49 research outputs found

    Development Strategy of Kebun Jagung Yoyo as a Tourism Object in Tarumajaya District of Bekasi Regency

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    This research aims to identify internal and external factors, analyze what strategies can be implemented and what strategies are recommended in an effort to develop Yoyo Corn Garden as a tourist attraction. Research was conducted at the Yoyo Corn Garden natural tourist attraction in Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. The problem that occurs is that the number of visitors continues to decline every week. The decrease in the number of visitors was caused by a lack of promotion, facilities and management knowledge to manage the business which was not yet optimal. The method used in this research is SWOT analysis using the IFAS, EFAS matrices and the grand strategy matrix. In every environmental analysis there are several factors in it, namely strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The results of this research in the SWOT analysis obtained 9 alternative strategies that can be used. The results of calculating the total score on the IFAS matrix are 1.50 and the total score on the EFAS matrix is ​​1.29, this shows that the opportunities and strengths that are owned can overcome weaknesses and threats well. The position of Yoyo Corn Plantation in the grand strategy matrix is ​​in quadrant I (one), so the strategy that will be recommended to be implemented is an aggressive strategy using the SO (strength - opportunity) strategy by utilizing internal strengths to maximize existing opportunities in an effort to develop Yoyo Corn Plantation as an object. tour


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    Padi sawah adalah salah satu tanaman budidaya terpenting dalam sejarah manusia. Selain serelia, jagung, dan gandum, padi sawah ialah sumber karbohidrat pokok bagi sebagian besar orang di seluruh dunia. Tujuan dilaksanakannya riset ini ialah guna menganalisis model serta tingkat efisiensi saluran pemasaran padi sawah dalam Desa Pasirtanjung, Kecamatan Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode survei. Data primer serta sekunder dipakai pada riset ini. Data primer didapatkan lewat wawancara yang dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Petani padi sawah dan lembaga pemasaran (tengkulak, pedagang besar, dan pengecer) adalah responden penelitian. Data sekunder berasal dari Kantor Desa, Kecamatan, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Dinas Pertanian, dan sumber literatur lainnya. Pengambilan sampel petani padi sawah ditentukan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dan teknik snowball sampling dalam lembaga pemasaran. Analisa data yang dipakai yakni rasio keuntungan biaya, margin pemasaran, farmer’s share serta efisiensi pemasaran. Hasil riset membuktikan jika ada 3 saluran pemasaran padi sawah yang terdiri dari, saluran I: petani – tengkulak – pedagang pengecer – konsumen, saluran II: petani – tengkulak – pedagang besar – konsumen dan saluran III: petani – tengkulak – pedagang besar – pedagang pengecer – konsumen. Saluran II merupakan saluran pemasaran yang paling efisien yang memiliki rasio keuntungan terhadap biaya sebesar 13,5, margin pemasaran dengan jumlah Rp. 2.769, farmer’s share dengan jumlah 76,92% serta efisiensi pemasaran dengan jumlah 1,25%


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    PG Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka mengalami keterlambatan produksi karena masalah persediaan bahan baku, dimana produktivitas yang dihasilkan rendah akibat kurangnya kesadaran petani tebu terhadap budidaya tanaman tebu. Petani yang melakukan kemitraan masih mengutamakan penanaman padi yang berdampak pada pembudidayaan tanaman tebu kurang maksimal, sehingga perlu diadakannya perencanaan dan pengendalian bahan baku demi kelancaran produksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di PG Jtitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka pada bulan maret 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PG Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka memerlukan luas lahan sebanyak 13.362,429 ha untuk memenuhi kapasitas produksi permusim gilingnya, dengan rata-rata produksi 51,52 ton/ha perusahaan hanya memiliki Kebun Tebang Gilling (KTG) dari lahan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) sebanyak 7.250 ha, maka perusahaan masih kekurangan Kebun Tebang Giling (KTG) seluas 6.112,429 ha untuk memenuhi kapasitas produksi per musim gilingnya. Total pendapatan petani yang bermitra dengan PG Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka jika mendapatkan produktivitas yang tinggi atau sebanyak 90 ton/ha mendapatkan keuntungan bersih senilai Rp. 14.870.750, maka dapat dibuktikan bahwa keuntungan usahatani tebu sangat tinggi jika petani memaksimalkan budidaya tanaman tebu untuk memaksimalkan produktivitas

    Influence of Brand Image, Price, Consumer Satisfaction, Product Quality and Promotion on Repurchase Decisions (Case Study on Teh Botol Sosro Consumers)

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     Teh Botol Sosro has successfully maintained its popularity in the highly competitive packaged tea market in Indonesia. To understand the factors influencing consumer repurchase decisions, a study was conducted at ÆON Mall Jakarta Garden City. This research evaluated brand image, pricing, customer satisfaction, product quality, and promotion as factors affecting consumer decisions, both collectively and individually.Use of primary data in this study were obtained through interviews with 100 randomly selected Teh Botol Sosro consumers, supplemented by data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and literature reviews. The research results indicate that these factors influence repurchase decisions. When assessed individually, brand image and pricing do not have a significant impact, while customer satisfaction, product quality, and promotion have a substantial influence on repurchase decisions. These findings have important implications for Teh Botol Sosro and other industry players in formulating more effective marketing strategies to maintain and expand their market share

    Feasibility Analysis Of Cut Flower Trading Business In Bogor City

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    Cut flower traders in Bogor City have now begun to decline, therefore it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study to find out whether the cut flower trading business in Bogor City provides decent profits or not to be cultivated. The objectives of this study are; to analyze how much income is obtained from the cut flower business in Bogor City, Analyze the feasibility level of the cut flower business in Bogor City. The sampling technique in this study was to use the purposive sampling method, the samples needed in this study were 26 cut flower traders in Bogor City by combining 13 traders in the fostered zone and 13 cut flower traders in the non-assisted zone of the Bogor City Government. The data analysis used in this study is revenue analysis and R/C Ratio (Revenue Cost Ratio). The results of this study show that the income received in one month by cut flower traders in non-fostered zones and traders in fostered zones can be said to be profitable. The feasibility rate (R/C Ratio) of cut interest efforts in non-fostered zones and fostered zones is equally feasible to strive for

    Analisa Efektifitas Penggunaan Base Plate Orfit Pada Kasus Kanker Payudara Posisi Prone Dengan Teknik Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Di Instalasi Radioterapi Rumah Sakit Daerah Jakarta Timur

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    Radiotherapy is a treatment for cancer using high-energy radiation, usually X-rays. The type and amount of radiation received is calculated by oncologists and medical physicists to destroy cancer cells, these cells are abnormal cells. This stops the cancer cells from dividing properly and as a result the cancer cells are destroyed. This treatment is planned to protect healthy tissue as much as possible from radiation which has destructive properties, however some healthy tissue can be affected which will later cause side effects. Radiotherapy uses a Linear Accelerato (LINAC) device in its treatment. The LINAC can produce two beams, namely photons and electrons. Photon beams are usually used to illuminate tumors in deeper tissue in the body, for example breast cancer, cervical cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer, while electron beams are used for cancer therapy in surface tumors. The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer has a long and controversial history. One of the first clinical trials ever conducted, it began in 1949, and remains the subject of new trials still being initiated today. Early trials clearly showed that radiotherapy reduced local recurrence, with a relative risk reduction now known to be approximately 70%, but a reduction in recurrence rates did not translate into a reduction in mortality. Theories explaining this difference are numerous, including the detrimental effects of radiotherapy on immune function


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    Abstrak: Sampah organik terus mengalami peningkatan dan menyebabkan permasalahan yang serius. Sampah organik yang tidak ditangani dengan baik akan menimbulkan berbagai masalah seperti kesehatan, pencemaran badan air, pencemaran udara serta lingkungan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyakarat serta mengurangi penimbunan sampah organik di Desa Malangsari dengan memanfaatkan Maggot Black Soldier Fly. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi kepada mitra yang terdiri dari masyarakat Desa Malangsari Kecamatan Pedes Kabupaten Karawang sebanyak 24 orang. Evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan cara mitra mengisi formulir Pre-Test dan Post-Test. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat sebesar 75% dalam memanfaatkan timbunan sampah organik, baik yang berasal dari limbah rumah tangga maupun limbah pertanian lainnya. Selain itu, dengan adanya sosialisasi ini juga dapat meningkatkan minat masyarakat dalam membudidayakan Maggot BSF sehingga terjadi juga peningkatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat dengan penjualan produk maggot kering untuk pakan ternak unggas dan pupuk organik sebagai media tanam organik. Abstract: Organic waste continues to increase and causes serious problems. Organic waste that is not handled properly will cause various problems such as health, pollution of water bodies, air pollution and the environment. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of the community and reduce the accumulation of organic waste in Malangsari Village by utilizing the Maggot Black Soldier Fly. The method used is outreach to partners consisting of 24 people from Malangsari Village, Pedes District, Karawang Regency. Evaluation is carried out by partners filling out the Pre-Test and Post-Test forms. The results of the service show that there is an increase in public knowledge of 75% in utilizing organic waste piles, both from household waste and other agricultural waste. In addition, this socialization can also increase public interest in cultivating BSF Maggot so that there is also an increase in the socio-economic community by selling dried maggot products for poultry feed and organic fertilizer as an organic planting medium.


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Sindangkarya, Kecamatan Kutawaluya Karawang. Mitra pengabdian yakni UMKM Toko Sembako Pak Subhan dan UMKM Gorengan Top Sumedang. Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi dan pelatihan akuntansi manajemen. Khususnya pada aspek keuangan UMKM, guna meningkatkan kinerja usaha UMKM Toko Sembako Pak Subhan dan Gorengan  Top Sumedang. Metode yang digukan meliputi: observasi dan wawancara,  fokus group discussion, analisis kebutuhan pelatihan, sosialisasi dan pelatihan. Hasil pengabdian berupa peningkatan wawasan pemilik UMKM yakni mengetahui sumber-sumber pendanaan untuk modal usaha UMKM, pentingnya modal usaha UMKM, jenis biaya operasional UMKM. Sedangkan Pemahaman yang meningkat pada pengetahuan pentingnya pemisahan kekayaan pribadi dan usaha, pentingnya pencatatan transaksi  keuangan usaha. Selain peningkatan wawasan dan pemahaman pelatihan juga menjadikan pemilik UMKM mampu menyusun laporan keuangan Sederhana

    Profit And Loss Analysis Of Porang (Amorphophallus Oncophyllus Prain) Farming In Tegalwaru District Karawang Regen

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    Porang is a tuber plant that has the potential to develop because it has export market opportunities as industrial raw material. Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency is one of the areas that produces porang, to cultivate porang requires a large enough capital to become one of the obstacles to porang farming. This study aims 1) to determine the amount of acceptance and income of porang farmers in Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency and; 2) to obtain information on the profit and loss of porang farming in Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency. The research method used is a case study. This research was conducted from June to July in Tegalwaru District, Karawang Regency. Sampling technique using saturated sampling method. Data collection uses primary data and secondary data. The analysis used is revenue, revenue, R/C, revenue BEP, production BEP and price BEP and payback period. The results showed an average total cost of IDR 67,126,783 per planting season, an average revenue of IDR 156,482,759. per planting season and an average income of Rp 89.818.919. R/C Ratio value of 2.33. The BEP value of revenue is Rp. 2,407,468, - the production BEP is 601,87 kg and the price BEP is IDR 1,715/kg. The payback period for porang farming is 7 month