12 research outputs found

    Predviđanje prinosa mleka domaćih balkanskih koza u Makedoniji korišćenjem dnevne test AC metode

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    Accurate and precise milk recording is one of the most important moments for a successful selection of milking goats. In this context, breeders are constantly making efforts to find the most suitable and cheapest methods for conducting of tests for milk production. The goal of this research was to compare the A4 method (as referent method) with AC method (as alternative method), for determination of milk production, on the day of recording of the indigenous Balkan goat, in the period of 2014-2016 with milking of goats in the morning and evening. It was determined that the difference between the predicted daily milk yield with one milking (in the morning or evening) and the measured milk yield using the A4 method is too low and almost negligible. With the analysis of all factors (year, lactation and number of milk tests), it was determined that the prediction of total daily milk yield, based on the evening milking, provides more accurate result, in relation to the prediction during morning milking, in cases when using the AC method.Precizna i tačna kontrola mlečnosti je jedan od najvažnijih trenutaka za uspešan izbor koza za mužu. U ovom kontekstu, uzgajivači konstantno pokušavaju da pronađu najprikladnije i najjeftinije metode za sprovođenje testova za proizvodnju mlijeka. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je upoređivanje metoda A4 (kao referentnog metoda) metode i AC (kao alternativnom metodom), za određivanje proizvodnje mleka, na dan evidentiranja, kod autohtone balkanske koze, u periodu 2014-2016. godine, sa mužom koza koja se izvodila ujutru i veče. Utvrđeno je da je razlika između predviđenog dnevnog prinosa mlijeka sa jednom mužom (ujutro ili uveče) i izmerenim prinosom mlijeka metodom A4 bila mala i skoro zanemarljiva. Analizom svih faktora (godina, laktacija i broj ispitivanja testova) utvrđeno je da predviđanje ukupnog dnevnog prinosa mlijeka, zasnovano na večernjoj muži, daje tačniji rezultat, u odnosu na predviđanje tokom jutarnje muže, u slučajevima kada se koristi AC metod

    An approach to assess flooding and erosion risk for open beaches in a changing climate

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    This paper examines the vulnerability to flooding and erosion of four open beach study sites in Europe. A framework for the quantitative estimation of present and future coastal flood and erosion risks is established using methods, data and tools from across a range of disciplines, including topographic and bathymetric data, climate data from observation, hindcast and model projections, statistical modelling of current and future climates and integrated risk analysis tools. Uncertainties in the estimation of future coastal system dynamics are considered, as are the consequences for the inland systems. Different implementations of the framework are applied to the study sites which have different wave, tidal and surge climate conditions. These sites are: Santander, Spain—the Atlantic Ocean; Bellocchio, Italy—the Adriatic Sea; Varna, Bulgaria—the Black Sea; and the Teign Estuary, UK—the northern Atlantic Ocean. The complexity of each system is first simplified by sub-division into coastal "impact units" defined by homogeneity in the local key forcing parameters: wave, wind, tide, river discharge, run-off, etc. This reduces the simulation to that of a number of simpler linear problems which are treated by applying the first two components of the Source–Pathway–Receptor–Consequence (S–P–R–C) approach. The case studies reveal the flexibility of this approach, which is found useful for the rapid assessment of the risks of flooding and erosion for a range of scenarios and the likely effectiveness of flood defences

    Prediction of test day milk yield by AC method in indigenous Balkan goats in Macedonia

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    Accurate and precise milk recording is one of the most important moments for a successful selection of milking goats. In this context, breeders are constantly making efforts to find the most suitable and cheapest methods for conducting of tests for milk production. The goal of this research was to compare the A4 method (as referent method) with AC method (as alternative method), for determination of milk production, on the day of recording of the indigenous Balkan goat, in the period of 2014-2016 with milking of goats in the morning and evening. It was determined that the difference between the predicted daily milk yield with one milking (in the morning or evening) and the measured milk yield using the A4 method is too low and almost negligible. With the analysis of all factors (year, lactation and number of milk tests), it was determined that the prediction of total daily milk yield, based on the evening milking, provides more accurate result, in relation to the prediction during morning milking, in cases when using the AC method

    MICORE: dune erosion and overwash model validation with data from nine European field sites

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    In this paper we present the first results of beach profile hindcasting with XBeach using recently measured coastal data acquired under storm conditions at eight European sites, including a comparison to model results obtained with off-theshelf models. The results show consistently that the XBeach has skill in predicting the coastal profile, albeit that in most cases the erosion around the mean water line is overpredicted and the depositions at the lower beach face are overpredicted. The causes for this model effect are under active investigation but not resolved yet. Likely candidates are the modeling of onshore (asymmetry) transports which reduces the offshore transports due to undertow (currents) or the modeling of sediment motion in the swash zone

    Integrated report on design of innovative coastal structures and best practices for coastal defence. Results from numerical, experimental and prototype testing.

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    General aim of WP2 was the development of innovative "climate proof\u201d defence methods for mitigation of coastal flooding and erosion hazards in the context of increasing storminess and sea level rise (scenarios defined by WP 1). More specific objectives were: - to estimate wave reduction at the shoreline induced by barriers for wave energy conversion, - to quantify wave dissipation and related morphological effects induced by multi\u2010purpose low impact structures such as artificial reefs and bottom vegetation, - to analyse performance of different cover layers for overtopping resistant dikes, - to improve management of sediment stocks, knowledge of the impact of sandy borrow areas, technologies for nourishment and dredging, in the perspective of optimised beach maintenance plans. This report presents a synthesis of the prototype observations, physical and numerical modelling performed within WP 2 by all the partners