251 research outputs found

    Mycosin-1, a subtilisin-like serine protease of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is cell wall-associated and expressed during infection of macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Exported proteases are commonly associated with virulence in bacterial pathogens, yet there is a paucity of information regarding their role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. There are five genes (mycP1-5) present within the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv that encode a family of secreted, subtilisin-like serine proteases (the mycosins). The gene mycP1 (encoding mycosin-1) was found to be situated 3700 bp (four ORF's) from the RD1 deletion region in the genome of the attenuated vaccine strain M. bovis BCG (bacille de Calmette et Guérin) and was selected for further analyses due to the absence of expression in this organism. RESULTS: Full-length, 50 kDa mycosin-1 was observed in M. tuberculosis cellular lysates, whereas lower-molecular-weight species were detected in culture filtrates. A similar lower-molecular-weight species was also observed during growth in macrophages. Mycosin-1 was localized to the membrane and cell wall fractions in M. tuberculosis by Western blotting, and to the cell envelope by electron microscopy. Furthermore, M. tuberculosis culture filtrates were shown to contain a proteolytic activity inhibited by mixed serine/cysteine protease inhibitors and activated by Ca(2+), features typical of the subtilisins. CONCLUSIONS: Mycosin-1 is an extracellular protein that is membrane- and cell wall-associated, and is shed into the culture supernatant. The protein is expressed after infection of macrophages and is subjected to proteolytic processing. Although proteolytically active mycosin-1 could not be generated recombinantly, serine protease activity containing features typical of the subtilisins was detected in M. tuberculosis culture filtrates

    A case of PTSD presenting with psychotic symptomatology: a case report

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    A male patient aged 43 presented with psychotic symptomatology after a traumatic event involving accidental mutilation of the fingers. Initial presentation was uncommon although the patient responded well to pharmacotherapy. The theoretical framework, management plan and details of the treatment are presented

    Complete genome sequences of elephant endotheliotropic herpesviruses 1A and 1B determined directly from fatal cases

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    A highly lethal hemorrhagic disease associated with infection by elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) poses a severe threat to Asian elephant husbandry. We have used high-throughput methods to sequence the genomes of the two genotypes that are involved in most fatalities, namely EEHV1A and EEHV1B (species Elephantid herpesvirus 1, genus Proboscivirus, subfamily Betaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae). The sequences were determined from postmortem tissue samples, despite the data containing tiny proportions of viral reads among reads from a host for which the genome sequence was not available. The EEHV1A genome is 180,421 bp in size and consists of a unique sequence (174,601 bp) flanked by a terminal direct repeat (2,910 bp). The genome contains 116 predicted protein-coding genes, of which six are fragmented, and seven paralogous gene families are present. The EEHV1B genome is very similar to that of EEHV1A in structure, size, and gene layout. Half of the EEHV1A genes lack orthologs in other members of subfamily Betaherpesvirinae, such as human cytomegalovirus (genus Cytomegalovirus) and human herpesvirus 6A (genus Roseolovirus). Notable among these are 23 genes encoding type 3 membrane proteins containing seven transmembrane domains (the 7TM family) and seven genes encoding related type 2 membrane proteins (the EE50 family). The EE50 family appears to be under intense evolutionary selection, as it is highly diverged between the two genotypes, exhibits evidence of sequence duplications or deletions, and contains several fragmented genes. The availability of the genome sequences will facilitate future research on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of EEHV-associated disease

    Numerical analysis of seepage–deformation in unsaturated soils

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    A coupled elastic–plastic finite element analysis based on simplified consolidation theory for unsaturated soils is used to investigate the coupling processes of water infiltration and deformation. By introducing a reduced suction and an elastic–plastic constitutive equation for the soil skeleton, the simplified consolidation theory for unsaturated soils is incorporated into an in-house finite element code. Using the proposed numerical method, the generation of pore water pressure and development of deformation can be simulated under evaporation or rainfall infiltration conditions. Through a parametric study and comparison with the test results, the proposed method is found to describe well the characteristics during water evaporation/infiltration into unsaturated soils. Finally, an unsaturated soil slope with water infiltration is analyzed in detail to investigate the development of the displacement and generation of pore water pressure

    Vibro-Injection Pile Installation in Sand: Part I—Interpretation as Multi-material Flow

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    The installation of vibro-injection piles into saturated sand has a significant impact on the surrounding soil and neighboring buildings. It is generally characterized by a multi-material flow with large material deformations, non-stationary and new material interfaces, and by the interaction of the grain skeleton and the pore water. Part 1 in this series of papers is concerned with the mathematical and physical modeling of the multi-material flow associated with vibro-injection pile installation. This model is the backbone of a new multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (MMALE) numerical method presented in Part 2.DFG, 76838227, Numerische Modellierung der Herstellung von Rüttelinjektionspfähle

    Valence isomerization of 2-phospha-4-silabicyclo[1.1.0]butane: a high-level ab initio study

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    The rearrangements for 2-phospha-4-silabicyclo[1.1.0]butane, analogous to the valence isomerization of the hydrocarbons bicyclobutane, 1,3-butadiene, and cyclobutene, were studied at the (U)QCISD(T)/6-311+G**//(U)QCISD/6-31G* level of theory. The monocyclic 1,2-dihydro-1,2-phosphasiletes are shown to be the thermodynamically preferred product, in contrast to the isomerization of the hydrocarbons, which favors the 1,3-butadiene structure. Furthermore, an unprecedented direct isomerization pathway to the 1,2-dihydro-1,2-phosphasiletes was identified. This pathway is competitive with the isomerization via the open-chain butadienes and becomes favorable when electron-donating substituents are present on silicon

    Acute effects of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) on EEG oscillations: alone and in combination with ethanol or THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)

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    Item does not contain fulltextRATIONALE: Typical users of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "ecstasy") are polydrug users, combining MDMA with alcohol or cannabis [most active compound: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)]. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether co-administration of alcohol or THC with MDMA differentially affects ongoing electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations compared to the administration of each drug alone. METHODS: In two separate experiments, 16 volunteers received four different drug conditions: (1) MDMA (100 mg); (2) alcohol clamp (blood alcohol concentration = 0.6 per thousand) or THC (inhalation of 4, 6 and 6 mg, interval of 1.5 h); (3) MDMA in combination with alcohol or THC; and (4) placebo. Before and after drug administration, electroencephalography was recorded during an eyes closed resting state. RESULTS: Theta and alpha power increased after alcohol intake compared to placebo and reduced after MDMA intake. No interaction between alcohol and MDMA was found. Significant MDMA x THC effects for theta and lower-1-alpha power indicated that the power attenuation after the combined intake of MDMA and THC was less than the sum of each drug alone. For the lower-2-alpha band, the intake of MDMA or THC alone did not significantly affect power, but the intake of combined MDMA and THC significantly decreased lower-2-alpha power. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicate that the combined intake of MDMA and THC, but not of MDMA and alcohol, affects ongoing EEG oscillations differently than the sum of either one drug alone. Changes in ongoing EEG oscillations may be related to the impaired task performance that has often been reported after drug intake

    Longitudinal Changes of Fixation Location and Stability Within 12 Months in Stargardt Disease: ProgStar Report No. 12

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    Purpose: To investigate the natural history of Stargardt disease (STGD1) using fixation location and fixation stability. // Design: Multicenter, international, prospective cohort study. // Methods: Fixation testing was performed using the Nidek MP-1 microperimeter as part of the prospective, multicenter, natural history study on the Progression of Stargardt disease (ProgStar). A total of 238 patients with ABCA4-related STGD1 were enrolled at baseline (bilateral enrollment in 86.6%) and underwent repeat testing at months 6 and 12. // Results: Outcome measures included the distance of the preferred retinal locus from the fovea (PRL) and the bivariate contour ellipse area (BCEA). After 12 months of follow-up, the change in the eccentricity of the PRL from the anatomic fovea was −0.0014 degrees (95% confidence interval [CI], −0.27 degrees, 0.27 degrees; P = .99). The deterioration in the stability of fixation as expressed by a larger BCEA encompassing 1 standard deviation of all fixation points was 1.21 degrees squared (deg2) (95% CI, −1.23 deg2, 3.65 deg2; P = .33). Eyes with increases and decreases in PRL eccentricity and/or BCEA values were observed. // Conclusions: Our observations point to the complexity of fixation parameters. The association of increasingly eccentric and unstable fixation with longer disease duration that is typically found in cross-sectional studies may be countered within individual patients by poorly understood processes like neuronal adaptation. Nevertheless, fixation parameters may serve as useful secondary outcome parameters in selected cases and for counseling patients to explain changes to their visual functionality

    Conditional corticotropin-releasing hormone overexpression in the mouse forebrain enhances rapid eye movement sleep

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    Impaired sleep and enhanced stress hormone secretion are the hallmarks of stress-related disorders, including major depression. The central neuropeptide, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), is a key hormone that regulates humoral and behavioral adaptation to stress. Its prolonged hypersecretion is believed to play a key role in the development and course of depressive symptoms, and is associated with sleep impairment. To investigate the specific effects of central CRH overexpression on sleep, we used conditional mouse mutants that overexpress CRH in the entire central nervous system (CRH-COE-Nes) or only in the forebrain, including limbic structures (CRH-COE-Cam). Compared with wild-type or control mice during baseline, both homozygous CRH-COE-Nes and -Cam mice showed constantly increased rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, whereas slightly suppressed non-REM sleep was detected only in CRH-COE-Nes mice during the light period. In response to 6-h sleep deprivation, elevated levels of REM sleep also became evident in heterozygous CRH-COE-Nes and -Cam mice during recovery, which was reversed by treatment with a CRH receptor type 1 (CRHR1) antagonist in heterozygous and homozygous CRH-COE-Nes mice. The peripheral stress hormone levels were not elevated at baseline, and even after sleep deprivation they were indistinguishable across genotypes. As the stress axis was not altered, sleep changes, in particular enhanced REM sleep, occurring in these models are most likely induced by the forebrain CRH through the activation of CRHR1. CRH hypersecretion in the forebrain seems to drive REM sleep, supporting the notion that enhanced REM sleep may serve as biomarker for clinical conditions associated with enhanced CRH secretion