234 research outputs found

    Genotypic and Phenotypic Characterization of a Neutralization-Resistant Breakthrough Population of HIV-1

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    AbstractCertain antibody neutralization escape mutants of HIV-1 map outside of the antibody recognition epitope, thereby suggesting the presence of nonlinear conformational domains. In an effort to begin to define the interacting regions of the HIV envelope proteins, a neutralization-sensitive clone of HIV-1, HXB2/BH10Sal-Bam, was passaged in the presence of the V3-specific monoclonal antibody 0.5ÎČ. DNA sequence analysis of the V3 domain of the breakthrough viral populations revealed one population that retained the parental V3 genotype. Quantitative DNA sequence analysis of this breakthrough population revealed the presence of mutational “hotspots” in several envelope domains that are noncontiguous with V3. Mutations were seen throughout gp41 and the C1, V1/V2, C2, and C5 domains of gp120. In contrast, other regions of gp120, C3, V4, C4, and V5 remained totally unchanged. Within V1, three residues within a 14-amino acid stretch experienced five substitutions and in C5 three residues within a 7-amino acid stretch experienced four substitutions. This finding, that certain residues clustered within particular domains (V1/V2, C5, and gp41) experienced multiple substitutions under a defined environmental stressor, suggests that the degree of adaptive plasticity exhibited by the HIV envelope is limited. Based on this observation it may be possible, using a set of antibodies to various envelope epitopes, to discern a set of rules which explain the interactions of the various envelope domains with each other and with their environment. The insight gained into the physiologic constraints that the envelope proteins are subject to may be useful in developing therapeutic and vaccination strategies

    Successful identification of pathogens by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based electron spray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS) in culture-negative periprosthetic joint infection.

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    BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection poses many challenges, one of which is the difficulty of isolating the infecting organism. Recently, a sophisticated modality (the Ibis Biosciences T5000 biosensor system) has been introduced that uses pan-domain primers in a series of polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) to identify and speciate essentially all bacteria and fungi as well as to identify key antibiotic resistance genes. We investigated the role of the Ibis in identifying infecting organisms in cases of known and suspected periprosthetic joint infection. METHODS: Synovial fluid specimens were collected prospectively from eighty-two patients undergoing eighty-seven arthroplasty procedures (sixty-five knee revisions, fifteen hip revisions, and seven primary knee arthroplasties) and were sent for both conventional culture and Ibis analysis. The surgeon\u27s clinical determination of the cause for revision arthroplasty was failure due to infection in twenty-three cases and noninfectious failure in fifty-seven cases. RESULTS: In the twenty-three cases that were considered on clinical grounds to involve a periprosthetic joint infection, the Ibis detected the same pathogen isolated by conventional culture in seventeen of eighteen cases and also detected one or more organisms in four of the five culture-negative cases. In addition, the Ibis detected organisms in fifty (88%) of the fifty-seven cases in which revision arthroplasty was performed for a presumed noninfectious failure. CONCLUSIONS: The Ibis technology was not only effective at detecting organisms in cases of suspected periprosthetic joint infection in which cultures were negative, but it also suggested that many of the revision arthroplasty cases that have previously been considered to be purely aseptic may have a component of unrecognized, subclinical infection

    Codon usage comparison of novel genes in clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenzae

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    A similarity statistic for codon usage was developed and used to compare novel gene sequences found in clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenzae with a reference set of 80 prokaryotic, eukaryotic and viral genomes. These analyses were performed to obtain an indication as to whether individual genes were Haemophilus-like in nature, or if they probably had more recently entered the H.influenzae gene pool via horizontal gene transfer from other species. The average and SD values were calculated for the similarity statistics from a study of the set of all genes in the H.influenzae Rd reference genome that encoded proteins of 100 amino acids or longer. Approximately 80% of Rd genes gave a statistic indicating that they were most like other Rd genes. Genes displaying codon usage statistics >1 SD above this range were either considered part of the highly expressed group of H.influenzae genes, or were considered of foreign origin. An alternative determinant for identifying genes of foreign origin was when the similarity statistics produced a value that was much closer to a non-H.influenzae reference organism than to any of the Haemophilus species contained in the reference set. Approximately 65% of the novel sequences identified in the H.influenzae clinical isolates displayed codon usages most similar to Haemophilus sp. The remaining novel sequences produced similarity statistics closer to one of the other reference genomes thereby suggesting that these sequences may have entered the H.influenzae gene pool more recently via horizontal transfer

    Characterization and modeling of the Haemophilus influenzae core and supragenomes based on the complete genomic sequences of Rd and 12 clinical nontypeable strains

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    The genomes of 9 non-typeable H. influenzae clinical isolates were sequenced and compared with a reference strain, allowing the characterisation and modelling of the core-and supra genomes of this organism

    Death and transfiguration in static staphylococcus epidermidis cultures

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    The overwhelming majority of bacteria live in slime embedded microbial communities termed biofilms, which are typically adherent to a surface. However, when several Staphylococcus epidermidis strains were cultivated in static liquid cultures, macroscopic aggregates were seen floating within the broth and also sedimented at the test tube bottom. Light- and electron microscopy revealed that early-stage aggregates consisted of bacteria and extracellular matrix, organized in sheetlike structures. Perpendicular under the sheets hung a network of periodically arranged, bacteria-associated strands. During the extended cultivation, the strands of a subpopulation of aggregates developed into cross-connected wall-like structures, in which aligned bacteria formed the walls. The resulting architecture had a compartmentalized appearance. In late-stage cultures, the wall-associated bacteria disintegrated so that, henceforth, the walls were made of the coalescing remnants of lysed bacteria, while the compartment-like organization remained intact. At the same time, the majority of strand containing aggregates with associated culturable bacteria continued to exist. These observations indicate that some strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis are able to build highly sophisticated structures, in which a subpopulation undergoes cell lysis, presumably to provide continued access to nutrients in a nutrient-limited environment, whilst maintaining structural integrity

    Virulence phenotypes of low-passage clinical isolates of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae assessed using the chinchilla laniger model of otitis media

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) are associated with a spectrum of respiratory mucosal infections including: acute otitis media (AOM); chronic otitis media with effusion (COME); otorrhea; locally invasive diseases such as mastoiditis; as well as a range of systemic disease states, suggesting a wide range of virulence phenotypes. Genomic studies have demonstrated that each clinical strain contains a unique genic distribution from a population-based supragenome, the distributed genome hypothesis. These diverse clinical and genotypic findings suggest that each NTHi strain possesses a unique set of virulence factors that contributes to the course of the disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The local and systemic virulence patterns of ten genomically characterized low-passage clinical NTHi strains (PittAA – PittJJ) obtained from children with COME or otorrhea were stratified using the chinchilla model of otitis media (OM). Each isolate was used to bilaterally inoculate six animals and thereafter clinical assessments were carried out daily for 8 days by blinded observers. There was no statistical difference in the time it took for any of the 10 NTHi strains to induce otologic (local) disease with respect to any or all of the other strains, however the differences in time to maximal local disease and the severity of local disease were both significant between the strains. Parameters of systemic disease indicated that the strains were not all equivalent: time to development of the systemic disease, maximal systemic scores and mortality were all statistically different among the strains. PittGG induced 100% mortality while PittBB, PittCC, and PittEE produced no mortality. Overall Pitt GG, PittII, and Pitt FF produced the most rapid and most severe local and systemic disease. A post hoc determination of the clinical origins of the 10 NTHi strains revealed that these three strains were of otorrheic origin, whereas the other 7 were from patients with COME.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Collectively these data suggest that the chinchilla OM model is useful for discriminating between otorrheic and COME NTHi strains as to their disease-producing potential in humans, and combined with whole genome analyses, point the way towards identifying classes of virulence genes.</p

    Antagonistic pleiotropy in the bifunctional surface protein FadL (OmpP1) during adaptation of Haemophilus influenzae to chronic lung infection associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Tracking bacterial evolution during chronic infection provides insights into how host selection pressures shape bacterial genomes. The human-restricted opportunistic pathogen nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) infects the lower airways of patients suffering chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and contributes to disease progression. To identify bacterial genetic variation associated with bacterial adaptation to the COPD lung, we sequenced the genomes of 92 isolates collected from the sputum of 13 COPD patients over 1 to 9years. Individuals were colonized by distinct clonal types (CTs) over time, but the same CT was often reisolated at a later time or found in different patients. Although genomes from the same CT were nearly identical, intra-CT variation due to mutation and recombination occurred. Recurrent mutations in several genes were likely involved in COPD lung adaptation. Notably, nearly a third of CTs were polymorphic for null alleles of ompP1 (also called fadL), which encodes a bifunctional membrane protein that both binds the human carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (hCEACAM1) receptor and imports long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs). Our computational studies provide plausible three-dimensional models for FadL's interaction with hCEACAM1 and LCFA binding. We show that recurrent fadL mutations are likely a case of antagonistic pleiotropy, since loss of FadL reduces NTHi's ability to infect epithelia but also increases its resistance to bactericidal LCFAs enriched within the COPD lung. Supporting this interpretation, truncated fadL alleles are common in publicly available NTHi genomes isolated from the lower airway tract but rare in others. These results shed light on molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathoadaptation and guide future research toward developing novel COPD therapeutics.IMPORTANCE Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae is an important pathogen in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To elucidate the bacterial pathways undergoing in vivo evolutionary adaptation, we compared bacterial genomes collected over time from 13 COPD patients and identified recurrent genetic changes arising in independent bacterial lineages colonizing different patients. Besides finding changes in phase-variable genes, we found recurrent loss-of-function mutations in the ompP1 (fadL) gene. We show that loss of OmpP1/FadL function reduces this bacterium's ability to infect cells via the hCEACAM1 epithelial receptor but also increases its resistance to bactericidal fatty acids enriched within the COPD lung, suggesting a case of antagonistic pleiotropy that restricts DeltafadL strains' niche. These results show how H. influenzae adapts to host-generated inflammatory mediators in the COPD airways

    Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Moraxella catarrhalis Serosensitive and Seroresistant Lineages Demonstrate Their Independent Evolution

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    Contains fulltext : 172169.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The bacterial speciesMoraxella catarrhalishas been hypothesized as being composed of two distinct lineages (referred to as the seroresistant [SR] and serosensitive [SS]) with separate evolutionary histories based on several molecular typing methods, whereas 16S ribotyping has suggested an additional split within the SS lineage. Previously, we characterized whole-genome sequences of 12 SR-lineage isolates, which revealed a relatively small supragenome when compared with other opportunistic nasopharyngeal pathogens, suggestive of a relatively short evolutionary history. Here, we performed whole-genome sequencing on 18 strains from both ribotypes of the SS lineage, an additional SR strain, as well as four previously identified highly divergent strains based on multilocus sequence typing analyses. All 35 strains were subjected to a battery of comparative genomic analyses which clearly show that there are three lineages-the SR, SS, and the divergent. The SR and SS lineages are closely related, but distinct from each other based on three different methods of comparison: Allelic differences observed among core genes; possession of lineage-specific sets of core and distributed genes; and by an alignment of concatenated core sequences irrespective of gene annotation. All these methods show that the SS lineage has much longer interstrain branches than the SR lineage indicating that this lineage has likely been evolving either longer or faster than the SR lineage. There is evidence of extensive horizontal gene transfer (HGT) within both of these lineages, and to a lesser degree between them. In particular, we identified very high rates of HGT between these two lineages for ss-lactamase genes. The four divergent strains aresui generis, being much more distantly related to both the SR and SS groups than these other two groups are to each other. Based on average nucleotide identities, gene content, GC content, and genome size, this group could be considered as a separate taxonomic group. The SR and SS lineages, although distinct, clearly form a single species based on multiple criteria including a large common core genome, average nucleotide identity values, GC content, and genome size. Although neither of these lineages arose from within the other based on phylogenetic analyses, the question of how and when these lineages split and then subsequently reunited in the human nasopharynx is explored
