669 research outputs found

    Crossing the line: traveling into an open wound

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    Este ensayo de la crítica alemana aporta una visión testimonial de la frontera en dos sectores específicos: las ciudades de Tecate y Tijuana; la primera mediana de unos l00,000 habitantes y la segunda enorme de más de l.25 millones. En parte, ilustra cómo la frontera funciona en forma de una “herida”, concepto que Gloria Anzaldúa ha propagado en muchas de sus obras teóricas. A la vez sirve para darnos una perspectiva de la frontera con muchas de sus cualidades híbridas, contradictorias e incluso inesperadas. Las múltiples autoreflexiones de la autora/testigo sirven para encaminar a cualquiera que no conoce tal mundo por dentro, topándose con sus rarezas como sus virtudes redentorias

    Crossing the line: traveling into an open wound

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    Este ensayo de la crítica alemana aporta una visión testimonial de la frontera en dos sectores específicos: las ciudades de Tecate y Tijuana; la primera mediana de unos l00,000 habitantes y la segunda enorme de más de l.25 millones. En parte, ilustra cómo la frontera funciona en forma de una “herida”, concepto que Gloria Anzaldúa ha propagado en muchas de sus obras teóricas. A la vez sirve para darnos una perspectiva de la frontera con muchas de sus cualidades híbridas, contradictorias e incluso inesperadas. Las múltiples autoreflexiones de la autora/testigo sirven para encaminar a cualquiera que no conoce tal mundo por dentro, topándose con sus rarezas como sus virtudes redentorias

    Das Potential der Armutsperspektive: Der „Blick von den Rändern“ im Werk von Sen, Nussbaum und Papst Franziskus

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    Papst Franziskus, Amartya Sen und Martha Nussbaum wählen oft die Perspektive der Marginalisierten, um dadurch einen klareren Blick auf die gesamte Gesellschaft zu gewinnen. Der Beitrag skizziert das Wesen und das vielfältige Potential dieses Perspektivwechselsin deren eigenen Werken und anhand eines Forschungsbeispiels zum Thema „Bedeutung von Partizipation für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ in indischen Slums und Dörfern.Pope Francis, Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum often choose the perspective of the marginalized to gain a clearer view of the whole from their distant, and yet severely affected, vantage point. This paper outlines the nature and multiple potentials of this shift in perspective in their own works and through a research example on “the meaning of participation for sustainable development” in Indian slums and rural villages

    Untersuchungshaft vermeiden

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    Die Diplomarbeit behandelt das Thema „Untersuchungshaftvermeidung für delinquente Jugendliche“. Nach einem Überblick über die aktuelle Forschungslage in diesem Bereich, deckt die Diplomarbeit Argumente gegen eine Untersuchungshaft für Jugendliche auf. Ausgehend von der Frage, welche Argumente gegen eine Untersuchungshaft sprechen, werden Alternativen zur Vermeidung dieser Contraargumente vorgestellt. Dabei wird eine Institution in Deutschland, die Jugendhilfeeinrichtung Am Schiefergrund in den Mittelpunkt gerückt. Das Konzept dieser Einrichtung demonstriert, wie in heutiger Zeit straffällige Jugendliche vor einer Untersuchungshaft bewahrt werden und gleichzeitig lernen sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Ob durch eine Einrichtung wie Am Schiefergrund eine Untersuchungshaft vermieden werden kann, wird anschließend diskutiert. Dabei werden die Begriffe Erziehungscamp, Erlebnispädagogik, Resozialisierung, Untersuchungshaft und Untersuchungshaftvermeidung fokussiert.This diploma thesis examines the topic „Avoidance of Remand for Juvenile Delinquents“. First the thesis summarises prior research and provides arguments against remand for juvenile delinquents. Based on these arguments alternative methods for remand are demonstrated. To gain insight into current remand prevention methods, a German institution named the youth facility Am Schiefergrund is analysed in detail. This institution presents one of Germany´s latest facilities to rehabilitate juvenile delinquents without using remand schemes. Finally, these specific methods and the institution´s approach to prevent remand are discussed. In this matter terms such as boot-camp, adventure education, rehabilitation, remand and remand avoidance are analysed

    Patient-specific outcome simulation after surgical correction of Pectus Excavatum: a preliminary study

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    Although minimally invasive Nuss procedure is frequently performed to correct Pectus Excavatum, the successful aesthetical outcome is not always ensured. Using the computed tomography (CT) data of six patients, high-quality surfaces of the anterior chest wall were generated, alongside with a personalized corrective-bar. Through finite element method (FEM), replicating the surgical procedure, a simulation of the anterior chest wall correction was conducted. The assessment of this methodology was verified by comparing the metrics from the real meshes (3D scanned before and after surgery) and simulated meshes (obtained before and after FEM). Results show a mean difference of 2.85 +/- 5.77 mm on the point of maximum correction between simulated and real outcomes. No statistical differences were found (p = 0.281). High aesthetical similarity was observed concerning simulated and real outcomes. The proposed methodology presents a patient-specific simulation that may be used to plan, predict and improve the surgical outcome of the Nuss procedure. Further studies should continue to improve the presented methodology.This work has been funded by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038; NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013; and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-024300, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Joao Gomes-Fonseca was funded by FCT under the Ph.D. grant PD/BDE/113597/2015

    High prevalence of bronchiectasis is linked to HTLV-1-associated inflammatory disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), a retrovirus, is the causative agent of HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma (ATLL). The reported association with pulmonary disease such as bronchiectasis is less certain. METHODS: A retrospective case review of a HTLV-1 seropositive cohort attending a national referral centre. The cohort was categorised into HTLV-1 symptomatic patients (SPs) (ATLL, HAM/TSP, Strongyloidiasis and HTLV associated inflammatory disease (HAID)) and HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (ACs). The cohort was reviewed for diagnosis of bronchiectasis. RESULT: 34/246 ACs and 30/167 SPs had been investigated for respiratory symptoms by computer tomography (CT) with productive cough +/- recurrent chest infections the predominant indications. Bronchiectasis was diagnosed in one AC (1/246) and 13 SPs (2 HAID, 1 ATLL, 10 HAM/TSP) (13/167, RR 19.2 95 % CI 2.5-14.5, p = 0.004) with high resolution CT. In the multivariate analysis ethnicity (p = 0.02) and disease state (p < 0.001) were independent predictors for bronchiectasis. The relative risk of bronchiectasis in SPs was 19.2 (95 % CI 2.5-14.5, p = 0.004) and in HAM/TSP patients compared with all other categories 8.4 (95 % CI 2.7-26.1, p = 0.0002). Subjects not of African/Afro-Caribbean ethnicity had an increased prevalence of bronchiectasis (RR 3.45 95 % 1.2-9.7, p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Bronchiectasis was common in the cohort (3.4 %). Risk factors were a prior diagnosis of HAM/TSP and ethnicity but not HTLV-1 viral load, age and gender. The spectrum of HTLV-associated disease should now include bronchiectasis and HTLV serology should be considered in patients with unexplained bronchiectasis
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