124 research outputs found

    Sverigefinska sprÄknÀmndens ordboksprojekt

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    Prosjekter i skolene. Tema ModersmÄl

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    Tema ModersmÄl Àr ett projekt som initierades av Statens skolverk för ett par Är sedan. (Verket har senare indelats i tvÄ myndigheter, Skolverket och Myndigheten för skolutveckling.) Projektet Àr ett Internet-baserat informations- och debattforum för modersmÄlsundervisning, som i detta sammanhang innebÀr undervisning i minoritetssprÄk och invandrarsprÄk. Syftet Àr att erbjuda mÄngsidig information, undervisningsmaterial och möjligheter till kontakt. I första hand Àr syftet att nÄ lÀrare och elever pÄ deras eget modersmÄl, men till mÄlgrupperna hör Àven förÀldrar liksom andra som Àr intresserade av modersmÄls-undervisning

    Odlingssystemets effekt pÄ markstrukturen

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    Soil structure was studied in long-term trials with different cropping systems, which are run by the Rural Economy and Agricultural Society in Kristianstad. The field trials have been going on since 1987 and are located to three experimental sites in SkĂ„ne. The investigation of soil structure was concentrated to the experimental site Bollerup, but some measurements were also made at the experimental site Önnestad. At the experimental site Östra Ljungby, however, no measurements were made due to lack of time. A conventional and an organic cropping system were included in the study, both without livestock. The trial was designed as a plot trial, where each crop in the two rotations was grown every year. In Bollerup , the experimental plots were not randomly arranged, whereas in Önnestad they were arranged so that the different treatments were evenly distributed in the experimental field. There were no replications. In order to get a complete picture of the soil structure in both cropping systems, several physical and biological properties were investigated. These were aggregate strength, hydraulic conductivity, penetration resistance, the amount of roots and the amount of earthworms. In Bollerup all of these properties were measured, whereas only penetration resistance and the amount of roots were measured in Önnestad. The aim of the study was to answer the question: Do conventional and organic cropping systems have different effects on soil structure? When measuring aggregate strength, the content of clay and organic material in the topsoil was also measured. The conventional part of the experimental field had considerably higher contents of clay and organic material than the organic part due to a textural gradient in the field. The aggregate strength was slightly higher in the conventional cropping system than in the organic one. The hydraulic conductivity in the subsoil was considerably higher in the conventional cropping system than in the organic one. This difference was due to the fact that there was a textural gradient also in the subsoil. The conventional cropping system had a subsoil of coarser texture. The penetration resistance did not differ between the cropping systems at any of the experimental sites. The results from the analysis of root length indicated a greater root length in the organic cropping systems in Bollerup as well as Önnestad. At Bollerup, the root length at the level 10 - 15 cm in the organic system was twice that in the conventional system. The same relation applied to Önnestad at the level 30 - 35 cm. The number of earthworms was very low for both systems at Bollerup. The sampling did not reveal any great differences between the systems considering either the number of worms per m2 or the biomass per m2 . The same four species were found in both systems. No general difference between the cropping systems considering their effect on soil structure could be proved. The arrangement of the experimental plots at Bollerup was inexpedient. The textural gradient in both topsoil and subsoil has affected not only the properties that were analyzed in this stud y, but has in all probability also affected prior studies in the field trial. This makes it impossible to compare the two cropping systems. However, the systems can still be studied separately by repeated measurements during a longer period of time

    Single Crystalline CVD Diamond Based Devices for Power Electronics Applications

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    Chemical vapor deposited single-crystalline diamond has rare material properties such as thermal conductivity five times as high as copper, a wide band gap, a high breakdown field and high carrier mobilities. This makes it a very interesting material for high power, high frequency and high temperature applications. In this thesis work, metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors of diamond substrate were fabricated and analyzed. The MOS capacitor is a building block of the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET). Capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements can provide useful information of the operation of a MOS. Electrical characterization by C-V and current-voltage (I-V) measurements at temperatures ranging from 20 to 150 degrees Celsius were performed on the MOS capacitors to examine flatband and threshold voltages, oxide charge, and oxide thickness. At elevated temperatures, low frequency C-V curves with threshold voltages of approximately 5 V were obtained for MOS capacitors consisting of aluminum gates, a 30 nm layer of aluminum oxide, and boron doped diamond with acceptor concentration 3.1 x 1017 cm-3. The C-V measurements also showed large variations in flatband voltage for different contacts of the MOS capacitor, indicating the presence of oxide charge. Oxide thickness was also extracted from the C-V measurements, typically showing thicknesses around 15-19 nm. Also in this  thesis, an alternative method for reducing the electric field strength around the edges of the contact of a Schottky diode has been examined. This method consists of alternating the geometry by etching the semiconductor where the contact is to be placed. Simulations performed in Comsol Multiphysics showed that a reduction of the field strength of approximately 30 % at the contacts could be achieved by etching the substrate

    Does Swedish VĂ€gverket become Tielaitos or Tievirasto in Finnish?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to study how names for phenomena in Swedish society are expressed in Finnish language newspaper texts in Sweden. As part of the thesis the question of whether the newspapers use Finnish or Swedish names is investigated. Additional questions taken up in the thesis include the extent to which the Finnish names concur with the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council in Sweden, and the bases for the Council’s recommendations. The primary material consists of volumes 1983, 1990 and 1997 of the newspaper Viikkoviesti and issues 6-50/2003 of the daily newspaper Ruotsin Sanomat. A total of 591 phenomena and 1277 names are investigated. The results show that 95% of the names used are Finnish although there is some variation among different types of names. Approximately 78% of the Finnish names found in the material follow the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council in Sweden. Most of the Finnish names that are established in Sweden are translation loans, common to Standard Finnish or modified according to a Standard Finnish model. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a name is part of Standard Finnish or if it is only a translation loan, since both alternatives often seem equally plausible. The results of the study show that the Sweden-Finnish newspapers investigated have accepted and employed the recommendations of The Finnish Language Council to a great extent. The recommendations of the Council can thus be considered normative. This implies that The Finnish Language Council has developed realistic and prudent principles for the composition of their recommendations

    Sverigefinsk sprÄkvÄrd kontra svensk och finlandssvensk sprÄkvÄrd

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    Artikeln behandlar likheter och skillnader mellan vÄrden av sverigefinskan och finlandssvenskan, men berör Àven den rikssvenska sprÄkvÄrden. Den sverigefinska och finlandssvenska befolkningen presenteras kortfattat liksom sprÄkens stÀllning i respektive samhÀlle. Slutsatsen Àr att det frÀmst Àr sprÄkens olika stÀllning i samhÀllet som förklarar de stora skillnaderna i förutsÀttningarna för den sverigefinska och den finlandssvenska sprÄkvÄrden. Sverigefinnarna har inte heller den infrastruktur som finlandssvenskarna har och som Àr nödvÀndig för att sprÄket ska kunna anvÀndas inom alla samhÀllsomrÄden. TvÄ nya lagar, sprÄklagen och lagen om nationella minoriteter och minoritetssprÄk, som Sveriges riksdag antog Är 2009, innebÀr dock stÀrkande av finskans stÀllning i Sverige. Trots de olika förutsÀttningarna har den finlandssvenska och den sverigefinska sprÄkvÄrden stora likheter. En viktig uppgift för bÄda Àr arbetet med ordförrÄd och terminologi. SÀrskilt för den sverigefinska sprÄkvÄrden Àr utvecklande av samhÀllstermer ett stÀndigt pÄgÄende arbete. (Utvecklande av samhÀllstermer Àr inte nÄgon central uppgift för den finlandssvenska sprÄkvÄrden, eftersom det frÀmst sker inom lagstiftningsprocessen.

    SprÄk i fokus: Finska

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    Personer med nordiska sprÄk som modersmÄl uppfattar ofta finska ord som lÄngaoch ogenomtrÀngliga. En orsak till detta Àr att finska sprÄket till ordstruktur ochordböjning Àr helt annorlunda Àn de nordiska sprÄken och att en stor del av finskansallmÀnsprÄkliga ordförrÄd Àr bildad pÄ finsk basis. Artikeln ger en kortpresentation av finska sprÄkets ordstruktur och ordböjning samt nÄgra exempelpÄ ordbildning och olika skikt i ordförrÄdet

    Finska sprÄkets stÀllning i Sverige

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