16 research outputs found

    Plasma-Induced Interfacial Processes in Metal Halides FTIR Gas Cell Windows

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    Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is one of the most widely used vibrational diagnostic techniques to investigate gas-phase reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). However, the technique carries intrinsic challenges, particularly in relation to interfering peaks in the spectral data. This study explores the interfacial processes that occur when reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by a non-equilibrium air plasma interact with the metal halide windows of an FTIR gas cell, leading to the appearance and evolution of spurious absorption peaks which complicate spectral interpretation. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and attenuated total reflectance-FTIR spectroscopy were used to elucidate the origin of spurious absorption peaks spanning the 1400–1300 cm−1 spectral range as a result of KBr exposure to plasma generated species. It was found that plasma exposed KBr contained a lower atomic fraction of Br which was replaced by the NO3 nitrate group, the main absorbance peak of which progressively evolved with plasma exposure and affected the window transparency over the corresponding FTIR region. A correlation was revealed between KNO3 formation, plasma power and exposure time to a growth and change in molecular vibrational energies corresponding to asymmetric NO3 stretching vibrations in the KNO3 structure

    Depth profiling of Cr-ITO dual-layer sample with secondary ion mass spectrometry using MeV ions in the low energy region

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    This work explores the possibility of depth profiling of inorganic materials with Megaelectron Volt Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry using low energy primary ions (LE MeV SIMS), specifically 555 keV Cu ²⁺ , while etching the surface with 1 keV Ar ⁺ ions. This is demonstrated on a dual-layer sample consisting of 50 nm Cr layer deposited on 150 nm In2O5Sn (ITO) glass. These materials proved to have sufficient secondary ion yield in previous studies using copper ions with energies of several hundred keV. LE MeV SIMS and keV SIMS depth profiles of Cr-ITO dual-layer are compared and corroborated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (TOF-ERDA). The results show the potential of LE MeV SIMS depth profiling of inorganic multilayer systems in accelerator facilities equipped with MeV SIMS setup and a fairly simple sputtering source

    AFM study of roughness development during ToF-SIMS depth profiling of multilayers with a ▫Cs+Cs^+▫ ion beam in a ▫H2H_2▫ atmosphere

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    [Image: see text] The influence of H(2) flooding on the development of surface roughness during time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) depth profiling was studied to evaluate the different aspects of a H(2) atmosphere in comparison to an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) environment. Multilayer samples, consisting of different combinations of metal, metal oxide, and alloy layers of different elements, were bombarded with 1 and 2 keV Cs(+) ion beams in UHV and a H(2) atmosphere of 7 × 10(–7) mbar. The surface roughness S(a) was measured with atomic force microscopy (AFM) on the initial surface and in the craters formed while sputtering, either in the middle of the layers or at the interfaces. We found that the roughness after Cs(+) sputtering depends on the chemical composition/structure of the individual layers, and it increases with the sputtering depth. However, the increase in the roughness was, in specific cases, approximately a few tens of percent lower when sputtering in the H(2) atmosphere compared to the UHV. In the other cases, the average surface roughness was generally still lower when H(2) flooding was applied, but the differences were statistically insignificant. Additionally, we observed that for the initially rough surfaces with an S(a) of about 5 nm, sputtering with the 1 keV Cs(+) beam might have a smoothing effect, thereby reducing the initial roughness. Our observations also indicate that Cs(+) sputtering with ion energies of 1 and 2 keV has a similar effect on roughness development, except for the cases with initially very smooth samples. The results show the beneficial effect of H(2) flooding on surface roughness development during the ToF-SIMS depth profiling in addition to a reduction of the matrix effect and an improved identification of thin layers

    ToF-SIMS depth profiling of metal, metal oxide, and alloy multilayers in atmospheres of ▫H2H_2▫, ▫C2H2C_2H_2▫, CO, and ▫O2O_2

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    [Image: see text] The influence of the flooding gas during ToF-SIMS depth profiling was studied to reduce the matrix effect and improve the quality of the depth profiles. The profiles were measured on three multilayered samples prepared by PVD. They were composed of metal, metal oxide, and alloy layers. Dual-beam depth profiling was performed with 1 keV Cs(+) and 1 keV O(2)(+) sputter beams and analyzed with a Bi(+) primary beam. The novelty of this work was the application of H(2), C(2)H(2), CO, and O(2) atmospheres during SIMS depth profiling. Negative cluster secondary ions, formed from sputtered metals/metal oxides and the flooding gases, were analyzed. A systematic comparison and evaluation of the ToF-SIMS depth profiles were performed regarding the matrix effect, ionization probability, chemical sensitivity, sputtering rate, and depth resolution. We found that depth profiling in the C(2)H(2), CO, and O(2) atmospheres has some advantages over UHV depth profiling, but it still lacks some of the information needed for an unambiguous determination of multilayered structures. The ToF-SIMS depth profiles were significantly improved during H(2) flooding in terms of matrix-effect reduction. The structures of all the samples were clearly resolved while measuring the intensity of the M(n)H(m)(–), M(n)O(m)(–), M(n)O(m)H(–), and M(n)(–) cluster secondary ions. A further decrease in the matrix effect was obtained by normalization of the measured signals. The use of H(2) is proposed for the depth profiling of metal/metal oxide multilayers and alloys

    Quantitative aspects of ToF-SIMS analysis of metals and alloys in a UHV, O2_2 and H2_2 atmosphere

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    Although secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a versatile method used in the fields of surface analysis, depth profiling and elemental and molecular mapping, it also lacks quantification capabilities. The main reason for this is the matrix effect, which influences the ionization yield of secondary ions with respect to the substrate from which the analyzed compounds originate. There are several approaches to reduce the matrix effect, and gas flooding is one of the easiest methods to apply. In this work, we have investigated the possibilities of the ToF-SIMS method for the quantification of selected metals and alloys containing these metals in different ratios by reducing the matrix effect in the presence of different atmospheres. The measurements were performed in the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment, H2_2 and O2_2 atmospheres. H2_2 flooding shows the most significant improvements compared to the UHV analysis, while O2_2 is also promising but has some limitations. Improvements are most evident for the transition metals Ti, Cr, Fe, Co and Ni employed in our study, while the p-block elements such as Al and Si do not change so extensively. The deviations from the true atomic ratios of selected transition metals in different alloys reach a maximum of only 46 % when analyzed in the H2_2 atmosphere. In contrast, these values are 66 and 228 % for the O2_2 atmosphere and UHV environment, respectively. Our results suggest that gas adsorption and consequent formation of a new matrix on the surface, especially in the case of hydrogen, reduces the differences between the different chemical environments and electronic structures of the surface. In this way, the quantitative aspects of the SIMS method can be improved

    Recombination of oxygen atoms on the surface of oxidized polycrystalline nickel—temperature and pressure dependences

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    The recombination of neutral oxygen atoms in the ground state on the oxidized nickel samples was studied experimentally in the range of pressures where the maximum density occurs in weakly ionized low-pressure oxygen plasma, i.e. between 40 and 200 Pa. The recombination coefficient was determined in the flowing afterglow. The source of oxygen atoms was plasma sustained in a quartz tube of inner diameter 4.7 mm by a microwave discharge in the surfatron mode. The recombination coefficient was determined in the afterglow chamber, which was a Pyrex tube with an inner diameter of 36 mm. The density of oxygen atoms in the afterglow chamber was varied by adjusting the discharge power, the gas flow, the pressure, and the position of a recombinator. Such flexibility of the experimental system enabled adjustment of the temperature of the oxidized nickel samples independently from the O-atom density in its vicinity or other parameters. The density of oxygen atoms in the afterglow chamber at various system parameters was determined by the Šorli method, which is reliable, and has an accuracy of about 20%. The recombination coefficient was determined by calorimetry. The coefficient was inversely proportional to the square root of the pressure and exponentially to the sample temperature. Systematic measurements performed at various pressures and temperatures enabled empirical formula, which were explained qualitatively by recombination kinetics

    Loss of oxygen atoms on well-oxidized cobalt by heterogeneous surface recombination

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    Calorimetry is a commonly used method in plasma characterization, but the accuracy of the method is tied to the accuracy of the recombination coefficient, which in turn depends on a number of surface effects. Surface effects also govern the kinetics in advanced methods such as atomic layer oxidation of inorganic materials and functionalization of organic materials. The flux of the reactive oxygen atoms for the controlled oxidation of such materials depends on the recombination coefficient of materials placed into the reaction chamber, which in turn depends on the surface morphology, temperature, and pressure in the processing chamber. The recombination coefficient of a well-oxidized cobalt surface was studied systematically in a range of temperatures from 300 to 800 K and pressures from 40 to 200 Pa. The coefficient increased monotonously with decreasing pressure and increasing temperature. The lowest value was about 0.05, and the highest was about 0.30. These values were measured for cobalt foils previously oxidized with oxygen plasma at the temperature of 1300 K. The oxidation caused a rich morphology with an average roughness as deduced from atomic force images of 0.9 µm. The results were compared with literature data, and the discrepancy between results reported by different authors was explained by taking into account the peculiarities of their experimental conditions

    Are perovskite solar cell potential-induced degradation proof?

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    Potential induced degradation (PID) is a solar cell related degradation mechanism due to high potential difference in a photovoltaic (PV) module between the solar cells and its grounded frame. This type of degradation is well known for silicon PV, however, for perovskites it has not been thoroughly researched yet. Here, we investigate the PID of perovskite solar cells for bias voltages of ±500 V, half of the currently used system voltage, and ±1000 V with regular I-V and EL measurements during the test. Our devices show a high PID resistance under applied bias of ±500 V, far exceeding the recommended guidelines for silicon PV. However, for the bias voltage of -1000 V a rapid degradation was observed due to the ingress of sodium ions from the glass substrate as confirmed by the ToF-SIMS measurements of spatial and depth distribution of elements in solar cells. Positively biased devices show no degradation due to high voltage exposure. These results show promising signs that perovskite solar cells are PID proof for current PV system designs

    Plasma-Induced Interfacial Processes in Metal Halides FTIR Gas Cell Windows

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    AbstractFourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is one of the most widely used vibrational diagnostic techniques to investigate gas-phase reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS). However, the technique carries intrinsic challenges, particularly in relation to interfering peaks in the spectral data. This study explores the interfacial processes that occur when reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by a non-equilibrium air plasma interact with the metal halide windows of an FTIR gas cell, leading to the appearance and evolution of spurious absorption peaks which complicate spectral interpretation. Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and attenuated total reflectance-FTIR spectroscopy were used to elucidate the origin of spurious absorption peaks spanning the 1400–1300 cm−1 spectral range as a result of KBr exposure to plasma generated species. It was found that plasma exposed KBr contained a lower atomic fraction of Br which was replaced by the NO3 nitrate group, the main absorbance peak of which progressively evolved with plasma exposure and affected the window transparency over the corresponding FTIR region. A correlation was revealed between KNO3 formation, plasma power and exposure time to a growth and change in molecular vibrational energies corresponding to asymmetric NO3 stretching vibrations in the KNO3 structure.</jats:p