848 research outputs found

    Ag-Biotech: It’s Not Just What’s for Dinner Anymore, but the Future Contents of our Medicine Cabinets

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    Consumer/Household Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Crossing the line: traveling into an open wound

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    Este ensayo de la crĂ­tica alemana aporta una visiĂłn testimonial de la frontera en dos sectores especĂ­ficos: las ciudades de Tecate y Tijuana; la primera mediana de unos l00,000 habitantes y la segunda enorme de mĂĄs de l.25 millones. En parte, ilustra cĂłmo la frontera funciona en forma de una “herida”, concepto que Gloria AnzaldĂșa ha propagado en muchas de sus obras teĂłricas. A la vez sirve para darnos una perspectiva de la frontera con muchas de sus cualidades hĂ­bridas, contradictorias e incluso inesperadas. Las mĂșltiples autoreflexiones de la autora/testigo sirven para encaminar a cualquiera que no conoce tal mundo por dentro, topĂĄndose con sus rarezas como sus virtudes redentorias

    Crossing the line: traveling into an open wound

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    Este ensayo de la crĂ­tica alemana aporta una visiĂłn testimonial de la frontera en dos sectores especĂ­ficos: las ciudades de Tecate y Tijuana; la primera mediana de unos l00,000 habitantes y la segunda enorme de mĂĄs de l.25 millones. En parte, ilustra cĂłmo la frontera funciona en forma de una “herida”, concepto que Gloria AnzaldĂșa ha propagado en muchas de sus obras teĂłricas. A la vez sirve para darnos una perspectiva de la frontera con muchas de sus cualidades hĂ­bridas, contradictorias e incluso inesperadas. Las mĂșltiples autoreflexiones de la autora/testigo sirven para encaminar a cualquiera que no conoce tal mundo por dentro, topĂĄndose con sus rarezas como sus virtudes redentorias

    Trail ride nation: Zydeco music & Creole entanglements in Southwest Louisiana

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    This doctoral thesis brings into focus the connections between humans, non-humans and zydeco at trail rides in Southwest Louisiana and Eastern Texas. Creole trail rides have become spirited social occasions centered around horses, food, music and dancing. The transient, mobile nature of trail rides offers a unique opportunity to consider the power of human-nonhuman entanglements and their impact on social becoming and collective solidarity. I explore how the region’s ‘Trail Ride Nation’ has emerged from and is sustained by its human participants’ specific relationships with horses, sound, clothing and food. I ask: How can we understand human becoming, specifically ‘trail rider’ becoming, as an entanglement with non-human animals and materialities? Mindful of the complex racial history in Louisiana, I also address how these entangled relationships connect to understandings of ‘creolization’ as a process of ‘creation, invention, critique, and resistance’ (Cohen and Toninato 2010: 14), and I ask how can they can become tools for self-making and reinvention against the region’s historical backdrop of racial segregation and systems of exclusion. This thesis explores how encounters with non-humans can encourage communal action and what kind of common world emerges by way of sonic, sartorial and edible engagements. I aim to present an argument that the cultural identity and collective belonging that marks what it is to be a trail rider is constituted by these changing and dynamic relationships

    Das Potential der Armutsperspektive: Der „Blick von den RĂ€ndern“ im Werk von Sen, Nussbaum und Papst Franziskus

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    Papst Franziskus, Amartya Sen und Martha Nussbaum wĂ€hlen oft die Perspektive der Marginalisierten, um dadurch einen klareren Blick auf die gesamte Gesellschaft zu gewinnen. Der Beitrag skizziert das Wesen und das vielfĂ€ltige Potential dieses Perspektivwechselsin deren eigenen Werken und anhand eines Forschungsbeispiels zum Thema „Bedeutung von Partizipation fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung“ in indischen Slums und Dörfern.Pope Francis, Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum often choose the perspective of the marginalized to gain a clearer view of the whole from their distant, and yet severely affected, vantage point. This paper outlines the nature and multiple potentials of this shift in perspective in their own works and through a research example on “the meaning of participation for sustainable development” in Indian slums and rural villages

    Untersuchungshaft vermeiden

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    Die Diplomarbeit behandelt das Thema „Untersuchungshaftvermeidung fĂŒr delinquente Jugendliche“. Nach einem Überblick ĂŒber die aktuelle Forschungslage in diesem Bereich, deckt die Diplomarbeit Argumente gegen eine Untersuchungshaft fĂŒr Jugendliche auf. Ausgehend von der Frage, welche Argumente gegen eine Untersuchungshaft sprechen, werden Alternativen zur Vermeidung dieser Contraargumente vorgestellt. Dabei wird eine Institution in Deutschland, die Jugendhilfeeinrichtung Am Schiefergrund in den Mittelpunkt gerĂŒckt. Das Konzept dieser Einrichtung demonstriert, wie in heutiger Zeit straffĂ€llige Jugendliche vor einer Untersuchungshaft bewahrt werden und gleichzeitig lernen sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Ob durch eine Einrichtung wie Am Schiefergrund eine Untersuchungshaft vermieden werden kann, wird anschließend diskutiert. Dabei werden die Begriffe Erziehungscamp, ErlebnispĂ€dagogik, Resozialisierung, Untersuchungshaft und Untersuchungshaftvermeidung fokussiert.This diploma thesis examines the topic „Avoidance of Remand for Juvenile Delinquents“. First the thesis summarises prior research and provides arguments against remand for juvenile delinquents. Based on these arguments alternative methods for remand are demonstrated. To gain insight into current remand prevention methods, a German institution named the youth facility Am Schiefergrund is analysed in detail. This institution presents one of GermanyÂŽs latest facilities to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents without using remand schemes. Finally, these specific methods and the institutionÂŽs approach to prevent remand are discussed. In this matter terms such as boot-camp, adventure education, rehabilitation, remand and remand avoidance are analysed
