19 research outputs found

    Lil3 assembles as chlorophyll-binding protein complex during deetiolation

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    AbstractDark-grown angiosperm seedlings are etiolated and devoid of chlorophyll. Deetiolation is triggered by light leading to chlorophyll dependent accumulation of the photosynthetic machinery. The transfer of chlorophyll to the chlorophyll-binding proteins is still unclear. We demonstrate here that upon illumination of dark-grown barley seedlings, two new pigment-binding protein complexes are de novo accumulated. Pigments bound to both complexes are identified as chlorophyll a and protochlorophyll a. By auto-fluorescence tracking and mass spectrometry, we show that exclusively Lil3 is the pigment-binding complex subunit in both complexes

    In Vitro Synthesis of Chlorophyll A in the Dark Triggers Accumulation of Chlorophyll A Apoproteins in Barley Etioplasts”

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    An in vitro translation system using lysed etioplasts was developed to test if the accumulation of plastid-encoded chlorophyll a apoproteins is dependent on the de novo synthesis of chlorophyll a. The P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, were not radiolabeled in pulsechase translation assays employing lysed etioplasts in the absence of added chlorophyll precursors. When chlorophyllide a plus phytylpyrophosphate were added to lysed etioplast translation assays in the dark, chlorophyll a was synthesized and radiolabeled P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, and a protein which comigrates with D1 accumulated. Chlorophyllide a or phytylpyrophosphate added separately to the translation assay in darkness did not induce chlorophyll a formation or chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation. Chlorophyll a formation and chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation were also induced in the lysed etioplast translation system by the photoreduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide a in the presence of exogenous phytylpyrophosphate. Accumulation of radiolabeled CP47 was detectable when very low levels of chlorophyll a were synthesized de novo (less than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids), and radiolabel increased linearly with increasing de novo chlorophyll a formation. Higher levels of de novo synthesized chlorophyll a were required prior to detection of radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins and CP43 (greater than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids). Radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, saturated at a chlorophyll a concentration which corresponds to 50% of the etioplast protochlorophyllide content (0.06 nmol of chlorophyll a/10(7) plastids)

    The proteome of the heterocyst cell wall in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

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    Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 is a filamentous cyanobacterium that serves as a model to analyze prokaryotic cell differentiation, evolutionary development of plastids, and the regulation of nitrogen fixation. The cell wall is the cellular structure in contact with the surrounding medium. To understand the dynamics of the cell wall proteome during cell differentiation, the cell wall from Anabaena heterocysts was enriched and analyzed. In line with the recently proposed continuity of the outer membrane along the Anabaena filament, most of the proteins identified in the heterocyst cell-wall fraction are also present in the cell wall of vegetative cells, even though the lipid content of both membranes is different

    Supercomplexes of plant photosystem I with cytochrome b6f, light-harvesting complex II and NDH

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    Photosystem I (PSI) is a pigment-protein complex required for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis and participates in light-harvesting and redox-driven chloroplast metabolism. Assembly of PSI into supercomplexes with light harvesting complex (LHC) II, cytochrome b6f (Cytb6f) or NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex (NDH) has been proposed as a means for regulating photosynthesis. However, structural details about the binding positions in plant PSI are lacking. We analyzed large data sets of electron microscopy single particle projections of supercomplexes obtained from the stroma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana. By single particle analysis, we established the binding position of Cytb6f at the antenna side of PSI. The rectangular-shaped Cytb6f dimer binds at the side where Lhca1 is located. The complex binds with its short side rather than its long side to PSI, which may explain why these supercomplexes are difficult to purify and easily disrupted. Refined analysis of the interaction between PSI and the NDH complex indicates that in total up to 6 copies of PSI can arrange with one NDH complex. Most PSI-NDH supercomplexes appeared to have 1-3 PSI copies associated. Finally, the PSI-LHCII supercomplex was found to bind an additional LHCII trimer at two positions on the LHCI side in Arabidopsis. The organization of PSI, either in a complex with NDH or with Cytb6f, may improve regulation of electron transport by the control of binding partners and distances in small domains

    Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein stably inserts into etioplast membranes supplemented with Zn-pheophytin a/b

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    Light-harvesting chlorophyll alb-binding protein, LHCP, or its precursor, pLHCP, cannot be stably inserted into barley etioplast membranes in vitro. However, when these etioplast membranes are supplemented with the chlorophyll analogs Zn-pheophytin a/b, synthesized in situ from Zn-pheophorbide a/b and digeranyl pyrophosphate, pLHCP is inserted into a protease-resistant state, This proves that chlorophyll is the only component lacking in etioplast membranes that is necessary for stable LHCP insertion, Synthesis of Zn-pheophytin b alone promotes insertion of LHCP in. vitro into a protease-resistant state, whereas synthesis of Zn-pheophytin a alone does not, Insertion of pLHCP into etioplast membranes can also be stimulated by adding chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b to the membranes, albeit at a significantly lower efficiency as compared with Zn-pheophytin a/b synthesized in situ, When pLHCP is inserted into chlorophyll-or Zn-pheophytin-supplemented etioplast membranes and then assayed with protease, only the protease digestion product indicative of the monomeric major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCII) is found but not the one indicating trimeric complexes, In this respect, chlorophyll-or Zn-pheophytin-supplemented etioplast membranes resemble thylakoid membranes at an early greening stage: pLHCP inserted into plastid membranes from greening barley is assembled into trimeric LHCII only after more than 1 h of greening

    The Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 Oxa1 Homolog Is Essential for Membrane Integration of Reaction Center Precursor Protein pD1

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    Synechocystis sp PCC 6803 Slr1471p, an Oxa1p/Alb3/YidC homolog, is an essential protein for cell viability for which functions in thylakoid membrane biogenesis and cell division have been proposed. Using a fusion of green fluorescent protein to the C terminus of Slr1471p, we found that the mutant slr1471-gfp is photochemically inhibited when light intensities increase to 80 μmol·m(−2)·s(−1). We show that photoinhibition correlates with an increased redox potential of the reaction center quinone Q(A)(−) and a decreased redox potential of Q(B)(−). Analysis reveals that membrane integration of the D1 precursor protein is affected, leading to the accumulation of pD1 in the membrane phase. We show that Slr1471p interacts directly with the D1 protein and discuss why the accumulation of pD1 in two reaction center assembly intermediates is dependent on Slr1471p

    Efficient Assembly of Photosystem II in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Requires Alb3.1p, a Homolog of Arabidopsis ALBINO3

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    Alb3 homologs Oxa1 and YidC have been shown to be required for the integration of newly synthesized proteins into membranes. Here, we show that although Alb3.1p is not required for integration of the plastid-encoded photosystem II core subunit D1 into the thylakoid membrane of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the insertion of D1 into functional photosystem II complexes is retarded in the Alb3.1 deletion mutant ac29. Alb3.1p is associated with D1 upon its insertion into the membrane, indicating that Alb3.1p is essential for the efficient assembly of photosystem II. Furthermore, levels of nucleus-encoded light-harvesting proteins are vastly reduced in ac29; however, the remaining antenna systems are still connected to photosystem II reaction centers. Thus, Alb3.1p has a dual function and is required for the accumulation of both nucleus- and plastid-encoded protein subunits in photosynthetic complexes of C. reinhardtii

    Cytoplasmic N-Terminal Protein Acetylation Is Required for Efficient Photosynthesis in Arabidopsis

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    The Arabidopsis atmak3-1 mutant was identified on the basis of a decreased effective quantum yield of photosystem II. In atmak3-1, the synthesis of the plastome-encoded photosystem II core proteins D1 and CP47 is affected, resulting in a decrease in the abundance of thylakoid multiprotein complexes. DNA array–based mRNA analysis indicated that extraplastid functions also are altered. The mutation responsible was localized to AtMAK3, which encodes a homolog of the yeast protein Mak3p. In yeast, Mak3p, together with Mak10p and Mak31p, forms the N-terminal acetyltransferase complex C (NatC). The cytoplasmic AtMAK3 protein can functionally replace Mak3p, Mak10p, and Mak31p in acetylating N termini of endogenous proteins and the L-A virus Gag protein. This result, together with the finding that knockout of the Arabidopsis MAK10 homolog does not result in obvious physiological effects, indicates that AtMAK3 function does not require NatC complex formation, as it does in yeast. We suggest that N-acetylation of certain chloroplast precursor protein(s) is necessary for the efficient accumulation of the mature protein(s) in chloroplasts

    Investigating the Early Stages of Photosystem II Assembly in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: ISOLATION OF CP47 AND CP43 COMPLEXES*

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    Biochemical characterization of intermediates involved in the assembly of the oxygen-evolving Photosystem II (PSII) complex is hampered by their low abundance in the membrane. Using the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, we describe here the isolation of the CP47 and CP43 subunits, which, during biogenesis, attach to a reaction center assembly complex containing D1, D2, and cytochrome b559, with CP47 binding first. Our experimental approach involved a combination of His tagging, the use of a D1 deletion mutant that blocks PSII assembly at an early stage, and, in the case of CP47, the additional inactivation of the FtsH2 protease involved in degrading unassembled PSII proteins. Absorption spectroscopy and pigment analyses revealed that both CP47-His and CP43-His bind chlorophyll a and β-carotene. A comparison of the low temperature absorption and fluorescence spectra in the QY region for CP47-His and CP43-His with those for CP47 and CP43 isolated by fragmentation of spinach PSII core complexes confirmed that the spectroscopic properties are similar but not identical. The measured fluorescence quantum yield was generally lower for the proteins isolated from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, and a 1–3-nm blue shift and a 2-nm red shift of the 77 K emission maximum could be observed for CP47-His and CP43-His, respectively. Immunoblotting and mass spectrometry revealed the co-purification of PsbH, PsbL, and PsbT with CP47-His and of PsbK and Psb30/Ycf12 with CP43-His. Overall, our data support the view that CP47 and CP43 form preassembled pigment-protein complexes in vivo before their incorporation into the PSII complex