29 research outputs found

    Einfluss von experimentellen Mundspüllösungen auf die 48 h- Biofilmbildung am Dentin in situ

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    Aim: The aim of the present work was to investigate the antibacterial and antiadherent proper ties of the substances tannic acid, hydroxyapatite and chitosan in form of rinsing solutions on the biofilm on dentin. Material & method: Test specimens made of bovine dentine were used for the investigation, which were carried by the test persons in situ for 48 hours with a holding device on the posterior teeth. The subjects rinsed with the agents in two different rinsing protocols. In the first rinsing protocol, it was rinsed for five times and in the second rinsing protocol for four times. In this way, the short-term and long-term effects of the agents on the biofilm could be investigated. After 48 h, the test specimens were removed from the oral cavity and conditioned with the LIVE / DEAD BacLight for fluorescence microscopic analysis. The vitality of the bacteria and the bacterial coverage of the test specimens were evaluated. Two different scoring systems were used for the evaluation. The results of the fluorescence microscopy were also examined using a scanning electron microscope. Results: The fluorescence microscopic evaluation showed no significant differences for the agents hydroxyapatite and chitosan in comparison to the control rinse water, either in their effects on the vitality of the biofilm or on anti-adherent properties. This was shown for the first and the second rinsing protocol. For rinsing with tannic acid, the first rinsing protocol showed a significant difference to the control group with water in terms of bacterial vitality and bacterial coverage of the biofilm. In the second rinsing protocol, no significant difference in antibacterial and anti-adherent effects after rinsing with tannic acid compared to rinsing with water was found. The test specimens after rinsing with chlorhexidine showed both long-term and short term reduced vitality of the bacteria compared with those after the control rinse with water. In addition, after rinsing with chlorhexidine, the test specimens showed lower bacterial coverage in both rinsing protocols compared to rinsing with water. Conclusion: With its antibacterial and antiadherent properties, tannic acid is a potential agent in terms of a succesful biofilm management. The agents chitosan and hydroxyapatite showed less influence on biofilm formation under the test conditionsZiel: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, antibakterielle und antiadhärente Eigenschaften der Stoffe Tanninsäure, Hydroxylapatit und Chitosan in Form von Spüllösungen auf den Bio-film an Dentin zu untersuchen. Material & Methode: Zur Untersuchung dienten Prüfkörper aus bovinem Dentin, welche von den Probanden für jeweils 48 h in situ mit einer Haltevorrichtung im Seitenzahnbereich getra-gen wurden. Die Probanden spülten mit den jeweiligen Agenzien in zwei verschiedenen Spül-protokollen. Im ersten Spülprotokoll wurde fünfmalig und im zweiten Spülprotokoll viermalig gespült. So konnte die Kurz- und Langzeitwirkung der Agenzien auf den Biofilm untersucht werden. Nach 48 h wurden die Prüfkörper der Mundhöhle entnommen und für die fluoreszenz-mikroskopische Analyse mit dem LIVE/DEAD BacLight konditioniert. Es wurde die Vitalität der Bakterien und die bakterielle Bedeckung der Prüfkörper bewertet. Zur Bewertung dienten zwei verschiedene Scoring- Systeme. Die Ergebnisse der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie wurden zu-dem rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Ergebnisse: Die Auswertung der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie zeigte für die Agenzien Hydroxyla-patit und Chitosan im Vergleich zur Kontrollspülung Wasser keine signifikanten Unterschiede sowohl in ihren Effekten auf die Vitalität des Biofilms als auch auf antiadhärente Eigenschaf-ten. Dies zeigte sich für das erste und das zweite Spülprotokoll. Nach der Spülung mit Tannin-säure zeigte sich im ersten Spülprotokoll ein signifikanter Unterschied zur Kontrollgruppe mit Wasser hinsichtlich der bakteriellen Vitalität und der bakteriellen Bedeckung des Biofilms. Im zweiten Spülprotokoll wurde nach der Spülung mit Tanninsäure keine signifikante antibakteri-elle und antiadhärente Wirkung festgestellt. Die Prüfkörper nach der Spülung mit Chlorhexidin zeigten sowohl lang- als auch kurzwirksam eine verminderte Vitalität der Bakterien verglichen mit denen nach der Kontrollspülung Wasser. Zudem zeigten die Prüfkörper nach der Spülung mit Chlorhexidin in beiden Spülprotokollen eine geringere bakterielle Bedeckung verglichen nach der Spülung mit Wasser. Fazit: Tanninsäure ist mit antibakteriellen und antiadhärenten Eigenschaften ein potentielles Agens hinsichtlich eines erfolgreichen Biofilm-Managements. Die Agenzien Chitosan und Hydroxylapatit zeigten unter den Versuchsbedingungen weniger Einfluss auf die Biofilmbil-dung

    DNA methylation analysis of the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene in major depression.

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    The angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) has been repeatedly discussed as susceptibility factor for major depression (MD) and the bi-directional relation between MD and cardiovascular disorders (CVD). In this context, functional polymorphisms of the ACE gene have been linked to depression, to antidepressant treatment response, to ACE serum concentrations, as well as to hypertension, myocardial infarction and CVD risk markers. The mostly investigated ACE Ins/Del polymorphism accounts for ~40%-50% of the ACE serum concentration variance, the remaining half is probably determined by other genetic, environmental or epigenetic factors, but these are poorly understood. The main aim of the present study was the analysis of the DNA methylation pattern in the regulatory region of the ACE gene in peripheral leukocytes of 81 MD patients and 81 healthy controls. We detected intensive DNA methylation within a recently described, functional important region of the ACE gene promoter including hypermethylation in depressed patients (p = 0.008) and a significant inverse correlation between the ACE serum concentration and ACE promoter methylation frequency in the total sample (p = 0.02). Furthermore, a significant inverse correlation between the concentrations of the inflammatory CVD risk markers ICAM-1, E-selectin and P-selectin and the degree of ACE promoter methylation in MD patients could be demonstrated (p = 0.01 - 0.04). The results of the present study suggest that aberrations in ACE promoter DNA methylation may be an underlying cause of MD and probably a common pathogenic factor for the bi-directional relationship between MD and cardiovascular disorders

    Alternative Splicing and Extensive RNA Editing of Human TPH2 Transcripts

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    Brain serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission plays a key role in the regulation of mood and has been implicated in a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions. Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of 5-HT. Recently, we discovered a second TPH isoform (TPH2) in vertebrates, including man, which is predominantly expressed in brain, while the previously known TPH isoform (TPH1) is primarly a non-neuronal enzyme. Overwhelming evidence now points to TPH2 as a candidate gene for 5-HT-related psychiatric disorders. To assess the role of TPH2 gene variability in the etiology of psychiatric diseases we performed cDNA sequence analysis of TPH2 transcripts from human post mortem amygdala samples obtained from individuals with psychiatric disorders (drug abuse, schizophrenia, suicide) and controls. Here we show that TPH2 exists in two alternatively spliced variants in the coding region, denoted TPH2a and TPH2b. Moreover, we found evidence that the pre- mRNAs of both splice variants are dynamically RNA-edited in a mutually exclusive manner. Kinetic studies with cell lines expressing recombinant TPH2 variants revealed a higher activity of the novel TPH2B protein compared with the previously known TPH2A, whereas RNA editing was shown to inhibit the enzymatic activity of both TPH2 splice variants. Therefore, our results strongly suggest a complex fine-tuning of central nervous system 5-HT biosynthesis by TPH2 alternative splicing and RNA editing. Finally, we present molecular and large-scale linkage data evidencing that deregulated alternative splicing and RNA editing is involved in the etiology of psychiatric diseases, such as suicidal behaviour


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    Entdecktes Judenthum, Oder Gründlicher und Wahrhaffter Bericht, Welchergestalt Die verstockte Juden die Hochheilige Drey-Einigkeit Gott Vater, Sohn und Heil. Geist, erschrecklicher Weise lästern und verunehren ...

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    Vorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Gedruckt zu Königsberg in Preussen, im Jahr nach Christi Geburt 1711