252 research outputs found

    Engaging Disadvantaged Youth in the Creative Process

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    Public Practice is vital for personal and cultural development and it connects individuals to the larger world. Art enables creative exploration, helps build confidence, and enables children in disadvantaged schools to take part in a positive creative process that subsequently affects their school, community, and ability to take control of their future. As more research is conducted in this field, researchers are finding that art levels the "learning field" across socio-economic boundaries, improves student retention and reduces the achievement gap

    The Old English Herbal in Cotton Ms. Vitellius C. iii : Studies

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    Even for experts in the field, early English medicine seems to present difficulties. For the uninitiated, it is a trackless jungle. . . the field of medical and other scientific vernacular manuscripts is still a Yukon territory crying out for exploitation.The MS. designated Vitellius C. iii in the Cotton Collection of the British Museum contains an Old English trans­ lation of a medical complex based upon the Herbarium of the Pseudo-Apuleius. This study is concerned with that herbal complex (f. ll-82v) and with an investigation of the full­ page illustrations in the complex to determine if they can provide any clues toward the solution of some of the vexing problems posed by this MS. No detailed study dealing with the MS., its position in the tradition, and its use has been made in this century. The only published complete edition of the herbal complex appears in Volume I of Leechdoms, Wortcunning and Starcraft of Early England, ed. Thomas O. Cockayne, Rolls Series, Vol. 35 (London, 1864) . This work has recently been re-issued (London, 1961) with a new Introduction by Charles Singer. Problems inhering in the reprint will be discussed below; suffice it to say at this point that Cockayne’s original work and Introduction are still important and will continue to be useful. The first 132 plant chapters of the Herbal were edited again by A. J. G. Hilbelink as Cotton MS Vitellius C III of the Herbarium Apuleii, Academisch Proefschrift (Amsterdam, 1930). Her edi­tion is a collation of the MS. in question with the sister MSS. Bodleian Hatton 76 and B. M. Harley 585; it has the briefest of introductions, but a number of grammatical tables are appended. Recently a number of scholars have undertaken further work with the codex. The Herbal is scheduled for pub­lication in the series Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, and two dissertation projects dealing with this MS. have been undertaken. The absence of any attempt to synthesize the various approaches to this MS. may be the result of the nature of the classical and medieval herbal. The herbal is a phenomenon with no modern parallels, and modern scholarly disciplines tend to distort our view of it. Historians of medicine and of science, particularly pre-Linnean botany, deal with the herbal tradition and this MS. as evidence of the state of their sciences at a particular time. Art historians are con­ cerned with the tradition and the MS. from the standpoint of the survival of classical art and from the standpoint of the development of plant portrayal from naturalistic to ornamental representation. Paleographers and codicologists assess the textual problems of the many extant MSS. of the Herbarium Apulei in both Latin and the vernacular languages. Students of Old English language and literature find Cotton Vitellius C. iii of particular interest not merely because it is the source of most of our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon's plant vocabulary, but also because it is witness to the existence of a secular classical tradition in Anglo-Saxon England and be­ cause it tells something about the nature and function of a secular codex in England before the Conquest. Unfortunately, many of these approaches, by their modern frames of reference, impede our understanding of a herbal complex. In this study I intend to draw on these various approaches to Vitellius C. iii in order to assess our current knowledge regarding the codex, the herbal tradition, the position of the OE MSS. in that tradition, and the uses of such a codex. I intend also to deal with details concerning the MS. which have been hitherto overlooked, particularly those concerning the full-page illustrations.--Introduction.Gatch, Milton McC.Includes bibliographical references

    The banking crisis in Switzerland in the 1930s

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    Phénoménologie du sexe, phénoménologie du genre, phénoménologie queer

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    À partir de la publication de L’Être et le Néant en 1943, où Jean-Paul Sartre déplore que les travaux phénoménologiques « n’[aient] pas cru devoir se préoccuper de la sexualité » et proclame compter quant à lui les formes principales de la sexualité humaines parmi les « struc- tures fondamentales » de l’existence humaine, une part importante d’œuvres de phénoménologie vont accorder une attention accrue aux problématiques de sexe, de genre et de sexualité. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Simone de Bea..

    Untersuchung zur Mastzellinfiltration des Magen-Darm- Trakts bei Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    Objectives: The physiological number and distribution of mast cells (MCs) in the pediatric gastrointestinal (GI) tract is not well defined and reference values of normality are missing. To define a physiological and disease defining cut-off, a systematic histological exploration of MC distribution from the esophagus to the rectum in healthy as well as in patients with gastrointestinal food allergies (GFA) was performed. Methods: Nine pediatric subjects that exhibited unremarkable histopathological evaluations or underwent endoscopy for surveillance reasons after a previous polypectomy of single colonic juvenile polyps served as reference cohort. In all of these subjects, a chronic inflammatory disease (eg, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease) or allergy was excluded. In addition, a group of 15 patients with gastrointestinal complaints suspected to be caused by a GFA were investigated. Immunohistochemistry was performed from all biopsies using CD117 (c-Kit) as a reliable marker to identify MCs in the lamina propria. Results: There were distinct differences of MC counts in all parts of the pediatric GI tract. The highest counts of MCs in both symptomatic patients and control cohort, were found in the duodenum, terminal ileum, cecum and ascending colon. The lowest counts were found in the esophagus. Significant disparities between GFA and healthy subjects were found in the gastric corpus (22.1±4.0/ high power field [HPF] vs 32.0±10.1/HPF; P=0.034) and ascending colon (44.8±10.4/HPF vs 60.4±24.3/HPF; P=0.047). Conclusions: Mucosal MC counts in the pediatric GI tract are higher than previously reported, with a considerable overlap between healthy and GFA patients. These results provide detailed information on distribution and numbers of MCs in pediatric allergic patients while allowing estimates of physiological values in childhood for the first time. With regard to diagnostic procedures in GFA further laboratory parameters have to be integrated.Hintergrund und Ziele: Die physiologische Anzahl und Verteilung von Mastzellen im Magen-Darm-Trakt von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist bisher nicht ausreichend definiert und es existieren zur histopathologischen Beurteilung keine Normalwerte. Unser Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Ausarbeitung eben dieser physiologischen Normalwerte sowie der zur Abgrenzung einer Pathologie erforderlichen Grenzwerte. Wir führten eine systematische Untersuchung der Mastzellverteilung vom Ösophagus bis zum Rektum, sowohl bei gesunden Patienten, als auch bei Patienten mit einer gastrointestinalen Nahrungsmittelallergie durch. Methoden: Neun Kinder und Jugendliche, welche in der initialen histologischen Begutachtung keine auffälligen Befunde aufgewiesen hatten und bei denen die endoskopischen Maßnahmen aufgrund notwendiger Überwachung, beispielsweise im Rahmen einer Kontrolle nach Abtragung eines singulären juvenilen Polypen des Darms, durchgeführt wurden, dienten als Referenzkohorte. Bei all diesen Patienten war eine chronisch-entzündliche Erkrankung (z.B. Morbus Crohn, Colitis ulcerosa, Zöliakie) sowie eine allergische Erkrankung ausgeschlossen. Ergänzend erfolgte die Untersuchung von 15 Patienten mit gastrointestinalen Beschwerden, welche auf eine gastrointestinale Nahrungsmittelallergie zurückgeführt wurden. Alle Biopsien wurden mittels Immunhistochemie untersucht. Dabei wurde CD 117 (c-Kit) als zuverlässiger Marker für die Identifizierung der Mastzellen in der Lamina propria genutzt. Ergebnisse: Wir fanden deutliche Unterschiede der Mastzellverteilung in allen Abschnitten des kindlichen Magen-Darm-Trakts. Die höchste Anzahl von Mastzellen in beiden Gruppen, sowohl bei den symptomatischen als auch den Kontrollpatienten, wurden im Duodenum, terminalen Ileum, Coecum und Colon ascendens gefunden. Die niedrigste Anzahl lag im Ösophagus vor. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den 2 beiden Gruppen bestanden im Magencorpus (22.1±4.0/ high power field [HPF] vs. 32.0±10.1 /HPF; p=0.034) und im Colon ascendens (44.8±10.4 /HPF vs. 60.4±24.3 /HPF; p=0.047). Schlussfolgerungen: Die Anzahl von Mastzellen in der Schleimhaut des Magen- Darm-Trakts von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist höher als in der Vergangenheit angenommen und berichtet. Dabei besteht eine erhebliche Überschneidung zwischen Gesunden und Patienten mit einer gastrointestinalen Nahrungsmittelallergie. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen detaillierte Informationen bezüglich der Verteilung und der Anzahl von Mastzellen bei Allergiepatienten des Kindesalters und erlauben erstmals eine Abschätzung physiologischer Werte in diesem Altersbereich. Hinsichtlich der Diagnostik von gastrointestinalen Nahrungsmittelallergien sollten begleitend aber weitere Laboruntersuchungen in diese integriert werden

    Die genetische Variante c.131C>T im humanen SPG4-Gen: Entwicklung eines Detektionsverfahrens und Ermittlung der Prävalenz in Familien mit einer Hereditären Spastischen Paraplegie und in Kontrollindividuen

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    Die hereditäre spastische Paraplegie ist eine heterogene Gruppe der neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen. Die Hauptgruppe bildet die SPG4-assozierte autosomal dominante Form der HSP. Eine der wenigen Basensubstitutionen, die zu einem Aminosäureaustausch am N´-Terminus des Genprodukts Spastin führen, ist der Nukleotidaustausch c.131C>T (p.44S>L). Im Rahmen der dieser Arbeit wurde ein sicheres und schnelles, RFLP-basiertes Detektionsverfahren entwickelt und etabliert, mit dessen Hilfe ermittelt werden konnte, dass es sich bei dem c.131T-Allel um einen seltenen Polymorphismus handelt (Prävalenz 1,43 %). Durch Stammbaumanalysen konnten weitere Hinweise für einen modifizierenden Effekt des c.131T-Allels auf den Phänotyp einer HSP ermittelt werden. Heterozygote c.131TAllelträger, die eine krankheitsverursachende SPG4-Mutation in trans geerbt haben, sind auch in dieser Arbeit früher und schwerer an einer HSP erkrankt, während heterozygote c.131T-Träger nicht betroffen sind; der Nukleotidaustausch wird unabhängig von einer HSP vererbt

    Extracorporeal cytokine adsorption reduces systemic cytokine storm and improves graft function in lung transplantation

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    OBJECTIVES Ischemia-reperfusion injury often coincides with a cytokine storm, which can result in primary graft dysfunction following lung transplantation. Our previous research has demonstrated allograft improvement by cytokine adsorption during ex vivo lung perfusion. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of in vivo extracorporeal cytokine adsorption in a large animal model. MATERIALS AND METHODS Pig left lung transplantation was performed following 24 hours of cold ischemic storage. Observation period after transplantation was 24 hours. In the treatment group (n = 6), extracorporeal CytoSorb adsorption was started 30 minutes before reperfusion and continued for 6 hours. A control group (n = 3) did not receive adsorber treatment. RESULTS During adsorption, we consistently noticed a significant decrease in plasma proinflammatory interleukin (IL)-2, trends of less proinflammatory, tumor necrosis factor- α, IL-1α, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor as well as significantly reduced systemic neutrophils. In addition, a significantly lower peak airway pressure was detected during the 6 hours of adsorption. After 24 hours of observation, when evaluating the left lung allograft independently, we observed significantly improved CO2 removal, partial pressure of oxygen/inspired oxygen fraction ratio, and less acidosis in the treatment group. At autopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage results exhibited significantly lower recruitment of cells and less pro-inflammatory IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 in the treatment group. Histologically, the treatment group had a strong trend, indicating less neutrophil invasion into the alveolar space. CONCLUSIONS Based on our findings, cytokine adsorption during and after reperfusion is a viable approach to reducing posttransplant inflammation following lung transplantation. CytoSorb may increase the acceptance of extended criteria donor lungs, which are more susceptible to ischemia-reperfusion injury

    Effect of β-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide on Acute Allograft Rejection After Rat Lung Transplantation

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    UNLABELLED: Acute rejection is still a major limitation for a successful outcome in lung transplantation. Since β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+^{+}) has been shown to have various immunomodulatory properties on the innate and adaptive immune system, we evaluate here a potential protective effect of NAD+^{+} against acute lung rejection. METHODS: Rat single-lung transplantation was performed in 2 groups (n = 8 per group), using Brown-Norway donors and major histocompatibility complex-mismatched Lewis recipients. Recipients of the NAD+^{+} group received 1000 mg/kg NAD+^{+} intraperitoneally before transplantation and daily thereafter until euthanasia, whereas the control group received saline solution. At autopsy on day 5, blood samples were analyzed and the lung allograft was assessed by bronchioalveolar lavage, histology, and immunochemistry. RESULTS: The NAD+^{+} group maintained an intact compliant lung tissue, a strong trend of lower acute cellular rejection (A3 versus A3-A4) and significantly less lymphocytic bronchiolitis (B0-B2R versus B1R-Bx). In addition, a trend of fewer alveolar CD68+^{+} macrophages and significantly fewer interstitial CD163+^{+} macrophages was observed. Bronchoalveolar lavage in the NAD+^{+} group showed significantly fewer proinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, IL-13, TNFα, and a protective IL-6/IL-10-ratio. In blood samples, we observed significantly fewer neutrophils, and proinflammatory GRO/KC in the NAD+^{+} group. CONCLUSIONS: NAD+^{+} might be a promising substance in prevention of acute allograft rejection in lung transplantation

    Recipient Comorbidities for Prediction of Primary Graft Dysfunction, Chronic Allograft Dysfunction and Survival After Lung Transplantation

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    Since candidates with comorbidities are increasingly referred for lung transplantation, knowledge about comorbidities and their cumulative effect on outcomes is scarce. We retrospectively collected pretransplant comorbidities of all 513 adult recipients transplanted at our center between 1992–2019. Multiple logistic- and Cox regression models, adjusted for donor-, pre- and peri-operative variables, were used to detect independent risk factors for primary graft dysfunction grade-3 at 72 h (PGD3-T72), onset of chronic allograft dysfunction grade-3 (CLAD-3) and survival. An increasing comorbidity burden measured by Charleston-Deyo-Index was a multivariable risk for survival and PGD3-T72, but not for CLAD-3. Among comorbidities, congestive right heart failure or a mean pulmonary artery pressure >25 mmHg were independent risk factors for PGD3-T72 and survival, and a borderline risk for CLAD-3. Left heart failure, chronic atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension, moderate liver disease, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux, diabetes with end organ damage, moderate to severe renal disease, osteoporosis, and diverticulosis were also independent risk factors for survival. For PGD3-T72, a BMI>30 kg/m2 was an additional independent risk. Epilepsy and a smoking history of the recipient of >20packyears are additional independent risk factors for CLAD-3. The comorbidity profile should therefore be closely considered for further clinical decision making in candidate selection
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