215 research outputs found

    Observation of Ising-like critical fluctuations in frustrated Josephson junction arrays with modulated coupling energies

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    We report the results of ac sheet conductance measurements performed on fully frustrated square arrays of Josephson junctions whose coupling energy is periodically modulated in one of the principal lattice directions. Such systems are predicted to exhibit two distinct transitions: a low-temperature Ising-like transition triggered by the proliferation of domain walls and a high-temperature transition driven by the vortex unbinding mechanism of the Beresinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) theory. Both the superfluid and dissipative components of the conductance are found to exhibit features which unambiguously demonstrate the existence of a double transition whose properties are consistent with the Ising-BKT scenario.Comment: To be published in Physica C (Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference in School Format 'Vortex Matter in Superconductors'

    Phases of Josephson Junction Ladders

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    We study a Josephson junction ladder in a magnetic field in the absence of charging effects via a transfer matrix formalism. The eigenvalues of the transfer matrix are found numerically, giving a determination of the different phases of the ladder. The spatial periodicity of the ground state exhibits a devil's staircase as a function of the magnetic flux filling factor ff. If the transverse Josephson coupling is varied a continuous superconducting-normal transition in the transverse direction is observed, analogous to the breakdown of the KAM trajectories in dynamical systems.Comment: 12 pages with 3 figures, REVTE

    Giant Shapiro Resonances in a Flux Driven Josephson Junction Necklace

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    We present a detailed study of the dynamic response of a ring of NN equally spaced Josephson junctions to a time-periodic external flux, including screening current effects. The dynamics are described by the resistively shunted Josephson junction model, appropriate for proximity effect junctions, and we include Faraday's law for the flux. We find that the time-averaged IVI-V characteristics show novel {\em subharmonic giant Shapiro voltage resonances}, which strongly depend on having phase slips or not, on NN, on the inductance and on the external drive frequency. We include an estimate of the possible experimental parameters needed to observe these quantized voltage spikes.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 3 figures available upon reques

    Genome-wide association studies in kidney transplantation: Advantages and constraints

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    Since the discovery of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, the role of HLA molecules in the field of transplantation has been appreciated: better matching leads to better graft function. Since then, the association of other genetic polymorphisms with clinical outcome has been investigated in many studies. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) represent a powerful tool to identify causal genetic variants, by simultaneously analyzing millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms scattered across the genome. GWAS in transplantation may indeed be useful to reveal novel markers that may potentially be involved in the mechanism of allograft rejection and graft failure. However, the relevance of GWAS for risk stratification or donor selection for an individual patient is limited as is already reflected by the fact that many parameters, significant in one study,  cannot be confirmed in another one.   Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion

    Resistivity scaling and critical dynamics of fully frustrated Josephson-junction arrays with on-site dissipation

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    We study the scaling behavior and critical dynamics of the resistive transition in Josephson-junction arrays, at f=1/2 flux quantum per plaquette, by numerical simulation of an on-site dissipation model for the dynamics. The results are compared with recent simulations using the resistively-shunted-junction model. For both models, we find that the resistivity scaling and critical dynamics of the phases are well described by the same critical temperature as for the chiral (vortex-lattice) transition, with a power-law divergent correlation length. The behavior is consistent with the single transition scenario, where phase and chiral variables order at the same temperature, but with different dynamic exponents z for phase coherence and chiral order.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlinear Viscous Vortex Motion in Two-Dimensional Josephson-Junction Arrays

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    When a vortex in a two-dimensional Josephson junction array is driven by a constant external current it may move as a particle in a viscous medium. Here we study the nature of this viscous motion. We model the junctions in a square array as resistively and capacitively shunted Josephson junctions and carry out numerical calculations of the current-voltage characteristics. We find that the current-voltage characteristics in the damped regime are well described by a model with a {\bf nonlinear} viscous force of the form FD=η(y˙)y˙=A1+By˙y˙F_D=\eta(\dot y)\dot y={{A}\over {1+B\dot y}}\dot y, where y˙\dot y is the vortex velocity, η(y˙)\eta(\dot y) is the velocity dependent viscosity and AA and BB are constants for a fixed value of the Stewart-McCumber parameter. This result is found to apply also for triangular lattices in the overdamped regime. Further qualitative understanding of the nature of the nonlinear friction on the vortex motion is obtained from a graphic analysis of the microscopic vortex dynamics in the array. The consequences of having this type of nonlinear friction law are discussed and compared to previous theoretical and experimental studies.Comment: 14 pages RevTex, 9 Postscript figure

    Smecticlike phase for modulated XY spins in two dimensions

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    The row model for frustrated XY spins on a triangular lattice in 2D is used to study incommensurate{IC}) spiral and commensurate{C} antiferromagnetic (AF) phases, in the regime where a C-IC transition occurs. Using fluctuating boundary conditions and specific histogram techniques, a detailed Monte Carlo (MC) study reveals more structure in the phase diagram than found in previous MC simulations of the full parameter space. On the (C) side, equilibrium configurations consist of alternating stripes of spiral phases of opposite chirality separated by walls of the (C) phase. For this same parameter regime, thermodynamic quantities are computed analytically using the NSCHA, a generalization of the self consistent harmonic approximation appropriate for chiral systems. On the commensurate side of the (C)-(IC) boundary, NSCHA predicts an instability of the (C) phase. This suggests that the state is spatially inhomogeneous, consistent with the present MC result: it resembles the smectic-A phase of liquid crystals, and its existence implies that the Lifshitz point is at T=0{T=0} for modulated XY spins in 2D. The connection between frustrated XY systems and the vortex state of strong type II superconductors suggests that the smectic phase may correspond to a vortex liquid phase of superconducting layers.Comment: Single Postscript file containing 24 pages of text and 8 figures. To appear in May 1 issue of Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 5

    Study of the Fully Frustrated Clock Model using the Wang-Landau Algorithm

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    Monte Carlo simulations using the newly proposed Wang-Landau algorithm together with the broad histogram relation are performed to study the antiferromagnetic six-state clock model on the triangular lattice, which is fully frustrated. We confirm the existence of the magnetic ordering belonging to the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) type phase transition followed by the chiral ordering which occurs at slightly higher temperature. We also observe the lower temperature phase transition of KT type due to the discrete symmetry of the clock model. By using finite-size scaling analysis, the higher KT temperature T2T_2 and the chiral critical temperature TcT_c are respectively estimated as T2=0.5154(8)T_2=0.5154(8) and Tc=0.5194(4)T_c=0.5194(4). The results are in favor of the double transition scenario. The lower KT temperature is estimated as T1=0.496(2)T_1=0.496(2). Two decay exponents of KT transitions corresponding to higher and lower temperatures are respectively estimated as η2=0.25(1)\eta_2=0.25(1) and η1=0.13(1)\eta_1=0.13(1), which suggests that the exponents associated with the KT transitions are universal even for the frustrated model.Comment: 7 pages including 9 eps figures, RevTeX, to appear in J. Phys.

    Phase transitions in a frustrated XY model with zig-zag couplings

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    We study a new generalized version of the square-lattice frustrated XY model where unequal ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings are arranged in a zig-zag pattern. The ratio between the couplings ρ\rho can be used to tune the system, continuously, from the isotropic square-lattice to the triangular-lattice frustrated XY model. The model can be physically realized as a Josephson-junction array with two different couplings, in a magnetic field corresponding to half-flux quanta per plaquette. Mean-field approximation, Ginzburg-Landau expansion and finite-size scaling of Monte Carlo simulations are used to study the phase diagram and critical behavior. Depending on the value of ρ\rho, two separate transitions or a transition line in the universality class of the XY-Ising model, with combined Z2Z_2 and U(1) symmetries, takes place. In particular, the phase transitions of the standard square-lattice and triangular-lattice frustrated XY models correspond to two different cuts through the same transition line. Estimates of the chiral (Z2Z_2) critical exponents on this transition line deviate significantly from the pure Ising values, consistent with that along the critical line of the XY-Ising model. This suggests that a frustrated XY model or Josephson-junction array with a zig-zag coupling modulation can provide a physical realization of the XY-Ising model critical line.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.