409 research outputs found

    Manual for Use with LOGO-II

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    Relaciones laborales conflictivas y flexibilidad : el caso de los vendedores de UNE Telecomunicaciones

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    Esta investigación tiene como objeto el estudio de las relaciones laborales en un grupo de asesores comerciales (vendedores) de la empresa UNE telecomunicaciones en la sede Cali. En particular, nos enfocamos en las relaciones laborales conflictivas y su relación con la organización del trabajo en el contexto de la flexibilidad laboral. A través de una metodología cualitativa que abarca entrevistas en profundidad, etnografía y análisis bibliográfico, pretendemos recolectar datos que corroboren la hipótesis de este trabajo, a saber, existe una relación de causalidad entre las relaciones laborales conflictivas entre trabajadores de la sede UNE Cali y las premisas del capitalismo flexible que determina los lineamientos, objetivos y visión de la compañía. Para este trabajo se abordarán conceptos como: Relaciones laborales, flexibilidad laboral y relaciones laborales conflictivas, el significado de estos envuelve nuestro objeto de investigación.PregradoSOCIOLOGO(A

    社会的流動性と公平性: 米国と長崎での教育の目的

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    This brief study examines the purpose of schooling in the United States and offers a comparison with the observed purpose of schooling in Nagasaki, Japan. The author reflects on her experience as an Assistant Language Teacher and draws upon both her experiences in and research of the public schooling system to draw conclusions about the fundamental purposes of each respective education system. Through this process, the author outlines the importance of “21st century skills” as they relate to equity in education and socialmobility.本稿では、米国での教育の目的を検討し、筆者が日本の長崎市で教員として経験した教育の目的との比較 を行う。さらに、 「2 1世紀のスキル」が教育とソーシャルモビリティの公平性に関連していることの重要性 について概説する

    Addressing inequities and meeting needs of Indigenous communities in floodplain management

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    Anthropogenic impacts have altered and degraded global ecosystems. Integrated resource management offers an important solution to enhance collaboration, holistic thinking, and equity by considering diverse perspectives in decision making. In Washington State, Floodplains by Design (FbD) is a floodplain management and habitat restoration program that emphasizes bringing together diverse stakeholders and supporting conversations between local, state, and Tribal governments while enhancing environmental justice in the region. Marginalized communities continue to be disproportionately impacted by environmental disturbances. Our project interviewed Tribal natural resource managers to assess the degree to which they felt FbD was supporting their community’s needs. Our research asked three questions: (1) What Tribal needs and inequities associated with floodplains are identified by Tribal natural resource managers? (2) Are these needs and inequities being addressed by FbD? and (3) How can FbD better address these needs and inequities moving forward? We found that while the integrated approach of FbD was driving solutions in some realms, there are ways in which the program could better support needs and address inequities in Tribal communities. Specifically, we found that conventional responses to environmental challenges are rooted in modernist paradigms that have created persistent dualities, including that of human-nature and human-nonhuman. Such a paradigm is in conflict with wellbeing and self-determination of Tribal cultures that are deeply connected to Pacific salmon. In closing, we provide insights on these mechanisms and offer solutions moving forward

    Uso de la planta de girasol (Helianthus annuus L.), con adiciones de ácido húmico y zinc en la fitorremediación de suelos cacaoteros con cadmio

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    The experiment was conducted in Pedro Carbo canton, with soils collected from the cocoa production area of ​​Milagro, located in Guayas province, with cadmium at 0.50 mg·kg-1. The objective of this experiment was to generate technological alternatives for phytoremediation by using sunflower as a phyto stabilizing plant for cadmium with the addition of humic substances and zinc in contaminated cocoa soils. The Lemon Queen sunflower variety was used, with treatments based on humic acids and zinc sulfate. The statistic design included the use of completely randomized blocks, and agronomic and chemical variables of soils and tissues were analyzed. The effect of treatments with zinc sulfate was notable in the variable number of chapters with more than 13. At the end of the experiment, the soil presented low concentrations of cadmium in all treatments (0.10 to 0.28 mg·kg-1) compared to the concentration determined at the beginning of the experiment (0.50 mg·kg-1). Zinc in the soil due to its application as a driving force was concentrated in amounts of 143 to 158 mg·kg-1. The chemical analysis of the aerial and root biomass, presented low concentrations in the treatments where Zinc Sulfate was not applied, compared to when it was applied. Obviously, Zinc tended to concentrate more in the treatments where the element was applied (78 to 113 mg·kg-1 in aerial biomass and 98 to 102 mg·kg-1 in root biomass), demonstrating that the sunflower does not need boosters.El experimento se realizó en el cantón Pedro Carbo, con suelos colectados de la zona cacaotera de Milagro provincia del Guayas, con 0,50 mg·kg-1 de cadmio.  El objetivo de este experimento fue generar alternativas tecnológicas de fitorremediación mediante el uso del girasol como planta fitoestabilizadora de cadmio más la adición de sustancias húmicas y zinc en suelos cacaoteros contaminados.  Se usó la variedad de girasol Lemon Queen, más tratamientos con base de ácidos húmicos y sulfato de zinc.  El diseño empleado fue de bloques completamente al azar y se analizaron variables agronómicas y químicas de suelos y tejidos.  El efecto por la aplicación de tratamientos con sulfato de zinc fue notorio en la variable número de capítulos con más de 13; al final del experimento el suelo presentó bajas concentraciones de cadmio en todos los tratamientos (0,10 a 0,28 mg·kg-1) en comparación a la concentración determinada al inicio del experimento (0,50 mg·kg-1); el zinc en el suelo por efecto de su aplicación como impulsor se concentró en cantidades de 143 a 158 mg·kg-1. En el análisis químico de la biomasa aérea y radicular se cuantificó bajas concentraciones en los tratamientos donde no se aplicó Sulfato de Zinc, en comparación que cuando se aplicó, como es obvio el Zinc tendió a concentrarse más en los tratamientos donde se aplicó este elemento (78 a 113 mg·kg-1 en biomasa aérea y 98 a 102 mg·kg-1 en biomasa radicular), demostrando que la planta de girasol no necesita de impulsores

    Serum Galactose-Deficient IgA1 Level Is Not Associated with Proteinuria in Children with IgA Nephropathy

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    Introduction. Percentage of galactose-deficient IgA1 (Gd-IgA1) relative to total IgA in serum was recently reported to correlate with proteinuria at time of sampling and during follow-up for pediatric and adult patients with IgA nephropathy. We sought to determine whether this association exists in another cohort of pediatric patients with IgA nephropathy. Methods. Subjects were younger than 18 years at entry. Blood samples were collected on one or more occasions for determination of serum total IgA and Gd-IgA1. Gd-IgA1 was expressed as serum level and percent of total IgA. Urinary protein/creatinine ratio was calculated for random specimens. Spearman's correlation coefficients assessed the relationship between study variables. Results. The cohort had 29 Caucasians and 11 African-Americans with a male : female ratio of 1.9 : 1. Mean age at diagnosis was 11.7 ± 3.7 years. No statistically significant correlation was identified between serum total IgA, Gd-IgA1, or percent Gd-IgA1 versus urinary protein/creatinine ratio determined contemporaneously with biopsy or between average serum Gd-IgA1 or average percent Gd-IgA1 and time-average urinary protein/creatinine ratio. Conclusion. The magnitude of proteinuria in this cohort of pediatric patients with IgA nephropathy was influenced by factors other than Gd-IgA1 level, consistent with the proposed multi-hit pathogenetic pathways for this renal disease

    Impacto del sistema intensivo de cultivar arroz (SICA) en el Ecuador

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    This study presents a literature review of work carried out by higher education institutions in Ecuador about the System of Rice Intensification (SRI). This review is enriched with the experience of the authors, following a systematic sequence by objectives. SRI is an environmentally friendly crop practice that, despite being introduced in Ecuador in 2004 and supported by several research works, is not well known among small and medium producers. Due to the possibility of SRI to offer the possibility of obtaining high grain yields, this study raises the following questions: What has been researched in the country about SRI? And why has this practice not been largely adopted by producers despite being introduced almost two decades ago? Comparative studies between SRI and the traditional system were carried out and it was found that SRI adapts very well in soils of different textures, standing out when cultivated in loam soils. However, there is still lack of research on intermittent irrigation frequencies, comparative costs with the traditional system and validation of locally generated technologies. The latter can be adapted to different agroecological conditions (winter and summer) as well as to recommendation domains of rice producers.El presente estudio presenta una investigación bibliográfica de trabajos realizados por instituciones de enseñanza superior en el Ecuador sobre el Sistema Intensivo de Cultivar Arroz (SICA). A esta investigación se le añadió la experiencia de los autores siguiendo una secuencia por objetivos. SICA es una práctica de cultivo amigable con el medio ambiente que, a pesar de haber sido introducida en el 2004 y respaldada por varios trabajos de investigación, no ha sido muy difundida entre pequeños y medianos productores. Debido a las posibilidades que SICA ofrece para obtener altos rendimientos de grano, este estudio plantea las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué se ha investigado en el país sobre el sistema SICA? y ¿Por qué no ha tenido un mayor impacto en su adopción por parte de los productores a pesar de haber sido introducida hace casi dos décadas? Se han realizado estudios comparativos del sistema SICA con el tradicional y se ha demostrado que se adapta muy bien en suelos de diversa textura, sobresaliendo cuando se cultivan en suelos francos. Sin embargo, falta investigación sobre frecuencias de riego intermitente, costos comparativos con el sistema tradicional y validación de tecnologías generadas localmente. Estas últimas pueden ser adaptadas a distintas condiciones agroecológicas (en invierno y verano) como también a dominios de recomendación de los productores arroceros

    Proceedings of the first workshop on Peripheral Machine Interfaces: going beyond traditional surface electromyography

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    One of the hottest topics in rehabilitation robotics is that of proper control of prosthetic devices. Despite decades of research, the state of the art is dramatically behind the expectations. To shed light on this issue, in June, 2013 the first international workshop on Present and future of non-invasive PNS-Machine Interfaces was convened, hosted by the International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. The keyword PNS-Machine Interface (PMI) has been selected to denote human-machine interfaces targeted at the limb-deficient, mainly upper-limb amputees, dealing with signals gathered from the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in a non-invasive way, that is, from the surface of the residuum. The workshop was intended to provide an overview of the state of the art and future perspectives of such interfaces; this paper represents is a collection of opinions expressed by each and every researcher/group involved in it