19 research outputs found

    A Data-Based Approach for Selecting Pre- and Intra-Operative Language Mapping Tasks

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    Background: Pre- and intra-operative language mapping in neurosurgery patients frequently involves an object naming task. The choice of the optimal object naming paradigm remains challenging due to lack of normative data and standardization in mapping practices. The aim of this study was to identify object naming paradigms that robustly and consistently activate classical language regions and could therefore be used to improve the sensitivity of language mapping in brain tumor and epilepsy patients. Methods: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from two independent groups of healthy controls (total = 79) were used to generate threshold-weighted voxel-based consistency maps. This novel approach allowed us to compare inter-subject consistency of activation for naming single objects in the visual and auditory modality and naming two objects in a phrase or a sentence. Results: We found that the consistency of activation in language regions was greater for naming two objects per picture than one object per picture, even when controlling for the number of names produced in 5 s. Conclusion: More consistent activation in language areas for naming two objects compared to one object suggests that two-object naming tasks may be more suitable for delimiting language eloquent regions with pre- and intra-operative language testing. More broadly, we propose that the functional specificity of brain mapping paradigms for a whole range of different linguistic and non-linguistic functions could be enhanced by referring to databased models of inter-subject consistency and variability in typical and atypical brain responses

    Neuromodulatory Control and Language Recovery in Bilingual Aphasia: An Active Inference Approach

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    Understanding the aetiology of the diverse recovery patterns in bilingual aphasia is a theoretical challenge with implications for treatment. Loss of control over intact language networks provides a parsimonious starting point that can be tested using in-silico lesions. We simulated a complex recovery pattern (alternate antagonism and paradoxical translation) to test the hypothesis—from an established hierarchical control model—that loss of control was mediated by constraints on neuromodulatory resources. We used active (Bayesian) inference to simulate a selective loss of sensory precision; i.e., confidence in the causes of sensations. This in-silico lesion altered the precision of beliefs about task relevant states, including appropriate actions, and reproduced exactly the recovery pattern of interest. As sensory precision has been linked to acetylcholine release, these simulations endorse the conjecture that loss of neuromodulatory control can explain this atypical recovery pattern. We discuss the relevance of this finding for other recovery patterns

    TNF alpha inhibitors in Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic review

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    Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of tumour necrosis factor‐alpha inhibitors (TNF‐αI) on Alzheimer's disease‐associated pathology. / Design: A literature search of PubMed, Embase, PsychINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library databases for human and animal studies that evaluated the use of TNF‐αI was performed on 26 October 2016. / Results: The main outcomes assessed were cognition and behaviour, reduction in brain tissue mass, presence of plaques and tangles, and synaptic function. Risk of bias was assessed regarding blinding, statistical model, outcome reporting, and other biases. Sixteen studies were included, 13 of which were animal studies and 3 of which were human. All animal studies found that treatment with TNF‐αI leads to an improvement in cognition and behaviour. None of the studies measured change in brain tissue mass. The majority of studies documented a beneficial effect in other areas, including the presence of plaques and tangles and synaptic function. The amount of data from human studies was limited. Two out of 3 studies concluded that TNF‐αI are beneficial in Alzheimer's disease patients, with one being an observational study and the latter being a small pilot study, with a high risk of bias. / Conclusion: It was concluded that a large‐scale randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of TNF‐αI on humans is warranted

    Medical student‐led simulation in COVID‐19 crisis

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    Background: Simulation training is an effective tool for improving confidence in healthcare workers. During the recent COVID‐19 pandemic, large numbers of staff required re‐training to manage unfamiliar situations. We present a set of medical student‐led clinical simulation sessions and evaluate their effects on (i) confidence among redeployed healthcare workers managing COVID‐19 patients and (ii) medical students’ confidence as educators. / Methods: Half‐day simulation training sessions consisting of three COVID‐related clinical scenarios were devised by senior medical students and delivered to a group of approximately 150 healthcare workers over six repeated sessions prior to redeployment to COVID‐19 wards. We distributed an anonymous pre‐ and post‐simulation questionnaire to 36 participants in the final group exploring their experiences. The confidence scores were analysed using the Wilcoxon signed‐rank test. Following the delivery of teaching, medical students completed a questionnaire assessing their personal experiences of designing and delivering the exercises. / Results: Data are available for 35/36 participants approached. Respondents reported being significantly more confident after the training in all aspects of managing COVID‐19 patients, including triage, complex discharge, recognising deterioration, initiating basic life support, managing symptoms and advising on visiting policies (p < 0.001); 97% of respondents rated the training as useful. Thematic analysis of medical students’ responses demonstrated mutual benefit. / Discussion: This study demonstrates the strengths of simulation training in helping to build staff confidence in a rapidly evolving situation and highlights the value of medical students in supporting a hospital’s response to an outbreak. We recommend further studies of student‐led simulation exercises, including longer‐term follow‐up

    A functional dissociation of the left frontal regions that contribute to single word production tasks

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    Controversy surrounds the interpretation of higher activation for pseudoword compared to word reading in the left precentral gyrus and pars opercularis. Specifically, does activation in these regions reflect: (1) the demands on sublexical assembly of articulatory codes, or (2) retrieval effort because the combinations of articulatory codes are unfamiliar? Using fMRI, in 84 neurologically intact participants, we addressed this issue by comparing reading and repetition of words (W) and pseudowords (P) to naming objects (O) from pictures or sounds. As objects do not provide sublexical articulatory cues, we hypothesis that retrieval effort will be greater for object naming than word repetition/reading (which benefits from both lexical and sublexical cues); while the demands on sublexical assembly will be higher for pseudoword production than object naming. We found that activation was: (i) highest for pseudoword reading [P>O&W in the visual modality] in the anterior part of the ventral precentral gyrus bordering the precentral sulcus (vPCg/vPCs), consistent with the sublexical assembly of articulatory codes; but (ii) as high for object naming as pseudoword production [P&O>W] in dorsal precentral gyrus (dPCg) and the left inferior frontal junction (IFJ), consistent with retrieval demands and cognitive control. In addition, we dissociate the response properties of vPCg/vPCs, dPCg and IFJ from other left frontal lobe regions that are activated during single word speech production. Specifically, in both auditory and visual modalities: a central part of vPCg (head and face area) was more activated for verbal than nonverbal stimuli [P&W>O]; and the pars orbitalis and inferior frontal sulcus were most activated during object naming [O>W&P]. Our findings help to resolve a previous discrepancy in the literature, dissociate three functionally distinct parts of the precentral gyrus, and refine our knowledge of the functional anatomy of speech production in the left frontal lobe

    Dissociating the functions of three left posterior superior temporal regions that contribute to speech perception and production

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    Prior studies have shown that the left posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and left temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) both contribute to phonological short-term memory, speech perception and speech production. Here, by conducting a within-subjects multi-factorial fMRI study, we dissociate the response profiles of these regions and a third region - the anterior ascending terminal branch of the left superior temporal sulcus (atSTS), which lies dorsal to pSTS and ventral to TPJ. First, we show that each region was more activated by (i) 1-back matching on visually presented verbal stimuli (words or pseudowords) compared to 1-back matching on visually presented non-verbal stimuli (pictures of objects or non-objects), and (ii) overt speech production than 1-back matching, across 8 types of stimuli (visually presented words, pseudowords, objects and non-objects and aurally presented words, pseudowords, object sounds and meaningless hums). The response properties of the three regions dissociated within the auditory modality. In left TPJ, activation was higher for auditory stimuli that were non-verbal (sounds of objects or meaningless hums) compared to verbal (words and pseudowords), irrespective of task (speech production or 1-back matching). In left pSTS, activation was higher for non-semantic stimuli (pseudowords and hums) than semantic stimuli (words and object sounds) on the dorsal pSTS surface (dpSTS), irrespective of task. In left atSTS, activation was not sensitive to either semantic or verbal content. The contrasting response properties of left TPJ, dpSTS and atSTS was cross-validated in an independent sample of 59 participants, using region-by-condition interactions. We also show that each region participates in non-overlapping networks of frontal, parietal and cerebellar regions. Our results challenge previous claims about functional specialisation in the left posterior superior temporal lobe and motivate future studies to determine the timing and directionality of information flow in the brain networks involved in speech perception and production

    TRAIL treatment provokes mutations in surviving cells

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    Chemotherapy and radiotherapy commonly damage DNA and trigger p53-dependent apoptosis through intrinsic apoptotic pathways. Two unfortunate consequences of this mechanism are resistance due to blockade of p53 or intrinsic apoptosis pathways, and mutagenesis of non-malignant surviving cells which can impair cellular function or provoke second malignancies. Death ligand-based drugs, such as tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL), stimulate extrinsic apoptotic signaling, and may overcome resistance to treatments that induce intrinsic apoptosis. As death receptor ligation does not damage DNA as a primary mechanism of pro-apoptotic action, we hypothesized that surviving cells would remain genetically unscathed, suggesting that death ligand-based therapies may avoid some of the adverse effects associated with traditional cancer treatments. Surprisingly, however, treatment with sub-lethal concentrations of TRAIL or FasL was mutagenic. Mutations arose in viable cells that contained active caspases, and overexpression of the caspase-8 inhibitor crmA or silencing of caspase-8 abolished TRAIL-mediated mutagenesis. Downregulation of the apoptotic nuclease caspase-activated DNAse (CAD)/DNA fragmentation factor 40 (DFF40) prevented the DNA damage associated with TRAIL treatment. Although death ligands do not need to damage DNA in order to induce apoptosis, surviving cells nevertheless incur DNA damage after treatment with these agents

    Mono- or Double-Site Phosphorylation Distinctly Regulates the Proapoptotic Function of Bax

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    Bax is the major multidomain proapoptotic molecule that is required for apoptosis. It has been reported that phosphorylation of Bax at serine(S) 163 or S184 activates or inactivates its proapoptotic function, respectively. To uncover the mechanism(s) by which phosphorylation regulates the proapoptotic function of Bax, a series of serine (S)→ alanine/glutamate (A/E) Bax mutants, including S163A, S184A, S163E, S184E, S163E/S184A (EA), S163A/S184E (AE), S163A/S184A (AA) and S163E/S184E (EE), were created to abrogate or mimic, respectively, either single or double-site phosphorylation. The compound Bax mutants (i.e. EA and AE) can flesh out the functional contribution of individual phosphorylation site(s). WT and each of these Bax mutants were overexpressed in Bax−/− MEF or lung cancer H157 cells and the proapoptotic activities were compared. Intriguingly, expression of any of Bax mutants containing the mutation S→A at S184 (i.e. S184A, EA or AA) represents more potent proapoptotic activity as compared to WT Bax in association with increased 6A7 epitope conformational change, mitochondrial localization/insertion and prolonged half-life. In contrast, all Bax mutants containing the mutation S→E at S184 (i.e. S184E, AE or EE) have a mobility-shift and fail to insert into mitochondrial membranes with decreased protein stability and less apoptotic activity. Unexpectedly, mutation either S→A or S→E at S163 site does not significantly affect the proapoptotic activity of Bax. These findings indicate that S184 but not S163 is the major phosphorylation site for functional regulation of Bax's activity. Therefore, manipulation of the phosphorylation status of Bax at S184 may represent a novel strategy for cancer treatment