546 research outputs found

    High Resolution Photoemission Study on Low-T_K Ce Systems: Kondo Resonance, Crystal Field Structures, and their Temperature Dependence

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    We present a high-resolution photoemission study on the strongly correlated Ce-compounds CeCu_6, CeCu_2Si_2, CeRu_2Si_2, CeNi_2Ge_2, and CeSi_2. Using a normalization procedure based on a division by the Fermi-Dirac distribution we get access to the spectral density of states up to an energy of 5 k_BT above the Fermi energy E_F. Thus we can resolve the Kondo resonance and the crystal field (CF) fine-structure for different temperatures above and around the Kondo temperature T_K. The CF peaks are identified with multiple Kondo resonances within the multiorbital Anderson impurity model. Our theoretical 4f spectra, calculated from an extended non-crossing approximation (NCA), describe consistently the observed photoemission features and their temperature dependence. By fitting the NCA spectra to the experimental data and extrapolating the former to low temperatures, T_K can be extracted quantitatively. The resulting values for T_K and the crystal field energies are in excellent agreement with the results from bulk sensitive measurements, e.g. inelastic neutron scattering.Comment: 16 two-column pages, 10 figure

    Сатира в публицистике. Специфика и жанровые особенности фельетона как предмет многочисленных споров исследователей

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    Анализируются спорные вопросы теории жанра фельетон в контексте специфики сатирической публицистики: с точки зрения меры художественного вымысла в фельетоне, наличия сатирического начала в нем и др. Формулируются факторы различия фельетона и сатирического рассказа.Аналізуються спірні питання теорії жанру фельєтона в контексті специфіки сатиричної публіцистики: з точки зору виміру художнього вимислу в фельєтоні, присутності сатиричного початку у ньому і т.д. Формулюються фактори розрізняння фельєтона та сатиричної оповіді

    Structure and transport in multi-orbital Kondo systems

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    We consider Kondo impurity systems with multiple local orbitals, such as rare earth ions in a metallic host or multi--level quantum dots coupled to metallic leads. It is shown that the multiplet structure of the local orbitals leads to multiple Kondo peaks above the Fermi energy EFE_F, and to ``shadow'' peaks below EFE_F. We use a slave boson mean field theory, which recovers the strong coupling Fermi liquid fixed point, to calculate the Kondo peak positions, widths, and heights analytically at T=0, and NCA calculations to fit the temperature dependence of high--resolution photoemission spectra of Ce compounds. In addition, an approximate conductance quantization for transport through multi--level quantum dots or single--atom transistors in the Kondo regime due to a generalized Friedel sum rule is demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Invited article, 23rd International Conference on Low Temperature Physics LT23, Hiroshima, Japan 200

    Experimental study of slow sand filtration for the treatment of various wastewaters in tropical environment

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    Wastewater treatment by slow sand filtration is a biological process which consists in filtering wastewater through a porous media. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performances of this biotechnology under tropical climate. Three sand filters were monitored at ONAS (Cambérène wastewater treatment plant in Dakar, Senegal). The filters were built with local materials, and were constituted with a feeding tank of approximately 180 litters, a column (two meters high and 30-25 cm diameter). The filters were filled with sand (75 cm), gravel (25 cm) and wastewater (90 cm). The results showed that with sand of d10 equal to 0.58 mm and flow rate of 0.05 m/h, the filtration cycle was relatively long for the first run with pretreated wastewater. At the level of the primary settling tank, with flow a rate of 0.08 m/h, the removal rates were about 12.75%, 16.31%, 12.92%, 5.45%, 7.09% and 10.50% for TSS, COD, BOD5, nitrogen phosphorus and faecal coliforms respectively. At the level of the clarifier, with a filtration of 0.15 m/h, the removals were 1.4% for TSS, 1.84% for COD, 1.09% for BOD5 11.38% for nitrogen, 5.18% for phosphorus and 1.74% of faecal coliforms.Keywords: Flow rate; filtration cycle, removal; sand filtration; tropical climate, wastewater

    Temperature dependence of the Kondo resonance and its satellites in CeCu_2Si_2

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    We present high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy studies on the Kondo resonance of the strongly-correlated Ce system CeCu2_2Si2_2. Exploiting the thermal broadening of the Fermi edge we analyze position, spectral weight, and temperature dependence of the low-energy 4f spectral features, whose major weight lies above the Fermi level EFE_F. We also present theoretical predictions based on the single-impurity Anderson model using an extended non-crossing approximation (NCA), including all spin-orbit and crystal field splittings of the 4f states. The excellent agreement between theory and experiment provides strong evidence that the spectral properties of CeCu2_2Si2_2 can be described by single-impurity Kondo physics down to T5T \approx 5 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Long-range Kondo signature of a single magnetic impurity

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    The Kondo effect, one of the oldest correlation phenomena known in condensed matter physics, has regained attention due to scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments performed on single magnetic impurities. Despite the sub-nanometer resolution capability of local probe techniques one of the fundamental aspects of Kondo physics, its spatial extension, is still subject to discussion. Up to now all STS studies on single adsorbed atoms have shown that observable Kondo features rapidly vanish with increasing distance from the impurity. Here we report on a hitherto unobserved long range Kondo signature for single magnetic atoms of Fe and Co buried under a Cu(100) surface. We present a theoretical interpretation of the measured signatures using a combined approach of band structure and many-body numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculations. These are in excellent agreement with the rich spatially and spectroscopically resolved experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures + 8 pages supplementary material; Nature Physics (Jan 2011 - advanced online publication

    Chimpanzees do not take into account what others can hear in a competitive situation

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    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) know what others can and cannot see in a competitive situation. Does this reflect a general understanding the perceptions of others? In a study by Hare et al. (2000) pairs of chimpanzees competed over two pieces of food. Subordinate individuals preferred to approach food that was behind a barrier that the dominant could not see, suggesting that chimpanzees can take the visual perspective of others. We extended this paradigm to the auditory modality to investigate whether chimpanzees are sensitive to whether a competitor can hear food rewards being hidden. Results suggested that the chimpanzees did not take what the competitor had heard into account, despite being able to locate the hiding place themselves by the noise

    The Kondo Resonance in Electron Spectroscopy

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    The Kondo resonance is the spectral manifestation of the Kondo properties of the impurity Anderson model, and also plays a central role in the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) for correlated electron lattice systems. This article presents an overview of electron spectroscopy studies of the resonance for the 4f electrons of cerium compounds, and for the 3d electrons of V_2O_3, including beginning efforts at using angle resolved photoemission to determine the k-dependence of the resonance. The overview includes the comparison and analysis of spectroscopy data with theoretical spectra as calculated for the impurity model and as obtained by DMFT, and the Kondo volume collapse calculation of the cerium alpha-gamma phase transition boundary, with its spectroscopic underpinnings.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 151 references; paper for special issue of J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. on "Kondo Effect--40 Years after the Discovery