298 research outputs found
Periods of second kind differentials of (n,s)-curves
For elliptic curves, expressions for the periods of elliptic integrals of the
second kind in terms of theta-constants, have been known since the middle of
the 19th century. In this paper we consider the problem of generalizing these
results to curves of higher genera, in particular to a special class of
algebraic curves, the so-called -curves. It is shown that the
representations required can be obtained by the comparison of two equivalent
expressions for the projective connection, one due to Fay-Wirtinger and the
other from Klein-Weierstrass. As a principle example, we consider the case of
the genus two hyperelliptic curve, and a number of new Thomae and
Rosenhain-type formulae are obtained. We anticipate that our analysis for the
genus two curve can be extended to higher genera hyperelliptic curves, as well
as to other classes of non-hyperelliptic curves.Comment: 21 page
Quasiperiodic localized oscillating solutions in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with alternating on-site potential
We present what we believe to be the first known example of an exact
quasiperiodic localized stable solution with spatially symmetric
large-amplitude oscillations in a non-integrable Hamiltonian lattice model. The
model is a one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with
alternating on-site energies, modelling e.g. an array of optical waveguides
with alternating widths. The solution bifurcates from a stationary discrete gap
soliton, and in a regime of large oscillations its intensity oscillates
periodically between having one peak at the central site, and two symmetric
peaks at the neighboring sites with a dip in the middle. Such solutions, termed
'pulsons', are found to exist in continuous families ranging arbitrarily close
both to the anticontinuous and continuous limits. Furthermore, it is shown that
they may be linearly stable also in a regime of large oscillations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. E. Revised version:
change of title, added Figs. 1(b),(c), 4 new references + minor
SOBA: sequence ontology bioinformatics analysis
The advent of cheaper, faster sequencing technologies has pushed the task of sequence annotation from the exclusive domain of large-scale multi-national sequencing projects to that of research laboratories and small consortia. The bioinformatics burden placed on these laboratories, some with very little programming experience can be daunting. Fortunately, there exist software libraries and pipelines designed with these groups in mind, to ease the transition from an assembled genome to an annotated and accessible genome resource. We have developed the Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis (SOBA) tool to provide a simple statistical and graphical summary of an annotated genome. We envisage its use during annotation jamborees, genome comparison and for use by developers for rapid feedback during annotation software development and testing. SOBA also provides annotation consistency feedback to ensure correct use of terminology within annotations, and guides users to add new terms to the Sequence Ontology when required. SOBA is available at http://www.sequenceontology.org/cgi-bin/soba.cgi
Properties of the series solution for Painlevé I
We present some observations on the asymptotic behaviour of the coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of solutions of the first Painlevé equation. For the general solution, explicit recursive formulae for the Taylor expansion of the tau-function around a zero are given, which are natural extensions of analogous formulae for the elliptic sigma function, as given by Weierstrass. Numerical and exact results on the symmetric solution which is singular at the origin are also presented
Deriving bases for Abelian functions
We present a new method to explicitly define Abelian functions associated
with algebraic curves, for the purpose of finding bases for the relevant vector
spaces of such functions. We demonstrate the procedure with the functions
associated with a trigonal curve of genus four. The main motivation for the
construction of such bases is that it allows systematic methods for the
derivation of the addition formulae and differential equations satisfied by the
functions. We present a new 3-term 2-variable addition formulae and a complete
set of differential equations to generalise the classic Weierstrass identities
for the case of the trigonal curve of genus four.Comment: 35page
New Kinds of Acoustic Solitons
We find that the modified sine-Gordon equation belonging to the class of the
soliton equations describes the propagation of extremely short transverse
acoustic pulses through the low-temperature crystal containing paramagnetic
impurities with effective spin S=1/2 in the Voigt geometry case. The features
of nonlinear dynamics of strain field and effective spins, which correspond to
the different kinds of acoustic solitons, are studied.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur
Discrete soliton mobility in two-dimensional waveguide arrays with saturable nonlinearity
We address the issue of mobility of localized modes in two-dimensional
nonlinear Schr\"odinger lattices with saturable nonlinearity. This describes
e.g. discrete spatial solitons in a tight-binding approximation of
two-dimensional optical waveguide arrays made from photorefractive crystals. We
discuss numerically obtained exact stationary solutions and their stability,
focussing on three different solution families with peaks at one, two, and four
neighboring sites, respectively. When varying the power, there is a repeated
exchange of stability between these three solutions, with symmetry-broken
families of connecting intermediate stationary solutions appearing at the
bifurcation points. When the nonlinearity parameter is not too large, we
observe good mobility, and a well defined Peierls-Nabarro barrier measuring the
minimum energy necessary for rendering a stable stationary solution mobile.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure
Evidence for moving breathers in a layered crystal insulator at 300K
We report the ejection of atoms at a crystal surface caused by energetic
breathers which have travelled more than 10^7 unit cells in atomic chain
directions. The breathers were created by bombardment of a crystal face with
heavy ions. This effect was observed at 300K in the layered crystal muscovite,
which has linear chains of atoms for which the surrounding lattice has C_2
symmetry. The experimental techniques described could be used to study
breathers in other materials and configurations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
Deriving N-soliton solutions via constrained flows
The soliton equations can be factorized by two commuting x- and t-constrained
flows. We propose a method to derive N-soliton solutions of soliton equations
directly from the x- and t-constrained flows.Comment: 8 pages, AmsTex, no figures, to be published in Journal of Physics
Generalised Elliptic Functions
We consider multiply periodic functions, sometimes called Abelian functions,
defined with respect to the period matrices associated with classes of
algebraic curves. We realise them as generalisations of the Weierstras
P-function using two different approaches. These functions arise naturally as
solutions to some of the important equations of mathematical physics and their
differential equations, addition formulae, and applications have all been
recent topics of study.
The first approach discussed sees the functions defined as logarithmic
derivatives of the sigma-function, a modified Riemann theta-function. We can
make use of known properties of the sigma function to derive power series
expansions and in turn the properties mentioned above. This approach has been
extended to a wide range of non hyperelliptic and higher genus curves and an
overview of recent results is given.
The second approach defines the functions algebraically, after first
modifying the curve into its equivariant form. This approach allows the use of
representation theory to derive a range of results at lower computational cost.
We discuss the development of this theory for hyperelliptic curves and how it
may be extended in the future.Comment: 16 page
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