9 research outputs found

    Is Doping of Cognitive Performance an Anti‐Herbivore Adaptation? Alkaloids Inhibiting Acetylcholinesterase as a Case

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    Historically, people who study interactions between plants and herbivores focused on the ecological costs and benefits of synthesizing secondary metabolites. These compounds have diverse functions including defenses against herbivores. Some plants produce alkaloids that act as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, increasing both the level and duration of action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine with potential toxic effects in insects and mammals. Yet, among a number of neuroactive plant chemicals, alkaloids that inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AIA) display nootropic activities, that is, positively affect cognition, learning, and memory in mammals. This creates a paradox: Neuroactive AIA, expected to punish herbivores, enhance cognition, learning, and memory. A prevailing view is AIA are pesticides that adversely affecting the nervous systems of herbivorous insects, and the positive influences in mammals are merely a by‐product of other functions. We review literature on the behavioral ecology of diet choice, food‐aversion learning, and neurophysiological actions of AIA in mammals to provide a more comprehensive view of the adaptive significance of AIA. These compounds act as anti‐herbivory defenses that influence flavor (taste plus odor) preference/aversion, the formation of memories, and the feeding behavior of mammalian herbivores. Thus, what appears from an insect standpoint to be an enigma makes sense for mammals: AIA enable mammalian herbivores to quickly learn and remember specific plant(s) and the locations where they ate those plant(s). We provide examples of AIA, synthesized by over 200 plant species in 16 families, which affect learning and memory in mammals. Using 36 examples of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors synthesized by plants in 58 families, we also show that acetylcholinesterase blockers contribute to anti‐herbivore chemical defense by affecting food‐aversion learning and memory in mammalian herbivores. We provide an evolutionary rationale for why natural selection may favor synthesis of chemicals that positively affect mental functions of herbivores. Our hypothesis, which challenges the current view that plant chemical defenses are aimed solely at destabilizing herbivore physiology, facilitates a broader understanding of diet preferences and feeding behavior in mammalian herbivores

    Thiamin dynamics during the adult life cycle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Thiamin is an essential water-soluble B vitamin known for its wide range of metabolic functions and antioxidant properties. Over the past decades, reproductive failures induced by thiamin deficiency have been observed in several salmonid species worldwide, but it is unclear why this micronutrient deficiency arises. Few studies have compared thiamin concentrations in systems of salmonid populations with or without documented thiamin deficiency. Moreover, it is not well known whether and how thiamin concentration changes during the marine feeding phase and the spawning migration. Therefore, samples of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were collected when actively feeding in the open Baltic Sea, after the sea migration to natal rivers, after river migration, and during the spawning period. To compare populations of Baltic salmon with systems without documented thiamin deficiency, a population of landlocked salmon located in Lake Vänern (Sweden) was sampled as well as salmon from Norwegian rivers draining into the North Atlantic Ocean. Results showed the highest mean thiamin concentrations in Lake Vänern salmon, followed by North Atlantic, and the lowest in Baltic populations. Therefore, salmon in the Baltic Sea seem to be consistently more constrained by thiamin than those in other systems. Condition factor and body length had little to no effect on thiamin concentrations in all systems, suggesting that there is no relation between the body condition of salmon and thiamin deficiency. In our large spatiotemporal comparison of salmon populations, thiamin concentrations declined toward spawning in all studied systems, suggesting that the reduction in thiamin concentration arises as a natural consequence of starvation rather than to be related to thiamin deficiency in the system. These results suggest that factors affecting accumulation during the marine feeding phase are key for understanding the thiamin deficiency in salmonids. Atlantic salmon, Baltic Sea, M74 syndrome, Salmon life cycle, Thiamin, Thiamin deficiencypublishedVersio

    Red queen processes drive positive selection on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes

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    Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes code for proteins involved in the incitation of the adaptive immune response in vertebrates, which is achieved through binding oligopeptides (antigens) of pathogenic origin. Across vertebrate species, substitutions of amino acids at sites responsible for the specificity of antigen binding (ABS) are positively selected. This is attributed to pathogen-driven balancing selection, which is also thought to maintain the high polymorphism of MHC genes, and to cause the sharing of allelic lineages between species. However, the nature of this selection remains controversial. We used individual-based computer simulations to investigate the roles of two phenomena capable of maintaining MHC polymorphism: heterozygote advantage and host-pathogen arms race (Red Queen process). Our simulations revealed that levels of MHC polymorphism were high and driven mostly by the Red Queen process at a high pathogen mutation rate, but were low and driven mostly by heterozygote advantage when the pathogen mutation rate was low. We found that novel mutations at ABSs are strongly favored by the Red Queen process, but not by heterozygote advantage, regardless of the pathogen mutation rate. However, while the strong advantage of novel alleles increased the allele turnover rate, under a high pathogen mutation rate, allelic lineages persisted for a comparable length of time under Red Queen and under heterozygote advantage. Thus, when pathogens evolve quickly, the Red Queen is capable of explaining both positive selection and long coalescence times, but the tension between the novel allele advantage and persistence of alleles deserves further investigation