966 research outputs found

    Multi-Sensor Event Detection using Shape Histograms

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    Vehicular sensor data consists of multiple time-series arising from a number of sensors. Using such multi-sensor data we would like to detect occurrences of specific events that vehicles encounter, e.g., corresponding to particular maneuvers that a vehicle makes or conditions that it encounters. Events are characterized by similar waveform patterns re-appearing within one or more sensors. Further such patterns can be of variable duration. In this work, we propose a method for detecting such events in time-series data using a novel feature descriptor motivated by similar ideas in image processing. We define the shape histogram: a constant dimension descriptor that nevertheless captures patterns of variable duration. We demonstrate the efficacy of using shape histograms as features to detect events in an SVM-based, multi-sensor, supervised learning scenario, i.e., multiple time-series are used to detect an event. We present results on real-life vehicular sensor data and show that our technique performs better than available pattern detection implementations on our data, and that it can also be used to combine features from multiple sensors resulting in better accuracy than using any single sensor. Since previous work on pattern detection in time-series has been in the single series context, we also present results using our technique on multiple standard time-series datasets and show that it is the most versatile in terms of how it ranks compared to other published results

    Design of an Interface for Page Rank Calculation using Web Link Attributes Information

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    This paper deals with the Web Structure Mining and the different Structure Mining Algorithms like Page Rank, HITS, Trust Rank and Sel-HITS. The functioning of these algorithms are discussed. An incremental algorithm for calculation of PageRank using an interface has been formulated. This algorithm makes use of Web Link Attributes Information as key parameters and has been implemented using Visibility and Position of a Link. The application of Web Structure Mining Algorithm in an Academic Search Application has been discussed. The present work can be a useful input to Web Users, Faculty, Students and Web Administrators in a University Environment.HITS, Page Rank, Sel-HITS, Structure Mining

    OpenURL Link Resolver System

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    OpenURL is a type of URL that contains resource metadata for use, primarily in libraries and consortia. It is a mechanism for transporting metadata and identifiers describing a publication, for the purpose of context sensitive linking. The OpenURL is indeed, a way of organizing meta-data in a URL and pointing it to a destination. It describes the cited object. It helps in accessing appropriate copy of reference resources

    Exploiting multimedia content : a machine learning based approach

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    Advisors: Prof. M Gopal, Prof. Santanu Chaudhury. Date and location of PhD thesis defense: 10 September 2013, Indian Institute of Technology DelhiThis thesis explores use of machine learning for multimedia content management involving single/multiple features, modalities and concepts. We introduce shape based feature for binary patterns and apply it for recognition and retrieval application in single and multiple feature based architecture. The multiple feature based recognition and retrieval frameworks are based on the theory of multiple kernel learning (MKL). A binary pattern recognition framework is presented by combining the binary MKL classifiers using a decision directed acyclic graph. The evaluation is shown for Indian script character recognition, and MPEG7 shape symbol recognition. A word image based document indexing framework is presented using the distance based hashing (DBH) defined on learned pivot centres. We use a new multi-kernel learning scheme using a Genetic Algorithm for developing a kernel DBH based document image retrieval system. The experimental evaluation is presented on document collections of Devanagari, Bengali and English scripts. Next, methods for document retrieval using multi-modal information fusion are presented. Text/Graphics segmentation framework is presented for documents having a complex layout. We present a novel multi-modal document retrieval framework using the segmented regions. The approach is evaluated on English magazine pages. A document script identification framework is presented using decision level aggregation of page, paragraph and word level prediction. Latent Dirichlet Allocation based topic modelling with modified edit distance is introduced for the retrieval of documents having recognition inaccuracies. A multi-modal indexing framework for such documents is presented by a learning based combination of text and image based properties. Experimental results are shown on Devanagari script documents. Finally, we have investigated concept based approaches for multimedia analysis. A multi-modal document retrieval framework is presented by combining the generative and discriminative modelling for exploiting the cross-modal correlation between modalities. The combination is also explored for semantic concept recognition using multi-modal components of the same document, and different documents over a collection. An experimental evaluation of the framework is shown for semantic event detection in sport videos, and semantic labelling of components of multi-modal document images

    Software Testing of DSpace Digital Library Software

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    In todayâ s ever-changing world of technology and information, a growing number of organizations and universities seek to store digital documents in an online, easily accessible manner. This is possible by establishing and maintaining a â Digital Libraryâ in the institution. These â Digital Libraryâ Repositories can be powerful systems that allow institutions to store and maintain their digital documents and allow interaction and collaboration among users in the organizations

    Social and Economic Problems of Divorced Women with Special Reference to Sangam Vihar Delhi

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    Universally speaking marriages are made in heaven and broken on earth. In modern Industrial society of the world, grip of religious institutions is crumbling couples think thousands of times before tying the holy knot of marriage. With increase in education, employments and age of marriage leads rate of divorce in Indian society. In modern Indian society women employment rates increasing both urban and rural. Divorce rates increasing parallel to rate of women employment. Women employment rates are high in urban and divorce rates also high in urban comparison to rural area.The word divorcee in itself is humiliating and painful. The increasing divorce rate could increase loneliness that loneliness could increase suicide rates.   In modern world the major problem of every section of society is, everyone talks about rights but no one talks about duties. All phase of human civilization divorce looked as a social evil. On the other hand, in modern society both educated and uneducated class still looks divorce as a social evilThe Present study have attempted to know the Social, Economical, health and Psychological problem faced by divorced women of different cast, class, profession and religious category of sanga vihar. The study is an exploratory study. It includes both qualitative and quantitative character of data collection and interpretation. The study comprises an in-depth exploration of cases of divorced women in Sangam Vihar of south Delhi. The in-depth interviews and execution of questionnaire applied as instruments for collection of primary data. Keywords: Sangam Vihar, South Delhi, Evil, Civilization, Psychological


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    Purpose of study: The main purpose of this study is to check the impact of brand extensions on brand image. For this purpose Johnson is selected as parent brand for current research. The targeted brand extensions are Johnson shampoo, Johnson’s isotonic drinks, Johnson’s sports wear and Johnson’s suntan lotion. Research Methodology: sample was selected from Bradford, UK. Sample consists of graduate students including males as well as female. Total sample size is 60 and data was collected through self administered questionnaires. For each brand 15 respondents were selected. Convenient sampling was selected as sampling technique. Results: Results show that Johnson’s have high brand awareness and perceived quality. While there is negative correlation results for brand fit on brand image for those product extensions which are not in same brand category i.e. Johnson’s sportswear and Johnson’s isotonic drinks. Conclusion: It is concluded from study results that launching new product in same parent brand category have high chance of success while in different category is risk.Brand Extension, Brand Fit, Johnson, Product extensions, marketing.

    Numerical Simulation of a High Mach Number Jet Flow

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    The recent efforts to develop accurate numerical schemes for transition and turbulent flows are motivated, among other factors, by the need for accurate prediction of flow noise. The success of developing high speed civil transport plane (HSCT) is contingent upon our understanding and suppression of the jet exhaust noise. The radiated sound can be directly obtained by solving the full (time-dependent) compressible Navier-Stokes equations. However, this requires computational storage that is beyond currently available machines. This difficulty can be overcome by limiting the solution domain to the near field where the jet is nonlinear and then use acoustic analogy (e.g., Lighthill) to relate the far-field noise to the near-field sources. The later requires obtaining the time-dependent flow field. The other difficulty in aeroacoustics computations is that at high Reynolds numbers the turbulent flow has a large range of scales. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) cannot obtain all the scales of motion at high Reynolds number of technological interest. However, it is believed that the large scale structure is more efficient than the small-scale structure in radiating noise. Thus, one can model the small scales and calculate the acoustically active scales. The large scale structure in the noise-producing initial region of the jet can be viewed as a wavelike nature, the net radiated sound is the net cancellation after integration over space. As such, aeroacoustics computations are highly sensitive to errors in computing the sound sources. It is therefore essential to use a high-order numerical scheme to predict the flow field. The present paper presents the first step in a ongoing effort to predict jet noise. The emphasis here is in accurate prediction of the unsteady flow field. We solve the full time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations by a high order finite difference method. Time accurate spatial simulations of both plane and axisymmetric jet are presented. Jet Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.1 are considered. Reynolds number in the simulations was about a million. Our numerical model is based on the 2-4 scheme by Gottlieb & Turkel. Bayliss et al. applied the 2-4 scheme in boundary layer computations. This scheme was also used by Ragab and Sheen to study the nonlinear development of supersonic instability waves in a mixing layer. In this study, we present two dimensional direct simulation results for both plane and axisymmetric jets. These results are compared with linear theory predictions. These computations were made for near nozzle exit region and velocity in spanwise/azimuthal direction was assumed to be zero

    Design, development and field evaluation of a map-based variable rate granular fertilizer application control system

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    Site-specific application of agricultural chemicals including granular fertilizers is an effective way of resource savingand environmental protection. The objective of this research was to develop and to evaluate the performance of a map-basedvariable rate row crop granular fertilizer placement system. The applicator system consists of an AVR microcontroller forcontrolling the driving step motor of the fertilizer metering screw and a ground driven wheel integrated with a rotary encoderfor the applicator displacement and speed measurement. Initially, the applicator was calibrated in laboratory to derive arelationship among the step motor speed, the input frequency, and the rate of fertilizer application as a function of meteringscrew rotational speed. Laboratory evaluation included measurement of the lag time while changing the application rate fromlow to high and vice versa. In the field tests, a factorial experiment with a split-split design was used to investigate the effectsof fertilizer type (urea and triple super phosphate), applicator forward speed (3, 6 and 9 km/s) and application rate (75, 125 and175 kg/ha) on precision of application rate (the percent of deviation between actual and target rates). The results showed thatthe forward speed and the application rate both had significant effect on precision of application rate, while fertilizer type hadno significant effect. The precision of application rate decreased when forward speed and application rate were increased.Keywords: precision agriculture, travel speed, fertilizer type, application rat
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