28 research outputs found

    D'X,Y à X,Y,Z, de nouveaux outils pour l' étude architecturale et archéologique. Restitution 3D, lasergrammétrie et photogrammétrie : le cas de la citerne el-Nabih à Alexandrie

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    Actes du Colloque Virtual Retrospect 2009, Pessac (France) 18, 19 et 20 novembre 2009International audienceL’utilisation des nouvelles technologies 3D, appliquĂ©es au domaine de l’étude architecturale et archĂ©ologique, s’est gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e au cours de ces dix derniĂšres annĂ©es. On a pu constater, du fait de la rĂ©duction des coĂ»ts d’acquisition et de la simplification de la mise en Ɠuvre de ces techniques, que quelques responsables de chantier ont franchi le pas et troquĂ© leur crayon gris et leur planchette pour un scanner laser 3D. Notre Ă©quipe CNRS, qui avait dĂ©jĂ  acquis une certaine expĂ©rience dans le domaine de la restitution 3D appliquĂ©e Ă  l’archĂ©ologie, a souhaitĂ© expĂ©rimenter l’apport de la lasergrammĂ©trie et de la photogrammĂ©trie sur l’un de ses chantiers en cours : la citerne el-Nabih Ă  Alexandrie. EntamĂ©es en 2003, les campagnes de relevĂ© et de fouilles touchent aujourd’hui Ă  leur fin. À l’heure oĂč dĂ©marre la phase du traitement des donnĂ©es de terrain, nous nous proposons de prĂ©senter succinctement les caractĂ©ristiques du chantier de la citerne el-Nabih, la mĂ©thode dĂ©veloppĂ©e durant et aprĂšs la fouille, et les premiers rĂ©sultats de l’apport de l’utilisation de ces nouvelles technologies

    Symbolic character productions in the mousterian site of La Roche-Cotard in Langeais (Indre-et-Loire, France) and their geological context

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    Le site de La Roche-Cotard se trouve sur la rive droite de la vallĂ©e de la Loire Ă  une vingtaine de kilomĂštres en aval de Tours. Le gisement, mis au jour en 1846, suite Ă  l’extraction de matĂ©riaux, a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ© en 1912. Les recherches ont repris de 1975 Ă  1978, puis Ă  partir de 2008.Les premiĂšres recherches, en 1975, permettent la dĂ©couverte, devant l’entrĂ©e de la grotte, d’un lambeau de plage de Loire sur lequel les hommes de NĂ©andertal ont allumĂ© un feu, abandonnĂ© des piĂšces d’industrie lithique et une protofigurine, appelĂ©e par M. Lorblanchet « masque de La Roche-Cotard » (Marquet, Lorblanchet 2000, 2003). Un abri trĂšs bas est Ă©galement dĂ©couvert ; il contient un peu d’industrie lithique et un amĂ©nagement de blocs au sol.À partir de 2008, les nouvelles fouilles mettent au jour une petite grotte-abri comblĂ©e de sĂ©diments, prĂ©sentant Ă©galement des indices d’occupation par l’homme de NĂ©andertal. Elles poursuivent Ă©galement le travail Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la cavitĂ© principale.L’examen approfondi des parois, effectuĂ© par J.-C. Marquet avec les appuis de M. Lorblanchet, P. Paillet et E. Man-Estier, permet de reconnaĂźtre quatre panneaux, trois de tracĂ©s digitaux et un de ponctuations. Ces traces sont visibles car il y a eu enlĂšvement de matiĂšre (au doigt ou Ă  l’aide d’un instrument pouvant donner le mĂȘme type de trace) sur la paroi de « craie tuffeau » (nom vernaculaire donnĂ© Ă  cette roche) altĂ©rĂ©e, recouverte par un mince film de limon argileux. Sur l’un des panneaux, on observe une figuration circulaire, sur les deux autres des ensembles de tracĂ©s parallĂšles, organisĂ©s et rythmĂ©s. Quatre taches ocre rouge ont Ă©tĂ© repĂ©rĂ©es.Les Ă©tudes gĂ©omĂ©trique, granulomĂ©trique et morphologique des dĂ©pĂŽts, ainsi que les datations des os par le 14C et des sĂ©diments par la mĂ©thode OSL, montrent qu’aprĂšs l’occupation par les hommes de NĂ©andertal, l’entrĂ©e de la cavitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© occultĂ©e, pour n’ĂȘtre rĂ©ouverte qu’en 1846 (voire seulement en 1912).Aucune datation directe des tracĂ©s n’est possible. Cependant, leur altĂ©ration locale, les datations des os et des sĂ©diments situĂ©s juste devant les panneaux et naturellement celle de la fermeture de l’entrĂ©e de la grotte aprĂšs l’occupation par NĂ©andertal autorisent Ă  exclure un Ăąge rĂ©cent.Masque, tracĂ©s et traces de peinture dans une cavitĂ© inaccessible Ă  Homo sapiens jusqu’en 1846, gĂ©omĂ©trie des dĂ©pĂŽts, confĂšrent au site de La Roche-Cotard un trĂšs grand intĂ©rĂȘt au moment oĂč est sĂ©rieusement reconsidĂ©rĂ©e la question des compĂ©tences de l’homme de NĂ©andertal.La Roche-Cotard site is located on the right side of the Loire valley, about 20 km down-river from Tours. The site, uncovered in 1846, following the extraction of materials, was excavated in 1912. Research was taken up again from 1975 to 1978, then from 2008 onwards.The first reprise of excavations in 1975 allowed for the discovery, at the entrance of a cave on a beach of the Loire on which Neanderthals have made fire, of stone tools and a proto-figurine that was named by M. Lorblanchet the “Mask of La Roche-Cotard” (Marquet & Lorblanchet, 2000, 2003). A very low shelter was also discovered, which contains some stone tools and a layout of blocks on the ground.The second reprise of excavations in 2008 allowed for the discovery of a small cave-shelter filled with sediments, presenting also indications of occupation by Neanderthals; but above all it enabled further work on the inside of the main cavity.Deeper examination of the cave walls, carried out by J.-C. Marquet, with the support of M. Lorblanchet, P. Paillet and E. Man-Estier, allowed for the recognition of three panels of finger flutings and a panel of point-marks. These marks are visible due to the removal of matter (by hand or with the aid of an instrument giving the same type of marks) on the weathered « tuffeau chalk » wall, recovered by a thin film of silty clay. On one of the panels can be observed a circular representation, on the other two, sets of parallel markings, organized and rhythmic. Four red ochre stains were also discovered.Geometric, granulometric and morphologic studies of the deposits, as well as 14C datings of bones and datings of sediments through the OSL method, show that following the occupation by Neanderthals, the entrance to the cave was blotted out and was only reopened in 1846, or even in 1912.No direct dating of the markings is possible. However, their localized weathering, datings of bones and sediments found just in front of the panels and naturally the closure of the cave’s entrance after the occupation by Neanderthals allows us to rule out the possibility of a recent age.Mask, markings and traces of painting in a cavity inaccessible to Homo sapiens until 1846, geometry of deposits, all add to the great interest in La Roche-Cotard site, at the very moment when we reconsider seriously the question of the competences of the Neanderthals

    Les productions à caractÚre symbolique du site moustérien de La Roche-Cotard à Langeais (Indre-et-Loire, France) dans leur contexte géologique

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    Le site de La Roche-Cotard se trouve sur la rive droite de la vallĂ©e de la Loire Ă  une vingtaine de kilomĂštres en aval de Tours. Le gisement, mis au jour en 1846, suite Ă  l’extraction de matĂ©riaux, a Ă©tĂ© fouillĂ© en 1912. Les recherches ont repris de 1975 Ă  1978, puis Ă  partir de 2008.Les premiĂšres recherches, en 1975, permettent la dĂ©couverte, devant l’entrĂ©e de la grotte, d’un lambeau de plage de Loire sur lequel les hommes de NĂ©andertal ont allumĂ© un feu, abandonnĂ© des piĂšces d’industrie lithique et une protofigurine, appelĂ©e par M. Lorblanchet « masque de La Roche-Cotard » (Marquet, Lorblanchet 2000, 2003). Un abri trĂšs bas est Ă©galement dĂ©couvert ; il contient un peu d’industrie lithique et un amĂ©nagement de blocs au sol.À partir de 2008, les nouvelles fouilles mettent au jour une petite grotte-abri comblĂ©e de sĂ©diments, prĂ©sentant Ă©galement des indices d’occupation par l’homme de NĂ©andertal. Elles poursuivent Ă©galement le travail Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la cavitĂ© principale.L’examen approfondi des parois, effectuĂ© par J.-C. Marquet avec les appuis de M. Lorblanchet, P. Paillet et E. Man-Estier, permet de reconnaĂźtre quatre panneaux, trois de tracĂ©s digitaux et un de ponctuations. Ces traces sont visibles car il y a eu enlĂšvement de matiĂšre (au doigt ou Ă  l’aide d’un instrument pouvant donner le mĂȘme type de trace) sur la paroi de « craie tuffeau » (nom vernaculaire donnĂ© Ă  cette roche) altĂ©rĂ©e, recouverte par un mince film de limon argileux. Sur l’un des panneaux, on observe une figuration circulaire, sur les deux autres des ensembles de tracĂ©s parallĂšles, organisĂ©s et rythmĂ©s. Quatre taches ocre rouge ont Ă©tĂ© repĂ©rĂ©es.Les Ă©tudes gĂ©omĂ©trique, granulomĂ©trique et morphologique des dĂ©pĂŽts, ainsi que les datations des os par le 14C et des sĂ©diments par la mĂ©thode OSL, montrent qu’aprĂšs l’occupation par les hommes de NĂ©andertal, l’entrĂ©e de la cavitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© occultĂ©e, pour n’ĂȘtre rĂ©ouverte qu’en 1846 (voire seulement en 1912).Aucune datation directe des tracĂ©s n’est possible. Cependant, leur altĂ©ration locale, les datations des os et des sĂ©diments situĂ©s juste devant les panneaux et naturellement celle de la fermeture de l’entrĂ©e de la grotte aprĂšs l’occupation par NĂ©andertal autorisent Ă  exclure un Ăąge rĂ©cent.Masque, tracĂ©s et traces de peinture dans une cavitĂ© inaccessible Ă  Homo sapiens jusqu’en 1846, gĂ©omĂ©trie des dĂ©pĂŽts, confĂšrent au site de La Roche-Cotard un trĂšs grand intĂ©rĂȘt au moment oĂč est sĂ©rieusement reconsidĂ©rĂ©e la question des compĂ©tences de l’homme de NĂ©andertal.La Roche-Cotard site is located on the right side of the Loire valley, about 20 km down-river from Tours. The site, uncovered in 1846, following the extraction of materials, was excavated in 1912. Research was taken up again from 1975 to 1978, then from 2008 onwards.The first reprise of excavations in 1975 allowed for the discovery, at the entrance of a cave on a beach of the Loire on which Neanderthals have made fire, of stone tools and a proto-figurine that was named by M. Lorblanchet the “Mask of La Roche-Cotard” (Marquet & Lorblanchet, 2000, 2003). A very low shelter was also discovered, which contains some stone tools and a layout of blocks on the ground.The second reprise of excavations in 2008 allowed for the discovery of a small cave-shelter filled with sediments, presenting also indications of occupation by Neanderthals; but above all it enabled further work on the inside of the main cavity.Deeper examination of the cave walls, carried out by J.-C. Marquet, with the support of M. Lorblanchet, P. Paillet and E. Man-Estier, allowed for the recognition of three panels of finger flutings and a panel of point-marks. These marks are visible due to the removal of matter (by hand or with the aid of an instrument giving the same type of marks) on the weathered « tuffeau chalk » wall, recovered by a thin film of silty clay. On one of the panels can be observed a circular representation, on the other two, sets of parallel markings, organized and rhythmic. Four red ochre stains were also discovered.Geometric, granulometric and morphologic studies of the deposits, as well as 14C datings of bones and datings of sediments through the OSL method, show that following the occupation by Neanderthals, the entrance to the cave was blotted out and was only reopened in 1846, or even in 1912.No direct dating of the markings is possible. However, their localized weathering, datings of bones and sediments found just in front of the panels and naturally the closure of the cave’s entrance after the occupation by Neanderthals allows us to rule out the possibility of a recent age.Mask, markings and traces of painting in a cavity inaccessible to Homo sapiens until 1846, geometry of deposits, all add to the great interest in La Roche-Cotard site, at the very moment when we reconsider seriously the question of the competences of the Neanderthals

    CSR and related terms in SME owner-managers' mental models in six European countries: national context matters

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    As a contribution to the emerging field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) cognition, this article reports on the findings of an exploratory study that compares SME owner–managers’ mental models with regard to CSR and related concepts across six European countries (Belgium, Italy, Norway, France, UK, Spain). Utilising Repertory Grid Technique, we found that the SME owner–managers’ mental models show a few commonalities as well as a number of differences across the different country samples. We interpret those differences by linking individual cognition to macro-environmental variables, such as language, national traditions and dissemination mechanisms. The results of our exploratory study show that nationality matters but that classifications of countries as found in the comparative capitalism literature do not exactly mirror national differences in CSR cognition and that these classifications need further differentiation. The findings from our study raise questions on the universality of cognition of academic management concepts and warn that promotion of responsible business practice should not rely on the use of unmediated US American management terminology

    La photogrammétrie, principes généraux et terminologie

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    The aim of this paper is to present the essential theoretical elements of photogrammetry. The technical principles, based on a century of development, are first described. The measures and their corrections are then explained and developed. Two main results of the treatment pipeline are finally proposed : DEM and orthophotographies.L 'objectif de cet article est de prĂ©senter les Ă©lĂ©ments thĂ©oriques essentiels de la photogrammĂ©trie. AprĂšs une prĂ©sentation des principes de cette technique bĂ©nĂ©ficiant de plus d'un siĂšcle de recul mĂ©thodologique, les mesures et leurs corrections font l'objet d'un dĂ©veloppement. Le gĂ©orĂ©fĂ©rencement des images est alors dĂ©crit : orientation, compensation, redressement. Enfin l'exploitation des images et la production des MNT et orthophotos constitue l'aboutissement de la chaine opĂ©ratoire mise en Ɠuvre.Egels Yves. La photogrammĂ©trie, principes gĂ©nĂ©raux et terminologie. In: Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de gĂ©ographie, numĂ©ro 12, 2011. Images et modĂšles 3D en milieux naturels. pp. 41-50

    La topo au Disto, bon marché, tient dans la poche

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    International audiencePhotogrammetry is imposing itself more and more as a method for recording historical heritage. The establishment of a topographic network remains the only expensive operation. We propose a light and efficient method, using a simple electronic distance meter, which allows a single operator to raise the 3D control points required for the orientation of a photogrammetric model

    Photogrammétrie appliquée à l'étude architecturale et archéologique, exemples de quelques chantiers récents

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    International audienceThe application of photogrammetry in archaeology has developed greatly in the last ten years. A short while ago, the technique was confined to prestigious operations because it required sophisticated and expensive technical means. Nowadays, it can be used by all operators thanks to the increase in computer hardware and the development of specific software, such as those based on the close-range photogrammetric technique. The democratization in the use of these powerful, fast and accurate tools allows users to increase the number of surveys and opens, at the same time, new research perspectives. In addition, the ability to manage more data in a short time makes it possible to deal with new topics that were previously difficult to face, while their efficiency changes the standpoint and the interest on the subject. Nevertheless, such changes involve developing new intervention strategies and working methods. Photogrammetric processes have been implemented on three recent archeological programs in Egypt: the Tiberius Gate at Medamoud, the el-Nabih cistern in Alexandria, the Ayn-Soukhna charred boat. The efficiency and the interest of photogrammetric solutions have been tested on these various fieldwork contexts

    Looking for contexts: recent work on the Karnak Cachette Project

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    International audienceThe Karnak Cachette, excavated by Georges Legrain between 1903 and 1907, is one of the most fascinating discoveries of Egyptian archaeology and an exceptional source for the study of Egyptian statuary (e.g. Bothmer 1960, 151–53; De Meulenaere 1998). However, the recontextualisation of the finds remains a desideratum, as the huge quantity of statues found in this favissa can hardly be used as pieces of evidence for reconstructing the history and archaeological evolution of the temples of Karnak when deprived of any precise connection with their context beyond the mere label ‘found in Karnak’. Even this label should sometimes be considered with caution, as it may be a matter of discussion whether a statue belongs to the Cachette corpus. This contribution will present an overview of the different issues raised by the ‘contexts’ of statues, which have been addressed by the Karnak Cachette Project since its beginning in 2006

    Une nouvelle colonne dans la salle hypostyle de Karnak, récit d'une méthode de restitution

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    International audiencearticle deals with the virtual restitution of a 13 m high column standing initially inside the Great Hypostyle Hall of the Pharaonic temple at Karnak in Egypt. A dozen of the original 134 columns are incomplete and three of them have entirely disappeared. Hundreds of loose drums belonging to those columns are scattered all over the archaeological site; we have been able to identify most of them, making it now possible to rebuild the missing columns. Since these blocks are heavy and very difficult to move around, the decision was made to reconstruct the columns in a virtual environment. In order to do so, we have created a 3D model of the blocks by means of photogrammetric processing, with the help of specific tools that we have developed for this task

    Glissements de terrain induits par les pluies dans les lƓss de la Province de Gansou, Chine

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    The landslides in the lƓss terrain of Gansu Province are a major and recurrent natural hazard in a region with a rapidly rising population which occupies all available space in the landscape. The landslides result from the combination of a climate characterised by irregular monsoonal rains which include high intensity showers, strong seismic activity, steep, montainous topography and the metastability of the lƓss. Cultivation on the slopes enhances surface runoff and, in consequence, accelerates infiltration of meteoric waters into a network of pipes making up the "lƓss karst". Water becomes concentrated close to the lƓss-bedrock contact, inducing saturation and liquefaction which create flow slide type failure at depth as an essential condition for simultaneous failure of the whole slope.Les glissements de terrain qui affectent les lƓss de la province de Gansou constituent un risque naturel majeur et rĂ©current dans une rĂ©gion dont la population croĂźt et utilise tout l'espace disponible. Ils sont dus Ă  la combinaison d'un climat Ă  pluies de mousson irrĂ©guliĂšres Ă  averses de forte intensitĂ©, d'une sismicitĂ© trĂšs active, d'un relief accidentĂ© Ă  pentes raides et fortes dĂ©nivellations, ainsi qu'aux propriĂ©tĂ©s spĂ©cifiques du lƓss qui est un matĂ©riau mĂ©tastable. La mise en culture des pentes accroĂźt le ruissellement de surface et accĂ©lĂšre en consĂ©quence l'infiltration des eaux dans un rĂ©seau de conduits qui forme le pseudokarst du lƓss. Les eaux se concentrent prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement au contact du lƓss et du substrat rocheux, provoquant la saturation et la liquĂ©faction du matĂ©riau et dĂ©clenchant en profondeur des mouvements de type «flow slides » qui entraĂźnent l'effondrement simultanĂ© de la totalitĂ© du versant.Billard Armelle, Muxart Tatiana, Derbyshire Edward, Egels Yves, Kasser Michel, Wang JingtaĂŻ. Glissements de terrain induits par les pluies dans les lƓss de la Province de Gansou, Chine . In: Annales de GĂ©ographie, t. 101, n°567, 1992. pp. 520-540