21 research outputs found

    Систематичність самостійної роботи студентів у хмарному навчальному середовищі

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    The paper deals with the problem of out-of-class students’ independent work in information and communication learning environment based on cloud technologies. Results of appropriate survey among students of pedagogical university are discussed. The students answered the questions about systematicity of their learning activity and propositions for its improving. It is determined that the leading problems are needs in more careful instruction according to features of the task completing, insufficient experience in self-management, the lack of internal motivation. Most of all, students recommend to provide the tasks with detail instruction (oral or written) and to pay attention to careful planning the time that is necessary for full completion of the task. It is pointed that such complicated requirements can be satisfied only by complex use of information and communication technologies as well as the automated system of pedagogical diagnostics. Some requirements for management of students’ out-of-classroom independent work are formulated as a result of this discussion.В статті розглядається проблема самостійної роботи позакласних студентів в інформаційно-комунікаційному середовищі навчання на основі хмарних технологій. Обговорюються результати відповідного опитування серед студентів педагогічного університету. Студенти відповіли на питання про системність навчальної діяльності та пропозиції щодо її вдосконалення. Встановлено, що провідними проблемами є потреби в більш ретельному навчанні відповідно до особливостей виконання завдання, недостатнім досвідом самоврядування, відсутністю внутрішньої мотивації. Перш за все, студенти рекомендують надати завдання з докладними інструкціями (усними або письмовими) і звернути увагу на ретельне планування часу, необхідного для повного виконання завдання. Відзначено, що такі складні вимоги можуть бути задоволені тільки за рахунок комплексного використання інформаційних та комунікаційних технологій, а також автоматизованої системи педагогічної діагностики. В результаті цього обговорення сформульовані деякі вимоги до управління самостійною роботою студентів поза класом

    Investigating adverse effects of chronic dietary exposure to herbicide glyphosate on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in broiler chickens

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    Although the herbicide glyphosate is widely used globally and considered safe, more evidence of its adverse effects on animals and humans is accumulating. The present investigation was aimed at evaluating the impact of different glyphosate concentrations on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in Ross 308 broiler chickens. Four groups were employed, including untreated control and three experimental groups fed diets enriched with glyphosate at doses of 10, 20 and 100 ppm that conformed to 0.5, 1 and 5 maximum residue limits, respectively. The results showed that glyphosate is a stress factor triggering a multifaceted effect on important blood parameters (e.g., white blood cell and phagocytic counts), which was shown for the first time in the experiments involving productive meat-type poultry. It was first revealed that glyphosate-induced changes in blood parameters may be related to a negative impact on the zootechnical characteristics including the digestive tract organ development and body weight gain. The study findings suggested that exposure to glyphosate in the feedstuffs can adversely affect the physiological condition and productivity of broilers

    History of the Institute of Mediation in India

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    In this article author studies history of the institute of mediation formation and development in India. In the process of research author emphasizes that as a consequence of India's rapid economic development, number of disputes that are associated with them inevitably increases. Mediation is one of the popular methods of resolving disputes these days. In conclusion author emphasizes that the place and role of mediation is explained not only by the modern business culture of this country, but also because from a long time the population preferred to resolve conflicts through negotiations and with the participation of mediators. And the fact that the ancient model of peaceful settlement of disputes has survived to this day is due to the high level of poverty, cultural and religious diversity, and the preservation of traditional and community values and norms. It can be stated that the use of mediation, among other things, including traditional forms of alternative dispute resolution, has had a beneficial effect on the Indian judicial system, both in resolving problems with excessive workload on courts, and in delaying the adjudication of disputes

    Systematicity of students’ independent work in cloud learning environment

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    The paper deals with the problem of out-of-class students’ independent work in information and communication learning environment based on cloud technologies. Results of appropriate survey among students of pedagogical university are discussed. The students answered the questions about systematicity of their learning activity and propositions for its improving. It is determined that the leading problems are needs in more careful instruction according to features of the task completing, insufficient experience in self-management, the lack of internal motivation. Most of all, students recommend to provide the tasks with detail instruction (oral or written) and to pay attention to careful planning the time that is necessary for full completion of the task. It is pointed that such complicated requirements can be satisfied only by complex use of information and communication technologies as well as the automated system of pedagogical diagnostics. Some requirements for management of students’ out-of-classroom independent work are formulated as a result of this discussion

    Reduced Immunosenescence of Peripheral Blood T Cells in Parkinson’s Disease with CMV Infection Background

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    Immunosenescence is a process of remodeling the immune system under the influence of chronic inflammation during aging. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common age-associated neurodegenerative disorder and is frequently accompanied by neuroinflammation. On the other hand, cytomegalovirus (CMV), one of the most spread infections in humans, may induce chronic inflammation which contributes to immunosenescence, differentiation and the inflation of T cells and NK cells. Currently, there is no clear understanding of immunosenescence severity in PD patients infected with CMV. In this study, we analyzed differentiation stages and immunosenescence characteristics of T cells and NK cells in 31 patients with mild and moderate PD severity, 33 age-matched and 30 young healthy donors. The PD patients were 100% CMV-seropositive compared to 76% age-matched and 73% young CMV-infected healthy donors. The proportion of effector memory T cells re-expressing CD45RA, CD57+CD56− T cells and CD57+CD56+ T cells was significantly reduced in PD patients compared with CMV-seropositive age-matched healthy individuals. The CD57+CD56− T cell proportion in PD patients was similar to that of CMV-seropositive young healthy donors. Thus, PD is characterized by reduced peripheral blood T cell immunosenescence, even against the background of CMV infection

    Molecular-Induced Chirality Transfer to Plasmonic Lattice Modes

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    Molecular chirality plays fundamental roles in biology. The chiral response of a molecule occurs at a specific spectral position, determined by its molecular structure. This fingerprint can be transferred to other spectral regions via the interaction with localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs) of gold nanoparticles. The arrangement of such nanoparticles into periodic lattices gives rise to spectrally sharp and tunable surface lattice resonances (SLRs). Here, we demonstrate that molecular chirality transfer occurs also for plasmonic lattice modes, providing a very effective and tunable means to control chirality. We use colloidal self-assembly to fabricate non-close packed, periodic arrays of gold nanoparticles, which are embedded in a polymer film containing chiral molecules. In the presence of the chiral molecules, the SLRs become optically active, i.e. demonstrating handedness-dependent excitation. Numerical simulations where the lattice parameters are systematically varied show circular dichroism peaks shifting along with the spectral positions of the lattice modes, corroborating the chirality transfer to these collective modes. A semi-analytical model based on the coupling of molecular and plasmonic resonances can rationalize this chirality transfer

    Neuronal Hyperactivation in EEG Data during Cognitive Tasks Is Related to the Apolipoprotein J/Clusterin Genotype in Nondemented Adults

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    The clusterin (CLU) rs11136000 CC genotype is a probable risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). CLU, also known as the apolipoprotein J gene, shares certain properties with the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene with a well-established relationship with AD. This study aimed to determine whether the electrophysiological patterns of brain activation during the letter fluency task (LFT) depend on CLU genotypes in adults without dementia. Previous studies have shown that LFT performance involves activation of the frontal cortex. We examined EEG alpha1 and alpha2 band desynchronization in the frontal regions during the LFT in 94 nondemented individuals stratified by CLU (rs11136000) genotype. Starting at 30 years of age, CLU CC carriers exhibited more pronounced task-related alpha2 desynchronization than CLU CT&TT carriers in the absence of any differences in LFT performance. In CLU CC carriers, alpha2 desynchronization was significantly correlated with age. Increased task-related activation in individuals at genetic risk for AD may reflect greater “effort” to perform the task and/or neuronal hyperexcitability. The results show that the CLU genotype is associated with neuronal hyperactivation in the frontal cortex during cognitive tasks performances in nondemented individuals, suggesting systematic vulnerability of LFT related cognitive networks in people carrying unfavorable CLU alleles

    Effect of a probiotic strain administration in different feeding phases on α- and β-diversity and gene expression of the rumen microbiome in lactating cows

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    In cows, there is a drastic metabolic stress caused by violations of the rumen microbiome composition during lactation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the α-and β-diversity of the rumen microbiome of lactating cows using next-generation sequencing (NGS) and gene expression assessed by qPCR, as well as evaluation of the corrective properties of a probiotic strain introduced into the rumen. The results showed that the addition of the probiotic to the diet contributed to an effective increase in the fat content of milk during the early lactation period (P ≤ 0.05). The NGS-based analysis of the rumen microbiome of the studied cows using the 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the Shannon and Chao1 indices of α-diversity of prokaryotic communities remained unchanged during various feeding phases, as well as due to the probiotic effects. In the early lactation period and under the probiotic’s impact, the number of representatives of the Clostridia_UCG-014 and Clostridiaceae families declined by 2.4 and 1.6 times, respectively (in Group 2 as compared to Group 1, P ≤ 0.05). Expression of the bacterial Ldh-L and ldhD genes was lower by 2.9 and 13.5 times, respectively (P ≤ 0.05), when adding the probiotic to the diet in the early lactation period