29 research outputs found

    Anxiety as a consequence of modern dietary pattern in adults in Tehran-Iran

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    Food intake patterns in relation to mental health have already been revealed. To investigate the relationship between processed food consumption behavior and anxiety disorder, a cross sectional study was conducted. Overall, 1782 young adults aged 18-35 years were randomly selected using cluster sampling method from 22 districts of Tehran Iran in 2011. Diet assessment was done using a 24 hour recall questionnaire in two times with a week interval. Anxiety level was determined using the validated Speilburger test (Persian version). A proportional odds regression model was used to assess the effect of processed food consumption on anxiety variables. A significant statistical difference was found between men and women in terms of processed food consumption (p<0.001). Adjusting for age, total calorie intake, gender, body mass index, socioeconomic status, and history of sedative drug consumption as well as mental health disorders, the proportional odds regression model showed a significant relationship between increased consumption of processed foods and anxiety (OR = 4.73, 95 CI: 2.89-12.54 for state and OR = 4.91, 95 CI: 2.88-13.99 for trait). Identification, modification and adjusting incorrect food patterns in the community could be considered as valuable steps to turn down nutritional-based health difficulties. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Assessment of the association between body composition and risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is defined as the condition of fat accumulation in the liver. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the relationship between body composition and fatty liver and determine of cut-off point for predicting NAFLD. Samples were selected from the nutrition clinic from 2016 to 2017 in Tehran, Iran. The liver steatosis was calculated using the CAP score through the FiroScan� and body composition was measured using the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan method. A total of 2160 patients participated in this study, 745 (34.5) subjects had NAFLD. We found that fat-free tissue was inversely and fat tissue was directly correlated with the risk of NAFLD in almost all factors and the risk of developing NAFLD increases if the total fat exceeds 32.23 and 26.73 in women and men and abdominal fat exceeds 21.42 and 13.76 in women and men, respectively. Finally, we realized that the total fat percent had the highest AUC (0.932 for men and 0.917 for women) to predict the risk of NAFLD. Overall, the likelihood of NAFLD development rose significantly with increasing the amount of total fat and abdominal fat from the cut-off point level. Copyright: © 2021 Ariya et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    The Situation of Housing Environmental Health of Tubercular in Yazd, From Aspect Factors Prevent of Transmission the Communicable Diseases by the World Health Organization Standards

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    Introduction: One of the most important factors for disease risk is the undesirable health condition of the houses. The dark, damp and unsanitary house exposes residents to TB. As the housing status is crucial in establishing the conditions for the transmission of TB, this study was designed to survey the situation of housing environmental health of tuberculosis patients in Yazd on transmission of communicable diseases according to World Health Organization standards in 2010. Methods: In this descriptive study, the housing status of all TB patients of Yazd in 86 cases were collected through a questionnaire survey, observation, and measurement. Results: Results showed that the houses in 22.1 % of cases were made of adobe and mud, 3.55% having average density of room, 50% of houses had insufficient natural light, 54.7 % had unfavorable natural ventilation, and 26.7 %, inadequate heating appliances. Also 32.6 % of the floor, 32.6 % of the walls, 37.2 % of the ceilings, 22.1 % of the sewage disposal, 12.8 % of drinking water, 20.9% of garbage collection, 11.6% of keeping-pet places, and 20.9% of waste disposal were in unhealthy conditions. In addition, 2.3% of these houses lacked toilet and 7% lacked bathroom. Conclusions: Comparing the housing condition of people with TB via the existing standards, the status is assessed as unfavorable. Thus improvement of the tuberculosis condition calls for the education programs to inform people of such disadvantages. Also the attention of housing stakeholders and relevant agencies should be drawn to help low-income people

    Sequential study on reactive blue 29 dye removal from aqueous solution by peroxy acid and single wall carbon nanotubes: experiment and theory

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>The majority of anthraquinone dye released to the environment come from antrapogenic sources. Several techniques are available for dyes' removal. In this study removal of reactive blue 29 (RB29) by an advanced oxidation process sequenced with single wall carbon nanotubes was investigated. Advanced oxidation process was optimized over a period of 60 minutes by changing the ratio of acetic acid to hydrogen peroxide, the compounds which form peroxy acid. Reduction of 20.2% -56.4% of reactive blue 29 was observed when the ratio of hydrogen peroxide/acetic acid/dye changed from 344/344/1 to 344/344/0.08 at different times (60, 120 and 180 min). The optimum ratio of acetic acid/hydrogen peroxide/dye was found to be 344/344/0.16 over 60 min. The resultant then was introduced for further removal by single wall carbon nanotubes(SWCNTs) as adsorbent. The adsorption of reactive blue 29 onto SWCNTs was also investigated. Langmuir, Freundlich and BET isotherms were determined and the results revealed that the adsorption of RB29 onto SWCNTs was well explained by BET model and changed to Freundlich isotherm when SWCNTs was used after the application of peroxy acid. Kinetic study showed that the equilibrium time for adsorption of RB 29 on to SWCNT is 4 h. Experiments were carried out to investigate adsorption kinetics, adsorbent capacity and the effect of solution pH on the removal of reactive blue29. The pseudo-second order kinetic equation could best describe the sorption kinetics. The most efficient pH for color removal (amongst pH=3, 5 and 8) was pH= 5. Further studies are needed to identify the peroxy acid degradation intermediates and to investigate their effects on SWCNTs.</p