6,799 research outputs found

    Measurement of the electronic compressibility of bilayer graphene

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    We present measurements of the electronic compressibility, KK, of bilayer graphene in both zero and finite magnetic fields up to 14 T, and as a function of both the carrier density and electric field perpendicular to the graphene sheet. The low energy hyperbolic band structure of bilayer graphene is clearly revealed in the data, as well as a sizable asymmetry between the conduction and valence bands. A sharp increase in K−1K^{-1} near zero density is observed for increasing electric field strength, signaling the controlled opening of a gap between these bands. At high magnetic fields, broad Landau level (LL) oscillations are observed, directly revealing the doubled degeneracy of the lowest LL and allowing for a determination of the disorder broadening of the levels.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; final version for publicatio

    Detecting Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

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    Baryon Acoustic Oscillations are a feature imprinted in the galaxy distribution by acoustic waves traveling in the plasma of the early universe. Their detection at the expected scale in large-scale structures strongly supports current cosmological models with a nearly linear evolution from redshift approximately 1000, and the existence of dark energy. Besides, BAOs provide a standard ruler for studying cosmic expansion. In this paper we focus on methods for BAO detection using the correlation function measurement. For each method, we want to understand the tested hypothesis (the hypothesis H0 to be rejected) and the underlying assumptions. We first present wavelet methods which are mildly model-dependent and mostly sensitive to the BAO feature. Then we turn to fully model-dependent methods. We present the most often used method based on the chi^2 statistic, but we find it has limitations. In general the assumptions of the chi^2 method are not verified, and it only gives a rough estimate of the significance. The estimate can become very wrong when considering more realistic hypotheses, where the covariance matrix of the measurement depends on cosmological parameters. Instead we propose to use a new method based on two modifications: we modify the procedure for computing the significance and make it rigorous, and we modify the statistic to obtain better results in the case of varying covariance matrix. We verify with simulations that correct significances are different from the ones obtained using the classical chi^2 procedure. We also test a simple example of varying covariance matrix. In this case we find that our modified statistic outperforms the classical chi^2 statistic when both significances are correctly computed. Finally we find that taking into account variations of the covariance matrix can change both BAO detection levels and cosmological parameter constraints

    Quantum Hall Effect and Semimetallic Behavior of Dual-Gated ABA-Stacked Trilayer Graphene

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    The electronic structure of multilayer graphenes depends strongly on the number of layers as well as the stacking order. Here we explore the electronic transport of purely ABA-stacked trilayer graphenes in a dual-gated field-effect device configuration. We find that both the zero-magnetic-field transport and the quantum Hall effect at high magnetic fields are distinctly different from the monolayer and bilayer graphenes, and that they show electron-hole asymmetries that are strongly suggestive of a semimetallic band overlap. When the ABA trilayers are subjected to an electric field perpendicular to the sheet, Landau level splittings due to a lifting of the valley degeneracy are clearly observed.Comment: 5 figure

    A High-Fidelity Realization of the Euclid Code Comparison NN-body Simulation with Abacus

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    We present a high-fidelity realization of the cosmological NN-body simulation from the Schneider et al. (2016) code comparison project. The simulation was performed with our Abacus NN-body code, which offers high force accuracy, high performance, and minimal particle integration errors. The simulation consists of 204832048^3 particles in a 500 h−1Mpc500\ h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc} box, for a particle mass of 1.2×109 h−1M⊙1.2\times 10^9\ h^{-1}\mathrm{M}_\odot with $10\ h^{-1}\mathrm{kpc}splinesoftening.Abacusexecuted1052globaltimestepsto spline softening. Abacus executed 1052 global time steps to z=0in107hoursononedual−Xeon,dual−GPUnode,forameanrateof23millionparticlespersecondperstep.WefindAbacusisingoodagreementwithRamsesandPkdgrav3andlesssowithGadget3.Wevalidateourchoiceoftimestepbyhalvingthestepsizeandfindsub−percentdifferencesinthepowerspectrumand2PCFatnearlyallmeasuredscales,with in 107 hours on one dual-Xeon, dual-GPU node, for a mean rate of 23 million particles per second per step. We find Abacus is in good agreement with Ramses and Pkdgrav3 and less so with Gadget3. We validate our choice of time step by halving the step size and find sub-percent differences in the power spectrum and 2PCF at nearly all measured scales, with <0.3\%errorsat errors at k<10\ \mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}h.Onlargescales,Abacusreproduceslineartheorybetterthan. On large scales, Abacus reproduces linear theory better than 0.01\%$. Simulation snapshots are available at http://nbody.rc.fas.harvard.edu/public/S2016 .Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Minor changes to match MNRAS accepted versio

    Optical Control of Topological Quantum Transport in Semiconductors

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    Intense coherent laser radiation red-detuned from absorption edge can reactively activate sizable Hall type charge and spin transport in n-doped paramagnetic semiconductors as a consequence of k-space Berry curvature transferred from valence band to photon-dressed conduction band. In the presence of disorder, the optically induced Hall conductance can change sign with laser intensity.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Forecasting isocurvature models with CMB lensing information: axion and curvaton scenarios

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    Some inflationary models predict the existence of isocurvature primordial fluctuations, in addition to the well known adiabatic perturbation. Such mixed models are not yet ruled out by available data sets. In this paper we explore the possibility of obtaining better constraints on the isocurva- ture contribution from future astronomical data. We consider the axion and curvaton inflationary scenarios, and use Planck satellite experimental specifications together with SDSS galaxy survey to forecast for the best parameter error estimation by means of the Fisher information matrix formal- ism. In particular, we consider how CMB lensing information can improve this forecast. We found substantial improvements for all the considered cosmological parameters. In the case of isocurvature amplitude this improvement is strongly model dependent, varying between less than 1% and above 20% around its fiducial value. Furthermore, CMB lensing enables the degeneracy break between the isocurvature amplitude and correlation phase in one of the models. In this sense, CMB lensing information will be crucial in the analysis of future data.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Diffusion of Lexical Change in Social Media

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    Computer-mediated communication is driving fundamental changes in the nature of written language. We investigate these changes by statistical analysis of a dataset comprising 107 million Twitter messages (authored by 2.7 million unique user accounts). Using a latent vector autoregressive model to aggregate across thousands of words, we identify high-level patterns in diffusion of linguistic change over the United States. Our model is robust to unpredictable changes in Twitter's sampling rate, and provides a probabilistic characterization of the relationship of macro-scale linguistic influence to a set of demographic and geographic predictors. The results of this analysis offer support for prior arguments that focus on geographical proximity and population size. However, demographic similarity -- especially with regard to race -- plays an even more central role, as cities with similar racial demographics are far more likely to share linguistic influence. Rather than moving towards a single unified "netspeak" dialect, language evolution in computer-mediated communication reproduces existing fault lines in spoken American English.Comment: preprint of PLOS-ONE paper from November 2014; PLoS ONE 9(11) e11311

    Evidence for a Goldstone Mode in a Double Layer Quantum Hall System

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    The tunneling conductance between two parallel 2D electron systems has been measured in a regime of strong interlayer Coulomb correlations. At total Landau level filling νT=1\nu_T=1 the tunnel spectrum changes qualitatively when the boundary separating the compressible phase from the ferromagnetic quantized Hall state is crossed. A huge resonant enhancement replaces the strongly suppressed equilibrium tunneling characteristic of weakly coupled layers. The possible relationship of this enhancement to the Goldstone mode of the broken symmetry ground state is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 2 minor typeos fixe
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