36 research outputs found

    Support- and meaning-focused coping as key factors for maintaining adult quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

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    Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, questions about both consequences and helpful strategies to maintain quality of life (QoL) have become increasingly important. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of coping factors during the COVID-19 pandemic, their associations with QoL and the moderating role of certain sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: Analyses were based on cross-sectional self-reports from German adult participants (N = 2,137, 18–84 years, 52.1% female) of the CORONA HEALTH APP Study from July 2020 to July 2021. Multivariate regression analyses were used to predict (a) coping factors assessed with the Brief COPE and (b) QoL assessed with the WHOQOL-BREF while taking measurement time, central sociodemographic, and health characteristics into account. Results: During the COVID-19 pandemic, German adults mostly pursued problem- and meaning-focused coping factors and showed a relatively good QoL [Mean values (M) from 57.2 to 73.6, standard deviations (SD) = 16.3−22.6], except for the social domain (M = 57.2, SD = 22.6), and with a decreasing trend over time (β from −0.06 to −0.11, ps < 0.01). Whereas, escape-avoidance coping was negatively related to all QoL domains (β = −0.35, p < 0.001 for psychological, β = −0.22, p < 0.001 for physical, β = −0.13, p = 0.045 for social, β = −0.49, p < 0.001 for environmental QoL), support- and meaning-focused coping showed positive associations with various QoL domains (β from 0.19 to 0.45, ps < 0.01). The results also suggested differences in the pursuit of coping factors as well as in the strength of associations with QoL by sociodemographic characteristics. Escape-avoidance-focused coping was negatively associated with QoL levels in older and less educated adults (simple slopes differed at ps < 0.001), in particular. Conclusions: The results demonstrated what types of coping may be helpful to avoid QoL deterioration (i.e., support- and meaning-focused coping) and provide implications for future universal or targeted health promotion (i.e., older or less educated adults who lack social or instrumental support) and preparedness in the face of unknown challenging societal situations similar to that of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cross-sectional trends of enhanced use of escape-avoidance-focused coping and QoL deterioration point toward a need for increased attention from public health and policy

    Depressive symptoms in the general population before and in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the GEDA 2019/2020 study

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    Background: Study results on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the first year of the pandemic are contradictory. The GEDA 2019/2020 study makes it possible to examine changes in depressive symptoms in the population. Methods: A standardised telephone interview was used to survey a random sample of the population in Germany aged 15 and older. To exclude seasonal effects, 10,220 interviewees from the period April 2019 to January 2020 were compared with 11,900 from the period April 2020 to January 2021. Depressive symptoms were assessed with the internationally established 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8). Results: The prevalence of depressive symptoms decreased from 9.2% to 7.6% in the first year of the pandemic. Changes differ between women and men as well as between age and education groups. The analysis of individual symptoms suggests that it is not about a reduction of mental disorders of the depressive type in the narrower sense, but rather a decrease in stress-associated individual symptoms. Conclusions: The decrease in stress-associated depressive symptoms in parts of the population can be interpreted as an indication that pandemic-related changes in everyday life and the working environment may have had a positive effect on individual areas of mental health in certain groups, at least temporarily in the first year of the pandemic. The continuing strong social inequality in depressive symptoms to the disadvantage of low education groups confirms that the need for social situation-related health promotion and prevention with regard to the living and working conditions of socially disadvantaged people must not be lost sight of in times of pandemic. For groups in the population that partly showed a worsening of symptoms in this phase of the pandemic, e.g. the diminished ability to concentrate of very old men, targeted support options should be created in the future

    Mental health of the adult population in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rapid Review

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    This rapid review examines how the mental health of adults in the general population in Germany changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted a systematic literature search and included 68 publications as of July 30 2021. The underlying studies were classified according to their suitability for representative statements for the general population and for estimating changes in mental health over time. In addition, the observation period and operationalisation of outcomes were considered. The first wave of infection and the summer plateau were mapped by 65% of the studies. Studies that were particularly suitable for representative statements due to their research design showed mixed results, which tend to indicate a largely resilient adult population with a proportion of vulnerable individuals. A predominantly negative development of mental health was described by results from more bias-prone study designs. Routine data analyses showed decreases in outpatient and especially inpatient care, increased use of a crisis service, mixed results for outpatient diagnoses, incapacity to work and mortality as well as indications of shifts in the spectrum of diagnoses. As the current evidence is ambiguous, generalised statements should be reflected in favour of a differentiated view. There is a need for research on the further course of the pandemic, specific risk groups and the prevalence of mental disorders

    Quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic – Results of the CORONA HEALTH App study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about great changes to the everyday lives of the population in Germany. Social distancing, working from home and other measures to contain the pandemic are essentially dominating everyday life. With data from the CORONA HEALTH App study we analysed the quality of life of the adult population in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified possible risk factors for a poor quality of life. In the app-based survey carried out between July and December 2020, 1,396 respondents (women 46.5%, men 52.7%, diverse 0.9%; mean age (mean) 42.0 years (standard deviation=13.4)) provided information on their quality of life using the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). Univariate and multivariate regression was used to examine differences in quality of life between different groups of people during the COVID-19 pandemic and their associations with selected predictors. In summary, women, younger persons and job seekers or those who saw their work hours reduced or who could not pursue their regular jobs presented a lower quality of life in individual areas of life than the respective reference group. On the other hand, a setting that combines working from home and at the regular workplace, as well as living together with other people, showed partly positive associations with quality of life. The results have implications for public health interventions as they highlight groups requiring closer attention and sufficient support services.Peer Reviewe

    Depressive Symptomatik in der Allgemeinbevölkerung vor und im ersten Jahr der COVID-19-Pandemie: Ergebnisse der GEDA-Studie 2019/2020

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    Hintergrund: Studienergebnisse zu Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die psychische Gesundheit im ersten Jahr der Pandemie sind widersprüchlich. Die Studie GEDA 2019/2020 ermöglicht, Veränderungen hinsichtlich der depressiven Symptomatik in der Bevölkerung zu untersuchen. Methode: Mit einem standardisierten telefonischen Interview wurde eine Zufallsstichprobe der Bevölkerung in Deutschland ab 15 Jahren befragt. Um saisonale Effekte auszuschließen, wurden 10.220 Interviewte des Zeitraums April 2019 bis Januar 2020 mit 11.900 des Zeitraums April 2020 bis Januar 2021 verglichen. Das Vorliegen einer depressiven Symptomatik wurde mit dem international etablierten 8-Item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die Prävalenz der depressiven Symptomatik reduzierte sich im hier betrachteten ersten Jahr der Pandemie von vorher 9,2 % auf 7,6 %. Veränderungen fallen bei Frauen und Männer sowie Alters- und Bildungsgruppen unterschiedlich aus. Die Analyse von Einzelsymptomen legt nahe, dass es sich nicht um eine Verringerung von psychischen Störungen des depressiven Formenkreises im engeren Sinne handelt, sondern um einen Rückgang stressassoziierter Einzelsymptome. Schlussfolgerungen: Der Rückgang von stressassoziierten depressiven Symptomen in Teilen der Bevölkerung lässt sich als Hinweis darauf werten, dass pandemiebedingte Veränderungen in Alltag und Arbeitswelt sich in bestimmten Gruppen positiv auf einzelne Bereiche psychischer Gesundheit ausgewirkt haben könnten, zumindest temporär im ersten Jahr der Pandemie. Die weiterhin stark ausgeprägte soziale Ungleichheit in der depressiven Symptomatik zuungunsten unterer Bildungsgruppen bekräftigt, dass der Bedarf an soziallagenbezogener Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention mit Blick auf die Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen sozial benachteiligter Menschen in Pandemiezeiten nicht aus dem Blickfeld geraten darf. Für Gruppen in der Bevölkerung, die in dieser Phase der Pandemie teilweise eine Verschlechterung der Symptomlage zeigten, z. B. die geminderte Konzentrationsfähigkeit hochaltriger Männer, sollten zukünftig gezielte Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden

    Lebensqualität während der COVID-19-Pandemie – Ergebnisse der CORONA-HEALTH-App-Studie

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    Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat den Alltag der Bevölkerung in Deutschland stark verändert. Kontaktbeschränkungen, die Einführung von Homeoffice und weitere Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Pandemie bestimmen den Alltag maßgeblich. Die CORONA-HEALTH-App-Studie verfolgt das Ziel, die Lebensqualität der in Deutschland lebenden erwachsenen Bevölkerung während der COVID-19-Pandemie zu untersuchen und mögliche Risikofaktoren für eine niedrige Lebensqualität zu identifizieren. Im Rahmen der appbasierten Befragung machten 1.396 Personen (Frauen 46,5 %, Männer 52,7 %, divers 0,9 %; durchschnittliches Alter (Mittelwert) 42,0 Jahre (Standardabweichung = 13,4)) im Zeitraum Juli bis Dezember 2020 mittels des World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) Angaben zu ihrer Lebensqualität. Mit univariater und multivariater Regression wurden Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Personengruppen in der Lebensqualität während der COVID-19-Pandemie sowie Assoziationen mit ausgewählten Prädiktoren untersucht. Zusammenfassend zeigten Frauen, jüngere Personen und Personen, die arbeitssuchend oder in Kurzarbeit waren beziehungsweise ihrer regulären Arbeitstätigkeit nicht nachgehen konnten, in einzelnen Lebensbereichen eine niedrigere Lebensqualität als die jeweilige Referenzgruppe. Eine Kombination aus Homeoffice und regulärem Arbeitsplatz sowie das Zusammenleben mit anderen Personen zeigten hingegen teils positive Assoziationen mit der Lebensqualität. Die Ergebnisse haben Implikationen für Public-Health-Maßnahmen, indem sie auf Gruppen hinweisen, die eine erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit und ausreichende Unterstützungsangebote benötigen.Peer Reviewe

    Veränderungen der psychischen Gesundheit in der Kinder- und Jugendbevölkerung in Deutschland während der COVID-19- Pandemie – Ergebnisse eines Rapid Reviews

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    Hintergrund: Dieser Rapid Review untersucht Veränderungen der psychischen Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland während der COVID-19-Pandemie. Methode: Grundlage sind 39 Publikationen, die mittels systematischer Literaturrecherche (Stand 19.11.2021) und Handrecherche identifiziert wurden. Die Datengrundlagen der eingeschlossenen Publikationen wurden bezüglich ihrer Repräsentativität für die Allgemeinbevölkerung systematisiert, die verwendeten Indikatoren hinsichtlich der abgebildeten Konstrukte und ihrer Verlässlichkeit kategorisiert. Ergebnisse: Die große Mehrzahl der Studien bezog sich auf den Pandemiebeginn bis zum Sommerplateau 2020. Aus repräsentativen Studien wurde überwiegend ein hohes Ausmaß an pandemiebezogenen Belastungen, Zunahmen psychischer Auffälligkeiten und Beeinträchtigungen der Lebensqualität berichtet. Nichtrepräsentative Studien zeigten gemischte Ergebnisse. Vulnerable Gruppen ließen sich nur eingeschränkt identifizieren. Routine- und versorgungsbezogene Daten wiesen Rückgänge der ambulanten und stationären Inanspruchnahme während der Pandemiewellen mit Nachholeffekten aus. Kinder und Jugendliche erweisen sich in der Pandemie als vulnerabler im Vergleich zu Erwachsenen. Ihre Belastung variierte jedoch mit den Pandemiewellen und den assoziierten Eindämmungsmaßnahmen. Schlussfolgerungen: Ein zukünftiges vorausschauendes Krisen- und Pandemiemanagement erfordert eine engmaschige und kontinuierliche Surveillance der psychischen Kindergesundheit sowie eine bessere Identifikation von Risikogruppen

    Luxurious Merovingian Textiles Excavated from Burials in the Saint Denis Basilica, France in the 6th-7th Century

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    A new examination of the textile fragments found in the Merovingian burials in the basilica of Saint Denis, near Paris, has recently underscored the diversity of fabrics used to make garments in which members of the royal court were buried. Among them, some woolens of fine quality had been dyed with indigotin. The most astonishing fibre found belongs to a mixed textile (not skin) with beaver fibers and wool. Silks contained shellfish purple and in one case kermes? Two dyestuffs associated with royalty and privilege. Along with this was large number of gold threads, probably produced locally and that were used in tablet-woven borders or for embroideries. In addition, several figured silks, of oriental origin, testify to the importance of this foreign material and the taste for textiles woven with complex techniques and probably what had originally had beautiful designs. Although none of these designs have been preserved and many colors have been greatly damaged, the technical characteristics of the remnants indicate proveniences as far as Byzantium, Sassanid Persia and the Chinese court. Such precious textiles show the high social status and political power of the Merovingian court, a testament to their ability to access such luxurious and costly textiles through diplomacy and/or trade with other powerful empires. The examination of these rare textiles along with other fine silks and luxury objects from the same period found in France expand our view of the fundamental role of textiles in the political sphere of this early period of European history

    Luxurious Merovingian Textiles Excavated from Burials in the Saint Denis Basilica, France, 6th-7th century

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    A new examination of the textile fragments found in the Merovingian burials in the basilica of Saint Denis, near Paris, has recently underscored the diversity of fabrics used to make garments in which members of the royal court were buried. Among them, some woolens of fine quality had been dyed with indigotin. The most astonishing fibre found belongs to a mixed textile (not skin) with beaver fibers and wool. Silks contained shellfish purple and in one case kermes? Two dyestuffs associated with royalty and privilege. Along with this was large number of gold threads, probably produced locally and that were used in tablet-woven borders or for embroideries. In addition, several figured silks, of oriental origin, testify to the importance of this "foreign" material and the taste for textiles woven with complex techniques and probably what had originally had beautiful designs. Although none of these designs have been preserved and many colors have been greatly damaged, the technical characteristics of the remnants indicate proveniences as far as Byzantium, Sassanid Persia and the Chinese court. Such precious textiles show the high social status and political power of the Merovingian court, a testament to their ability to access such luxurious and costly textiles through diplomacy and/or trade with other powerful empires. The examination of these rare textiles along with other fine silks and luxury objects from the same period found in France expand our view of the fundamental role of textiles in the political sphere of this early period of European history