42 research outputs found

    How do forest fires affect soil greenhouse gas emissions in upland boreal forests? A review

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    Wildfires strongly regulate carbon (C) cycling and storage in boreal forests and account for almost 10% of global fire C emissions. However, the anticipated effects of climate change on fire regimes may destabilize current C-climate feedbacks and switch the systems to new stability domains. Since most of these forests are located in upland soils where permafrost is widespread, the expected climate warming and drying combined with more active fires may alter the greenhouse gas (GHG) budgets of boreal forests and trigger unprecedented changes in the global C balance. Therefore, a better understanding of the effects of fires on the various spatial and temporal patterns of GHG fluxes of different physical environments (permafrost and nonpermafrost soils) is fundamental to an understanding of the role played by fire in future climate feedbacks. While large amounts of C are released during fires, postfire GHG fluxes play an important role in boreal C budgets over the short and long term. The timescale over which the vegetation cover regenerates seems to drive the recovery of C emissions after both low- and high-severity fires, regardless of fire-induced changes in soil decomposition. In soils underlain by permafrost, fires increase the active layer depth for several years, which may alter the soil dynamics regulating soil GHG exchange. In a scenario of global warming, prolonged exposition of previously immobilized C could result in higher carbon dioxide emission during the early fire succession. However, without knowledge of the contribution of each respiration component combined with assessment of the warming and drying effects on both labile and recalcitrant soil organic matter throughout the soil profile, we cannot advance on the most relevant feedbacks involving fire and permafrost. Fires seem to have either negligible effects on methane (CH4) fluxes or a slight increase in CH4 uptake. However, permafrost thawing driven by climate or fire could turn upland boreal soils into temporary CH4 sources, depending on how fast the transition from moist to drier soils occurs. Most studies indicate a slight decrease or no significant change in postfire nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes. However, simulations have shown that the temperature sensitivity of denitrification exceeds that of soil respiration; thus, the effects of warming on soil N2O emissions may be greater than on C emissions.Peer reviewe

    Contrasting effects of reindeer grazing on CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes originating from the northern boreal forest floor

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    SPECIAL ISSUE ARTICLE Editor Dr. Chris J. BarrowReindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) is considered to be an important mammalian herbivore, strongly influencing Arctic lichen-dominated ecosystems. There is no wide knowledge about the effect of reindeer on greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in northern boreal forests. Ground vegetation plays an important role in absorbing nitrogen (N) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Lately, it has also been found to be a significant source of nitrous oxide (N2O) and a small source of methane (CH4). We investigated the influence of reindeer grazing on field layer GHG (CO2, CH4, and N2O) fluxes, ground vegetation coverage and biomass, and soil physical properties (temperature and moisture) in a northern boreal forest. At our study site, the reindeer-induced replacement of lichen by mosses had contrasting effects on the GHG fluxes originating from the field layer. Field layer CO2 efflux was significantly higher in grazed areas. The field layer was a CH4 sink in all areas, but grazed areas absorbed more CH4 compared to non-grazed areas. Although total N2O fluxes remained around 0 in grazed areas, a small N2O sink occurred in non-grazed areas with lower moss biomass. Our results indicated that grazing by reindeer in northern boreal forests affects GHG fluxes from the forest field layer both positively and negatively, and these emissions largely depend on grazing-induced changes in vegetation composition.Peer reviewe

    Temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition after forest fire in Canadian permafrost region

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    Climate warming in arctic/subarctic ecosystems will result in increased frequency of forest fires, elevated soil temperatures and thawing of permafrost, which have implications for soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition rates, the CO2 emissions and globally significant soil C stocks in this region. It is still unclear how decomposability and temperature sensitivity of SOM varies in different depths and different stages of succession following forest fire in permafrost regions and studies on long term effects of forest fires in these areas are lacking. To study this question, we took soil samples from 5, 10 and 30 cm depths from forest stands in Northwest Canada, underlain by permafrost, that were burnt by wildfire 3, 25 and over 100 years ago. We measured heterotrophic soil respiration at 1, 7, 13 and 19 °C. Fire had a significant effect on the active layer depth, and it increased the temperature sensitivity (Q10) of respiration in the surface (5 cm) and in the deepest soil layer (30 cm) in the 3-year-old area compared to the 25- and more than 100-year-old areas. Also the metabolic quotient (qCO2) of soil microbes was increased after fire. Though fires may facilitate the SOM decomposition by increasing active layer depth, they also decreased SOM quality, which may limit the rate of decomposition. After fire all of these changes reverted back to original levels with forest succession.Peer reviewe

    Changes in fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane caused by fire in Siberian boreal forest with continuous permafrost

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    Rising air temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns in boreal ecosystems are changing the fire occurrence regimes (intervals, severity, intensity, etc.). The main impacts of fires are reported to be changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics, vegetation stress, degradation of permafrost, and increased depth of the active layer. Changes in these characteristics influence the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes. We have studied the changes in CO2 and CH4 fluxes from the soil in boreal forest areas in central Siberia underlain by continuous permafrost and the possible impacts of the aforementioned environmental factors on the emissions of these greenhouse gases. We have used a fire chronosequence of areas, with the last fire occurring 1, 23, 56, and more than 100 years ago. The soils in our study acted as a source of CO2. Emissions of CO2 were lowest at the most recently burned area and increased with forest age throughout the fire chronosequence. The CO2 flux was influenced by the pH of the top 5cm of the soil, the biomass of the birch (Betula) and alder (Duschekia) trees, and by the biomass of vascular plants in the ground vegetation. Soils were found to be a CH4 sink in all our study areas. The uptake of CH4 was highest in the most recently burned area (forest fire one year ago) and the lowest in the area burned 56 years ago, but the difference between fire chronosequence areas was not significant. According to the linear mixed effect model, none of the tested factors explained the CH4 flux. The results confirm that the impact of a forest fire on CO2 flux is long-lasting in Siberian boreal forests, continuing for more than 50 years, but the impact of forest fire on CH4 flux is minimal.Peer reviewe

    Post-fire soil carbon emission rates along boreal forest fire chronosequences in northwest Canada show significantly higher emission potentials from permafrost soils compared to non-permafrost soils

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    Boreal forests are one of the most important biomes storing carbon (C). Wildfires burn yearly on average more than 1% of the boreal forest, and it is expected that the fire return intervals will shorten due to climate change. Fire is one of the most influential factors affecting soil organic matter quantity and quality, soil C pools, and presumably also the time C resides in the soil (soil C turnover time in years). We compared the potential effects of forest fire through post-fire succession on soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emission rates and soil C turnover time in two fire chronosequences, one with underlying permafrost soil and the other without permafrost. We found that fire had a significant effect on potential soil C turnover times, but surprisingly there was no significant difference in soil C turnover times between the permafrost and non-permafrost areas, although the soil CO2 emissions rates in permafrost areas are approximately three times higher compared to non-permafrost areas. In recently burned areas the potential soil C turnover times were two times longer compared to control areas located in forests burned more than 100 years ago. The longest potential soil C turnover times were recorded in mineral soil layers (30 cm) of permafrost soils, and the shortest potential soil C turnover times were recorded in humus layers of non-permafrost areas

    Wildfire effects on BVOC emissions from boreal forest floor on permafrost soil in Siberia

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    One of the effects of climate change on boreal forest will be more frequent forest wildfires and permafrost thawing. These will increase the availability of soil organic matter (SOM) for microorganisms, change the ground vegetation composition and ultimately affect the emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which impact atmospheric chemistry and climate. BVOC emissions from boreal forest floor have been little characterized in southern boreal region, and even less so in permafrost soil, which underlies most of the northern boreal region. Here, we report the long-term effects of wildfire on forest floor BVOC emission rates along a wildfire chronosequence in a Larix gmelinii forest in central Siberia. We determined forest floor BVOC emissions from forests exposed to wildfire 1, 23 and > 100 years ago. We studied how forest wildfires and the subsequent succession of ground vegetation, as well as changes in the availability of SOM along with the deepened and recovered active layer, influence BVOC emission rates. The forest floor acted as source of a large number of BVOCs in all forest age classes. Monoterpenes were the most abundant BVOC group in all age classes. The total BVOC emission rates measured from the 23- and >100-year-old areas were ca. 2.6 times higher than the emissions from the 1-year-old area. Lower emissions were related to a decrease in plant coverage and microbial decomposition of SOM after wildfire. Our results showed that forest wildfires play an important indirect role in regulating the amount and composition of BVOC emissions from post-fire originated boreal forest floor. This could have a substantial effect on BVOC emissions if the frequency of forest wildfires increases in the future as a result of climate warming. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Impacts of wildfire on soil microbiome in Boreal environments

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    The temperature changes for the future climate are predicted to be the most pronounced in boreal and arctic regions, affecting the stability of permafrost and fire dynamics of these areas. Fires can affect soil microbiome (archaea, bacteria, fungi, and protists) directly via generated heat, whereas fire-altered soil properties have an indirect effect on soil microbiome. Fires usually decrease microbial biomass and alter microbial community composition. These changes can take decades to recover to prefire states. As the fire occurrence times are expected to change in the future, and the fire return intervals, intensity, and severity are expected to increase in boreal environments, the fire-related changes in the soil microbiome, including its recovery and resilience, are inevitable.Peer reviewe