environments. Model performance was then tested against observed abundance data. Results Modelled current showed a weak yet positive agreement with combined abundance for P. major and C. caeruleus. Weaker correlations were found for other woodland species, suggesting the approach may be expandable if re-parameterised. Conclusions Trees provide suitable habitat for urban woodland bird species, but their location in large, contiguous patches and corridors along barriers also facilitates connectivity networks throughout the urban matrix. Urban connectivity studies are well-served by the advantages of circuit theory approaches, and benefit from the empirical study of wildlife flows in these landscapes to parameterise this type of modelling more explicitly. Such results can prove informative and beneficial in designing urban green space and new developments

    Subcellular peptide localization in single identified neurons by capillary microsampling mass spectrometry

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    Single cell mass spectrometry (MS) is uniquely positioned for the sequencing and identification of peptides in rare cells. Small peptides can take on different roles in subcellular compartments. Whereas some peptides serve as neurotransmitters in the cytoplasm, they can also function as transcription factors in the nucleus. Thus, there is a need to analyze the subcellular peptide compositions in identified single cells. Here, we apply capillary microsampling MS with ion mobility separation for the sequencing of peptides in single neurons of the mollusk Lymnaea stagnalis, and the analysis of peptide distributions between the cytoplasm and nucleus of identified single neurons that are known to express cardioactive Phe-Met-Arg-Phe amide-like (FMRFamide-like) neuropeptides. Nuclei and cytoplasm of Type 1 and Type 2 F group (Fgp) neurons were analyzed for neuropeptides cleaved from the protein precursors encoded by alternative splicing products of the FMRFamide gene. Relative abundances of nine neuropeptides were determined in the cytoplasm. The nuclei contained six of these peptides at different abundances. Enabled by its relative enrichment in Fgp neurons, a new 28-residue neuropeptide was sequenced by tandem MS

    Dynamic Emotional and Neural Responses to Music Depend on Performance Expression and Listener Experience

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    Apart from its natural relevance to cognition, music provides a window into the intimate relationships between production, perception, experience, and emotion. Here, emotional responses and neural activity were observed as they evolved together with stimulus parameters over several minutes. Participants listened to a skilled music performance that included the natural fluctuations in timing and sound intensity that musicians use to evoke emotional responses. A mechanical performance of the same piece served as a control. Before and after fMRI scanning, participants reported real-time emotional responses on a 2-dimensional rating scale (arousal and valence) as they listened to each performance. During fMRI scanning, participants listened without reporting emotional responses. Limbic and paralimbic brain areas responded to the expressive dynamics of human music performance, and both emotion and reward related activations during music listening were dependent upon musical training. Moreover, dynamic changes in timing predicted ratings of emotional arousal, as well as real-time changes in neural activity. BOLD signal changes correlated with expressive timing fluctuations in cortical and subcortical motor areas consistent with pulse perception, and in a network consistent with the human mirror neuron system. These findings show that expressive music performance evokes emotion and reward related neural activations, and that music's affective impact on the brains of listeners is altered by musical training. Our observations are consistent with the idea that music performance evokes an emotional response through a form of empathy that is based, at least in part, on the perception of movement and on violations of pulse-based temporal expectancies