359 research outputs found

    The Effects of Introducing Skewness into Capital Rationing Decision Models

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    When investment projects are described by subjective probability distributions, the measure of investment worth becomes a difficult task. One of the basic assumptions underlying investment analysis under risk is that decision makers would base their decisions on only the first two statistical moments of the probability distribution of returns. However, the mean and variance can adequately describe only certain symmetric distributions such as the normal and the uniform distributions. As a result, if probability distributions of investment returns are actually asymmetric, the classic first two moments analysis ignores information (skewness) that is needed to make a better investment decision. Even though the importance of the third moment in project selection has been recognized, nowhere in the literature is there a successful application of the concept to a regular periodic decision process where the decision maker lacks full knowledge of his future as well as present investment opportunities. Therefore, it is the purpose of this research to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing the higher statistical moments in capital rationing situation

    2014 Audio Contest runner-up in poetry : Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie

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    PodcastToday on the The Missouri Review Soundbooth Podcast we are proud to feature our runner-up in the poetry category of the 2014 Audio Contest, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie


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    Yoghurt was produced and flavoured with graded levels of soursop pulp. Soursop pulp was used to substitute 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of yoghurt. The chemical, sensory and microbiological properties of the yoghurts were determined. The results showed that the pH of the yoghurt ranged from 4.30 to 4.60. The protein content varied from 2.68%-5.83% and the ash content ranged from 1.21% - 1.38%. The fat and moisture contents decreased and the values varied from 2.21% - 4.12% and 74.57%- 79.26% respectively. However, the carbohydrate and micro-nutrient (Ca and Vitamin C) content increased with increased level of soursop in the yoghurt. The total viable count and lactic acid bacteria count values were also inversely proportional to the concentration of soursop. The values for Total viable count (TVC) ranged from 2.0×105-4.5×105 while the values for Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) varied from1.3×105-3.9×105. There was no significant difference (p < 0.05) in the overall acceptability of all the products. The most acceptable flavoured yoghurt contained 60% yoghurt and 40% soursop pulp and had a general acceptability of 7.15. Soursop could be used to produce acceptable beverage.Key words: Flavoured yoghurt, Micro-organisms, Micro-nutrient, Soursop pulp, Sensory evaluatio

    Complications of Fracture and Dislocation Treatment By Traditional Bone Setters: A Private Practice Experience

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    Background: Traditional bone setting is common in developing nations. The principles of bone setting, although differing slightly among cultures are similar. The practice is not without its shortcomings as patients who have received prior traditional bonesetters (TBS) care usually present with complications to hospitals. This study seeks to document the complications seen as a result of TBS treatment of fractures and dislocations at a private ortho-trauma centre.Methods : A prospective study of consecutive patients with fractures and dislocations who had received treatment from traditional bonesetters and were seen and managed afterwards at Rehoboth Specialist Hospital , Port Harcourt st st from 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2007 .Results: During the study period, 71 patients were seen, consisting of 38 males and 33 females with a male to female ratio of 1.15:1. Their ages ranged from 4 years to 80 years with an average of 33.75 years. The most frequent age brackets were 20-29 years (32.39%) and 30-39 years (22.53%). Those with secondary and tertiary education constituted 81.69% of the total. More patients first consulted the TBS (63.38%) than orthodox practice (36.62%) after the injury. There were 74 fractures (86.05%) and 12 dislocations (13.95%) with more of the injuries occurring in the lower extremity. The most frequent aetiology was road traffic accidents, mostly motor-cycle related, followed by falls and sports injuries. Those who spent 4 months or more with the TBS before presentation constituted 69%. The most frequent complications were nonunion (36.47%) and malunion (24.71%) and both were associated with shortening in 31.76%. Other complications were chronic joint dislocation, ankylosis, joint stiffness, arthrosis/arthritis, chronic osteomyelitis, Volkmann's ischaemic contracture, osteonecrosis, neuropathy, limb gangrene, delayed union and pressure ulcer. The most frequent intervention was open reduction and internal fixation (60.56%) and most of the patients (78.87%) spent 4 weeks or less in the hospital. There was no mortality in this series.Conclusion: Complications following treatment of fractures and dislocations by TBS are common. The common complications include non-union, malunion which were both associated with shortening as well as chronic joint dislocation, although the largely avoidable limb gangrene still occurred. There is a need for basic training of TBS for them to be integrated into the primary care system.Keywords: Traditional bonesetters; Fractures; Dislocations; Complications

    Rating of Information Sources / Channels of Social Work Lecturers and their Students: A Case Study of University Of Nigeria, Nsukka

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    The study was design to discern the information sources or channels of the academic staff and students of Social Work Department in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Descriptive survey study based on questionnaire distribution and interview was adopted. The study was conducted during the second semester period of 2006/2007 academic session. Target participants were all the lecturers (10) and students (300) of the Department of Social Work (SWK), University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Analysis of data collected from the responses of the respondents using the modified Likert rating scale to identify the items with means 2.50and above which indicated agreement. Useful statements made by the interviewees were also incorporated in the results to strengthen the findings of this study. The study revealed among others that lecturers andstudents of SWK Department in UNN believed that internet (3.50 and 3.04) is their major preferred information source for their academic work. The study also revealed that lecturers and students of SWK in UNN mainly use Internet for educational purposes (3.75). The interview report showed that Social Work lecturers and their students explore a number of information sources and that only three journals in the Social Work discipline exist in Nnamdi Azikiwe library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka

    Domestic accidental deaths in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria

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    Background: Domestic accidental deaths constitute a public health burden in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. This study is aimed at highlighting this public health burden. Objective: This is study is aimed at highlighting this public health burden. Design: A six year retrospective study using mortuary records. Setting: University of port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcout, Nigeria. Patients and Methods: Coroner's forms data were used from University of port HArcout Teaching Hospital anatomical pathology department, which is the foremost health institution in the region serving a core population of about six million people. Results: Eighty three domestic accidental deaths seen at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria between January 1995 and December 2001 were analysed. The 83 deaths occurred in 63 males and 20 females, giving a ratio of 3:1, between the ages of six months and 86 years. There was a bimodal age distribution, with 20 cases (24.1%) occurring in preschool age children, and 22 cases (26.5%) occurring in the elderly over 70 years. Fifty one deaths (61.4%) occurred in the urban areas, while 32 cases (36.8%) occurred in the rural areas. Seventeen cases (20.5%) occurred from falls from height or same level, thereby, constituting the commonest mechanism of injuries that lead to death in the elderly. In children, the commonest mechanism of injuries leading to death was poisoning. The yearly incidence of these deaths is decreasing with the peak of 26.5% in 1995, and 6.0% in 1999. Conclusion: Enforceable legislation by government coupled with public education to reduce occurrence should be encouraged. Safety at home must be taken very seriously. East African Medical Journal Vol.80(12) 2003: 622-62

    Retrospective Catalogue Conversion in Selected Federal University Libraries in Southern Nigeria

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    This study examined the process of retrospective catalogue conversion (RCC) in selected federal university libraries in Nigeria. The specific purposes aimed identifying the resources for RCC, methods employed, competency possessed by the library staff for the process, problems associated with it and the appropriate strategies. The design of the study is descriptive survey, areas of the study were University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, University of Lagos, Lagos State and University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State and the population consisted of 42 professional and paraprofessional librarians. Findings reveal thus: basic resources are networked computers, scanners and printers; proficiency in use of computer is the basic competency; problems include inadequate computer systems, frequent change in technology and poor internet connectivity. It recommended that Nigerian university libraries will fare better when adequate computer systems are made available, as well as training of staff, dedicated internet bandwidth among others

    A Standard Public Information Center for Effective National Development: The Study of Local Communities in Kogi State of Nigeria

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    The study was conducted by 700 communities’ dwellers in Kogi-West Constituency. The sample was made up 100 accessible local communities’ dwellers from each seven Local Government Area. They include Ijumu, Kabba-Bunu, Yagba-West, Yagba-East, Mopamuro, Kogi, Lokoja. All the accessible respondents from each Local Government were used to determine whether the communities’ dwellers need public information center. The result revealed that, the dwellers need such center. Descriptive survey design were used, the instruments for data collection are questionnaire and interview to indicate the information needs and nature of information resources both print and electronic to be provided in the center after the establishment. Recommendations were provided to enhance the provision of the center and its effective managemen


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    For the achievement of optimal ingredient allocation and mixing, this work proposes a mathematical model of efficient allocation of these ingredients. The problem of this allocation in the production of biscuit is modeled as a linear programming problem and analyzed using an invariant property based algorithm approach. An Optdesolver, a computer program was used to obtain the optimal solution to this problem. This solution revealed that in order to have a maximum profit of N3,404,010.27, the allocations to shortcake, petit, marie and gem should respectively be N270.50, N267.50, N268.20 and N268.80. Keywords: Biscuit, Optimal Allocation, Production Process, Invariant, Approach. DOI: 10.7176/MTM/9-4-06 Publication date: April 30th 2019
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